War God Supreme

Chapter 2047: Beat all

c_t; "Against the sky. (’)-79-"

Inside the temple, inside a palace.

More than ten super-strong men stood up and looked at the magical picture projected by the crystal ball in the palace.

This picture is exactly the picture of Li Lingtian's war, all the information was transmitted here as soon as possible.

More than a dozen strong ones, all of which are super existence reads at the level of gods;.

Everyone exudes great might and coercion and puts them outside. Those are the characters of one party, but at this time, they are all respectful.

Seeing the battle on the screen, the expression of "sex" on the faces of a dozen or so superpowers changed.

I didn't expect a median true **** to be so powerful.

"At that time, East Lake will lead the team."

"It is said that there are some super powerful people in other holy places."

"I don't know if there is any hope for me in Dongmu Shengjing."

A bland and crisp voice sounded, with a faint etherealness in it, more of the supreme majesty. The gods and strong men present felt invisible pressure in front of this voice, and their bodies shivered uncontrollably.

"Subordinates obey."

Hearing the order, a middle-aged strong man replied respectfully. He is also one of the twelve holy guards of the Holy Realm, and his cultivation ability is much higher than that of Hou Qingchen.

"Now, the three of us are left."

"There is not much time left for the War of True God. If the two don't start, they won't have a chance to make a comeback."

In the space, Li Lingtian looked at Qingyuan and Han Wushuang, and said.

Now, he has more than three hundred points, not far from the end of the battle of the true gods. If the two super true gods are not strong, they can’t surpass him.

When speaking, the **** "color" on the face was calm, but the divine power on the body was running fast. The golden realm shone with the glory of the gold "color", the pure Yangxian sword in the hand flashed, and the pressure was ruthlessly crushed. With space, the space is constantly distorted.



Qingyuan and Han Wushuang both wished to kill Li Lingtian in one second.

But he was not sure to beat Li Lingtian unless the two joined forces.

However, if you want to join forces against Li Lingtian in the face of the world's strong, you really can't put your face down. For a super strong like Han Wushuang Qingyuan, face is extremely important, and I don't want to invite the other to join forces.

"Two of them, but they are both true gods and great superpowers, invincible in the same rank."

"This seat gives you two a chance to join forces."

"Don't eat face as a meal, don't hold it anymore. (Advertisement)"

Li Lingtian naturally knows that now Qingyuan and Han Wushuang will not put down their faces to invite each other to join forces to fight him.

Seeing the two of them, Li Lingtian said loudly.

The other strong men have been solved, and the two most powerful ones are left. They can't compare to their current cultivation skills, but the means and supernatural powers and treasures, but they are not afraid of the two most powerful true gods.


"Domineering enough!"

"Enough arrogance!"

Blood Sword Divine Sovereign, with a rare'lu' on his face smiling.

The other powerful Qingluo Xianhai, all excited, shocked Li Lingtian's strength.

In the face of the two super true gods, the great consummate, let the other team together.

The only one who can do this step, except for the middle true **** like Li Lingtian, can't find the second one.

All the strong men, looking at Qingyuan and Han Wushuang, are very curious. I don’t know if Qingyuan and Han Wushuang are joining forces. You know, now there is not much time for the end of the True God War. If you fight alone, it is difficult to have a chance to defeat Li Lingtian. , And both are worried about the other taking advantage of the fire.

"Brother Han, let's join forces once."

"You see how, after we defeat him, let's fight again."

Qingyuan's mind turned sharply, and if he goes on like this, the first place is impossible.

Only after teaming up with Han Wushuang and defeating Li Lingtian, the two will decide the victory and defeat again and again. If anyone wins, the first place will be final.

"it is good."

"Do it yourself."

Without any hesitation, Han Wushuang nodded and agreed, and the terrifying power of the whole body worked.


With a loud bang, the coercion of the two great masters of the Great Consummation broke out, making the space tremble and tear.

I saw that a powerful gold destruction power filled the space, and a terrifying ice cold power made the space imprisoned.

Han Wushuang is an ice-power superpower. A top-grade congenital artifact ice gun has reached the peak of his peak. With a single shot, the entire world is imprisoned by the ice. The domineering ice power directly stirs the same level of true gods. Fragmented, extremely powerful.

Shenlong fist Qingyuan, the gold super powerhouse, the domineering endorsement, a boxing out, a golden dragon is indestructible.



Suddenly, the devastating attacks of the two super true gods and powerful forces rushed towards Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian's figure flickered, and the pure Yangxian sword in his hand was swung out. Dozens of blood-red sword awns cut through the space and went straight to Qingyuan and Hanwushuang. The pure Yangxian sword's unique gems are innate treasures. It is not comparable to innate artifacts.

With such innate treasures, it is simply indestructible, which has greatly shortened the gap between the real consummation of the true **** and the median true god.

For a time, two golden'color' rays of light and a dark blue'color' rays of light flashed.

The three rays of light flashed rapidly, and the bang was constant.

