War God Supreme

Chapter 2049: Dongmu Shengjing, Sheng...

Li Lingtian was shocked by Hou Qingchen's words. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)

The True Consummation of the True God has gone against the sky, and I did not expect that these powerful superpowers, in order to enter the gale canyon, suppressed their realm.

You have to know that it is difficult for the true God to break through to the prince, even if there are countless immortals and treasures, it is impossible to have a strong chance. The strongest in the realm, who is not in order to promote the front servants.

In order to break through, everything can be done.

Soon, Hou Qingchen briefly told the things in the Gale Canyon and sent a jade jade to everyone. This jade jade was specially made in the temple.

It is also the experience and memory left by previous strongmen entering the area, recording the dangerous areas and treasure areas inside.

"To enter the Gale Canyon, you must unite."

"No matter what, you can't kill each other."

"We have half a month to prepare for you, and we will gather here after half a month."

"Li Lingtian, take a trip with the deity."

After Hou Qingchen simply said a few words, he let everyone leave the hall and shouted Li Lingtian.

The other strong men were surprised when they heard that Li Lingtian was left by Hou Qingchen, and their eyes looked envious.

Li Lingtian is also puzzled. I don’t know what this Hou Qingchen asked him for. The True God Battle a few days ago! After the end, he was also allowed to stay, but he didn’t have any news after waiting for three days.

I did not expect to call myself to stay now.

Without speaking, he looked at Hou Qingchen and followed Hou Qingchen towards the hall.

After passing through several passages, finally came to the center of the Dongmu Temple.

"This is the place where the Lord lives."

"The deity will not enter."

Coming to a palace, Hou Qingchen listened and said to Li Lingtian.

After he finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving Li Lingtian alone here.

Li Lingtian's eyes looked at the palace. This palace, like a treasure, stood in front of his eyes, giving a huge sense of oppression.

Shocked at the same time, the Holy Lord of Dongmu Shengjing lived here.

The Holy Lord, at least the superpower of the Divine King, a ruler of the Holy Realm, must be a Divine King.

Although Dongmu Shengjing is at the bottom of the celestial realm of Heaven, there are also many monarchs and powerful men in the Dongmu Shengjing. The following people are all monarchs, and the Holy Lord is naturally unfathomable.

I am just a median true god. In the face of such a super existence, I naturally feel pressure.

However, when you get here, you have to face it.

Besides, not long after I came to heaven, I didn’t offend anyone, let alone the Lord. It’s not a bad thing for the Lord to find him.

He calmed down a little, and walked towards the palace.


Just stepped into the threshold of the palace, a powerful and terrifying coercion suddenly rolled over.

Repressing terror and overbearing, even Li Lingtian did not have the slightest resistance. He was directly suppressed, his face was pale, and sweat beads fell down.

In this coercion, the whole person is in front of the ruinous galaxy.

Not daring to hesitate, the Nine Heavens Divine Prestige is running and quickly resisting this terrible coercion. At the same time, the Five Elements World protects the body and confronts this powerful coercion.


The air in the space of the palace was distorted, and the pressure disappeared.

The coercion came and went quickly and without any traces.

Li Lingtian's sudden disappearance of coercion also shook his body.

The coercion disappeared, and Li Lingtian was almost collapsed. In front of the super powers, he had no power to fight back. If this powerful existence would destroy him, he would have fallen.

This is the gap between the strong, and even the treasures and magical powers that are against the sky are useless, because the coercion and means of the other party cannot give you the opportunity to display it. Even if it is displayed, it will not shake the opponent.

"come in."

A misty voice sounded, like a sound of natural sound, giving a sense of spring breeze.

The crushing discomfort just now disappeared completely.

From the sound, the person speaking should be a woman, and still a very beautiful woman.

It's just that Li Lingtian is curious. This is the place where the Lord lives. Why is the voice of the woman speaking, is it the Lord's maid?

Even the maid of the Lord will not be the maid speaking first at this time.

However, he didn't have time to hesitate these, his eyes glanced inside the palace, and it was only then that he had the opportunity to look at the palace.

The palace is not big to see from outside, but inside the palace, it is like a world, the ground is white and mysterious jade bedding, and the palace is very luxurious.

Everywhere is carved jade, like a piece of art.

The main hall of the palace is about a hundred miles in size. At the end of the palace, on a throne, sits a woman with a white veil. The woman gives a kind of holy dignity.

It exists like a saint, which makes people inferior to obscene psychology.

Around her, a faint amount of coercion entangles, and the whole person forms an independent field world, which is more powerful than any of his five elements in any field.

"Is this woman the Holy Lord?" Li Lingtian was shocked psychologically.

However, the psychological shock, but no expression on his face.

Quickly walked inside the palace, came to the palace and stopped 500 meters away from the throne.

"Qingluoxianhai Qingyuezong, Li Lingtian."

"Meet the Lord."

