War God Supreme

Chapter 2048: Ranked #1

"Han Wushuang was defeated."

"Qingyuan was also defeated."

"Li Lingtian has earned 663 points."

"The median true **** is innate and invincible."

"Demon, pervert."

"The innate treasure is so powerful."


The strong man above the square looked at the huge screen with a horrified look on his face, completely dull.

In his eyes and in his mind, there was only a white figure.

The handsome figure looks like a son of a family, but it easily defeats the most powerful and powerful God.

Moreover, this young man is just a median true god. The median true **** participates in the battle of true gods. In the battle of true gods, it is the lowest one, but now it is the most powerful one.

The coercion, even the strongest of the four Great Gods Consummation, was defeated.

Attacks are innate treasures of terror and dominance.

Defense, with a magical multicolored light shield, can be said to be unshakable.

Occupying these three things is completely invincible.

In the true God, wanting to defeat him is simply delusion.

Li Lingtian was suspended in the air, with a cloud of light on his face.

Time, one second and one second.

Finally, the War of True God is over, and all the remaining strong men are sent out.

On the screen, the top ten places also occupy the largest space.

"First place, Li Lingtian, points: 663"

"Second place, Qingyuan, points: 79"

"Third place, Han Wushuang, points: 66."

"Fourth place, Qian Yunfeng, points: 60."


"Tenth place, North Xiaodong, points: 11."

The top ten places occupy two thirds of the entire screen.

The remaining two hundred are also on it.

Looking at the points on the screen, all the strong are shocked except for shock.

Because the points of the first place are double that of the points of all the places combined.

Nine hundred places, which is nine hundred points, and the first place, Li Lingtian, occupies 663 points alone. Such a result can hardly be believed.

This score is the highest in the history of Dongmu Shengjing. In the past, the highest score was only a little over two hundred.

Now, Li Lingtian's first place accounted for more than two-thirds.

"This is the strong man."

"Qingluo Xianhai, such a powerful demon appeared."

"663 points."

"Haha, thirty-two billion."

"Bei Mingxiu, it's cool now."

"Lord Ling Tian is powerful."

"I did not expect that the strength of His Excellency Ling Tian reached this step."

Countless boiling in the square, although the war has nothing to do with them, but Li Lingtian's adversity made them feel admired.

This is the real world of the strong and the strong, and only the strong will be respected and admired.

However, the faces of Bei Mingxiu and others are ugly.

The first place was taken away by the worst Qingluo Xianhai, and it also lost 32 billion. This 32 billion, almost let a few families go bankrupt.

For a time, several super gods and strong men were angry with Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian was already hated in his heart.

However, at this time, he did not dare to move Li Lingtian, because he was watched by all the powerful people, and Li Lingtian's power and anti-sky must have been taken by the temple.

However, a genius and a genius cannot be protected by the temple for a lifetime. As long as he leaves the temple, he can quietly kill him.

No matter how powerful the True God is, he cannot be the opponent of the Divine King. The Divine King can pinch the most powerful True God to death with just one finger. If Li Lingtian is killed, the treasure on Li Lingtian will be theirs.

Only the innate treasure is priceless.

Moreover, Li Lingtian is so powerful that the cultivation methods and immortality are naturally inestimable.

"War of the True Gods, end."

"The first two hundred are left, the others can leave."

"The first place, Li Lingtian, stay."

At this time, Hou Qingchen motioned to the real God Realm Powerhouse around him, and announced the end of the True God War.

Then he dismissed the next two hundred strong men, leaving the first two hundred.

The roll call allowed Li Lingtian to stay. All the strongmen, for the temple to leave Li Lingtian, is naturally in the calculation. After all, Li Lingtian, a median true god, won the first place, and the temple naturally wants to leave him.

"Congratulations to His Excellency Ling Tian for his first place."

"It has long been known that this first is not Ling Tian."

"This time, Qingluo Xianhai has a long face."

"The strong men in these places in the Beiling Mountains have no light on their faces."

Among the Qingbo Hall, the strong men of the Qingluo Xianhai are all happy to Li Lingtian.

To say the happiest, it is Qingluo Xianhai.

These powerful real gods, seeing Li Lingtian easily defeated even the great consummation of the true god, naturally came to draw closer relations.

"Here is the defense that most admires Brother Li. Even the cold ice gun can't be shaken."

Blood Sword Pavilion Nalan Yunting said.

Attack, it can be said that Li Lingtian occupies an innate advantage.

But for defense, Li Lingtian's multicolored light shield was extremely terrifying. For the first time I saw such a terrifying and powerful defense, even the ice gun of True God's Great Perfection could not shake it.

"The strength of His Excellency Ling Tian is invincible in the true **** realm."