Outside the square, all the strong were shocked and excited.

A median true god, who fought against two true gods to complete reads;.

The two true gods are perfect, the gods on their faces are unsightly. When facing the innate treasures of the gems, they must be worried at any time. One accidentally will be killed by the destruction of the innate treasures.

If the stalemate of the war continues, even if you win, your face will be dull.

"Shenlong fist, eighth heavy."

Qingyuan gave a soft drink, and the whole person rose to the sky, his hands drawn a strange aperture.

The immortal power of the whole heaven and earth is quickly condensed away.

Then he punched hard with a punch.

Space is broken.

With a golden light, Quanman turned into a golden dragon bombardment from Li Lingtian.

"The stars fell."

Li Lingtian saw Qingyuan's punches bombarded, and the power of this punch was beyond imagination.

The power of the True Great Consummation Super Powers cannot be underestimated, and he dare not have the slightest care. The pure Yang fairy sword in his hand is swept. The sword strokes that were previously exhibited are displayed. Suddenly, hundreds of millions of stars pierced the space and rolled towards Qingyuan.

At this time, the ice gun in Han Wu's hands also bombarded Li Lingtian.

The force of ice that confines the space keeps the space fragmented.


With a shocking explosion, hundreds of millions of stars collided with the golden dragon of Jin's color. Both Li Lingtian and Qingyuan stepped back hundreds of meters.

Han Wushuang's attack also bombarded Li Lingtian.

In this situation, Li Lingtian couldn't dodge and resist, and could only resist.

All the strong men were shocked by the expression on their faces, and if they were hit by Han Wushuang's attack, Li Lingtian would fall even if he turned against the sky.

However, what shocked all the strong was what happened.

I saw that when the ice gun bombarded Li Lingtian, the multicolored light shield on Li Lingtian counteracted all the attacks, and the light shield just shivered.

The light shield, for the strong, is a protective shield against the attacks of the low-level strong and some weak magical powers.

But in the face of the supernatural powers of the same rank, it is impossible to resist.

But Li Lingtian's light shield can't be shaken by the destruction of Han Wushuang's ice gun. It is more terrifying than the powerful innate treasure defense. The degree of terror is beyond description.


When Qingyuan and Han Wushuang were shocked, the pure Yang fairy sword in Li Lingtian's hand waved, and Chao Han Wushuang crossed over.

With a clear sound, the ice gun was directly destroyed by the pure Yangxian sword, and the sword landed on Han Wushuang.


Han Wushuang spurted out blood, the defense was torn, and the expression on his face was unsightly. If he had not started the ban at the critical time, he would fall under the sword.

After defeating Han Wushuang, Li Lingtian grabbed one hand, and a storage bag returned to his hand.

Looked at the remaining Qingyuan.

He has the innate treasure, even if he is repaired two levels lower than his opponent, he can easily defeat his opponent, because the opponent is still in the true **** realm, and he is also the true **** realm.

True God Realm met True God Realm, although he was a little lower, but the innate treasures made up and returned.

However, if you meet the powerful God, you will not even have many opportunities to show your innate treasures.

"Congenital treasures, really powerful."

"If you rely on treasures, it's really not easy to beat you."

"Congenital treasures, you are not alone."

"Jin Lie."

Qingyuan was shocked to see Li Lingtian's defense and the innate treasure in his hand.

What is even more shocking is that Li Lingtian easily defeated Han Wushuang.

There are powerful innate treasures, and defensive light shields that ignore the general attack. Such a strong man is not impossible to describe.

However, to get the first place this time, you must defeat Li Lingtian.

Impressed by the consciousness, a pair of complete sets appeared in both hands, and the complete set of gold'color' exudes horrible coercion.

Congenital treasure, Zhongpin's innate treasure Bao Jinlie.

There is a congenital treasure, and the strength of Qingyuan's whole person has risen a bit. Under the power of divine power, the complete set of hands exudes the golden ruins of overbearing destruction, and the space continues to tremble, just like it is unable to withstand this ruinous shock. 'And the general destruction.

"Sword Domain."

With a smile on Li Lingtian's face, every product is congenitally treasured. In front of the top-level pure Yang Xianjian, it is simply unbearable, but Qingyuan's cultivation base is higher than him, and he dare not carelessly.

The pure Yangxian sword in his hand made a stroke, and suddenly a sword territory was formed, and the blood-red "color" sword mang with a ruined sword territory.

Jianmang breaks through the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~

For a time, a fist and a sword fought together.

The space is constantly fragmented and the air is burning.


A clear voice sounded, a complete set of destruction, Jianmang shattered Qingyuan's defense.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Qingyuan fell **** the ground.

Peerless congenital treasures, directly crush the middle class congenital treasures.

Be aware that Li Lingtian's unique congenital treasures are the fusion of the realm of gold and the realm of swords, and they are extremely powerful.

The four super powers, all defeated and sent out automatically, leaving Li Lingtian suspended in the air.


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