War God Supreme

Chapter 2041: The True God is complete,...

"I didn't expect to meet a median true god."

"You are the only true **** in Qinglu Xianhai."

"Take out your most powerful attack and see if there is a big gap between the median true **** and the true great consummation."

Wei Hongtian looked coldly at Li Lingtian with disdain.

This is not to blame him, because the strength of the opponent's cultivation base is too weak, after he reached the completeness of the true god, he never thought of shooting a median true god.

In this war of true gods, the strongest participants are the most powerful survivors in each region. Basically, they are the great consummation of the true god, except that the majority of the Qinghai immortal sea is the upper true god, and only three great congregations are great. There is a median true god.

"The first time I met the true God Great Consummation."

"It's better not to let this seat down."

Li Lingtian's face was calm, and he knew when he participated in the Battle of the True God, sooner or later, he was going to fight against the Great God's Consummation.

Because, if you want to have a better ranking, you must compete with the True God Great Consummation, and in this, you can meet the True God Great Consummation at any time.

When speaking, the nine-day divine power of the whole body was exerted.

The five elements in the body are running, and the divine power of the whole person has reached its peak.

With a stroke of both hands, there suddenly appeared a divine light group ≡≠long≡≠wind≡≠text≡≠learning, ww∨w.cf≡wx.ne∽t, divine light group with a breath of destruction, magical moment Made.

"The gods are dead."

With a light drink, the destructive divine light beam between the hands cut through the space and crushed the past with the power of destruction. It was extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, it was already in front of Wei Hongtian.

For the first time, I met with the True God in a great success.


"Broken Demon Fist."

Wei Hongtian was shocked, but did not expect this median true **** to possess such a terrifying divine power. The purity and power of the divine power exceeded his imagination, and Li Lingtian’s magical speed was instantaneous, without the need for luck. Show off.

Shocked at the same time, the power of the True God's Great Consummation broke out, and a huge fist fiercely bombarded Li Lingtian's **** Yuan silence.


With a loud bang, the fist disappeared, and the divine light group that disappeared.

Li Lingtian stepped back, and was also surprised in his heart. The True Consummation was really powerful, at least stronger than the Fairy Water Fairy in Fenhui Pavilion.

On the other side, Wei Hongtian's face showed a shocked look. This median true **** is not simple.

"The field of knives."

Wei Hongtian didn't want to be entangled with Li Lingtian. He was worried that Li Lingtian would exhibit other killer skills. He no longer hesitated and directly exhibited a horrible killer skill. He planned to defeat Li Lingtian directly.

Suddenly, the destruction of the knife raged the space.

Knowing the realm of the sword, he possesses the realm of terrifying power and terrifying power. He has few opponents in the same rank.

As soon as the idea moved, countless knives cut through the void and bombarded Li Lingtian with the power of destruction. Endless knives enveloped Li Lingtian and completely sealed Li Lingtian's retreat. The combat experience was impeccable and there was no flaw at all.

"The realm of gold."

"The Ultimate Sword Domain."

Feeling Wei Hongtian's horrible sword, Li Lingtian knew that the true **** of perfection did not want to consume with him, but had to defeat him directly, so as not to consume too much was detrimental to the subsequent battle.

Li Lingtian's idea is not the case. It's just that the first battle with the strong man of the True God Consummation is still a little more careful, and at the same time, I want to know how powerful the True God is.

However, when I saw that the great consummates of the True God had even exhibited the realm of the sword, they no longer dared to hesitate, the subconsciously unfolding of the realm of the gold, and the sword territory also broke out.

In the Ultimate Sword Territory, nine ruined swords overlap, breaking the space and heading straight to the sword.

"not good."

"Endless knives."

Wei Hongtian did not expect Li Lingtian to control the realm of Jin and the realm of sword.

He who is in the real God's consummation is in a good position to take control of the field. You know, only one in 10,000 can a real **** understand the field, and it is more difficult to control it.

I did not expect Li Lingtian to control two fields at all, and the degree of control is more terrifying than the field of knives he controls. It can be said that it has reached the height of reaching its peak.

As a great consummate of the True God, the reaction speed is extremely fast. Seeing that Li Lingtian's two fields merged together, the power is definitely not in the field of his own sword. You can move your mind, move one hand, and cast a secret technique. At once, a blade of mango appeared in front of him, forming a knife to protect himself.

The whole process is a breath.




A horrible explosion, Daomang and Jianyu collided, and the space was torn apart.

Daomang failed to resist the sword territory and instantly became nothingness. There were six remaining swordsmanships in the nine domains of the sword territory.

With the click of the sound, the knife gang was broken, Jianyu Jianmang bombarded Wei Hongtian's body, the **** body flashed, the whole person spit out blood, and the body was thrown out.

