War God Supreme

Chapter 2033: Spar card

After three days of retreat in the secret realm, Li Lingtian took care of some things.

The three rings without the celestial lord are an astronomical wealth.

What can be used for the time being are three innate treasures, as well as countless materials and countless medicinal materials. Naturally, Lingshi needless to say.

In his view, the most precious piece is the magical spar, because that spar alone occupies a space ring. The space in this space ring has a radius of tens of thousands of miles and a height of hundreds of miles.

But there is only one spar card in this space ring, which is ten centimeters long, five centimeters wide, and one centimeter thick. It is crystal clear and ambilight. It is about the size of a general jade jade. The only thing is the color.

More importantly, Li Lingtian's consciousness of this spar card cannot be entered, and the consciousness was bounced off as soon as it came close.

Li Lingtian had to give up.

Put this spar card and space ring into the dragon ring, and then leave them alone.

There is also an ancient artifact, he did not go to it, just wiped off the breath above.

After everything is done, Li Lingtian has plans, materials and herbs, which may be used by himself, some magical skills, can not be used by himself, take it out and sell it.

I can't use the magical powers, but in the eyes of other powerful people, it is a peerless treasure.

Qingyuezong, Wang Tianling got the news from the following people and hurried over.

There was no shadow or news of Li Lingtian for more than two months, and he almost collapsed.

If there were no more news from Li Lingtian, he would not know how to explain before the Holy Lord, and only one month away from the battle of the True God, one hundred strong men from the Qinglu Xianhai had already gone to the Holy City.

But without Li Lingtian's news, it is natural to be very happy to get the news of Li Lingtian now.

"Blue Sky Moon Fairy, don't know where is Ling Tian?"

After Wang Tianling arrived at Qingyuezong, he quickly asked.

Without seeing Li Lingtian, he was not at ease and worried that Li Lingtian would fly.

Lantianyue is a semi-divine realm, and he is a higher true god, but Lantianyue is the person next to Li Lingtian, and he is respected by the Holy Master, so he is not good to offend those around Li Lingtian.

So the blue sky moon is also called a fairy.

"The elders have been closed for three days and they should be out at night."

"Please have a break with the messenger first. When the elders get out of the customs, the juniors will notify the messenger the first time."

Lan Tianyue knew Wang Tianling naturally, and this time he came back from Xiaoyun Island and was escorted by Wang Tianling.

Two low-level monks, let an upper true **** escort, or the messenger of the holy city, this is the first time all the ancestors of the Qingluo Xianhai, Lanyue also knows that this messenger escorts them, is to see Li Lingtian's face.

"That's good, Your Excellency Ling Tian went out and notified me the first time, I have something important."

Wang Tianling has now determined that Li Lingtian is back, and a big rock in his heart has landed. No matter what, as long as Li Lingtian is back, there is nothing to worry about.

"how about it?"

Li Lingtian looked at Shui Qilin and asked, with a faint smile on his face.

"Hundreds of millions of years apart, and now I can find it back, it is naturally a great consummation."

"With the original heart, combined with some supernatural talents that I have seen over the years, I can completely improve my strength."

"By the way, what's in the ring of the main space without heaven?"

Water Qilin's eyes showed excitement. For a **** beast, there was no fight for interests. The only thing was to make himself strong. Now Li Lingtian has helped him fulfill his wish for hundreds of millions of years. Naturally, he is very happy.

It does not know what is the treasure of the heavenless lord, but a lord is nowhere near worse.

"Three innate treasures, one archaic artifact, one hundred billion superb spirit stone."

"There are some exercises and magical powers and some materials and medicinal materials."

"These wealth is indeed very big, but I always feel that such wealth does not match the identity of the heavenless lord. By the way, there is also a spar card. This card does not know what it is made of. The consciousness cannot enter, even me. It cannot be destroyed."

Li Lingtian tried it. This spar card is too hard to be destroyed at all. Even his nine-day divine power cannot shake it. Even with the pure Yangxian sword, he cannot leave a trace on it.

"You are stupid."

"Haha, the real treasure of the celestial lord is that space ring and that spar card, but your current practice is unusable and accessible. Keep him away, don't lose it."

"When you are really strong, this space ring and spar card will help you."

Water Unicorn has been trapped for thousands of years. Although he has not entered the cave house of the Celestial Lord, he has seen the Celestial Card as a peerless treasure.

Even, in the eyes of the heavenless realm, this spar card is more important than the original heart, but how precious this spar card is.

"It turns out this way."

Li Lingtian showed such a look, and he was very excited.

