War God Supreme

Chapter 2039: 3 big bets...

The remarks of countless powerful monks on the square left the strong men in the blue sea.

But it can't be refuted, because these strong monks are really talking about this. The strength of the Qingluo Xianhai is here, and it can't be compared with the other eight regions.

And Qinglu Xianhai has indeed been in the top 100 for thousands of years.

Above the platform, it seems peaceful, but it is also filled with a strange atmosphere.

"Brother Xuejian, this time the Qinglu Xianhai looks hopeless."

"Sir Ziyuan, are we still betting this time?"

"Brother Aofeng, last time you lost two million Needling Spirit Stones, do you have the confidence to win back this time?"

"At first I thought Qinglu Xianhai would not participate."

"I still advise you to go back and train more of the following disciples, otherwise there will not be much chance to come out."

On the high platform, all are gods and strong men, and they are all leaders of the clan family in nine regions.

The war hasn't started yet, all are joking about Qingluo Xianhai.

The situation is stronger than that of the human beings. The three princes in the Qinghai Xianhai have no words at all. Even if they are princes, they are not opponents of other princes.

"Sovereign Beiming, if you want to gamble, just gamble bigger, how?"

The look on the face of the proud wind **** of the water divider is weak, and can only be bullied by others, ◎ long ◎ wind ◎ text ◎ study, w¤ww.c ☆ fwx.n + et Tangtang **** strong, his own side If you are weak, you must be ridiculed and disdained by the same order.

"Dare you gamble?"

"How big is your bet, how do you bet?"

Bei Mingxiu froze for a moment, looking at the proud prince, he did not expect that the proud prince would be angry, or dare to be angry and arrogant in front of him.

Immediately, he asked, his body unfolded, and he wanted to overwhelm the proud god.

"Someone entered the top 100 in the Qinghai Xianhai."

"The bet is 50 million Need Spirit Stone."

"How? Dare to gamble?"

The look on Aofeng Shenjun's face was fierce. These 50 million top grade spirit stones, but the liquidity of the Dividend Pavilion, so much at once, is also the limit of the Dividend Pavilion.

To say that before, I really did not dare to bet, at least not so big.

But this time is different, because this time there is a Li Lingtian. With Li Lingtian's strength and magic, it is possible to enter a hundred people without hope. Besides, people live for a breath, not fighting for buns.

"Okay, I pressed 100 million."

"I still have 130 million in working capital, and I gambled."

"Everyone, the eight regions are very strong. We believe that if we are confident, we will bet this time."

"If you lose, double the loss, how?"

Ziyuan Sect's Ziyuan Divine Sovereign and Blood Sword Pavilion's Blood Sword Divine Sovereign also spoke at this time and reported their numbers.

Naturally, the two of them stood on the side of the proud wind god.

After finishing speaking, I looked at the people who just spoke to Beimingxiu, and they had been having trouble with Qingluo Xianhai. If there was a temple, Qingluo Xianhai would have fallen into their hands.

"Gamble and bet, are you afraid that you will fall into the blue sea."

"In this case, bet it bigger, ten times, how?"

"If you really bet, you will bet ten times. If you lose, you will be paid ten times."

Bei Mingxiu said loudly, his eyes looked at the Blood Sword Divine Sovereign, and he had already stared at the three major gates of the Qingluo Xianhai, but he had no chance to start. This time, he took advantage of the opportunity of gambling to force the three major gates Go above the dead end.

Ten times of winning and losing is also an expensive price for the three major gates. At that time, half of the assets of the entire gate must be taken out.

Hou Qingchen looked at the gambling battles of several gods, but did not stop, but instead was funny in his heart.

"ten times?"

"ten times?"

"Okay, ten times."

"Lord Light Dust can testify."

"It's ten times. As long as Qingluo Xianhai enters the top ten by itself, even Qingluo Xianhai wins."

"What if someone falls into the top three?"

Blood Sword God Jue, Ao Feng God Sovereign and Purple Yuan God Sovereign, when they heard ten times the bet, they felt stunned, and they lost ten times. If they lost, they would have to put out nearly three billion Needling Spirit Stones. For the three major gates, 3 billion is equivalent to half the assets of the three major gates.

However, in the end still bet.

At the same time, Hou Qingchen was also pulled in to testify as a bet.

"If someone from the Qingluo Xianhai enters the top three, this **** will give 100 million."

"Bei Ming, you have a great career in the Beiling Mountains. If the Qinglu Xianhai is really in the top three, wouldn't you say it?"

What shocked all the gods and kings was that Hou Qingchen not only promised to testify, but also gambled 100 million with Qingluo Xianhai, which is totally not optimistic about Qingluo Xianhai, 100 million Needling Spirit Stone, even for Hou Qingchen Such a strong man is also a large amount, and he will naturally not spend 100 million to play casually.

"Even Lord Qingchen said this, if someone from Qingluo Xianhai enters the top three, I will pay 20 times the compensation."

Bei Mingxiu looked at Hou Qingchen and said aloud.

Wanting to enter the top 100 is delusion, let alone entering the top three. At least in his Beiling Mountains, there are at least thirty people competing for the top three, not to mention that there are several other strong regions, The top 100 can basically be covered by several large areas. In the top ten, his Beiling Mountains will also occupy a third of the Jiangshan.

