War God Supreme

Chapter 2019: The challenge ends


"Rewards are indeed tempting. To LiLi Literature.."

"The principle pursued by this seat is not to do anything that harms others."

"It's absolutely the opposite. Only the fourth place is needed in this seat, so we challenge the fourth place."

"The first place, the reward is very good, but for this seat, it is just a piece of data, and it is not very useful, and for others, it may be like this seat needs the fourth place, if I gave up the fourth place to win the love of others, and that was against my own principles."

"I have never done anything that will harm others and do nothing for myself in my whole life. I have never done anything that kills people and seizes treasure. This time naturally it will be the same."

In Li Lingtian's heart, he was tempted by the first prize, let alone a triple reward.

However, he understands the truth, that is, things must be reversed.

Now that I have behaved against the sky, if I offend the first place by doing something harmful to others, I will definitely make the first place disgusted. Although I am not afraid of the first place, I don't need to do that.

The higher your cultivation base is, the deeper your understanding of heaven and the Tao, and your outlook on life will be sublimated, and your views on things and things will be different.

"Lord Tian is the real person."

"This is the real powerhouse."

"Sure enough, demon has a devil's character!"

"In front of him, those who claim to be strong are also ashamed."

"Things must be reversed. This is true."

"You can't do something that hurts others."

"This state of mind alone is enough to make everyone look up."

On Xiaoyun Island, hundreds of thousands of strong monks heard Li Lingtian's words and felt ashamed. No wonder the other party is so evil, his views and principles are not ordinary people can think of.

What can break the rules and laws may be an extraordinary heart.

Otherwise, Li Lingtian's horror and retrograde can't be imagined and understood.

"Very well, it is worthy of being the first wicked genius strongman in Dongmu Shengjing in thousands of years."

Wang Tianling stared at Li Lingtian and wanted to see Li Lingtian through. However, when he saw Li Lingtian, it was like a vast starry sky, giving people a magnificent atmosphere and vastness. He could not see Li Lingtian at all. Has surpassed the divine personality.

He lived for thousands of years, and for the first time was enlightened by a young man who was only 500 years old.

I admire Li Lingtian's words. This is the principle and spirit of a strong man. The things that are not needed will not be contested even if they are good. The things that they need, even if they are scattered, will never be harmed. thing.

I was shocked to see that Li Lingtian said that he had never murdered and robbed treasure in his life. Who in the world has no one to kill and rob treasure, but Li Lingtian has never done it.

Everyone was shocked, but thinking of Li Lingtian's identity and anti-nature, and the unmatched means, there was no need to lie, and no one was qualified to let him lie.

"Staggering the battle of rankings, this seat does not mind having a discussion with His Excellency Nalan and His Excellency Zhao Yuxiao."

"Even today, don't mess with this mess."

Li Lingtian looked at the three true gods on the challenge platform, and he really had the idea to fight a battle. The upper true god, he already has the bottom, but I don’t know if he is against the true god. How far is it?

One first place, one second place. Such a true **** is perfect, and is indeed a good opponent.

As for the Qingshui fairy Ling Yunmin, he really didn't have the idea of ​​comparing with women.

"This sentence of Lord Chong Lingtian, will guide you to the magical power of Ling Tian."

"At that time, Lord Ling Tian can be merciful."

Nalan Yunting and Zhao Yuxiao saw that Li Lingtian was no longer challenged, and their suspended heart was put down.

As for Li Lingtian's request to discuss with them, it was just a polite word, and it was not true.

The two were in a great mood, and they laughed loudly when they were finished.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​do you look down on the little girl?"

At this time, Ling Yunmin, the fairy of the Qingshui Fairy in the Fenhui Pavilion, exudes a cold breath. She looks at Li Lingtian and asks, although her luck is cold, but speaking at the moment, it is completely like a spiteful couple.


"Fairy Shimizu can be wronged to death. The Fairy Shimizu is a true **** with great consummation and profound strength. How can you say that this seat looks down on you."

"It's just that in this seat I always think that girls are used for, not for hurting, especially beautiful girls, haha."

When Li Lingtian saw Ling Yunmin, he felt injustice. He never really intended to be a hostile woman.

What's more, being the strong man of the true God's consummation, being an enemy to such a person, you just can't find yourself.

He immediately explained, with a smile on his face, and finally he couldn't help laughing.

Li Lingtian was relaxed, but the strong monk on Xiaoyun Island was shocked. The fair-faced fairies of the gods, who were completely open to the true gods, dared to do so in Qingluo Xianhai.

However, Li Lingtian's remarks made Xiaoyun Island's tense atmosphere due to the challenge dilute.

"I announced."

"This ranking battle is over."

"No. 1 Blood Sword Pavilion Nalan Yunting."

"Second place, Zhao Yuxiao."

"Third place, Ling Yunmin."

