War God Supreme

Chapter 2057: Ashen Beast


"The legendary Xuyun is really powerful."

Qingyuan looked at this powerful beast that was 100 meters in size. The look on his face was shocked, and there was excitement in his eyes.

Xuyun is a powerful ancient mythical beast with pure blood, which is countless times stronger than ordinary ancient mythical beasts.

Monster beasts, fairy beasts, fierce beasts, just like humans.

Humans have geniuses, and monsters also have geniuses. Human genius refers to cultivation speed and talent.

Geniuses of monsters and beasts refer to bloodlines and talents.

Some geniuses of mankind can leapfrog the war, the lower real gods fight the upper real gods, and even the real gods are great.

The genius of the monster beast, pure blood and powerful talent, can also fight against the next **** beast.

There are countless geniuses in humans, but there are very few pure bloodlines among monsters.

If you want to encounter an ancient beast of pure descent, you have just hit a million years of luck.

It can be said that among the one million gods and beasts, there may be a **** of pure descent. As for the monsters and beasts under the gods, there is basically no pure blood.

Qingyuan did not expect that he had encountered such a powerful beast in this place. If he could surrender this beast, it would be of great help to himself, and his strength would be greatly improved.

However, in the face of the ancient beast with a powerful head, he was completely suppressed by being completely passive.

If you go on like this, let alone surrender to this mythical beast, it is difficult to escape.



The huge body of Xuyun Mythical Beast, the forefoot stepped down, the whole earth was cracked, the power of destruction made the space within a thousand miles follow the destruction, and, Xuyun Mythical Beast was good at soil attack and defense.

For a time, Qingyuan was crushed by the beast of Yunyun, and he saw blood on the corner of his mouth, and his face was pale.

"Shenlong fist, eighth heavy."

With a loud roar and a wave of both hands, the whole body burst into a powerful and terrifying divine power.

On both hands, the innate Zhi Bao Jinlie has been exhibited.

The golden light of destruction makes the space tremble and shatter, and the innate treasure is the golden treasure. It is a super treasure of blessing power and can explode the power of Shenlong fist ten times.


The ruined fist is like a golden dragon, and Kung Fu is instantaneous. The fist breaks the space and bombards the Yunyun beast fiercely.

The popping sound appeared, and the destroyed attack of Xuyun Mythical Beast threw the kilometer directly.

However, the defensive rebounding power of Xuyun Mythical Beast threw Qingyuan away, one person and one animal on the ground at the same time, and the island sank.


Xuyun Beast was wounded by Qingyuan's attack and roared, and his huge body was crushed towards Qingyuan.

The gods and beasts above, let a humble human be wounded, where can there be no anger.


"Boom, boom!"

There was a loud bang, the roar of Xuyun Mythical Beast continued, and the whole person of Qingyuan was bombarded like a sandbag. There was no chance to escape. Now, it is too late to regret.

If you start to see this Yunyun Beast, if you are not greedy, you may run away, and now you have no chance to run away.

He is not wrong, after all, it is the first genius of Dongmu Shengjing (before Li Lingtian appeared), the most powerful existence in the True God Great Consummation, it is reasonable to want to conquer this Xuyun mythical beast, but did not think of this Yunyun The beast is more terrifying and powerful than the legend.



The light of the Qingyuan divine body is getting weaker and weaker, and blood is spurting continuously.

In this way, the divine body will be completely destroyed, and then only the Yuanshen will run away, maybe even the Yuanshen will be destroyed here.


The roar of Xuyun's beast sounded again, and the huge forefoot stepped towards Qingyuan on the ground with the power of destruction. Qingyuan was now weak and was seriously injured on the ground. It was too late to dodge.

Watching the huge forefoot stepped down, if he was stepped on, even if the true **** was complete, the **** body was destroyed, the Yuanshen collapsed, and the whole person fell here completely.

At this time, a powerful coercion appeared in the air.

The coercion is more terrifying than the Xuyun Mythical Beast. At the same time that the coercion appeared, a terrifying attack came from far and near.

In Qingyuan's eyes, there was only a piece of golden light. The world was all golden light. The whole person had no power to move in front of this golden light. It was difficult for him to move his fingers.

The golden light disappeared in a flash, and the destructive power in the air disappeared.

Then, the Yunyun Beast roared and hit the other island fiercely. The island that was hundreds of miles in size was almost sinking.

Seeing that the Xuyun Beast to be destroyed was gone, Qingyuan was relieved, not knowing what had just happened.

As soon as the seriously wounded body flashed, he quickly stepped back a few miles and was suspended in the air.

When floating in the air, I realized what was happening in front of my eyes.

The powerful Asun Cloud Beast was bombarded and flew to another island, and the Aso Cloud Beast kept roaring, but did not rush over.

"It's you."

"Thank you."

Qingyuan looked into the air, his face constantly changing.

He did not expect that at the critical moment, Li Lingtian rescued him. If Li Lingtian repulsed the Yunyun Divine Beast, he would be destroyed under the feet of the Xuyun Divine Beast.

