War God Supreme

Chapter 2040: Awesome Show


The transmission of the transmission array takes only one second.

Leaving the teleportation array, Li Lingtian appeared above a barren mountain.

The mountains do not have the slightest fairy energy, not even the aura.

The consciousness swept through tens of thousands of miles and did not find a strong man, not even a monster.

"This should be an independent space specifically for comparison."

"Able to put hundreds of super true gods into the war, the area should not be small."

After looking around, Li Lingtian said to herself.

The look on his face is serious and solemn, and in a day, it will be automatically sent out at that time to see the ranking of points.

There are a total of 900 true gods in the nine major regions. Except for the Qinglu Xianhai, the other overbearing regions are basically the existence of the true **** consummation. There are only a few upper true gods. Even the upper true gods are the top ones.

Regardless of the level of cultivation, everyone represents a point.

You can get a point by defeating a strong man. Naturally, the strong men in the other eight regions, the first is to solve the people who fall into the blue sea, because the people who fall into the blue sea are the weakest.

Moreover, several forces in the Beiling Mountains also had a gambling battle with Qingluo Xianhai. They wanted to prevent the Qingluo Xianhai strong men from entering the top 100, and simply defeat the opponent.

Therefore, Qinglu Xianhai can be said to be the most wanted target of the other eight regions.

And Li Lingtian is the median true god, a median true **** is in this, any strong man can easily pinch to death.

"In that case, then kill it."

"It's just cultivation and improving strength."

Li Lingtian's eyes were murderous, and the smile on his face was even more intense.

For a truly strong person, cultivation to high is not really powerful, mainly because of combat experience and state of mind.

A strong man who has not experienced a real killing is not worthy of being called a strong man.

His body flashed quickly, leaving the place quickly, and he reached Skyrim in a blink of an eye.

I don't know how big this place is. If you want to get more points, you have to find an opponent and beat it.

"This time, my Beiling Mountain Range is definitely the first."

"Brother Qingyuan has been infinitely close to the Divine Monarch, and the cultivation of the Eastern Destruction Supernatural Power has also reached the realm."

In a mountain, a middle-aged and a young man flew quickly to find a target.

Both of them are the existence of the summit of the upper true god. The upper true **** that can be selected in the Beiling Mountains is more terrifying than the general true god.

After the teleportation array came in, the two met together, and after discussing, they joined forces and the points were evenly divided.


The sound of breaking the sky sounded, a white light and shadow came quickly, and in a blink of an eye came to the two.

Seeing the people coming, Yunping and Nanling both smiled.

There was a smile in their eyes because they saw a weak prey.

"We had good luck, and we came across the Qinglu Xianhai, and it was the weakest."

Nanling said, he was so violent in his heart that he didn't expect to encounter the weakest true **** in Qingluo Xianhai just after he came in. It was just to send points. To deal with such a median true god, one finger is enough.

"Hand over the crystal ball."

Yun Ping opened his mouth directly and ordered the white man in front of him.

In this True God War, although it is stated that you should not try to kill your opponents, but during the war, for fame, who wants to give up and give up, will not admit defeat until the last moment.

But the battle of the strong, the moment of life and death, the fall is also normal.

"God King Amethyst Ice."

"Blazing flames."

Li Lingtian looked at the two high gods with a smile on his face.

Without speaking, the divine power in the body was running, and there was an instant cold light and flame light in the hand. The two lights made the space tremble. When the two upper real gods reacted, the two destructive supernatural powers had been bombarded.

Suddenly, thousands of miles were frozen, and the flames of Dafentian directly pressed them towards the two.

In the ice, the response and speed of the strong were slowed.




The ice disappeared, and the two upper real gods were already lying on the ground.

Watching Li Lingtian take away their crystal ball.

On the faces of the two upper true gods, there was nothing but reluctance and fear. They didn't expect that the simple two attacks would solve them. This kind of power of destruction is simply not something that a middle true **** can possess, even if it is the upper ranks. True God and True God are fully consummated, and such power is not necessarily present.




In the air, in the mountains, in the lake.

Horrible popping noises constantly appeared, and after each popping noise, only a white afterimage remained in the air.

Li Lingtian also had to say that his luck was very good. When he met six strong men in a row, they were all high-level gods. When they met two high-level gods in the Qinghai Xianhai, the two directly confessed and handed over the crystal ball. They naturally knew I am not Li Lingtian's opponent.

The battle with Li Lingtian was completely uninteresting and consumed Li Lingtian's energy.

It's better to admit defeat than that, because Li Lingtian now stands for Qingluo Xianhai. Li Lingtian's rank is high, and Qingluo Xianhai can raise his head.

"The third one."

Qingyuan's face was cold, and there was horrifying terror and coercion all over his body.

