War God Supreme

Chapter 2018: The suffering of Nalan Yunting...


"Naran, your Blood Sword Pavilion Kendo is No. 1 in Qingluo Xianhai.

"Are you sure to beat him?"

Zhao Yuxiao was shocked and looked to the side of the proud blood sword pavilion super genius Nalan Yunting, who was also ranked first this time, and the true **** is a perfect super existence.

For Nalan Yunting's first place, he naturally refused to accept it, but Nalan Yunting's supernatural power was the sharpest sword. He was not sure of defeating Nalan Yunting. Now that he saw Li Lingtian's sword array, he thought of Nalan Yun. Ting, urge Nalan Yunting to compare with Li Lingtian.

It can also be said to see what Nalan Yunting thinks about this sword array, and how much he can be sure of catching the attack of this sword array, so that Nalan Yunting will be slightly hit.

"Are you sure to beat him?"

"Yi Yuanzong's Ziyuan Divine Skill is also a top-notch skill in the Qingluo Xianhai. The deity dare to say that even if you reach the fullness of the true **** now, you will not dare to slam this sword array."

"Hey, it turns out that the Jiangshan generation has talents."

"I finally saw the character who controlled the sword domain and sword array.

Blood Sword Pavilion Nalan Yunting heard Zhao Yuxiao's words, and was almost not choked to death.

He is the true **** of great consummation, his magical power is unmatched, and he is the No. 1 figure in Qinglu Xianhai, but he is not sure to catch such a sword formation, let alone defeat this Li Lingtian.

He also cultivated kendo, and naturally knew that Li Lingtian was powerful at the moment.

He was proud and had a very high vision and a proud heart, but at this time, he also understood that Zhao Yuxiao deliberately angered him to find Li Lingtian's troubles. He was not a fool and naturally would not be fooled.

I was also thinking, if Li Lingtian challenged him Nalan Yunting, how confident he was to defeat this Li Lingtian, this is a problem that made him unable to have the slightest confidence.

On one side is the Qingshui fairy Ling Yunmin, who never expected that Nalan Yunting of the Blood Sword Pavilion would be so stunned, and was shocked by the sword array of a median true god.

In fact, she was also shocked by the dominance and power of this median true god.

Zhao Yuxiao was asked by Nalan Yunting, he knew that Nalan Yunting was not sure to defeat Li Lingtian, and he was shocked that Nalan Yunting had raised Li Lingtian so invisibly.

Even his true **** is the strongest, Nalan Yunting, who ranked first in the battle of the ranking of the Qingluo Xianhai, is so unsure, and who is sure to defeat Li Lingtian.


In the distance, Li Lingtian's sword array moved.

In fact, Li Lingtian's sword array has always been moving, because the continuous circulation in the sword array has formed a supreme array, the array is everywhere, even if this world is the Tao.

Li Lingtian's Four Nine Destroyer Sword Array also has the merits and power of the array.

After the sword array was brewed, Li Lingtian was consciously moved, and suddenly a hundred-meter-sized sword array bombarded the island fiercely, and the thirty-six bright rays of the sword array would dive down.

At this moment, heaven and earth lost their colors, everything was still, everything became weak and helpless in front of this sword array.

In an instant, the sword array bombarded the island.



The islands shattered and shattered, and thousands of miles of islands turned to ashes in the face of the power of sword formation destruction.

At the same time as the island broke down, thirty-six sword awns merged into sword awns that were only 100 meters in size, and the sword awns stirred up the island below.

At this moment, tens of thousands of meters below the island were destroyed, the fairy sea, thousands of miles, and the sky-shattering sea rose into the sky.





The seawater soared into the sky, making endless popping noises.

However, in this explosion, a screaming sound rang out.

I saw a gray figure rushed in the sea water and finally flew into the air. This person was not Pang Shaokang, but at the moment Pang Shaokang, the whole body was full of blood, and the divine body almost collapsed.

After the appearance of Pang Shaokang, Li Lingtian's sword array was also put away. The thirty-six swords of extinct heavenly sword rotated around Li Lingtian two times and disappeared, and had entered Dantian.

Chic and elegant, there is nowhere else.

With a smile on his face, the whole person was light and windy, the golden realm and sword realm on his body, and the divine power of destruction disappeared, and everything returned to peace.

"Thank you, His Excellency Ling Tian, ​​for his mercy."

"I don't know what to do and lose."

Pang Shaokang was swaying in the air, and quickly threw a panacea into his mouth.

With a painful look on his face, he saluted Li Lingtian for a while and said.

Originally thought that his defense was invincible, but did not expect to encounter a domineering sword array like Li Lingtian. At the last moment, he hid under the 10,000 meters and held Yuan Yuanshouyi.

But I didn't expect Li Lingtian's last swordmand to bombard him directly, and when he was about to fly away, Jianmang retracted back, letting him wander once in the face of destruction.

