War God Supreme

Chapter 2046: Sacred Armor

"Holy Armor!"

"It's the innate armor of Sacred Arms. Baidu search to Liwenxww.geiliwx.com"

"Innate treasure."

"The inferior congenital treasure, the armor of the holy pride, the defense is extremely terrifying."

"Yes, this armor can easily resist the strong strike of the strongman of the same rank. Even if it is a treasure of the same rank, it is difficult to break it, unless it is a congenital treasure."

"I didn't expect there to be an armor of holy pride."

Above the square, all the strong were shocked and dull.

I didn't expect that Li Lingtian's overbearing attack, the power of the unique congenital artifact, even Bai Minghao's armor defense could not be broken, and the defense power was terrifying.

Soon, some powerful princes saw the level of this armor.

It is an innate treasure.

Congenital treasures, even treasures that the gods and kings must chase wildly.

Even if it is a God Monarch, it is difficult to get a congenital treasure. I did not expect to see a congenital treasure in the hands of a true great consummate, and it is also a defensive treasure.

Such a treasure is completely a life-saving treasure.

If the armor of the Sacred Pride is worn on the Divine Monarch, the power it exerts will be more overbearing, and the attacks of the strongmen of the same rank can basically be ignored.

The other powerful people naturally did not know that Bai Minghao had a great chance.

In a treasure hunt (), I entered an ancient cave house, where I lived for nine centuries, and was trapped for hundreds of years.

It takes hundreds of years for the strong man of the true **** to refine this innate treasure.

Now, the armor of the Holy Proud is integrated with him, increasing his defense several times.

This True God War also wanted to compete for first and second place with this terrifying and powerful defense.

"The inferior products are innate."

"very good."

Li Lingtian looked at the armor on Bai Minghao from afar, with a faint smile on his face.

Such inferior innate treasures, defense types, at least hundreds of millions or even billions of superb spirit stones.

The unique congenital artifacts can reach millions and tens of millions of superb spirit stones, but compared with the congenital treasures, they are completely two grades. For the strong men above the true god, the congenital treasures are the treasures they chase and seek.

The inferior products cost billions of yuan, and the middle products have to be tens of times to tens of times. The top products are more expensive. As for the exquisite products, they cannot be measured by price.

Congenital treasures are priceless treasures. Perhaps, congenital treasures are priceless and cannot be purchased with spirit stones.

"Qing Luo Xian Hai, Li Lingtian."

"I've heard of you against the sky long ago, but I met the deity."

"Even if you are strong, you can't break the defensive of the deity, but the deity can easily defeat you."

Bai Minghao was so excited to see his armor so powerful.

After getting this armor, it was the first time it was exhibited. I didn’t expect it to be so powerful. With this armor, I would be invincible after the same rank in the future. No one can break his defense.

"Defense is really good."

"The inferior product is innately treasured, and you can get it, which is also a chance."

"Strong men of the same rank, without congenital treasures, cannot shake you."

The envy in Li Lingtian's eyes has long since disappeared. This is only the inferior innate treasure. His multicolored light shield is extremely terror-proof. With the improvement of his cultivation, the power of the colorful light shield has reached an extreme.

The five-element field, the five-element movement, and the invisible glory have all reached a new level, but this time there is no good practice. After this time, I will practice and enlighten myself with these means.

Treasures are always foreign objects, and real cultivation becomes powerful, and that is the real strongman.

It's like my five-element big move and multicolored light shield. It's magical.

After cultivation, it is countless times better than any treasure or defense.

"You are powerful, but if you want to break the defensive of the deity, it is simply delusion."

"Unless you have a congenital treasure, even if there is a congenital treasure, you can't break the armor of the Holy Pride."

"The deity's opponent is not you, hand over the crystal ball, so as not to find time to eat bitterly."

Bai Minghao was shocked to see Qingyuan and Han Wushuang shocked.

Qingyuan and Han Wushuang had been pressed before, but now there are times when the two guys are shocked, naturally they are very happy.

Looking at Li Lingtian, he said disdainfully.

Now, knowing the defense power of the armor, I have a lot of confidence in my heart. There is no longer any magical power and means to fear Li Lingtian’s horror. With a strong defense, the opponent cannot shake him, but he can attack the opponent without any fear.


"The armor is powerful, but there are hundreds of ways to get rid of your turtle shell."


Li Lingtian also looked at Bai Minghao with disdainful eyes. He wanted to take turns in practice. He couldn't compare with his opponent. But no one dared to compare him with his strength and means and treasures.

When speaking, the Five Elements Yuanshen works, and the Nine Heavens divine power explodes.

All around, filled with ruinous golden light, space, there were inches of fragments.

This is the strength of the realm of gold.

