War God Supreme

Chapter 2045: Armor terror...

c_t; Seeing the devastated Ben Leiguang column is about to bombard Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian has no movement at all, all the strong people think Li Lingtian was shocked by the power of the Thunder True God. [Almost all the books I want to read are more stable and faster than the average site. It’s quicker to update. There are no ads in full text. ]access:.

Just before the beam of light destroyed by Ben Lei came to Li Lingtian 100 meters, Li Lingtian moved.

Yes, Li Lingtian moved.

It's just that there is little movement.

I saw Li Lingtian stretched out with one hand, a scepter appeared in his hand.

A two-foot-long scepter, with a thunderbolt radiating from it.

In the air, a terrifying atmosphere of destruction erupted, which was even more terrifying than the coercion of Ben Lei, and the whole Jiuxiao trembled with it.

"Jiuxiao Thunder."

Li Lingtian's voice sounded, and Jiu Xiao Thunder in his hand had waved out.

The original Thunder God with a smile in his eyes, when he saw the Nine Xiao Thunder exhibited by Li Lingtian, the whole person's face showed a horrified god's color, just like seeing ghosts and ghosts.

At the same time, the look on the faces of the other three superpowers was shocked.

I didn't expect such a change to happen at this time. I really underestimated the median true god.



The thunderbolt beam of Benlei and the destruction power of Nine Xiao Thunder bombarded together, and the sound of destruction suddenly erupted.

Thunder God's blow is just a random blow, and it is not the most powerful magic power at all.

In his view, a median true god, in front of his thunder system supernatural powers, was simply unable to withstand a blow, and could not use powerful destroying thunder system supernatural powers at all.

However, he did not expect Li Lingtian to attack him with the thunder treasures that he is best at.

The True God Great Consummation is powerful and unmatched, but accidentally, he met the unique congenital artifact exhibited by Li Lingtian.

Under one blow, the attack of the Thunder God was cancelled, and the whole person was shocked back a few steps.

Before he could react, Li Lingtian's supernatural power had arrived.

"Fu Ming Ming Wang Yin reads;!"

Li Lingtian's instant supernatural power is his talent, and he can use several supernatural powers at the same time. He can't dare carelessly when he meets the true **** great consummate. When the Nine Xiao Thunder is on display, Wang Ming has not moved. Show off. [Please see the latest chapter of this book]

In the air, a mark of destruction bombarded the Thunder God.

Suddenly, within a thousand miles of the entire space, there was a piece of destruction, everything was shattered in front of the imprint, the whole world shook with shaking, and the sound of the sound was like a mourning.


There was a muffled sound, and the imprint was bombarded with no suspense in front of the Thunder God. A purple ‘color’ shield appeared in front of the Thunder God.

The defensive treasure of the top-grade congenital artifact, but in front of the imprint, the whole person was also directly crushed and flew out.

Finally, he fell on the ground fiercely, and a spit of blood spurted out.

When the real God of Thunder landed, a storage bag had been caught by Li Lingtian across the air. After two seconds, the real God of Thunder disappeared and was sent out.

Second defeat

The true **** of thunder, the true **** is perfect, and after the first move is performed, he is crushed and defeated by the other party.

There is no chance of a powerful supernatural power.

Qingyuan, Bai Haoming, Han Wushuang, the three men saw the scene, and the expression on their faces was horrified.

Even if they were not sure about defeating the true God of Thunder, they did not expect to be defeated by Li Lingtian so neatly.

For a time, the three were completely dull.

Know that this time I met a real powerhouse.

In the same way, the countless powerful people on the square saw the result of the battle between Thunder True God and Li Lingtian.

I didn't expect that even Thunder Thousand Thousand Yunfeng was defeated so miserably.

"The powerful in the field, the magical powers exhibited, are all with the field."

"Li Lingtian's domain control has reached a terrifying level."

"I didn't expect a median true **** to defeat a true **** in such a second."

"If Qian Yunfeng is careful, even if he is defeated, it won't be so miserable."

"What a terrible magical power, what a powerful and unique innate artifact."

"Thundermen who are powerful, have met the innate artifact of the Lei system, which is also luck."

Some gods and powerful men were shocked by the ‘sex’ on their faces and commented on the battle between the two.

The countless powerful people in the square are shocked and excited. Only Bei Mingxiu and other people's faces are ugly. This is not only a matter of face, but also a bet.

Li Lingtian defeated Qian Yunfeng so easily, with terrifying strength. When the battle with Qingyuan was reached, the difference between the two would be much smaller.

At this time, Li Lingtian's points also reached 248, far exceeding the first place.


Li Lingtian's consciousness withdrew from the storage bag, and his face was "exposed" with a satisfied expression.

Now that I have more than two hundred crystal balls, that is more than two hundred points, I believe the first three are enough.

Slowly, his eyes looked at the remaining three superpowers.

The remaining three strong men are all super existence.

If you want to meet the means of the three super powers, it is best to irritate the three and let the other perform magical powers of destruction.

In his body, a powerful momentum unfolded, a pair of domineering high in the world.


"Let the deity teach you a meal."