"Bei Mingxiong said so, my Nanfeng Xianshan will not be stingy, if someone in the Qingluo Xianhai enters the top three, I will also pay out 20 times."

Soon, several people crushed nearly 800 million Needling Spirit Stones.

The 800 million Needling Spirit Stone can also be used for superpowers in several large areas.

On the side of Qingluo Xianhai, three people can only take more than 200 million yuan, but the other party has already given 800 million yuan, and the three major gates can only be 800 million yuan. This is a bet.

However, Qingluo Xianhai lost ten times to accompany the other party, and the other party lost, they accompany Qingluo Xianhai twenty times.

Ten times, that is, eight billion Needling Spirit Stones, so many Spirit Stones, all the assets and islands of the Three Great Sects are sold, and it is still a little worse, but Hou Qingchen testified that the three gods and masters of the Three Great Sects At that time, even if it is arrears, you have to find a way to pay the other party.

Blood Sword Divine Sovereign, Purple Sovereign Divine Sovereign, and Aofeng Divine Sovereign, after deciding, also had some regrets, but in such circumstances, for the dignity of the strong, they had to do so.

There is another reason, that is to put that misty opportunity on Li Lingtian.

As for Li Lingtian's progress, it doesn't matter if he enters the top three. If he enters the top three, Bei Mingxiu and others will lose 20 times. If Li Lingtian enters the top 100, they will lose ten times.

There are three true gods in the Qingluo Xianhai Great Consummation, but the one who can hopefully enter the top 100 is the black horse Li Lingtian. Because the three true gods are fully consummated, it can only be a regular. There is not much hope.

Now, the only hope is to see whether Li Lingtian can unexpectedly enter the top 100.

The three of them could not help but glance at Li Lingtian. The destiny of the three major sects was imperceptibly pressed on Li Lingtian. The face and reputation of Qingluo Xianhai were also pressed on Li Lingtian.

The words of the gods and strong men on the high platform were heard by countless strong men in the square.

For a time, the square vibrated above.

The powerful people who participated in the battle of the true gods in the nine major regions also heard clearly.

In addition to the Qinglu Xianhai, the other eight strong regions are full of confidence.

Li Lingtian felt speechless in his heart. The three ancestors were so gambled that if they could not enter the top 100, the three ancestors would be scrapped. Eight billion yuan. All the assets of the three ancestors were insufficient.

"Announce the rules of the war."

"The battle is ranked according to points."

"Everyone has a crystal on his body to record the battle, and at the same time, this crystal is a point."

"Defeat the opponent to obtain the brilliant crystal. The opponent will stop if they admit defeat. The cheater will be disqualified and ranked and punished by the temple."

"In one day, the points are the same, and the competition is again tested. The winner ranks high and the loser."

"Every piece of gleaming crystal represents a person's identity and one's life. If you lose gleaming crystal, you will lose the war and quit the war immediately."

Yue Tianlin received the advice of his master and began to declare the rules of the war loudly.

After finishing the talk, the three great gods of the great perfection around him threw out the crystals with the size of fists, and each of the nine hundred strongs participating in the war, each got a spar.

Under the instructions, everyone dropped a drop of essential blood into the spar, and the spar suddenly flashed a faint light, and the light disappeared.

At this time, there is a simple message of each strong man in the spar. If you lose this spar, you will lose the chance of war. At the same time, this spar can record everything during the war to the outside.


After doing everything, Yue Tianlin stroked with one hand in the air, a scene appeared on a huge silver stone screen thousands of meters away from the high platform, a huge island, an independent island.

The screen is two hundred meters wide and two hundred meters long. It is a giant screen. The screen is divided into ten grids, that is, ten small screens. On one side is a ranking list, the top one hundred. Ranking list.

"All those who participated in the war of the true gods, entered the teleportation array."

Yue Tianlin shouted loudly, when the sound fell, a teleportation array appeared not far from the screen, and a teleportation array, could be able to teleport all the strong men in an area.

This is a short-distance transmission array, and there are many people at a time.

However, this teleportation array is random when it is transmitted, and it is impossible to teleport people in a pile.



Suddenly, countless strong men disappeared in the rays of the teleportation array.

In a blink of an eye~www.wuxiaspot.com~Nine hundred strong men participating in the battle of the True God entered the teleportation circle, and the teleportation circle was closed.

At this time, there were light spots on the screen, and each light spot was far and near. These light spots, needless to say, each represents a strong man.

"Only the ten people with the most brilliant crystals will appear on these ten screens, and you can screen lock all his battles and passes."

"Only everyone in the temple can see the course and situation of the battle of all people."

"Look forward to see who is the first to beat the opponent."

Hou Qingchen looked at the screen and said with a smile, his voice spread all over the square.

Suddenly, the true **** strongman on the high platform and more than one hundred thousand strong monks on the square stared at the screen, because everything on the screen could be seen on the screen, and there was no slight impact.

At the same time, it can also directly remove the ranking from the battle. In such battles and arrangements, no one can fake it at all.

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