War God Supreme

Chapter 2016: The wrath of heaven and earth, first...

The meaningless sword. Lili Literature Network

Ignoring the speed of space, he fell fiercely over Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian wanted to dodge it too late, and he didn't want to transfer. If he did, he would just move the five elements, but he didn't want to expose too many means at this time.

After all, hundreds of thousands of strong monks here looked at him, and if they exposed themselves too much, they would surely cause death.

Besides, he wants to resist this blow, there are many means, just want to know how strong this Murong is.

Dageng Excalibur broke out the most powerful golden edge, the entire Dageng Excalibur was incorporated into it. Gengjin is the most sturdy and sharp material, and the Dageng Excalibur formed by Gengjin is a sharp and hard endorsement.


It was too late, then fast, in an instant, the blade of the Wu Hua Sword was bombarded with taboo power.

The golden edge of Dageng Excalibur and Daomang bombarded together.

The popping sound appeared and the space cracked thousands of miles.

Li Lingtian's body shuddered, and his expression changed.

Now, he found out that this blissful sword is a taboo magical skill, and the strong man pays a heavy price to show it.

Few people can control this kind of taboo magic, and even if it is controlled, they are not willing to exert it.

Once it is exhibited, its power is beyond earth's imagination.


A clear voice sounded as if the mirror had been broken.

Li Lingtian's body shook, his face pale.

The Dageng Sword was destroyed by the taboo supernatural power of the Wuhua Sword and turned into fragments.

The hardest and sharpest middle-class congenital artifact was completely destroyed in this way.

Li Lingtian is the master of the Dageng Excalibur. The destruction of the Dageng Excalibur and Li Lingtian were also hit. However, when the Dageng Excalibur was destroyed, the Dageng Excalibur blocked most of the power of the Wuhua Sword's attack.

Yu Wei met Li Lingtian's realm, and Yu Wei offset the realm. In the end, there was only a trace of Daomang, shot down on Li Lingtian's multicolored light shield. The colorful light flashed on the multicolored light shield and calmed down.

The field is restored again at this time.

At this time, Li Lingtian also displayed the magical power of destruction.

"The rage of heaven and earth, the third heavy!"

In Li Lingtian's eyes, there was no slight emotion, a light drink, and a natural force of heaven and earth appeared. At the same time, the endless snow white lotus flame appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

The snow white lotus flame is more than one hundred thousand. Each lotus flame is a vacuum of a few meters in size. Everything is nothingness. In an instant, more than one hundred thousand snow white lotus flames are overwhelming.

The space where the white lotus flame passed, the space was nothing, all the air and fairy spirit were swallowed by the white lotus flame at this time, and in the blink of an eye, more than 100,000 snow white lotus flames landed on the sky above Murong Du, without giving Murong Du Tian's slightest response, Murong Du Tian has been bombarded by the flames of Snow White Lotus.

When all the lotus flames bombarded in front of Murong Dutian, all the lotus flames merged together to form a huge snow-white lotus flame, which was like a white cloud.

However, this piece of sky is a vacuum of nothingness, and everything is swallowed by it.


Murong Dutian, once again spurting blood, the horror defense and means of the whole person were instantly swallowed by the Snow White Lotus Flame, and Murong Dutian was gradually swallowed by the Snow White Lotus Flame.

Regardless of how Murong Dutian struggles and bombards, this white lotus flame cannot be destroyed, because this white lotus flame is like cotton and white clouds. The area is too large, and it is impossible to destroy it.

Seeing to be swallowed, if swallowed by the flames of the snow white lotus, he will peel off his skin even if Murong is not dead.

"I surrender."

Old life matters, and if you do not admit defeat, you will be even worse.

Moreover, he also saw that Li Lingtian was condensing his divine power, and it must have been even more terrifying.

So, he quickly shouted loudly, confessed himself, and would not be destroyed.

Hearing Murong Dutian confessed defeat, Li Lingtian waved with one hand, the natural force of heaven and earth withdrew, and at the same time, the flame of the snow-white lotus of the wrath of heaven and earth disappeared.

This trick, the most powerful magical power of the elven clan, is also the peerless magical power of the elven **** master.

Li Lingtian is now the median true god. He has cultivated the wrath of heaven and earth to the third level. If he goes further, he can reach the fourth level. Compared with the third level, the fourth level is completely two grades.

Seeing the end of the war between the two, all the strong players watching the battle quickly left and returned to Xiaoyun Island.

There was a lot of boiling above Xiaoyun Island, because a median true **** defeated the first one.

When Li Lingtian returned to Xiaoyun Island, all the strongmen also returned, and Murong Dutian also returned to Xiaoyun Island. In this battle, he was pulled down from the altar, and the first person of the true God was defeated. The median true god.

