War God Supreme

Chapter 2051: The importance of the field

The terrible coercion is like a ant facing a dragon. Baidu search to Lili Literature Network WwW.GeiLiwx.COM

It was like rolling down a hundred thousand mountains, crushing him to ashes.

In the face of such coercion, Li Lingtian's supernatural power could not be displayed, and a horrified look appeared on his face.

The Holy Lord gave a random blow, and the terror was so extreme that he had no power to fight back.

The galaxy's general training came to Li Lingtian in an instant.


In front of the endless coercion, Li Lingtian felt the threat of destruction. With a roar, the Five Elements Yuanshen worked, and the terrifying divine power burst out, and the Five Elements field was also exhibited.

The realm of gold!

The realm of ice!

The realm of wood!

The realm of fire!

The realm of soil!

Five fields, forming five elements.

The five-element field unfolded, and suddenly the palace burst into a multicolored light, and the whole palace formed a colorful color, shining brightly.

In Li Lingtian's body, the multicolored light shield unfolded, and the brilliance of the multicolored light shield turned like a streamer, which looked extremely beautiful. Li Lingtian was completely integrated into this world.


A horrible bang, endless coercion, and galaxy-like blasts bombarded Li Lingtian's multicolored light shield.

The whole process is just an instant effort.

Li Lingtian shuddered, feeling that 100,000 mountains had hit his chest.

The whole body was thrown out fiercely, and finally stopped at the gate of the palace.

There was a trace of blood on the corner of the mouth, and the expression on his face was pale.

"What a horrible attack."

Li Lingtian said secretly.

Others don't know, but he knows in his heart that he has just displayed all the five elements and put his defense to the limit, but such a defense is completely vulnerable to the Lord.

If it were not for the Holy Lord to close, the colorful light shield would be broken.

I now understand more clearly that the defense of my true God is even more powerful, but I can't bear the blow in front of the Divine King.

If his defense just faced the other True God Powerhouses, even if the True God Great Consummation Power casts an innate treasure, he will not be able to shake his multicolored light shield.

"Five Elements Field!"

"very good."

Li Lingtian naturally does not know that the shock in the heart of the Holy Lord is no less than him.

Although the Divine Lord's first blow did not use magical powers and treasures, this blow was not something that the true God could withstand. Even the next Divine King would be seriously injured in the face of this blow.

But I did not expect Li Lingtian to control the field of the Five Elements Great Consummation.

The five-element field plus a multicolored light shield resisted her blow. If Li Lingtian was not too low, this blow could not shake Li Ling's talent at all.

She never imagined that Li Lingtian was in full control of the five elements field.

In the realm of the heavens, the true **** has one in 10,000 opportunities to control the field.

Only those who are in the realm of the realm of the realm, who is the pinnacle of the perfection, have the opportunity to enter the realm of the god. This field is one of the key conditions for the true **** to become a god.

However, geniuses with dual realms are rare in the realm of heaven, and there are no five powerful dual field realms in Dongmu Shengjing.

The territorial realm is even more evil, and it is also a first-class super genius in heaven.

As for the realm of the four systems, only a few have appeared in the entire heaven.

In the field of the Five Elements Great Consummation, there has been one in the entire celestial world for hundreds of millions of years.

Moreover, the more control of the field, the more difficult it is to practice, that is, to chew more than to chew.

However, in front of him, Li Lingtian controlled the five elements field.

Five or six hundred years old true **** strong can be comparable to the true **** strong under the next prince, and control the existence of the five elements field. What is this concept?

Other super geniuses were still mixed with pseudo-gods and demigods when they were five or six hundred years old. Even if they reached the true gods, they would not be able to defeat their enemies. However, Li Lingtian did it all, and it did so naturally.

"Please give instructions to the Lord."

Li Lingtian appeared strangely in front of the Throne of the Lord 100 meters, and said to the Lord.

Now that the other party has seen his magical powers and defense, I don't know what to say.

This time, it was a real insight in the palace. I saw the power of the Divine Monarch, and I understood my strength as a strength. I controlled a lot, but the cultivation base was very low, and I couldn't compete with the Divine Monarch.

The water field of the Holy Lord can be destroyed by just one hit, and his field is very different from that of the other party.

"I didn't expect you to complete the Five Elements Consummation and take control of the Five Elements field."

"Your supernatural powers and defense are impeccable."

"But this is only for the true divine realm. In the real divine realm, you can sweep everything, unless you encounter some demon evil powerhouses who are against the sky, these devilish powerhouses, the realm is complete, the magical powers and treasures under control are also top-notch, so you There are not many advantages."

"The key to you is that your cultivation level is too low, the domain control is too low, and you have not practiced the domain."

"If you cultivate to improve, and earnestly practice the field, you will be invincible in the same rank."

The Holy Master praised Li Lingtian and began to evaluate.

