War God Supreme

Chapter 2034: Go to Holy City

"The war of the true gods, not much is known below."

"However, the True God War is to select two hundred top strongmen from nine large areas in Dongmu Shengjing, and these strongmen go to Gale Canyon."

"It is said that the people who entered the gale gorge are not only the Dongmu Shengjing, but the strong men of the eight sacred lands near the gale gorge. The others are not clear below, and only the Holy Lord knows."

Wang Tianling didn't hide anything, he said everything he knew.

Anyway, after these things, Li Lingtian knows. With Li Lingtian's powerful magical means, even in front of the large area of ​​Dongmu Shengjing, he is sure to enter the first two hundred.

As long as it is 200 people, you can enter the gale gorge.

"Gale Canyon?"

"Okay, appear at the scene of the True God War on time."

Li Lingtian's face showed an incomprehensible look. This gale gorge didn't know where it was or what mystery there was, but it was definitely not a simple place that could make the Holy Lord care so much.

In addition, we must select 200 true **** strongmen from the entire Dongmu Holy Realm to enter. I can imagine how dangerous it is.

According to experience, this gale gorge was entered by several super powers, and it was still selected from the real gods. It should be that the gale gorge has the limitation of realm cultivation and can only be entered by the true god.

When the time comes, after I went in, with the help of water unicorn, I hope it is not really big.

"That's good, rest assured."

"This is the reward of the Lord, please count your honor."

Wang Tianling was glad to see Li Lingtian promised to go to the Holy City.

He has achieved his purpose and can also explain to the Lord.

Immediately, he handed a space ring to Li Lingtian, which was the first triple reward.

In the heavenly realm, the space ring is not a precious treasure. Generally, the rich forces basically have space rings, but the space rings are large and small, only a few dozen cubic meters, and the large ones are hundreds of miles in size.

A space ring, tens of cubic meters in size, which is only one or two thousand or two thousand spirit stones. For some semi-divine realms, it can't bear it, but the true **** can show it off.

However, for the superpowers, this space ring is just to hold a little thing, and give it to others with the treasure.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Li Lingtian glanced at the side of the space ring, and the items in it were clear to the heart.

"The next errand has been completed, so I have to go back and make a mission to the Lord."

"At that time, Mr. Ling Tian will come to the Holy City and be the host."

Wang Tianling stood up to leave after Li Lingtian's inspection.

Li Lingtian didn't stay much, anyway, there is still a chance to meet in the future.

Subsequently, Wang Tianling quit and left.

"You use them to improve your cultivation as much as possible."

Li Lingtian's Divine Consciousness was active in the space ring for a while, took away the three-turned fairy pill and the blue dragon inner pill, and three other rare congenital artifacts, and then handed the space ring to the blue sky moon.

"Son, these are too many."

Lantianyue knew that this space ring was handed over to the temple by Wang Tianling for Li Lingtian, and it was the first triple award. Although Li Lingtian took out some of it, he didn’t know what was left in it, but this one alone The space ring is already precious, for her.

After receiving the space ring, the consciousness entered and looked at it curiously.

When he saw the spirit stones and objects inside, he was shocked.

Inside are nine million top-quality spirit stones, six top-grade innate artifacts, six jade jades, and twelve bottles of immortals.

Seeing this, the whole person is like a lightning strike. These wealth, for Qingyuezong, can be said to be an astronomical figure that could not be dreamed of. I did not expect Li Lingtian to give her this way. You must know that this is Li Lingtian's reward.

She naturally relied on her self-cultivation, the unique congenital artifacts and Qinglong Neidan were not needed, and all that was left was what she could use.

"Powerful Qingyuezong is your wish. Problems that can be solved with spirit stones and wealth are not problems."

"This seat doesn't care about this wealth, but don't pay too much attention to some nothingness, so as not to affect the future cultivation, and will always be stuck in the heart knot."

Li Lingtian stretched out his hand to lift Blue Sky Moon's chin, and there was an evil smile on his face.

When he had finished speaking, he turned and left, walking towards the direction of the secret realm.

Qingyuezong's affairs have basically been resolved, and he doesn't want to manage the development.

I will leave here in a few days and go to the holy city to participate in the war of true gods.

"Holy Lord, Li Lingtian has returned to Qingyue."

"Promise to come on time during the war of the true god, and the reward has been given to him."

Inside the Dongmu Temple, Wang Tian fell to the ground and said respectfully.

He has never seen the Holy Lord from beginning to end. He does not know what the Lord looks like, even if the Lord is male or female, but he only needs to know that he must respect the Lord.

The holy masters who can become the holy realm of Dongmu are at least gods and strongmen, commanding the billionaires and monks of the holy realm of Dongmu. There are countless true gods below, and there are many gods and kings. They can control these people, and they are naturally powerful and unmatched.

"Well, well done."

"Did he get hurt?"

