War God Supreme

Chapter 2050: The magical means of the Lord

Watching the endless stars bombard in front of the Lord, I saw that the Lord’s hands were slender, and the white gauze sleeves waved, hundreds of millions of stars disappeared, everything turned into nothingness, and the calm returned to the hall, just like everything It never happened.

"Cultivation is the realm."

"Your cultivation level is too low, even if it is the innate treasure of the sky, it is impossible to shake the god."

"The Divine Monarch is not the same as the True God, and it is not a treasure and external assistance that can make up for it."

"Treasure is just an aid to the strong, not an absolute killer. The real support of the strong is still cultivation and supernatural powers. It is suitable for your supernatural powers. There are a few innate treasures in your true divine realm.

"Innate treasures, even the gods and strong men are also jealous. For the innate treasures, the gods and strong men will also kill people and fight for treasure. You are still a true god, and you can't play the power of innate treasures."

"In front of the Divine Sovereign, you have very few chances to display treasures."

The Holy Lord looked at the look on Li Lingtian's face and said lightly that the realm gap was too great to be compensated with treasures.

Treasures are against the sky, but the gap between the realms is too large and there is no use at all. If the gods show their innate treasures, it will be more powerful.

It’s like a baby fighting with an adult with a knife. The baby holding a knife is also $∷$∷, x. It's useless, it can't be said that the knife is useless, but this knife is held in the hands of an adult. The power of is different. Adults who hold knives fight with adults who do not hold knives, and those who hold knives naturally have an absolute advantage.

The strong and the treasure are also the same truth. This is to put it bluntly, everything is realm cultivation.


"The Lord looks at the magical power below."

Li Lingtian naturally agrees with the Lord’s words. He is not a fool. These basic things can be understood as long as a warrior. Now the higher the cultivation level is, the stronger the powerful person encountered, the greater the importance of the state.

However, as a superpower, the arrogance in my heart is naturally inevitable.

The attack that began to be carried out, if dealt with the true **** strong person, definitely let the true **** strong person suffer, but in front of the **** king, he was deflated.

"Look at this palace."

There was a hint of curiosity in the ethereal voice of the Lord.

Although he knew that Li Lingtian was against the sky, it was impossible to shake the Divine King.

She has seen the battle of Li Lingtian, knowing that Li Lingtian has some magical skills is not easy, she also wants to see, only to see in person to be assured, such a genius, if it went to the Gale Canyon and fell, it is Dongmu Shengjing loss.

"Nine Heavens Tribulation!"

"The gods are dead!"

"The Ultimate Sword Domain!"

"The World of Destruction!"

"Blazing flames!"

"God King Amethyst Ice!"

"Bing Yan Silent Fist!"

Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all, just like dealing with the enemy of life and death, he instantly displayed seven destruction magical powers. These magical powers, although not killer skills, were also terrifying. They were displayed instantly, almost at the same time, for a while. Bombing wildly, any true **** will fall.

For a time, the atmosphere of destruction in the palace was vertical and horizontal.

Li Lingtian is like a launching machine, and the magical powers that destroy the earth and the earth are constantly instantaneous.

The Holy Lord was also shocked by Li Lingtian's instant horror.

These supernatural powers can't affect her, but Li Lingtian's instant supernatural powers, devotion to the sky, are simply horrifying. Such characters are absolutely invincible in the same rank, and all the same ranks will be swept away. This is talent and retrograde. .

She also finally saw the true sky-turning, this is the sky-turning.

However, in the face of Li Lingtian's supernatural power, the Holy Master waved with one hand, and a mysterious force neutralized all supernatural powers.

In front of the Holy Lord, the space within 10 meters of the circle, when it met the magical power, was like a calm lake surface, and a slight ripple was swayed. This ripple easily counteracted all attacks.

"Bing Yan's Nine Heavens, Silence!"

Li Lingtian was shocked like never before.

His magical power is completely useless to the Holy Lord. The magical power attack is like shooting down in the air.

A few magical tricks are on display, useless.

He did not perform supernatural powers other than human beings, because he had no way to use other non-human powers and supernatural powers.

Treasures, supernatural powers, can't shake the Holy Lord.

As soon as Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, the ice system and the fire system were operating, and the ice system and the fire system broke out in the air. Two extreme worlds appeared beside Li Lingtian. After the ice world and the flame world appeared, they merged together.

Inside the palace, there is a breath of destruction, a breath of destruction fused by ice and fire, and the space is shaking.


Holy Lord took a look and was obviously surprised by Li Lingtian's magical power.

Because he was wearing a veil, he could not see the expression of the Lord.

Li Lingtian waved his hands, ice cold light group, God King Amethyst Ice.

A blaze of flames in one hand, burning the flames of the sky.

The two destructive beings merged instantly, and a mysterious breath appeared in the air.

