War God Supreme

Chapter 2058: 3 Realm Order


"God King Amethyst Ice, Frozen Miles. Net"

The water unicorn stopped suddenly, Li Lingtian waved with one hand, and suddenly a ruined ice cold light group bombarded the Xuyun mythical beast, and a glacier formed between heaven and earth.

Within a thousand miles, all turned into glaciers. Qingyuan, who fled, did not expect Li Lingtian to shoot, and the whole person was frozen.

The huge Ashen Cloud Beast was also frozen.

"Blazing flames."

When Li Lingtian was frozen for thousands of miles, the flames of the Great Burning Heaven had been exhibited. The flames that burned the heaven and earth went straight to the Yunyun Beast, and a hundred-meter-sized channel appeared on the ice. At the same time, the power of the God King Amethyst Ice and the Great Burning Flames At the time of powerful fusion, a strange force of destruction was formed.



The ice was destroyed and the flames disappeared.

However, the powerful Asun Cloud Beast was thrown out fiercely, thrown for hundreds of miles and finally fell on the island. The island was directly smashed and sinking.

"Bing Yan's Silent Fist."

"The gods are dead."

"Nine Heavens Tribulation."

"The Ultimate Sword Domain."

"Fu Ming Ming Wang Yin."

Just when Xuyun Beast fell on the island, Li Lingtian and Shui Qilin had disappeared.

When it reappeared, Li Lingtian and Shui Qilin had appeared in front of Xuyun Mythical Beast, and Li Lingtian's destruction supernatural power was continuously crushed and displayed.

Several powerful and destructive magical powers are completely instantaneous and can be said to be exhibited at the same time.

This speed is many times stronger than a single attack, because the attack power is superimposed, and five kinds of supernatural powers land at the same time, which is equivalent to a hundred times or even a thousand times the power. This is the speed.

Besides, the power of instant magic power makes several magic powers land at the same time, and the power superimposes, giving the opponent no chance to resist at all, and the **** body to bear the attack without slack. How terrifying this attack is, only the bearer knows.

Li Lingtian had a water unicorn as a mount, and the water unicorn communicated with his soul. Li Lingtian didn't need to fly at all, as long as he used supernatural powers. When flying and dodge, it was water unicorn.

Moreover, the water unicorn has the talent to control the space, and Li Lingtian also has the talent and the supernatural power to control the space. The space talent plus the space talent and the space supernatural power can't describe its horror.


Xuyun's beast has been fooled by Li Lingtian's supernatural powers.

Moreover, the water unicorn exudes a breath of ancient mythical beasts, a strong and pure blood line, the domineering power of the superior mythical beast king, so that the great strength of the Yunyun mythical beast can only play three or four points, and the Yunyun mythical beast is passive from beginning to end. Beaten, there is no chance to resist.

When Li Lingtian's immovable Ming Wang Yin was on display, Xuyun Mythical Beast was directly slammed into the island. With a light drink, the body of the water unicorn suddenly became hundreds of meters in size, and he stepped on it fiercely. Go on.

Xuyun beast fainted directly.

Li Lingtian's cultivation of the true god, his strength surpassed that of the true god.

With the pressure of the water unicorn, the heart of the Yunyun Beast trembles, Li Lingtian took the lead as soon as he came, and naturally he could easily suppress the Yunyun Beast. Besides, the cultivation of the Yunyun Beast was not much higher than that of Li Lingtian. Instead, the advantages become disadvantages.

From Li Lingtian's hands-on to Li Lingtian's defeat of Xuyun God Beast, it took less than ten seconds.

Qingyuan was on one side, his face shocked, and he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

The last time Li Lingtian defeated him, he thought that Li Lingtian was a fluke. Now it seems that Li Lingtian did not exert his full strength at that time. If instant magical powers like this are present, five or six magical powers will be exhibited at the same time, even if he is in the prosperous period of Qingyuan.

He could only escape in front of Xuyun Divine Beast, and Xuyun Divine Beast was defeated by Limeng in front of Li Lingtian.


Qingyuan flashed his figure and came not far from Li Lingtian.

He looked at Xuyun Mythical Beast, and was even more shocked in his heart. He didn't expect a powerful ancient Mythical Beast to be stunned by Li Lingtian.

"Do it yourself."

Li Lingtian glanced towards Qingyuan and said lightly.

Now the Yunyun Beast is in a coma, just giving Qingyuan the opportunity to cast his secret technique. If he misses the opportunity, it would be difficult to conquer the Yunyun Beast.

Qingyuan nodded, puzzled.

Obviously this Xuyun beast is far more than 100 million. Other powerful people would rather choose this beast as a mount rather than billions of billions, but Li Lingtian does not care.

You know, it is not difficult to defeat and kill a beast, but it is difficult to conquer a beast. The more you cherish the powerful beast, the harder it is to conquer.

However, at this time, Qingyuan did not hesitate at all.

As soon as the figure flashed, he came to the mysterious beast of Xuyun, and then a mysterious mystery was cast. A drop of essence blood was sacrificed, and the contract was quickly displayed. After five minutes, Qingyuan ended the contract.

