War God Supreme

Chapter 2056: The 3 big water unicorn...


"That's good. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)"

"You suppress your state."

Li Lingtian was excited when Shui Qilin was about to come out to help him find treasures.

Some super-beasts, natural treasures have a strong sense of smell, and can sense the presence of some geniuses and treasures from a long distance, even if they are hidden in the mud under hundreds of miles.

Or some sealed treasures can also be sensed by their natural talents.

He didn't expect Shui Qilin to have such a skill, but he immediately thought that Shui Qilin was a mythical creature that appeared in the primitive period. It is not surprising that he has these talents.

With this water unicorn to help find treasures, it is naturally better.

The medicinal materials and materials found in the future can be used to refine the elixir and build warships.

However, this place is full of superpowers of the True God, who can cope with some powerful True Gods, even if they cannot overcome them, they can escape safely.

And the power of water unicorn is powerful and unmatched. Even if the original heart has not been merged before, it is not able to contend with the completeness of the true god. Now it is even reaching the lower ancient **** beast, even if the upper **** meets it, he dare not easily do it.

"Okay, promise not to scare these little guys."

"Until you are not in danger of life, the deity will not deal with these little guys."

Shui Qilin's voice reached Li Lingtian's sea of ​​knowledge.

At the same time, Li Lingtian also opened the Dragon Ring and released the water unicorn.

After the water unicorn came out, the cultivation of the realm was just the general lower ancient **** beast. The lower ancient ancient beast was just the cultivation of the lower true god. Such strength has no threat to the great consummation of the true god.

It is normal for a true **** to possess a **** beast.

In Celestial Realm, basically every strong man has a demon beast to be a partner or a mount. Only some weak monks do not have such treatment.

But generally speaking, the strong still rarely let their monsters and beasts fight, just used as a mount, to give yourself a little identity, a powerful mount, a symbol of identity and power.

Heaven is a glorious world, with powerful strength, powerful forces, and powerful net worth. These are all glory.

"That's good."

"The general True God Dzogchen is in front of me, it's all a decoration."

"Your cultivation practice must keep up with my rhythm. You only need to take action when it's critical."

Li Lingtian looked at the water unicorn with satisfaction, tall and mighty but lovely, because unicorn itself is a gentle beast.

The whole body is blue and water, and there are four small tentacles on the edge of the unicorn, but Li Lingtian knows that these four small tentacles are inconspicuous, but they are tentacles that ruin the world.

After the water unicorn was suppressed and repaired, it is now only ten meters long and three meters high.

If it becomes larger, it will be a hundred miles high, thousands of miles in radius, and any coercion will crush human beings of the same rank.

"I didn't expect you to be a front and a genius of Dan Dao."

"The good things are taken by you alone, and I really doubt if the sky is partial to you."

Shui Qilin moved his body for a while and spoke out.

During this time, it was all cultivated in the Dragon Ring and adapted to the original heart. Although the original heart was originally its, it was still not used to it after hundreds of millions of years of separation.

As for its cultivation behavior, there is no hurry at all.

As long as there is the assistance of genius Dibao, cultivation will be quick.

"Partial to me?"

"I have encountered any bad things."

"Oh, how far can you sense the area?"

Li Lingtian shook his head. Although he was talented, some bad things were encountered by himself.

However, when there is a bad thing, there is a good thing.

"Taking the deity as the center, treasures within tens of thousands of miles, I can feel them."

"That is, miles in front, miles behind, miles on the left, miles on the right, miles above, but the underground can only sense the appearance of thousands of miles, even if the treasure inside is forbidden and sealed, it can't hide the sense of the deity, this is the talent of the Kirin family ."

"In the Kirin family, only one Kirin can have such a talent in every era."

"The three talents of the deity are treasure hunting, water system control, and space control."

"During the period of the deity, the deity was the only one who controlled three kinds of talents. Otherwise, Wu Tian's mixed hair would not take away my original heart."

Shui Qilin said with a proud voice.

With its talent, it is definitely a peerless genius in the Kirin family, just like the first genius in human beings in hundreds of millions of years, except that this genius was taken away from the original heart shortly after it was born.

"Exactly, two of your three talents match me well."

"You can hunt for treasure, I can make alchemy, build flying warships and arrange formations."

"Your space is in control and cooperates with my space supernatural power. During the war, it is absolutely seamless."

Li Lingtian is very happy. His five elements are fully consummated, the sky and the sky, and the starry sky are above the sky. These are all against the sky. If there is control of the water unicorn space, plus his own space control, it is absolutely a perfect match.