Space, time, is still at this moment, everything is still in the palace.

"The prestige of the prince, the realm of water."

Finally, when Li Lingtian exhibited Ice Flame Nineth Heaven and Eighth Heaven, the Lord Lord sitting on the throne gently stroked his hands, and a mysterious and terrifying coercion appeared, within ten meters around the Lord Lord, The realm of water unfolds.

However, the realm of the Lord’s water has reached its peak, and there is a magical charm in the realm of water. Li Lingtian doesn’t know what it is.

But he understands that the realm of water exhibited by the Lord is ten thousand times stronger than his realm, and the two are not at the same level.



The air will recover after an instant, and all stillness will recover at this moment.

A slight noise appeared, and the prestige of the Divine Lord and the realm of water surged towards Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian took a few steps back under the pressure of the divine prince and the impact of the realm of water.

"Fu Ming Ming Wang Yin."

Li Lingtian didn't hesitate at all. Since the battle, although he is not the opponent of the Lord, he must do his best.

Suddenly, the ruined immortal king Yin Shi exhibited, and a golden mark pilgrim Lord rolled away.

Instant and single-minded use are his talents, and the powerful advantage is naturally to be realized.


The immortal king seal was bombarded in front of the holy lord. The lord still waved his slim jade hands as usual. The immortal king imprint was cancelled, and a powerful power wave broke out in the space.

"Holy Lord, this is the most proud sword formation underneath."

As soon as Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, the Heavenly Sword of Destruction appeared around him. Suddenly, the thirty-six sword of Heavenly Destruction turned around Li Lingtian and merged with Li Lingtian, spinning like a child.


The Holy Lord nodded.

Li Lingtian naturally did not know the surprised look on the Lord's face.

Thirty-six handles destroy the sky sword array, instantly forming thirty-six ruined nine-color sword awns, the sword awns are fused, the entire palace is full of ruined swords and sword shadows.

The sword array is formed instantly.

The palace shook slightly at this moment, as if to destroy it.

At this time, Li Lingtian couldn't take care of this anymore, because since he started, it was impossible to take it back. Besides, isn't it just a palace? The Holy Lord will not anger him because he destroyed a palace.


Space is broken.

Sword formation, landing.

In an instant, the sword array reached its limit, forming a huge sword-man pilgrim bombardment.

Jianmang carries the sword domain, the realm of gold, the supreme divine power of Li Lingtian, and the magic of the battlefield.


"The realm of water."


With a blast of destruction, the sword of the sword array bombarded before the Lord, and the ripples in front of the Lord were destroyed.

There was a shock in the heart of the Lord, and the limits of the realm of water were exhibited, but the realm of water was simultaneously destroyed.

Seeing that the Lord was about to be hit by the sword array, I saw that the Lord’s hands made a mysterious gesture, and the ruined water realm appeared again, but this water realm was obviously different from the beginning, and the specifics were different. Li Lingtian also Unable to speak.

But it was this realm of water that resisted the power of the sword array, and instantly the sword array disappeared.

Li Lingtian felt that a magical power that contained the world and earth came to him. In front of this power, the whole person was completely deprived of the power of attack, and all the power turned into nothingness.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian was blinded by the magical means of the Lord.

"The holy major is thorough, and all methods below cannot shake the holy master."

Li Lingtian was shocked. In addition to the shock, the respectful pilgrimage Lord saluted.

This is the real powerhouse, and his various supernatural powers cannot shake opponents.

The opponent completely let him attack and didn't fight back, but he couldn't shake the opponent's defense. Even if it was a sword formation, the opponent easily resolved.

When encountering such a strong man, if the opponent is an enemy, he will crush and destroy him with just one finger. Where else will he have the opportunity to shoot?

Now, I thoroughly admire this Lord in my heart.

I was even more curious about the extent to which the Lord’s cultivation practice was achieved. The special field of water that the Lord finally developed was amazing.

I controlled the five elements domain, and the sword domain. I was naturally familiar with the domain, but now it seems that I don’t understand the domain at all. If my domain reaches the level of the Holy Lord, the domain alone will spread.

"You are very good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the same stage, you can swipe."

"Look at your defense."

The Holy Lord heard Li Lingtian's words and saw Li Lingtian's shocked expression on his face. He was very satisfied.

But it was also very angry, but did not show it.

A median true **** is able to do this step. It is definitely against the sky in the sky. It is also a super genius in the entire heaven. Listening to Li Lingtian’s words, it means that it is powerful to beat a super **** like her. .

After speaking, with one hand, a powerful field of water appeared in the space.

The realm of water is transformed into a galaxy-like split, instantly penetrating the space and bombarding Li Lingtian.

At the same time, coercion crushed Li Lingtian fiercely. In the face of this coercion and attack, Li Lingtian was as painful as he was to crush and destroy.



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