Qingyuan didn't feel relieved until this secret technique was performed, and his heart was full of excitement and excitement.

It is better to get such a beast than to get a bodyguard of a divine and powerful man.

This is a mythical beast that cannot be exchanged for treasures and spirit stones, an ancient mythical beast of pure blood.

And the mythical beast will become stronger and stronger, which is equivalent to finding a super fighting partner for yourself.

However, the average person cannot surrender to the mythical beast. The mythical beast with a low surrender is of little use to you. I want a powerful mythical beast, but there is no way to defeat it. Even if it is defeated, it is impossible to surrender.

This time, he did not expect to get a super ancient beast.

"Lord Tian Tian, ​​this is 60 million spirit stones."

"These treasures can be worth 40 million no matter where they are sold."

After Qingyuan conquered the Yunyun Beast, the Xuyun Beast also woke up, and the Xuyun Beast was obedient to the Qingyuan suit. At this time, Qingyuan was assured that the surrender was successful.

Immediately, he handed the 60 million spirit stones in his space ring to Li Lingtian, and handed several treasures to Li Lingtian, with a distressed look on his face.

These, but all of his net worth, except for some immortals and treasures used by him, there are no other precious items, but I thought I got a Xuyun beast worth hundreds of millions or even billions. Not much at all.

"Be careful, hang inside carefully."

Li Lingtian collected the spirit stones and treasures and said a few words indifferently.

Then he drove the water unicorn and flew towards the sky.

I have been here for three days. I have been in the Xianhai. This Xianhai, as if there is no border, is full of dense islands and the sea water of the Xianhai.

Saving a Qingyuan, giving Qingyuan to Qingyuan, it was a matter of success.

If it were not to see that Qingyuan was the holy land of Dongmu, he directly killed it, and then killed the Yunyun Divine Beast to obtain materials, or surrendered this Yunyun Divine Beast and sold it for money.


Looking at Li Lingtian's disappearing back, Qingyuan could only sigh.

He was originally the strongest person in Dongmu Shengzhen's realm, but when he met Li Lingtian, it was nothing.

This time, if Li Lingtian did not rescue him, he fell.

I didn't expect that Li Lingtian not only didn't pick up the bargain, but also helped him surrender the Xuyun beast, he would not naturally treat Li Lingtian as a fool, and he certainly knew that Li Lingtian was helping him.

Helping a former opponent is enough self-confidence, because in Li Lingtian's heart, Qingyuan is not his threat at all.

In the endless fairy sea, dense islands, there are some monsters, fairy beasts and **** beasts on the island, there are magical geniuses and treasures, and magical cherished materials.

Shui Qilin took Li Lingtian to travel through these islands, using its powerful sensory talent to find treasures.

Li Lingtian has more and more treasures and more and more materials.

Here, the water unicorn is completely like a treasure search machine.

"Two days away from that central island."

"Those former strongmen haven't got the treasure inside. We don't have to hurry to go."

"Moreover, the central island is also considered to be a very important dangerous place. I believe that there are many powerful people going to the central island. Let them kill them first."

Li Lingtian sat on the back of Shui Qilin and said lightly.

It has been almost a day since the surrender of the Yunyun Divine Beast, and also encountered three or four strong men in the middle. Three or four strong masters of the true **** perfection, Li Lingtian basically defeated and killed a series of magical powers.

"Did you say what that place looks like?"

"Where is there any treasure? Or what precious material?"

The sound of Shui Qilin reached Li Lingtian's ears. Although it was a **** beast, he didn't know anything about humans.

"The jade jade records above, it seems that there is a treasure material violet star crystal on the island, but there are countless demons and insect beasts on the island. It is extremely difficult to get the violet star crystal."

"However, this violet star crystal is a super material for refining treasures, and it is also a precious material for building battleships. It is extremely expensive on the outside, and it is several times more expensive than the Gengjin and Zijin."

"This place is obviously an independent world. It was transported from the Gale Canyon. It should be a strong man's cave or a world built, or a historic site sinking through the sea and mulberry fields."

"Oh, do you know this thing?"

Li Lingtian repeated the description in the jade jade.

This place is just one of the countless dangerous places mentioned in the jade jade, and the hints and records of the entire jade jade are just a corner of this place.

No one knows exactly what this place looks like~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the end, Li Lingtian thought of a token he had previously obtained.

Three Realms

Immediately after the consciousness moved, he took the Three Realms and Ten Thousand Beasts out of the Dragon Dragon Ring and handed it to the water unicorn. The water unicorn is the **** beast. I believe I have some understanding of this.

"this is?"

The water unicorn stopped, and the three realm demon lingers in front of it.

At the same time, feeling the mysterious breath from the Three Realms' Ten-Yang Order, Shui Qilin's eyes were puzzled and immediately shocked.

"Three Realms Order!"

"It's the Three Realms Commander."

"I didn't expect that the Three Realms Wanling Order fell into your hands."

Shui Qilin recognized the Three Realms Ten Thousand Demon Orders, and his eyes were shocked. Obviously, he knew the Three Realms Ten Thousand Demon Orders, and had some understanding and understanding of the Three Realms Ten Thousand Demon Orders.

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