"Fourth place, Li Lingtian."

"Fifth place, Zhou Tianyue."

"Sixth place, Qin Lan."


Wen Rentian also admired his heart very much. He dare to be the fairy of Qingshui in the perfection of the true **** of hundreds of thousands of strong monks. He counted the entire Qinglu fairy sea, and Li Lingtian was alone.

Looking at Wang Tianling and others, several people glanced at each other and nodded to announce the ranking.

Immediately, Wen Rentian stood up and began to announce the ranking results of this ranking battle.

From the first place to the 100th place, after the 100th place, the ranking list has been loaded, you can see it on the ranking list.

Only the top 100 strong men are the super existence of Qinglu Xianhai.

Next, the top 100 awards are awarded.

The first place to the tenth place were awarded by Wang Tianling, and the rest were awarded by Wenren Wuhen and Wenrentian of Thunder Sword Pavilion. Seeing the top 100 awards, hundreds of thousands of strong monks are envious. .




Qinglu Xianhai, a tall mountain-sized monster quickly moved inside the Xianhai.

This huge monster is just out of the center of the forbidden mist in the deep blue fairy sea. The monster is constantly swallowing the fairy gas in the sky, and the fairy gas and nutrients in the water system in the fairy sea are constantly being devoured.

Wherever he passed, the fairy gas quickly disappeared, and the space formed a vacuum.

The monsters devoured immortal energy, and their bodies were constantly changing, becoming stronger and stronger.

Even more frightening is that this huge monster not only devoured the immortal energy, but also swallowed it when it encountered small islands. The big islands were directly crushed by the huge body.

All this is simply destruction.

"There are humans!"

The roaring monsters, while swallowing the immortal energy and everything in front of them, move quickly.

It looks like a mountain-like body, but it moves extremely fast, even if the general true **** is not so fast.

At this time, the roaring monster stopped and a strange breath rose into the sky.

Soon, the beast spoke a human language. The blood-sized lantern-like eyes exuded a strange red light, and then moved forward faster, because it found that there were countless human breaths beyond a million miles.

"Redemption rewards are here."

Yunhai Commercial Bank Xiaoyun Island is specifically set up for the battle of ranking Qinglu Xianhai, and it is also specifically for the top ten bets. This is the status of the largest business firm. General bets are not looked at.

Just after the ranking battle, countless powerful monks came here to redeem rewards.

At this time, a crisp voice sounded, and an invisible force made countless powerful people involuntarily give way to a passage, in the passage, a girl in a light green shirt came over with a smile.

Behind the girl, there are a 278 girl in purple clothes and a young man in white clothes.

The strong monk who was originally a little annoyed could not help but reveal the look of respect and worship when seeing the young man in white among the three, because this young man in white is one of the most dazzling and powerful characters in the ranking battle, Qingyue Zong Li Lingtian.

The characters who once boiled the battle of the ranking of the entire Little Cloud Island, used magical methods.

Dare to be the **** of the hundreds of thousands of strong monks, the **** of perfection, Ling Yunmin, the fairy of Qingshui.

A stroke of the sword array shocked all the strong men, so that the true God's consummation of the strong men also felt trembling.

"Lord Ling Tian."

"Lord Ling Tian."

"Lord Ling Tian."

Li Lingtian walked all the way, and countless powerful people automatically gave way, respectful salute to say hello, respect and worship were completely from the bottom of my heart.

This is the treatment of the strong, the strong respect, as long as you are strong, others will respect you.

Seeing these strong men say hello, Li Lingtian also nodded as a salute.

"I don't know who pressed the fairy?"

"How much pressure?"

The banker saw the light green girl to redeem the reward, and Li Lingtian knew that the girl was the person beside Li Lingtian. After bowing to say hello to Li Lingtian, she asked Xiao Mengxuan.

Xiao Mengxuan is only Wu Zun, but the dealer is the true god, but Xiao Mengxuan is the person around Li Lingtian, and his identity is naturally different.

"One million pole spirit stones, crushing the top ten elders."

Xiao Mengxuan took out a piece of jade jade and handed it to the dealer, and said with a smile ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ when he came to bet, it was Yi Rong who put on makeup. The dealer and other powerful people now naturally do not know Xiao Mengxuan, But this is not important, because as long as there is a jade jade, it can prove the number of bets and the target pressed.

"It was you who pressed one million extremely spirit stones, which crushed the top ten of His Excellency Ling Tian."

Hearing Xiao Mengxuan's words, the look on the banker's face changed, and he smiled bitterly in his heart. He was afraid, but he came. Although he knew that there were wins and losses in the gambling, it was too much this time.

I already knew that I should come, but when I really arrived, my mind still couldn't help shaking.

However, as the person with the largest business firm, he also has a certain quality of mind. He quickly calmed down, and his consciousness entered the jade jade, and saw the information in the jade jade.

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