Li Lingtian paid a respectful salute, whether or not this woman was a holy lord, but the other party was a super horrible strongman, who could crush his existence with one finger.

In the world of the strong, the strong respects it, and your own strength is not as good as that of the other party.

If you bring the high-end set here, you will find yourself dead.

"Li Lingtian, not bad."

"You are my first genius in Dongmu Shengjing for thousands of years.

"This palace came to you just to see your strength."

The people are clearly in front of them, but the sound is like the sky, the sound is misty, and I don't know where the sound comes from.

The sound was ice-cold with a hint of comfort.

"Thank you for your praise."

"The holy major is powerful, and Li Lingtian is not an opponent of the holy master."

"Li Lingtian didn't dare to make it, please forgive him."

Li Lingtian was shocked in his heart, and did not expect that this holy saint mainly depends on his strength.

Could it be that when I really provoke this high holy Lord to fail?

Not to mention strength, just to cultivate into the realm, the other party directly crushed him with coercion, let alone hands-on. Under the hands, he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

"Not an opponent of this palace?"

"This palace is just to see if you can qualify to enter Gale Canyon, try your best."

The Lord was stunned by Li Lingtian's words, wasn't it the opponent of the Lord?

Even if a true God is against the sky, he cannot be the opponent of the Divine Monarch, let alone the Supreme Lord.


When Li Lingtian heard what the Lord said, he also understood what the Lord meant.

Dare not to have the slightest reservation, with one wave of one hand, the Five Elements Yuanshen works.

"Qingming Saint Sword."

With a sip, the realm of gold unfolded, and in the depths of his right hand, the unique congenital artifact Qingming Holy Emperor Sword was launched.

By the time the Qingming Saint Emperor knife appeared, Daomang had already pilgrimaged to the Lord.

Suddenly, a ruined knife awn cut through the space and went straight to the Lord. The knife blast broke the distance of the space, and there was no time and distance to fall in front of the Lord.

But the Lord did not move at all, and the veil blocked her face, not knowing how it looked.

Seeing that Daomang was about to split the Lord in half, he saw that Daomang stopped in front of the 10 meters of the Lord, and then the Daomang disappeared, like a stone thrown into the lake with a trace of ripples Never appeared.


Li Lingtian took a deep breath, although he only used the unique congenital artifact and hit it casually, but such an attack would have to be seriously injured even if the true God is perfect and strong.

But in front of the Holy Lord, even a slight ripple did not appear to be offset.

He knew that the Holy Lord did not take action at all, and he completely resisted the power of the Qingming Holy Emperor's sword with the coercion of his own God King.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian's fighting intentions were also aroused.

"Bailong disillusioned gun."

With a loud roar, a long spear appeared in his hand, and the spear exudes terror.

Above the spear, with a ruinous atmosphere.

With a flick of one hand, the spear broke the space, and then, hundreds of devastating attacks turned into the bombardment of the Divine Dragon Pilgrim Lord.

The top-grade congenital treasure is unparalleled in power. Compared with the Qingming Saint Emperor's sword of the unique congenital artifact, I don't know how many ten thousand times stronger, there are countless differences between the two.


The Lord saw the innate treasures in Li Lingtian's hands, but it was also a bit ugly, but in the face of Li Lingtian's devastating attack, he did not see it in his eyes at all. Seeing the devastating attack came to him, the Holy Lord waved with one hand, and a mysterious power appeared.

With a slight sound, the power of the Bailong Disappearing Gun was cancelled, and from the beginning to the end, the Holy Initiative did not move.

"God destroys the dustless knife."

In Li Lingtian's heart, in addition to shock or shock.

His own magical powers are getting stronger and stronger, but in front of the Lord, it is like a child playing a house.

I was strongly stimulated in my heart. With one wave of my hand, the godless dustless knife was displayed, and the destroyed sword punctured the space, the space was quiet, everything was quiet.

But at this moment of tranquility, Daomao cut through the space and bombarded in front of the Lord.


Seeing that the sword mandala landed in front of the Lord~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Lord Lord waved with one hand, his fingers flexed, and a strange power met the sword mands. With a clear sound, the sword mansions disappeared.

Li Lingtian held the Godless Dustless Knife in his hand and felt a huge force of destruction bounce back, knocking him back hundreds of meters before stopping. His right hand was numb.

"Pure Yang Fairy Sword!"

The blood-red sword appeared in his hand, the sword fluttered, and the billion-year-old pilgrim Lord rolled away.

In the main hall, the starry sky has been formed at this moment, the endless stars pilgrimage to the Lord, the space continues to tremble and tear.

Li Lingtian is also too suffocated. Any magical skill he has displayed can defeat the killing of the true **** powerhouse. In the past, he was confident that he could fight even if he met a prince, but now it seems that his own attack is in front of the prince. Every family.

Moreover, the other party made him attack, and did not fight back. The simple prestige of the prince invalidated his attack. Happy reading every day

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