In the realm of Jin Zhanjin, the spirit of the primordial spirit is running, and the divine power is exploding. The whole process is just a momentary effort. With Li Lingtian's idea, this time can be ignored completely.

With one hand stretched out, a blood-red mysterious long sword appeared in the hand.

The blood-red sword with blood-red streamer is exactly like streamer, without seeing the slightest substance. In the air, the innate prestige of destruction explodes.

Between heaven and earth, the air is constantly twisted.

The long sword's coercion and blood red streamer bring people a sense of fear.

The endless fairy qi condenses away toward the blood-red sword.

"Innate treasure."

"At least the innate treasure of Zhongpin."

"It's a congenital treasure."

Qingyuan and Han Wushuang, the look on his face was shocked, completely given the essence by the blood-red sword in Li Lingtian's hands.

The look on Bai Minghao's face is equally ugly. He has a congenital treasure, which is already invincible to the true god. Even if it is inferior, it is also popular in the true god. With this congenital treasure as a defense, the true **** is absolutely helpless to him. .

But I did not expect that the armor of the Holy Prophet encountered a more terrifying innate treasure.

Obviously, the innate treasure in Li Lingtian's hand is much higher than his armor of the Holy Proud, and there is no longer a grade between the two.


Space, with the swing of Li Lingtian's blood-red sword, a sword awn tears the space and bombards Bai Minghao directly.

Pure sun fairy sword, unique innate treasure, terrifying power.

With the cultivation of his median true god, the pure Yangxian sword has exerted its most powerful power.

Under one blow, the space seemed to be still, and it instantly bombarded the armor.

With a soft sound, Shengao's armor was torn, and the ruined Jianmang threw Bai Minghao away, and finally slammed on the ground. At his time, Li Lingtian had taken his storage bag away from the air. .

In three seconds, Bai Minghao's figure disappeared, and it was automatically sent out.

Pure Sun Immortal Sword, a unique congenital treasure, is definitely a top-notch existence. In the past, Li Lingtian's cultivation level was too low to exert the power of the pure Yang Immortal Sword, but after reaching the median true god, he was completely able to transform the pure Yang. The power of the fairy sword was fully exerted, and Bai Minghao was directly defeated with one blow.

The unique innate treasures can naturally tear the inferior treasures of the inferior goods easily.

Sword out, sword closed.

The whole process looks like a flowing water. With two seconds of effort, Bai Minghao, the true consummate of the gods, has been defeated.

The inferior congenital treasure was also torn apart by Li Lingtian's pure Yangxianjian.

Although the innate treasure can be repaired automatically, it also takes a long time, ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years, even hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years.

It can be said that this inferior product is innately treasured, and Bai Minghao is temporarily unavailable.

"Damn it, ruin Bai Minghao's innate treasure."

"Those who can tear Bai Minghao's inferior congenital treasures are at least middle-class congenital treasures."

"A median true **** has such a powerful innate treasure."

"Powerful, I did not expect to have powerful innate treasures."

"With such a treasure, the whole person's strength has been greatly improved."

"It's a magical innate treasure. In this battle of the true gods, there are two pieces of innate treasure."

"Even Bai Minghao is defeated, and now Han Wushuang and Qingyuan are left."

"Can't Qingyuan and Han Wushuang solve him?"

"When is Qingluo Xianhai so powerful?"

Above the square, all the powerful people were shocked. The gods and powerful people in the eight major areas had a look on their faces that was ugly. The whole Dongmu Shengjing, the Qinglu Xianhai, was the weakest.

Unexpectedly, this time, the super powerhouses were defeated by Li Lingtian, which made the gods and powerhouses in several super areas feel dull.


"Haha, great."

"In this way, even if Qingyuan wants to defeat Li Lingtian, it is not so simple."

The three people of Aofeng Shenjun, during the last war, did not see Li Lingtian exhibiting treasures. When Li Lingtian battled the monsters, all the strong men were shocked and scared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ failed to pay attention to the treasures displayed by Li Lingtian.

Now seeing Li Lingtian's strength, and seeing such a horrible innate treasure, when the time comes to play against Qingyuan, the chances of winning are more.

Even if Li Lingtian is not Qingyuan's opponent, this time Qinglu Xianhai also has a long face.

What's more, Li Lingtian now defeats Bai Minghao, and after obtaining Bai Minghao's points, the points reach 372, 372 points, even if they fail to make a half-off, they can definitely be second.

For a time, the three sect gates of the Qinglu Xianhai, the three great princes, and the strong men who participated in the war of the true gods were all very excited.

In the past tens of thousands of years, the Qinglu Xianhai has been pressed by the other eight regions.

This time, someone finally entered the top three and beat the eight regional powerhouses hard.

Now, all the powerful people have their eyes on Li Lingtian, Qingyuan, and Han Wushuang. The remaining three people are all terrifying, and the war is about to happen. Happy reading every day

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