War God Supreme

Chapter 2052: Go to Gale Canyon

"There is no cultivation method in the field. Baidu search to Liwen Literature WwW.GeiLiwx.COM"

"Only by one's own understanding and perception."

Although he has five elements of consummation and five fields, he has not deliberately realized and understood, that is to say, he has qualifications and capital but has not explored and cultivated.

It is like a demon against the sky, with a talent like devil, but did not seriously cultivate.

In this case, even the best talents and talents are useless.

With qualifications and talents, coupled with hard work and opportunity, you can become a strong man.

It can be said that the realm is the gift and opportunity given by God. Whether it can be controlled and powerful depends on one's fortune.

Li Lingtian has a sword domain and a five-element domain. It can be said that he is uniquely gifted, but now he has not found a way to cultivate and improve, and he doesn’t even know that this natural talent can be improved.

"The Daoist Master is a strong man in the field of natural cultivation." The words of the Lord, the memory in his mind is still fresh.

There is no special practice in the field of practice, and there is no special method in the field of cultivation. You can only look at the talents to appreciate and comprehend, but the Daoist Master is a strong man in the field of natural cultivation.

This sentence obviously means that the Daoist Daoist's Daoist perception is similar to the realm. Even if it is not the same, there may be the same method of promotion.

"I have a good understanding for a few days."

Li Lingtian said to himself, his talent is good, others can be strong in the field, and he can do the same.

Thinking of the horrible realm of the Holy Lord, Li Lingtian was very excited. If he had such a powerful realm as the Holy Lord, the five-element field reached the eighth level, and then the realm could sweep the same level.

There are ten major areas, ranging from one to nine, followed by the completeness of the domain.

Li Lingtian was very excited if he could improve the five elements field.

In the following days, Li Lingtian felt the misty thing for the first time.

With the guidance of the Holy Lord, the general direction is known. Although the Holy Lord said that the Daoist Master is a strong man in the field of cultivation, he did not know that Li Lingtian was an unparalleled Daoist Master.

The most proud of Li Lingtian is the Dan Dao array and martial arts. In the vast star palace, the starry sky is incomparable, and the perception of the starry sky has made the array to a terrifying level.

There are Heaven and Dao and Heavenly Roulette. He is above the line, and he has never encountered an enemy.

With such a powerful lineup, you naturally rely on the lineup and the field.

Time lapsed quickly, and within half a month.

Other strong men are preparing to enter the gale gorge, such as preparing some immortality medicine, some amulet, and some items used for adventure, but Li Lingtian sat for half a month.

However, this half a month has completely changed him.

In other words, his strength and direction have a turning point in fate.

Because, he discovered that the sky and the Tao, or the line is similar to the field.

In other words, as long as you are in control of the heavens and the Dao and the battlefield, the more powerful you are, the faster you can advance the field. Although you have not determined it yet, you have discovered a trace of enlightenment.

The main time now is too short. If he is given decades, hundreds of years or more, he will be able to find the right direction.

In just half a month, I probably understood that the battle line and the sky and the track are related to the field. It is enough to have these, because at least I can get a trace of this vague perception, which is more than a few hundred. Years can't find a trace so many times.

Often, most of the strong men do not know how to go further and further on a wrong path, so there is never a solution, because they diverge from each other and deviate from the right path.

"After this matter is resolved, I must be closed for a while."

Li Lingtian opened his eyes, stood up, and said to himself.

The face is full of excitement.

Others have been unable to find a trace of direction for hundreds of years or even thousands of lives, and they have found a trace of traces in just half a month. If they are known by other powerful people, they will not be spitting blood.

After coming to heaven, this time is the happiest.

Because I found my own direction and found a Tongtian Avenue.

At the same time, I feel lucky that if I did not encounter the Holy Lord and did not get these things in the realm, then even if I reached the Divine King, I would not want to defeat the Reincarnation of the Heavenless Lord.

Naturally, he would not be so stupid to think that the Celestial Master would not be a realm.

There is no such thing as a non-celestial lord, which is not an anti-celestial in the anti-celestial, and the field is needless to say.

The same realm, the same treasure, the same talent strength, but one field one heavy and one field two major battle, the field two chances of victory definitely exceed the field one strong.

It can be said that the field is to increase the strength of the strong.

"It's time to leave."

Li Lingtian left the room and saw Xiao Mengxuan still practicing.

I have a plan in my heart. I can't take Xiao Mengxuan with me during this time to go to Gale Canyon. Xiao Mengxuan must stay in the Holy City.

If Xiao Mengxuan went back alone, he would not be relieved.

"Your son, you are out of customs."

Xiao Mengxuan saw Li Lingtian coming out, quickly received the merits, stood up and saluted Li Lingtian Yingying.