Shocked in his heart, he knew the mythical beast under Li Ling's constellation, Qilin.

At the same time, I was a little dissatisfied in my heart. I almost fell under the hooves of the Yunyun Divine Beast, and Li Lingtian easily repelled the Yunyun Divine Beast.

"Xuyun Mythical Beast is of pure blood."

"Compared to the common beasts of the same rank, they are countless times more powerful."

"One hundred million spirit stones, this Xuyun beast is sold to you."

With a smile on his face, Li Lingtian looked at the Yunyun Beast hundreds of miles away. If there was no water unicorn, he really wanted to conquer this Yunyun Beast, but if he had a water unicorn, he would not use it.

Regardless of strength and pedigree, Xuyun Divine Beast differs from Shui Qilin by several grades.

Although he didn't want this Xuyun Divine Beast, Qingyuan needed it. If Qingyuan took out 100 million Spirit Stones, he could defeat this Xuyun Divine Beast and give it to Qingyuan.

One hundred million spirit stones may not be able to be taken out for a powerful sect, but Qingyuan is a super strong, and one hundred million spirit stones may be taken out.

"100 million spirit stones?"

"What a joke?"

"Furthermore, this Xuyun Beast was originally discovered by me. Do you still want to grab it?"

Qingyuan didn't expect Li Lingtian to say such a thing. The entire popularity was going crazy. For him, a hundred million spirit stones were absolutely astronomical figures for him. Moreover, this Xuyun mythical beast was discovered by him. He almost fell, but now Li Lingtian said that selling 100 million spirit stones to him is equivalent to selling him something from Qingyuan to Qingyuan.

"A lot of 100 million spirit stones?"

"Since I don't want this Ashen Cloud Beast, this seat is gone."

"This seat is too lazy to take care of your business."

Li Lingtian glanced at Qingyuan disdainfully. Qingyuan hadn't figured it out. If Li Lingtian didn't shoot to save him, he had already fallen. Moreover, if Li Lingtian didn't shoot to defeat this Yunyun beast, Qingyuan couldn't beat the Xuyun beast at all. Not only can you escape.

After talking, Shui Qilin flew away quickly.

"Wait a minute."

When Shui Qilin took Li Lingtian a hundred miles away, Qingyuan reacted and yelled out loud.

He naturally reacted now, this Xuyun beast is simply not something he can deal with.

Also understand the meaning of Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian asked him to take out 100 million yuan, and then help him to conquer the Yunyun beast, otherwise, with his current strength and situation in Qingyuan, he can only quickly escape.

What's more, Xu Yun's Beast has roared and flew over. Even if he flees, there are not many opportunities.

Li Lingtian did not stop, but only made Shui Qilin slow down a little bit. In fact, when Shui Qilin left in flight, the speed has been deliberately slowed down. He has been with Li Lingtian for a long time, and Li Lingtian’s Yuanshen and it’s The original heart is compatible, Li Lingtian's idea is naturally clear, knowing that Li Lingtian does not really want to leave.

Slowing down, Qingyuan fleeing desperately, the Beast Cloud Beast behind him constantly chasing across large and small islands, if Li Lingtian kept stopping to shoot, he would fall in front of Beast Cloud Beast.

Although the order of the temple was to unite them, it did not say that they must be rescued by their companions. Moreover, there are rules in the heavens, and humans cannot fight. In the city, there is no one in trouble, but they leave the city and enter some dangerous places. , The rules of heaven can't be controlled.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​can you surrender this Yunyun Beast?"

"One hundred million spirit stones can't be taken out underneath, let alone under, even some gods and powerful people are not hard to come by. Besides, there is no one hundred million spirit stones on the average person."

"If you, Ling Tian, ​​can help you to serve this Yunyun beast, you can give you 60 million spirit stones, as well as 40 million spirit stones materials and treasures."

In the air, the water unicorn moves with four hooves, flying fast.

However, at a distance of ten miles behind the water unicorn, Qingyuan was desperately flying, Xuyun Beast was chasing after him, and from time to time issued a powerful attack, Qingyuan's divine body became weaker and weaker.

While escaping, he was talking with Li Lingtian.

He really can't bring out a hundred million spirit stones~www.wuxiaspot.com~ To say that all the net worth can really be taken out, but these are his treasures and fixed assets, not cash.

It is impossible for ordinary strong men to take out so many spirit stones at once, even if there are spirit stones in the spirit crystal card, besides, most of the strong people are to replace the spirit stones with treasures and items to be used.

Feeling more and more weak, if Li Lingtian does not help him, he can only fall here.

He doesn't blame Li Lingtian. If other strong men don't take advantage of the fire to kill him, that's a strange thing.

"Okay, this seat will help you surrender."

Li Lingtian smiled with satisfaction on hearing Qingyuan's words.

It's not bad to be able to make 100 million yuan like this.

One hundred million spirit stones is equivalent to several good treasures.

The water unicorn sensed Li Lingtian’s idea, the fast flying body stopped, and suddenly stopped without any inertial force. This is the talent of water unicorn space control. Even if the flight is fast, it can stop instantly without inertia. force.

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