"Li Lingtian, challenge the fourth place and win!"

"Fourth Murong Dutian failed, ranking tenth."

"Li Lingtian, fourth place."

Wen Rentian announced loudly that the whole person was still in shock.

This Li Lingtian is too far-reaching, and the means are too powerful.

It is also an exciting thing to be able to see such a strong and retro character. If he didn’t see it with his own eyes, he could not believe that a median true **** could be so powerful.

"Who will challenge this seat."

"As long as you can catch a move in this seat, it will be considered a loss."

Li Lingtian waited for Wen Rentian to announce it, and then glanced at all the strong men. He said aloud that the whole person was domineering and gave people an unmatched dominance.

In a word, let all the strong shake.

A median true **** has fought two games in a row, the first of which is Yun Tianfeng, the peak of the upper true god, and the second is Murong Dutian, the first person of the upper true god.

Now let the other strong men challenge him without rest, and also said that as long as he can catch his move, even if he loses Li Lingtian, I believe that the strong men of the entire Xiaoyun Island dare not say.

Even if Li Lingtian is powerful, he can't make others unable to catch his moves.

Suddenly, the whole Xiaoyun Island shook and boiled, but no one dared to challenge Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian is arrogant, but he has his calculations because he is too dazzling. He is now standing in the fourth place. Someone must be envious of this ranking. Instead of waiting for others to calculate the challenge, it is better to mess with other people’s plans.

Moreover, to say this by myself has also shocked countless powerhouses and can shock some of them.

One move, absolutely one move.

Because, he fought several times, just using the two killer skills of immobile Wang Yin and the wrath of heaven and earth. His most powerful killer has not yet been exhibited.

Destroying the sword array, the stars refer to the ultimate reincarnation of Bingyan Jiugongtian. These three killer skills are definitely his most powerful existence now.

Moreover, the field of five elements unfolded, ruining the world.

With these powerful killers and backers, naturally have enough confidence.

More importantly, the heart of the starry sky in his body has also been greatly improved after he cultivated to ascend. It can be said that when the heart of the starry sky works, he exerts the power of the stars and can be immune to some of the divine power, the power of the divine star In front of you, you will lose your advantage and power, that is to say, the power of stars is the nemesis of divine power.

Just like the true element of the warrior meets the divine power of the true god, the two are not a level between the true element and divine power, but also like the gap between Reiki and Immortal Qi. Qi is the same, even the gap between divine power and star power is greater.

However, Li Lingtian's current star power is not much, and there is no complete control.

Only when you have time, practice it for a while, enlighten your own treasures and supernatural powers, and sort them out at the same time.

Domineering, domineering!

Incomparably domineering, incomparably domineering!

All people, when they hear Li Lingtian, can only be described as domineering and overbearing, powerful is no longer a word to describe him, because he represents powerful and unnatural.

"Really as long as you catch your move, you will admit defeat?"

At this time, an upper-level true **** of the soil department stood up, his face showing excitement, and asked curiously to determine whether Li Lingtian was a good talker.

He is an earth system, not excellent in attack, but the defense is the most terrifying and powerful among the five elements, and even the entire world, and he also has a top-grade top-grade innate artifact and a terrifying defensive supernatural power. For defense, Absolutely invincible.

Although he did not dare to fight Li Lingtian, there was no chance of winning.

However, with his own talents, he can definitely catch the other party.

After he asked, all the strong monks looked at Li Lingtian curiously.

"Nature, opportunity and danger coexist."

"If you can catch this trick, the fourth place is yours."

"If you can't catch it, you won't see tomorrow's sun."

Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all, and said loudly, loudly, that all the strong monks could hear clearly.

The soil system is too delusional.

When talking, Li Lingtian's face showed a faint smile.

"That's good, let's do it."

Pang Shaokang heard Li Lingtian once again confirming that he was even more excited. However, he felt a trace of threat in his heart and did not know where the threat came from.

Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is Li Lingtian's smile.

However, at this moment, it is a fight, this is his own talent and advantage, if you miss this time, there is no chance to play your advantage, not to mention, as long as you win, you can get the fourth place.

As he spoke, he glanced at the judges on the high stage and the people in Thunder Sword Pavilion.

"Okay, count."

Wang Tianling no hesitation, nodded in agreement.

Nothing else, he just wanted to see how powerful Li Lingtian's move was, and he dare to say such big words.

It’s not just him, even all the strong monks who are present want to know how powerful Li Lingtian’s move is. The more powerful the person, the more they want to know the power of Li Lingtian’s move, which can be said to be seen without risk. Li Lingtian’s killer is such a rare event. WWW.GEILIWX.COM happy reading every day

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