War God Supreme

Chapter 2066: Enter the Stone Temple


One hundred miles, one hundred twenty miles, one hundred thirty miles, one hundred forty miles...

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Gravity is getting stronger and stronger. Gravity has reached 10,000 times. Every step is very difficult.

The attack of the soul is enough to make people instantly destroyed, and the illusion makes people lose their hearts.

There are only thirty strong men entering the tunnel, and now there are only six left.

The six people are powerful and incomparable. In the completeness of the True God, they are the first super geniuses in each holy realm, and they also exist beyond the true God.

Only Li Lingtian is the median true god, but Li Lingtian has always been the first in the channel.


Five hundred miles away, Ji Xiuran and Bai Yangxuan spit out blood, and his body almost fell to the ground.

However, at this time, I do not want to give up here.

Because six people saw the end of the passage.

"I finally saw the end."

Everyone's face showed a happy look, but the appearance was very ugly. He was attacked by a terrifying soul and subjected to strong gravity. At this moment, it is difficult to look good.

I saw a faint ray of light about ten miles away. The ray of light was a huge stone temple.

As long as you insist on ten miles, you can enter the stone temple. Although you know that the more powerful the soul attack is, the more terrible gravity is. However, after walking hundreds of miles, you will finally see the end. Naturally, you will not give up at the last critical moment.

"The golden body is invincible."

Seeing the stone temple in the distance, Jin Wushuang burst into roar, and suddenly the whole body burst into golden light. The whole person's body was shaped like gold. The powerful momentum permeated the channel. The most powerful body burst out at this moment, and then quickly Flying towards the front.

At the same time, Ji Xiuran and Bai Yangxuan, as well as Lei Changqing and Wen Yuanwu, also launched their final killer physiques at this time, and quickly flew towards the end of the channel.




Just when Jin Wushuang and others were only five or six miles away from the stone palace, everyone spit out blood, and Li Lingtian's face was pale.

Ji Xiuran and Bai Yangxuan were directly attacked by the Soul of Soul to erode the Sea of ​​Knowledge, and the consciousness was attacked by destruction. The two became mad. Under a brief loss of mind, the gravity of destruction directly crushed the two into blood.

Seeing the fall of Ji Xiuran and Bai Yangxuan, Jin Wushuang and others looked pale and began to hesitate.

The cultivation of the two was weaker than them, but they were almost the same. I did not expect that even Ji Xiuran and Bai Yangxuan had fallen. There was still five or six miles away from the stone palace.

"True Dragon Body."

Li Lingtian exploded with a roar, the real dragon body was running, the powerful real dragon body resisted 30,000 times of gravity, the five-element body, the undead body, the flame body, the body of the sky sword, and the horror **** body formed at this time was completely Burst out.

His deity, even without defense, can withstand the devastating blow of the True God's great consummation. Such a terrifying existence is also his advantage.

In this passage, there has never been an explosion, just want to show it behind.

The horrible force of the gods unfolded, and the bearing capacity of the gravity in the passageway increased. The terrible gravity now has little effect on Li Lingtian. In addition to being unable to fly, fast walking has no problem at all.

The five-element world in the body guards the consciousness of the gods, and the powerful spirit attack is weakened by the five-element world.

Li Lingtian's changes shocked Jin Wushuang and others.

Now they finally understand that this peerless division of the median true **** is not only powerful, but even more terrifying.

despair! despair! despair!

despair! despair! despair!

Li Lingtian quickly walked towards the stone hall, the **** body resisted gravity, but the consciousness was going to resist the attack of the **** soul.


Jin Wushuang, Wen Yuanwu, Lei Changqing, and the three saw Li Lingtian's rapid approach to the stone palace, feeling anxious, and could not care about anything else, and desperately walked towards the stone temple at the end of the passage.

Five miles, four miles, three miles...

The closer to the stone temple, the Soul Attack will double, and the gravity will double.

The look on Li Lingtian's face was pale, and the blood on the corner of his mouth kept overflowing.

Two miles, one mile.

Four hundred meters, three hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters.

It is only one hundred meters away from the stone temple. The impression is that you can reach the threshold of the stone temple with your hand, and you can see part of the stone temple.

However, now he takes a few seconds or even longer for each step.

In the knowledge of the sea, the souls of destruction are constantly bombarded, and the whole person knows that the sea has turned over and over, just like the end of the world.

The pain of knowing the sea exceeds human endurance.

Li Lingtian almost burst out, shaking all over, and his face twisted.

There was a crack in the **** body, blood stains oozed out of the crack, and the tear was repaired.

The whole person is completely on the verge of destruction.


Wen Yuanwu, one mile away from Li Lingtian, screamed, the **** body was destroyed in an instant, the whole person disappeared, and the space rings and treasures were scattered all over the place.