"This time to get the first place, these guys in the Beiling Mountains will certainly not let go of His Excellency Ling Tian. The gap between the true God and the Divine Monarch cannot be measured. Be careful."

Ziyuan Shenjun glanced at Li Lingtian and said lightly.

Hearing the words of Ziyuan Divine Monarch, all the powerful men in Qingluo Xianhai were surprised. It would be so terrifying to be able to let a Divine Monarch evaluate this way.

In front of the Divine Monarch, the true God is just a little ant.

This is true even for Li Lingtian.


"I don't know how much confidence Ziyuan Divine Sovereign can beat?"

Li Lingtian nodded, these gods and powerful men are extremely proud and do not look at the true God in their eyes.

It is indeed rare to be able to praise Ziyuan Divine Monarch.

I also know the gap between myself and the Divine Monarch. This gap is not a treasure that can be bridged. No matter how powerful the treasure is, it cannot be an opponent of the Divine Monarch, because the true God cannot exert all the power of the treasure.

The powerful princes occupy a great realm advantage and can crush you directly with the power of the princes.

"Your state is too low."

"A deity is enough."

"If you can achieve the completeness of the True God, the deity is not your opponent."

"As for now, the deity is completely able to crush you with the might of the Divine King, and you have no chance to display treasures."

"The realm is the root. Even if some rules are broken by the sky, the broken rules are also limited. All treasures, magical powers, and means need a strong realm to support it."

Ziyuan Shenjun looked at Li Lingtian and said lightly.

He did not exaggerate, nor did he disparage Li Lingtian, but told the truth.

If Li Lingtian's current cultivation is the realm, he can't be his opponent at all. With the power of the Divine Monarch, he defeated Li Lingtian in one move, because Li Lingtian was defeated without the opportunity to shoot.

Mainly because the realm of the two is too far apart, it is not that treasures and supernatural powers can be brought closer.

The higher the level of cultivation, the greater the distance between different strengths.

If you are in the real god, you can use some treasures and supernatural powers to cross the battle, but after you reach the real god, you want to cross the realm war, the chances are slim, and every realm wants to be thousands of miles away.


Li Lingtian nodded and stopped talking.

Because Ziyuan Divine Sovereign has nothing to say, he knows it.

In the future, I still need to improve my realm and quickly improve my character. Only in this way can I be invincible.

At least within the same level, he will not be defeated. In this heavenly realm, the strong people gather, the true **** is only the bottom, and the **** is not the strongest. If you want to mix in this heavenly realm, you must improve your cultivation.

Moreover, the threat of his own strong enemy is getting bigger and bigger. If the realm's strength is improved slowly, then there will only be a dead end, and the reincarnation of the celestial master is not easy to provoke.


Dongmu Shengcheng, Dongmu Sanctuary.

It has been three days since the True Gods War ended.

On this day, Hou Qingchen summoned two hundred people to gather before the True God War.

"You are the most powerful true gods in Dongmu Shengjing. This time you entered the top 200 true gods, the people who entered the gale gorge, and all the places in Dongmu Shengjing."

"The Gale Canyon is open, and only the true **** can enter it."

"A total of 18 forces from the Holy Land entered the Gale Canyon this time."

Hou Qingchen's powerful coercion swept over all the strong men, and all the true **** strong men could not help shaking.

The true God is in front of the Divine Monarch, and a coercive pressure will make you tremble.

His eyes glanced at all the strong men, and he said loudly, the sound was like a Hong Zhong, shocking the eardrums of all the strong men.

"The forces of the Eighteen Sacred Realms?"

"Isn't it two holy places?"

"Why have you turned into eighteen holy realms at once?"

"Eighteen holy realms, two hundred real gods per holy realm, that is three thousand six hundred."

"Eighteen holy real strong men, Dongmu holy realm is the weakest, and the strong men who meet other holy realms are definitely at the bottom."

"Galewind Canyon, nine lives."

"The top true **** came into the circle satisfactorily, and the chance to come out was slim."

"But strong men above the true **** cannot enter."


Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Many powerful people who knew the inside story were shocked.

Although I knew that this True God War was purposeful, I didn't expect so many forces to join in at once.

The two hundred true gods present were unmatched in the Dongmu Holy Realm, but they couldn't withstand a single blow in front of other powerful Sacred Realms. The gap was too great.

Dongmu Shengjing is at the bottom of the sanctuary.


"For this gale gorge, countless forces of true **** realm genius suppressed the realm without breaking through."

"It is equivalent to the powerful means of the divine monarch, into the gale gorge, for the purpose of Dongmu Holy Realm, your only hope is to unite."

Hou Qingchen snorted coldly, snorted coldly, and made the mighty heart of all the powerful people tremble, and quickly calmed down.


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