The young man in front of him was too much.

It's just that he didn't have control of the real practice, otherwise he would be even more against the sky.

Li Lingtian naturally does not know that the cultivation of the Holy Lord is the realm. He is only the median true god, and the Holy Lord is already the peak of the upper prince, which is only the last step away from the completion of the prince.

"Improve your cultivation base and understand it now."

"But the Lord said that the realm of cultivation can't be understood at the moment, can the realm be cultivated?"

Li Lingtian was stunned for a while, and he didn't immediately understand why he should cultivate in the field.

Besides, he hasn’t been in heaven for so long, and he doesn’t say anything about the field of cultivation.

How can I practice in this field? For the first time I heard that the field can be practiced.

"You don't have a master?"

There was a trace of surprise in the ethereal voice of the Lord.

However, I immediately wanted to come to realize that these things, the true **** realm did not know at all, unless it was a super family or a strong master disciple.

Judging by Li Lingtian's appearance, it should be that he does not know these things in the field of cultivation.

"There is no master below."

Li Lingtian's face was calm, but his heart turned over.

It seems that there are still many secrets that I don’t know, and these things are also related to cultivation.

"The field can be cultivated."

"In Heaven, the field is divided into ten levels."

"Field one to field nine, and finally the field is perfect."

"The domain is as important as cultivation, and the more important it is to the divine prince."

"It can be said that the realm can replace some treasures and supernatural powers. The powerful realm makes you unimaginable."

In the heart of the Holy Lord, the rivers and rivers were turned over, and he didn't expect that the evil demon in front of him had no guidance and teaching from the master, and he was already so terrible.

Dongmu Shengjing has such an evil demon, and in the future Dongmu Shengjing has hope.

Immediately, the things in the field are slowly spoken out, and the voice is also ethereal, but there is no more powerful majesty in this ethereal voice, but it gives people a calm state of mind.

"I don't know how to practice in the field."

"Can the Lord see the extent to which he has reached the next realm?"

"Also, the domain of the Lord should be high."

Listening to the words of the Holy Lord, Ruo opened a door to Xintiandi for Li Lingtian, allowing him to see another world, a world that he was completely unclear about.

I have been in the heavens for so long, but I haven't got the practice of the field.

It seems that I still don't know many things.

"Your field is now double."

"The field of duality, the field of five elements cannot be brought into full play. Even so, if you use the field of five elements together, it is equivalent to the power of the field of triplet."

"If you thoroughly control the domain and understand the use of the domain, your domain is even more terrifying."

"The present field of the palace has reached eightfold."

"The realm is also a kind of Tao, and the Daoist Master is a natural strong in the realm."

"The realm, said to be cultivation, is actually to realize the realm. Realizing the realm makes the realm stronger and more perfect."

"The field, to a certain extent, he can replace the magical power, because there is a trace of the realm in the peerless magical power, and the realm is also the ultimate variation of the magical power, the origin of heaven and earth."

"You are very low-cultivating now, you need to improve your cultivation, choose your own direction, these things depend on your chances."

"If you can get out of the gale canyon, this palace gives a chance, go."

The Lord spoke lightly.

After talking, Li Lingtian left.

"Thank you Lord for mentioning."

Li Lingtian felt like a heavy blow in his heart, and the whole person was hit hard by the things in the field for a while.

Now, he turned over the river and the sea, and the respectful pilgrim master made a salute and then withdrew from the palace.

Between the flashing figure, he has returned to the Qingbo Hall.

"It's really against the sky."

"This palace can only tell you this."

"When you reach the Divine King, this palace will give you a great opportunity."

Watching Li Lingtian leave, after a long time, the ethereal voice of the Holy Lord sounded.

When the sound fell, the Holy Lord above the throne had disappeared, there was no slight fluctuation of the space, no slight sign.

"Field, field."

"After reaching the true God, the importance of the domain is the same as cultivation for the realm."

"I didn't know these things before. Although my field is strong, I haven't deliberately practiced it. If I can improve the field~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then my strength will skyrocket."

After returning from the temple, Li Lingtian has been resting in the pavilion of Qingyuezong of Qingbo Temple.

When he came back, he told Xiao Mengxuan that he would retreat for a few days.

Xiao Mengxuan did not dare to disturb Li Lingtian, but he practiced on the side.

The Lord’s words gave him a new understanding of cultivation and strength.

I used to only know that cultivation is the realm and magic power and powerful treasures are important, but now I know the importance of the realm. If the real **** is strong, without the realm, you can't enter the realm of the divine king.

The realm is one of the key conditions for the true **** to become a god.

Similarly, the power of the field is also an important part of the strength of the strong.

The realm is the same as cultivation for the realm. The higher the realm, the more important the realm of the realm. This time, if the Holy Lord mentioned him, he wouldn't even know it. Happy reading every day

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