Jin Wushuang and Lei Changqing are two hundred meters away from Li Lingtian. The current situation of the two is much worse than that of Li Lingtian, and the whole person has become a blood man.

Screaming again and again, it is like suffering from the pains of the soul.

Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters...

Three meters, two meters, one meter, the last step.

Li Lingtian also became a blood man, and his consciousness was shocked, just like the consciousness turned into fragments.

At the moment when Li Lingtian's consciousness was about to collapse, his consciousness finally made him sober.

"I can't destroy."


In consciousness, one cannot destroy.

Then with a loud bang, Li Lingtian stepped into the stone palace.

The whole person could no longer withstand the attack of the soul and the terrible gravity, and fell into the stone hall at once.

Just when he entered the stone temple, the whole person seemed to enter heaven, or to enter the hot spring, which made people feel almost comfortable.

The attack of the soul disappears, the gravity disappears, everything is like an illusion.

"Not an illusion."

Li Lingtian was sober at this time, this is definitely not an illusion.

The body was red, and the whole body was covered with blood, and the **** body had recovered.

The consciousness is as comfortable as getting warm, and the consciousness is sublimated.



Just when Li Lingtian entered the stone palace, two horrible screams screamed behind him.

The bodies of Jin Wushuang and Lei Changqing disappeared quickly, and the passageway quickly disillusioned.

In an instant, the two were disillusioned in the passage, and finally the passage disappeared with the disillusionment. At the same time, the stone hall was slowly closed.

Li Lingtian's eyes saw the passage and the two super powers disillusion from the closing of the last gap in the stone gate of the stone palace.

In this situation, Li Lingtian was blinded.

In this life, this time is the most terrifying.

It was completely beyond his imagination and control.

It is conceivable that if you are not the first to come here, you must also be disillusioned in the passage.

He sat on the ground weakly.

Both physically and mentally exhausted, his face pale.

However, the mysterious breath in the stone temple bathed the body and consciousness, allowing the body to recover quickly, the consciousness continuously sublimated, and the whole person was as comfortable lying in the hot spring when he was tired.

Leaning on the wall of the stone hall, he looked weakly at the whole stone hall.

The stone temple is a hundred miles long and hundreds of miles wide, with gray everywhere. The faint light makes this stone palace more mysterious.

In the center of the stone temple is a ten-meter-sized altar of six-pointed stars. The entire altar is made of violet star crystals.

In the center of the altar is a crystal-clear nine-story pagoda. The pagoda is only 100 meters in diameter. I don't know what it was made of.

The magical power and breath are all emitted from this pagoda.

A hundred miles from the altar, it is a large throne, 100 meters in size. On it, sitting cross-legged is a skeleton, which is obviously sitting.

In addition to the stone hall, there are two stone gates on the left and right sides of the stone hall.

Slowly, Li Lingtian's body returned to its peak state.

Divine consciousness has been horrified and sublimated to a magical point.

Li Lingtian can feel that his consciousness is more than twice as powerful as it is.

After the restoration, Li Lingtian slowly looked at the structure of the stone temple. The stone walls were as hard as iron, and the consciousness could not penetrate, and was completely free from the attack of power.

Above the stone temple in the tens of miles, the same gray one, but it did not give people a sense of oppression.

Li Lingtian walked towards the throne step by step. The strong man above this throne should be the master of this stone temple. The master of this stone temple had already sat down and came to the site of others.

What's more, if you want to know everything here, you must learn from the master of the stone temple.

"Younger Li Lingtian disturbed the senior."

Soon, Li Lingtian came to the front of the throne. Although the one on the throne turned into a skeleton, an invisible coercion almost suffocated Li Lingtian.

Shocked in my heart, how strong is it to reach such a point.

After he died, he was still so scary. If he was alive, he wouldn't know what it might be like.

This skull is two meters high, which is normal.

There is only a faint brilliance on the skeleton, and these clothes have long been transformed into nothingness with time.

Seeing this faint brilliance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Li Lingtian will naturally recognize that this is a powerful armor.

On the skull's hand is a ring, and in his hand there are beads like crystal **** in the size of his fingers. The mysterious atmosphere is exactly the same as the pagoda in the center of the altar.

Li Lingtian spread a trace of consciousness towards the space ring.


The Divine Consciousness had just touched the space ring, and there was a burst of sensation in the consciousness of the sea, like a thunderbolt splitting in the consciousness of the sea.

Li Lingtian's heart trembled and could not help but take a few steps back.

Several messages quickly spread to Li Lingtian's knowledge of the sea.

In an instant effort, all the information goes into the sea of ​​knowledge, and there is very little information.

However, after Li Lingtian got the information, the whole person was completely dumbfounded, and the expression on his face kept changing. The whole person stood in a daze, his eyes full of shock.

A little confused in shock.

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