It was only half an hour since I came in, and I had defeated two high gods and one true **** great consummate.

This time, his goal is to hit the first place.


"You are not my opponent, hand over the crystal ball."

"The crystal ball falls into the hands of others, which is not good for Nanping Xianshan."

A true **** who is fully consummate and powerful, exudes a terrifying flame, the whole person is like a **** in fire.

Looking at the strong man on the side of Nanping Fairy Mountain, he said loudly, his tone could not be resisted.


"Seven people in Qingluo Xianhai have fallen into my hands. I believe that the first is firmly in my hands."

A true **** in Zecheng Mountain is a perfect young man with a cold look in his eyes, and his voice is like ice for thousands of years.

"First place, Han Wushuang, points: 7"

"Second place, Li Lingtian, points: 6"

"Third place, Yan Wuji. Points: 3"

"Fourth place, Qingyuan. Points: 3"

"Fifth place, Lan Ming. Points: 2"

"Seventh place, Xiao Tian. Points: 1"

"Eighth Place, Zhuge Yun, Points: 1"

"Ninth place, Wu Haosi, points: 1"

"Tenth place, Wei Hongtian, points: 1"

On the Dongmu Square, on the huge screen, divided into ten small screens, ten screens appeared, which is the situation of ten powerful wars.

The ten screens come out the first time, and the points entering the top ten will enter the screen of the ten screens.

Above the square, countless powerful people were shocked, and their faces were all excited.

The ranking list next to the screen keeps changing, and for a time it brings up the passion of all strong monks.

In particular, Han Wushuang in the first place and Li Lingtian in the second place, both of them are in a tug of war, and the two are constantly chasing and overtaking.

Some people are happy and some are worried. The three princes of Qingluo Xianhai are naturally very excited. A few people in Beimingxiu must have felt uncomfortable to the extreme. They did not expect such a terrifying strong man to appear in Qingluo Xianhai.

However, the ranks cannot be determined until the end of the war, because the previous kills are basically a little weaker. At the end, there are fewer and fewer powerful men, and the rest are the most powerful. If an opponent is killed and the points earned by the opponent are owned, the ranking will soar.

"Li Lingtian."

"Li Lingtian."

"Han Wushuang."

"Han Wushuang."

For a time, the strong monks on the entire square were excited for Li Lingtian and Han Wushuang, and the square was boiling.

The ranking and battle of the two have become the focus of attention of most strong monks. As for the other strong men, they have been temporarily ignored.

"The points have reached seven points, and if you can add a few more points, you will definitely be in the top 100."

"The premise is that other powerful people cannot be killed."

Ao Feng Shen Jun's face is full of excitement, anyway, some people are in the top ten in front of Qingluo Xianhai.

However, this kind of thing may be because many strong people do not want to shoot in the front, wait until later to kill a powerful opponent, get the points accumulated by the opponent, so that you can increase a lot of points at once.

If Li Lingtian was killed in the end, there would be nothing.

If defeated, the score can be kept half.

The True God War has announced that it is forbidden to deliberately kill opponents, but such ‘accidents’ still happen frequently.

"Li Lingtian has met the True God Great Consummate."

"There is still a chance of defeating the upper true **** by the median true god, but there is no hope to meet the great god."

"It seems that his results stop there."

"Good luck has come to an end. I met all the true gods before, but now I met the great god."

Square, all the strong men exclaimed at this time.

Because on the screen that locked Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian met with a true **** Dzogchen.

The neutral true **** defeated four superior true gods by terrifying supernatural powers, and two strong men in the same area admit defeat. Such a thing happened to the median true **** is shocking.

Defeating the enemy is almost impossible, unless it is a terrifying genius with powerful magical powers and treasures.

Even once or twice, it doesn’t matter, and Li Lingtian met the higher **** by basically one or two moves to solve it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is also the reason why countless powerful monks on the square were shocked.

"The median true god, who met the tenth place of Wei Hongtian's true god, was consummated, and the only chance to fall into the blue sea was to be cut off."

"Yeah, Wei Hongtian was able to defeat a true **** of the same rank and become a strong consummator. It is inconceivable to cultivate his strength. When he met a median true god, it was easily solved. When he got Li Lingtian's points, he followed Han Warriors are side by side."

Bei Mingxiu and a strong monarch of the same rank, their faces are full of excitement.

Beimingxiu naturally wants to see the terrifying power of Qingluo Xianhai be defeated. In this way, Qingluo Xianhai would have no chance to enter the top 100, because the three great gods have been defeated.

And the strong man beside him seemed to see Wei Hongtian in his own area getting Li Lingtian's points.

The square, all the powerful people, stared at the pictures of Li Lingtian and Wei Hongtian.

The second and tenth met so quickly, it was really wonderful.

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