The regret at the beginning also disappeared, because offending an unmatched strong man, it feels a little worthless to get this 100 billion superb spirit stone and a few treasures. Now that I know that the real treasure is in the spar card, it feels worthwhile. .

"what's your plan?"

Shui Qilin looked at Li Lingtian and said.

Originally, to reach their level, they didn't need Zhang Liu at all, just pass the voice into the secret, and Li Lingtian and Shui Qilin almost formed a contract, and the exchange of consciousness was enough.

However, when alone, Shui Qilin and Li Lingtian still like to open the stream.

"Cultivation promotes cultivation, alchemy improves cultivation."

"We have so many spirit stones and wealth now. I have sold all the magical powers and some treasures, and then replaced it with a prescription. With a lot of medicines, our cultivation can rise straight up. "

"Strive to reach the realm of God King and God Lord before the reincarnation of the Celestial Lord returns to the Celestial Realm, or wait for the smoke to disappear."

Li Lingtian said seriously, now, he will use various means to improve his cultivation.

Only by improving the cultivation base, can we contend with the reincarnation of the Celestial Master. If the Celestial Master returns to its peak state, he will have no chance of returning.

Now, there are two ways to take risks to improve your strength and practice to improve your behavior.

Not only him, but also the water unicorn. If both of them reach the cultivation practice of the God King and Lord, if they join hands, there may be a battle with the reincarnation of the Celestial Lord.

"Yes, we can do nothing but improve our cultivation."

"Then let's start the sweeping journey."

Shui Qilin's eyes also showed the will to fight. In order to survive, the enemies of hundreds of millions of years will naturally not let go.

"My current space ring, you can go in and practice."

"I will inform you when I encounter a powerful enemy."

Li Lingtian said, "Dragon Dragon Ring, Li Lingtian has been drawn by him with an independent space of nearly ten thousand miles in size. This place allows Shui Qilin to practice inside.

Later, Li Lingtian said some things and matters needing attention.

Shui Qilin and Li Lingtian have also practiced several times. Their two primordial spirits and the original heart are connected to each other. It can be said that they are connected with each other. After a few exercises, they have reached a perfect seamless.

Even if it is time to fight, the two do not need to communicate to know what to do and what to do.

"Brother Wang, wait a long time."

In the Qingyuezong Hall, Li Lingtian entered the hall and saw Wang Tianling and Lantianyue inside.

After Li Lingtian got out of the customs, let Lantianyue take a hot bath. After everything was ready, let Lantianyue inform Wang Tianling that he was out of the customs. He probably knew why Wang Tianling came to Qingyuezong, but he didn't know the specifics.

When he arrived, Wang Tianling had just arrived soon.

"Lord Tian Tian, ​​you are finally willing to come out."

"You are so easy to find."

Wang Tianling suddenly saw a smile on Li Lingtian's face.

Seeing Li Lingtian now is like seeing his father and mother. If Li Lingtian does not show up, even his father and mother can't save him.

"Thank you Brother Wang last time."

"I don't know what Brother Wang is looking for?"

Li Lingtian naturally thanked Wang Tianling for safely returning Lantianyue and Xiao Mengxuan to Qingyuezong.

But he didn't want to turn the corner and delay time, but spoke directly.

"The battle for ranking, Your Excellency Ling Tian won the fourth place."

"The top one hundred places to go to the holy city to participate in the war of true gods, and now only one month away from the war of true gods."

"Also, last time, Ling Tian blocked the monsters, saved hundreds of thousands of strong monks on Xiaoyun Island, and saved the Qingluo Xianhai. The Holy Lord rewarded Ling Tian with three times the number of first prizes."

Wang Tianling saw Li Lingtian straightforward, and the whole person was very satisfied.

He was afraid that Li Lingtian would turn corners with him. In that case, he really didn't know what to do.

"This is the case, I will definitely participate next."

"The rewards ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also asked Brother Wang to thank the Lord for the next."

"I don't know if Brother Wang will reveal some things about the True God War, and I don't know anything about them."

Li Lingtian also has a heart in mind, this matter is almost the same as he thought.

I didn't expect the temple to reward myself so much, there are many spirit stones alone, and there are those elixir that make countless powerful people salivate.

The first place reward, even if it is a **** king, must be jealous, not to mention the true god, and Li Lingtian is now three times the reward of the first place.

With these elixir, you can quickly improve your cultivation.

It can be said that you don’t have to worry about the elixir for a while, but the elixir is still the best one you have refined. Therefore, when practicing, you still need to find a way to refine the elixir.

Divine show elixir is the top-notch existence in elixir. I don't know how many times stronger it is than elixir.

There are basically just a few types of elixir used in the Celestial Realm, and the power is just so-so.

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