"Have you seen the water unicorn?"

The misty voice, as always, does not have the slightest emotional fluctuations.

"Return to the Holy Lord and see Li Lingtian's appearance. The injury has completely recovered."

"When I went to Qingyuezong, Qingyuezong's people said that they had been closed for three days and they didn't know what they were doing."

"I didn’t see any trace of Shui Qilin, but beside Li Lingtian, I gave an invisible threat of destruction to his subordinates. This threat was thought by the subordinates to come from Shui Qilin. The subordinates would never find this if they had seen Shui Qilin. Threat."

Wang Tianling was praised by the Holy Lord, and the whole person's heart almost flew, but he could only suppress himself.

Recalling the situation when I saw Li Lingtian at that time, I spoke out my feelings.

"Face wall for a hundred years, go."

After Wang Tianling's voice fell, the temple was silent for a long time.

I don't know how long after that, the misty voice sounded. For Wang Tianling, the voice at this moment is undoubtedly an oracle.

Wang Tianling saluted respectfully and withdrew from the temple, his face full of excitement.

A hundred years of face, that is, a hundred years of retreat practice, retreat practice in the treasure house, the cultivation is straight up, he became a **** and king after a hundred years, but he never thought that when he saw Li Lingtian again after a hundred years, he could only Looking up at Li Lingtian.

Time, three days passed.

Li Lingtian steered the spaceship and quickly flew outside towards Qingyuezong.

Now Qingyuezong, even if Li Lingtian is absent, no one dares to pay attention, because Qingyuezong is no longer a red-level sect, but an orange-level sect, and more importantly, Qingyuezong has Li Lingtian.

In three days, Li Lingtian explained some things to Lantianyue and outlined the direction of development.

Lantianyue originally wanted to follow Li Lingtian to the holy city. She never went to the holy city. She naturally wanted to go. It was more because Li Lingtian. However, Qingyuezong is still in its infancy and cannot make mistakes.

Only after Qingyuezong grows up, will he follow Li Lingtian.

However, Xiao Mengxuan went to follow, and Li Lingtian had no choice but to take it.

Anyway, if there is any danger, you can let Xiao Mengxuan into the dragon ring.

On the spaceship, Li Lingtian was very leisurely, lying half on the lounge chair, and the spacecraft automatically flew quickly in the air.

As before, Xiao Mengxuan was very curious about the outside world.

"Master, how far is it from Qingyuezong to the Holy City?"

Xiao Mengxuan asked Li Lingtian curiously.

At the time of Qingyuezong, Li Lingtian had already told Xiao Mengxuan, don’t call him too elder, or seniors, it feels awkward, it’s better to call the son.

"I haven't been to the Holy City, but from the map, it takes at least ten days to get to the Holy City, and I have to fly constantly. If I rest on the way or at night, at least 20 days. , Or even longer."

"You are now a great emperor, and you need to practice more."

"Otherwise, even if there are good treasures and immortals in this seat, good skills and magical powers, you cannot practice."

Li Lingtian glanced at Xiao Mengxuan, and the girl had already obtained the Emperor Wu Realm, and now she can also use Qipin Elixir. In this case, Xiu Wei rises linearly.

However, Emperor Wu Di is still too low to use even powerful potions and good treasures.

Only when you reach the true **** realm, you can use the elixir and use the innate artifact.

"Well, after going to the Holy City this time, I went back and practiced seriously."

"Do not leave Qingyuezong without reaching Wushen."

Xiao Mengxuan heard Li Lingtian say cultivation, and there was a mischievous smile on her face. Naturally, little girls like her did not want to practice, and they were asked to practice, where could they sit still.

Xuanyuan Yingying and Tang Zimeng are also the same, both are active characters.

"You're looking at the spaceship."

"This is a practice."

Li Lingtian nodded, this girl, this time going back, must let her raise the cultivation base.

Thinking that there are still ten days away from here to the Holy City, Li Lingtian feels a little bored to spend ten days on the spaceship. However, for the strong ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The best way to pass the time is to practice .

There are a lot of magical methods in his body, which can be cultivated, and the Dan Dao can be cultivated, the skills and secrets can be enlightened, and treasures, these need things to sacrifice and practice.

Now, what he cares about most is the Five Elements Great Consummation and the starry sky.

If you exercise the several exercises and supernatural powers that you control, you will be invincible. The premise is that you must cultivate these exercises and supernatural powers to the most powerful, and cultivate to a higher level.

After starting cultivation, Li Lingtian basically entered into contemplation.

However, part of the consciousness paid attention to the outside, so as not to encounter the strong man. If he met the strong man, Xiao Emperor Wu Mengxuan did not even count a ant.

Therefore, even if he is practicing, he often extends a part of his consciousness and monitors everything around him.

On this flight, I haven't encountered a strong man's hands on their spaceship, which saved Li Lingtian a lot.


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