He naturally understood that this was Li Lingtian's mercy, otherwise he would have been turned into ashes by Jianmang.

Pang Shaokang's words awakened all the stunned powerhouses.

Everyone was shocked and stunned by the power of Li Lingtian's sword array.

Now, I finally realized what real magical power is, and I also saw the real power and means of Li Lingtian. Compared with Li Lingtian, the other powerful people are noisy.


Li Lingtian's gratitude to Pang Shaokang just nodded.

He had no deep hatred with this Pang Shaokang, there was no need to kill him, so he recovered the sword array at the end.

After glancing at Pang Shaokang, the strange shape disappeared, and in an instant, he appeared on Xiaoyun Island again. When he returned to Xiaoyun Island, countless powerful people were still in shock.




Wen Rentian and others returned to Xiaoyun Island after waking up.

When returning to the high platform, the adjectives of powerful are still chanted in the mouth.

This ranking battle is completely beyond their imagination, allowing them to see what is strong, what is genius, what is evil, what is domineering.

Li Lingtian combines the strong, the domineering, the genius, and the evil spirit together, and perfectly explains the evil genius and the domineering nature.

"Li Lingtian fought three times and won."

"There is still a chance to challenge."

Wen Rentian sorted out his mood and said aloud.

Above Xiaoyun Island, it was boiling again. Although I saw Li Lingtian's horror and against the sky, but after the victory was announced, all the strong monks could not help being excited for Li Lingtian once.

When Wen Rentian announced, he did not forget to remind Li Lingtian that he had a chance to challenge. Wen Rentian's words made the blood sword pavilion Nalan Yuntian hate their teeth.

The three of them are the True God Great Consummation and the top three.

Li Lingtian is the fourth place, if challenged, it is to challenge one of them.

If they hadn't seen Li Lingtian's magical power of destruction, they really didn't have any fear and worries, but now they saw Li Lingtian's sword formation and Bingyan Jiuzhongtian, and they all raised deep fears.

None of them is a fool. All the magical techniques Li Lingtian used before and after were against the sky, and now a sword array is exposed.

It must be said that he had no other more overbearing supernatural powers, nor did they believe in killing them.

All the strong monks, when they heard Wen Rentian, were very expectant. They were looking forward to seeing Li Lingtian challenge the top three, to see who was more powerful, and wanted to see Li Lingtian’s amazing magic power again.

However, Li Lingtian did not mean to challenge.

Seeing that Li Lingtian didn't want to challenge, the three of Nalan Yunting felt a little relieved.

"Anyone else challenge?"

"If there is no challenge, this ranking will be settled in this way."

Wen Rentian saw that Li Lingtian didn't mean to continue to challenge, so he asked other strong men and monks aloud. In fact, he asked like this, but he only took the same approach. If someone really challenged, he would have stood up.

There is no need to wait until now. What he most expects is that Li Lingtian challenges the top three, sees Li Lingtian's methods and supernatural powers, and sees who the three powerful Li Lingtian and True God are, who are more powerful.

After Wen Rentian's voice fell, he waited a long time, and no one wanted to challenge.

Everyone knows that this ranking battle is basically over.

The rise of a peerless demon against the sky has become the existence that shakes the Qinghai Xianhai, and it will definitely shake the Dongmu Holy Realm by then.

"Li Lingtian, if you challenge the first victory."

"I represent the temple and give you three times the reward, how?"

At this time, Wang Tianling, who rarely spoke, spoke loudly.

Looked at Li Lingtian.

"Become the first prize three times!"

"Challenge the first prize three times, don't be so scary."

"Three times the first prize!"

"The reward for the first place is already against the sky. If it is three times the reward, how terrible it will be."


Wang Tianling's words fell, and suddenly the strong monk of the whole Xiaoyun Island boiled.

One stone stirred up thousands of waves and shocked everyone.

This kind of thing is definitely the first time in Qinglu Xianhai. The first time to encourage the strong to challenge and reward double.

This is obviously unfair, but what about it, who told you not to be so averse, if you are so awesome and powerful, the temple can do the same for you.

Nalan Yunting, at this time, my heart almost collapsed.

He can't wait to find an opportunity to beat Wang Tianling hard now.

It's okay to encourage Li Lingtian to challenge him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Isn't that embarrassing him?

The first time Wen Rentian reminded Li Lingtian that he still had a chance to challenge, he hated Wen Rentian. Fortunately, Li Lingtian did not agree to the challenge. Now it is good. Wang Tianling doubled the reward and let Li Lingtian challenge him.

Who are these people, do you want people to live?

After boiling, quiet down, all the strong men and monks looked at Li Lingtian, hundreds of thousands of eyes looked at Li Lingtian, I don’t know if Li Lingtian would challenge.

After all, this reward is too powerful. The first prize makes everyone envious. Now if Li Lingtian challenges successfully, the reward will triple directly.

Anyone standing in Li Lingtian's position will immediately agree to come down.

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