In the end, Wei Hongtian fell to the ground fiercely, his face pale and ugly. He did not expect that his true **** was perfect, and he could compete in the top ten in the field of knife control, but he was easily defeated by a median true god.

The reason for the defeat is simple. The domain of the sword that he controls is just a little bit of fur, but the other party has merged the domain of gold and the domain of sword to perfection. The power of the perfect fusion of the two domains is simply beyond description.

"Li Lingtian, the median true **** defeated the true **** to complete and win."

"The terrifying Golden Realm and Sword Realm."

"Two strokes defeated the true God Great Consummation, horror."

"The two actions of the median true **** defeated the true **** great consummation. I wouldn't believe it unless I saw it with my own eyes."

"This Li Lingtian is too powerful."

"Li Lingtian got Wei Hongtian's accumulated points, which is now eight points, the first place."

"It's back to the first place."

"Good, great."

Above the square, on the huge screen, a small screen nearly 20 meters wide and 15 meters wide, Li Lingtian’s war was projected inside without any delay, just like a battle in the middle of the square.

Seeing Li Lingtian's two moves defeated Wei Hongtian of the True God Great Consummation, all the strong men were shocked.

It turned out that Li Lingtian defeated the upper true **** and got a few points, ranking first and second, but they all met the upper true god. If they met the great consummation of the true god, they would definitely fail.

Now, Li Lingtian even easily defeated the True God Great Consummation. Such terrifying strength is definitely no longer luck before the ranking test.

Time, a little bit passed.

More and more powerful defeated, the defeated powerful are automatically sent out.

There are fewer and fewer strong men in it, and the remaining strong men are getting stronger and stronger.

The war of true gods, the time of the war is a whole day.

The same goes on at night. On the square, there are more and more powerful monks.

Over time, there are fewer and fewer powerful players left.

The ranking list next to the huge screen, the points of the top ten are also getting higher and higher.

The next morning, the True God War was only four hours from the end.

"First place, Qingyuan, points: 158."

"Second place, Han Wushuang, points: 133."

"Third place, Qian Yunfeng, points: 121."

"Fourth place, Bai Minghao, points: 104."

"Fifth place, Yan Wuji, points: 71."


"Ninth place, Zhuge Yun, points: 22."

"Tenth place, Li Lingtian, points: 18."

On the list, the top ten points and names are very clear.

It turned out that the first and fastest Li Lingtian had only 18 points at the end of the war, which made countless powerful monks stunned.

With the passage of time, some of the characters in the top ten were killed by powerful opponents and fell directly out of the top ten. The points of the winners are getting higher and higher. Moreover, the points of the top five are quickly climbing up.

In the ten scenes, Li Lingtian exhibited a simple formation in a hidden place to meditate and rest for one night, and the strong man in the blue sea felt speechless.

However, Li Lingtian's points have now been scored 18 points, even if he is defeated, the remaining points are also 9 points, hopes to enter the top 100.

Li Lingtian, defeating an opponent is very clear about the increase in points, because the number of crystal **** in his storage bag represents the points. After having 18 points, he did not deliberately look for the strong, but found a place to rest.

He also thought about it, and instead of always fighting with the true God, it was not interesting at all.

After taking a good rest, as long as you defeat a powerful True God Great Consummate, you will be able to get a lot of points from your body. Thinking of this, you meditate and rest for one night.


The next day, I calculated the time I came in, not far from the end of the war.

With one wave, the formation is lifted.

"Lord Tian is out."

Blood Sword Pavilion Nalan Yunting relied on powerful human sword unity and luck, after defeating two strong men of the same rank, he failed in the third.

After coming out, I stared at the ranking list, because Li Lingtian was in the top ten, and Li Lingtian's ranking was related to the future of the three major gates of Qingluo Xianhai. Naturally, he was afraid to carelessly.

In just a few hours~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are only one hundred powerful gods in Qingluo Xianhai, only Li Lingtian is left, and everything else comes out.

One night, the other top nine were all glancing with powerful consciousness, looking for opponents, but Li Lingtian cast a mysterious formation to hide, meditate and rest.

After dawn, finally seeing Li Lingtian lifted his formation, Nalan Yunting was happy.

If Li Lingtian doesn't do it again, there won't be much chance.

And the more the last hour, the strong guys encountered are basically the most pinnacle. After encountering, don't say they beat the other party. There is no chance to escape.

With the emergence of Li Lingtian, all the strong men and the three great princes in the immortal sea also came to the spirit, and their eyes were staring at the picture of Li Lingtian.

When Li Lingtian came out, he quickly flew away into the distance.

However, seeing the direction of Li Lingtian's flight, the three great princes and the strong men of the Qingluo Xianhai were shocked, and the look on their faces was constantly changing.

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