I am a dragon family and a family of gods and phoenixes. They are all natural space control powerhouses, and a water unicorn is even more powerful.

"The deity is still very weak. When the deity reaches the median ancient beast, I will give you three drops of unicorn **** blood. Even if I fall, I will be able to practice and resurrect."

"This is the secret of my unicorn family. In the three thousand worlds, only two kinds of **** beasts and two fierce beasts have this ability. Similarly, not all of the same kind in the same kind have such skills."

Shui Qilin looked at Li Lingtian seriously. He knew that Li Lingtian had five elemental primitive gods, and destroying one of the primitive gods would not fall, as long as there was one primitive **** left, it would not fall.

But it only has a primitive heart, if it falls, it will really fall.

However, it has three drops of unicorn **** blood, and as long as the deity falls, three drops of unicorn **** blood will automatically resurrect.

This is not much different from the doppelganger, and even more so.

"it is good."

"let's begin."

Li Lingtian nodded, this water unicorn's antagonism was terrifying.

When the two anti-tian existences meet together, they cannot be described as anti-tian.

Immediately, Li Lingtian's body flashed, and he sat on the back of Shui Qilin, swiping with one hand, everything disappeared in front of him, Shui Qilin waved his four hooves, and turned into a clear water and light disappeared in the sky.

On the back of Shui Qilin, Li Lingtian sat lazily and looked around.

As for the treasure hunt, the water unicorn is completely handed over. As long as the water unicorn finds the treasure, he will just take it away.


"Here, there is a million-year-old snow cloud fruit tree with seventeen ripe fruits on it."

"Three thousand miles away, there is a breath of Gengjin."

"A hundred miles to the left, are there empty stones."

"Yes, there is an archaic crystal at a position 80 miles underground. Hey! There is a burning **** stone at a distance of 100 miles from the archaic crystal."

"Hurry up, there is still ahead."


The light and shadow of the water unicorn flew against the ground, and the sound of the water unicorn was heard from time to time. According to the water unicorn's prompt, Li Lingtian flashed his body and collected a variety of magical materials and genius treasures.

Where the water unicorn passed, it swept 20,000 miles to the left and right, more than 10,000 miles up and down, almost a carpet search.

If a person is looking for treasures, compared with the water unicorn, there is a difference of tens of thousands of miles.

Moreover, the water unicorn can also find some underground treasures, and can also sense the treasures with prohibited seals.

Inside Li Lingtian's Dragon Ring, the medicine garden is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more materials.

Even some ancient artifacts, innate artifacts can be encountered, and the storage bags left by the former strongmen are all collected by Li Lingtian.

For three days, Li Lingtian let the water unicorn fly in one direction.

Although a treasure will change direction on the way, it will not deviate from the general direction.

Because, according to the description in the jade jade, he had to go to the nearest dangerous place, which is a place with powerful treasures, but no one got it.

I have these location hints in the jade jade, and there must be other jade jade. The symbols of other holy realm strongmen are definitely indispensable, so he has to go to the nearest position.




At this moment, there was a powerful explosion in front of him.

Don't think about it, this loud noise is the sound of the powerful war, and the sound spread to thousands of miles away.

Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, and the consciousness glanced out like a detector, instantly spreading the consciousness to thousands of miles away, and things beyond the tens of thousands of miles to the sea of ​​knowledge.

Everything is very clear. With his consciousness, everything within tens of thousands of miles can be seen clearly like eyes. If it is more than 10,000 miles, only a rough sense can be sensed. The strength of consciousness has reached 50,000 miles. Seeing all things about 10,000 miles like the eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing the war situation in the distance, Li Lingtian Zou Mei Zou Mei.

Because the strong man in front is from Dongmu Shengjing, Qingyuan.

I saw that Qingyuan was fighting with an ancient mythical beast. The top-level ancient mythical beast was extremely terrifying. Qingyuan was the perfection of the true god. The realm was the same as that ancient mythical beast, but it had been crushed by that ancient mythical beast.

If other Dongmu Shengjing Powerful, he may be able to help one or two.

But Qingyuan gave him a bad impression, and since he defeated him last time in the True God War, Qingyuan has always regarded him as an enemy. Li Gaotian, who is so arrogant and does not admit defeat, has not looked at him.

When I came to the world inside the Gale Canyon, I was supposed to be united, but now I am encountering Qingyuan. It is not that I walked away, nor is it helpful to step forward. It was a little embarrassing for a while.

"Look at it first."

Li Lingtian said softly, Shui Qilin also stopped and breathed back, trying not to let other powerful people discover.

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