"This seat is going to Gale Gorge, which is a nine-death life."

"You will stay in the holy city of Dongmu and wait for this seat to come back."

Li Lingtian nodded his head and then asked Xiao Mengxuan.

Let Xiao Mengxuan stay in Dongmu Shengcheng, and no one will mess up in Dongmu Shengcheng.

Besides, no one knows that Xiao Mengxuan is the person with Li Lingtian. Even if someone provokes Xiao Mengxuan, with the reputation of Qingyuezong Li Lingtian, he still has to measure whether he has that strength.

"Xuan Xuan knows."

Xiao Mengxuan nodded cleverly, and the strong men who entered the gale gorge were all the most powerful true gods in a holy realm. Even if they were like this, they would be dead for a lifetime after they entered. Although Li Lingtian was strong, there was not much chance to come out.

Moreover, entering the Gale Canyon, there is only one place.

On Xiao Mengxuan, there is also a spiritual crystal card with a million superb spirit stones in it. For a Wudi monk, even ten thousand years is enough.

After explaining everything, Li Lingtian walked towards the temple.


"Everyone is here."

"Everyone keeps their own tokens, which are necessary to enter the gale gorge."

"This time, a total of eighteen holy sites entered the gale gorge together. The power of Dongmu holy site cannot be compared with other holy sites, so you must unite."


In front of the temple, a middle-aged man in black glanced at all the real gods.

Seeing that all the people were there, he said loudly.

He is the twelve holy guards of the temple, Pingdong Lake, the **** strong, and this time the leader of Dongmu Shengjing.

After Pingdonghu finished speaking, with one wave, a halo appeared. Suddenly, a teleportation array appeared in the center of the small square in front of the palace, and the teleportation array was turned on.

Immediately, everyone flew into the teleportation array.

Instant transmission, everyone appeared in twos and threes in a wilderness. From a distance, it was the main gate of Dongmu Shengcheng beyond a hundred miles.

A huge spaceship appeared in the air.

The body of Pingdong Lake flashed, and when it appeared again, it was already on the spaceship.

Two hundred true **** strongmen from other Dongmu Shengjing also followed.

"There are 80 million miles from Dongmu Shengcheng to Gale Canyon, and it reaches Gale Canyon three days later."

"You have three days of rest. When you arrive in the Gale Canyon, there is no such a good opportunity to rest. The Gale Canyon opens and closes after three years. No matter what, you must find an exit within three years, or you will fall forever. inside."

Pingdong Lake glanced at the two hundred strong gods and said lightly.

Dongmu Shengcheng is close to Nanmei Shengjing and only 80 million miles from Gale Canyon.

The fastest spacecraft in the sky is the most common flying tool, one million miles per hour. In this way, the continuous flight from here to the Gale Canyon takes three days.

In the celestial realm, there are flying warships specially created by the array division and forging division.

Flying warships, the lowest-level flying warships are God-class, God-class flying warships are divided into inferior god-class flying warships, medium-grade flying warships, top-grade flying warships, and superb flying warships.

God level, ancient level, congenital level, treasure level, etc., each level is divided into four levels.

The power of flying warships is against the sky, and the price is extremely expensive. It is hundreds of times or even thousands of times more expensive than treasures of the same rank.

A piece of inferior magic is as long as a hundred pieces of superb spirit stone, a submarine god-class flying battleship requires hundreds of thousands of superb spirit stone, or even more expensive, the better the price of the flying warship.

The general strongman, even if he can't afford it, can be said to have a price but no market.

Flying warships symbolize strength and identity.

The better the flying warship, the faster the flight speed, the higher the defense, and the more terrifying the attack. This is also the key to the high price.

General spaceships are basically undefended, let alone attacked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In Dongmu Shengjing, there are no more than five powerful and powerful flying warships.

After Li Lingtian came to the Celestial Realm, he also learned some, but he didn’t have time to build a flying warship. The Heavenly Emperor’s chariot is also a kind of flying warship. According to the Heavenly Celestial Level, it is also a mid-class God-class flying warship, but the Heavenly Emperor. The chariot has no attack, only defense.

Hearing the words of Pingdong Lake, all the strongmen entered the spaceship and casually found a room to stay.

These strong men are all the existence of the True God Consummation. They are definitely the most powerful existence in Dongmu Shengjing, but they are excited and scared when they think of entering the gale gorge.

After all, it is a nine-death life into the inside, but there are many treasures in the gale canyon, and there are countless chances. Maybe you will get magical treasures and powerful chances inside.

Li Lingtian and others learned about the location and coordinates of the Gale Canyon in the jade jade, and knew that the task of entering this time was to find some precious medicinal materials and materials that could be used to refine the elixir and the elixir. Happy reading every day

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