Bai Minghao's icy voice sounded. Although they were shocked that the Thunder God was defeated, they clearly saw that the Thunder God was still careless. If you are careful, even if Li Lingtian has a unique congenital artifact and a terrible magic power, it cannot be defeated in this way. .

During the speech, the strange figure flashed, and when it appeared again, it had already appeared before Li Lingtian Shi.

In his hand, the same innate artifact appeared.

Too'yin' magic soldier

A unique congenital artifact, extremely powerful and terrifying.

When he appeared in front of Li Lingtian, the "yin" magic soldier in his hand was already on display.

I saw a ripple in the space, and the tens of thousands of rays of destruction were crushed towards Li Lingtian, and this power, even if the strongmen of the same rank were hit, must be seriously injured.

The strange body method combined with the domineering attack, the sudden attack instantly bombarded Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian was not given a chance to resist.

Seeing that Li Lingtian was crushed, there was nowhere to escape, but at this time, Li Lingtian's figure disappeared into the air, out of the range of the attack, and the entire person disappeared completely.

There were no slight waves in the space, no signs of dodge.

Li Lingtian's disappearance left no residual image. In this situation, everyone was so frightened that they did not dare to face each other, although someone could dodge under the lock of the Qi.

Be aware that once the strong man is locked by the air attack, he can't dodge at all, unless the realm is much higher than the attacker.

It is simply impossible for a strong man in the same realm to dodge, let alone a strong man in a realm more than an attacker.

"Frozen Miles."

Li Lingtian disappeared and Bai Minghao's attack fell through.

At this time, the disappearing Li Lingtian had appeared over Bai Minghao.

With a wave of one hand, it was frozen in a thousand miles.

The power of the ice has imprisoned Fang Yuanli for a long time. In the hands of Li Lingtian, the thunder of Nine Xiao bombed.

Suddenly, endless thunder and lightning penetrated the ice and directly bombarded Bai Minghao to read;.

At the moment of imprisonment in the ice, Bai Minghao lost his chance by lightning bombardment.




The devastating lightning struck, and the air continued to explode.

Bai Minghao spurted out his blood, and his body was paralyzed.

"The Ultimate Sword Domain."

Nine Xiao Thunder, Li Lingtian's ultimate sword domain was on display at the same time as the show was over.

The sword domain unfolded, and the nine ruined sword domain swordsmen fell across the space and time towards Bai Minghao in the ice, and the space was directly cut by the sword domain swordmens.


Bai Minghao didn't think that he was at a disadvantage. He used his terrifying technique to cross the space and came to Li Lingtian. He bombarded Li Lingtian with a unique innate artifact, but Li Lingtian disappeared. The frozen power made him instantly imprisoned, waiting for the reaction. Time has been bombarded by lightning.

The brief paralysis saw the more terrifying sword territory before it was resolved.

As the great consummate of the True God, it is natural to be able to see the horror of this sword domain, and it will fall if you are not careful.

With a roar, a layer of light golden'color' appeared on his body. An armor appeared on his body to protect the whole person. At the same time, his hands were joined together, and a ruinous horror gloriously rushed up towards the sword domain. Greeted.


Li Lingtian was also surprised, but did not expect to see such a treasure.

The Shenwu Continent has never seen it, and it is also the first time after coming to the Heaven Realm.

This armor is one of the strongest defenses and the most precious treasure. It has appeared on ancient books, but it has not been seen. Now, I have seen it in this Bai Minghao.

"Boom reads;."

The ultimate sword territory bombarded the mysterious radiance, and a loud explosion appeared.

The nine swordsmanships of the ultimate sword domain, eight of which were offset by the mysterious brilliance, the last one bombarded the armor.

I saw the light gold'color' on the armor flashed, and the power of the sword field disappeared.

"Qingming Saint Sword."

Seeing the power of the armor, Li Lingtian was shocked.

The power of this armor, depending on the power, can be resisted even if the true **** of the same rank is hit with a great consummation. With such a treasure, it is a life-saving means.

If you ‘get one’ to play, the defense will be even more domineering.

However, his multicolored light shield is also terrifying, even if the true God is perfect and powerful, he wants to destroy it, not to mention that he has various fields and also has a strong defense.

While surprised, Jiu Xiao Thunder disappeared, and a long knife appeared in his hand.

At the same time~www.wuxiaspot.com~The realm of gold unfolded, the long sword in his hand fell down, and a peerless sword was cut through the void, just like a split.

The entire space is full of the breath of destruction and the domineering pressure.

There are countless ways of attacking him, but it depends on how powerful this armor is, even the turtle shell will break it.


The sword awn, the sword awn of the unique congenital artifact, bombarded on the armor.

Li Lingtian was shocked by the expression of "color" on his face. He didn't expect that the blade of his Qingming Saint Emperor's sword fell on the armor. The blade of the sword was swallowed and disappeared. Bai Minghao only shook it slightly.

Li Lingtian was terrified at the defense of this armor.

Not only Li Lingtian, Qingyuan and Han Wushuang, but also all the strongmen on the square were shocked by Bai Minghao's armor defense. I never thought there was such a domineering defensive armor. It was simply a peerless treasure.


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