War God Supreme

Chapter 2067: inherited


There was constant muffled sound in the void, and the sea water in the sea rose into the sky.

The war has reached the most critical moment. I saw that Li Lingtian's Divine Consciousness controlled Jiu Shan's innate artifact, and Jiu Tian Excalibur continued to rotate around him.

Gradually, Li Lingtian has completely merged with the Jiutian Excalibur.

The realm of gold unfolds, the five elements of the primordial spirit run, the sword intention rises to the sky, the sword power condenses, and the sword territory ravages the space.

All the strong men are constantly retreating. Although they are afraid of Li Lingtian's magical power of destruction, they are curious and do not want to miss the peerless war, because this is the most powerful magical power of Lord Lingtian, the first **** of the Shenwu Continent.

The opponent is also the elder Sun Long, the elder of Xuanyin Temple, the super powerhouse in the mid-term of the semi-divine realm.

Gongsun Long did not take the lead to reach such a realm. At this time, he did not take advantage of this opportunity at all, because such a terrible magical power is determined by the existence of life and death.

There are no tricks to play, either alive or dead.

Looking at Li Lingtian's momentum and antagonism, the look on Gongsun Long's face changed.

Such a character is indeed the most anti-celestial existence of the Shenwu Continent. Other people have the same ability to cross the world, but the young man in front of him gathers the most powerful talents in the world.

"God blood burns the sky!"

"Furious sword!"

The expression on Gongsun Long's face was dignified, and his consciousness moved, and a sacred blood sacrifice came out.

The essence blood spins in front of it, the crystal clear essence blood turns into a magical blood curtain, but inside this blood curtain, it exudes pure divine power, just like the blood of God.

Heaven and earth, all trembling in front of this blood curtain, more than one hundred thousand strong people have an impulse to worship, but forcibly stabilized their minds.

Everyone was shocked. There was only a **** screen of refined blood. That's it. I can imagine how powerful the magical power played by Gongsun Long was.

Gradually, the blood curtain turned into a violent long knife with a terrifying demon power. This demon knife was like to choose someone to devour. It constantly swallowed the mind of the strong and let the mind of the strong Shake it up.

"God blood!"

"Inheritance of the True God?"

"It is the inheritance of the true god, the descendant of the true god."

Some insightful strongmen were shocked when they heard the blood of God.

To know that the blood of the **** is the blood of the true god, the blood of the **** can be inherited or passed on.

Some super powers above the true gods can use their supernatural powers to pass down the blood, or they can pass on their blood to the younger generation, but the chances of passing down this way are small.

But if it is inherited by the blood of the gods, there is usually hope of impacting the true god.

Even if it is an ordinary powerhouse, it must be countless times stronger than other powerhouses in the same rank.

No one thought that Gongsun Long was indeed inherited by the blood of God. No matter whether Gongsun Long was a descendant of the True God or inherited by the True God, it is undeniable that Gongsun Long has the blood of God.

A semi-godly mid-term strong man is already terrified, not to mention the mid-term strong man with divine blood, which is exactly the same as the mid-term strong man with the power of the true god. Such a character is extremely terrifying.

Li Lingtian was equally terrified, and his heart shivered.

To talk about the inheritance of the true God, he doesn't look at the eyes of any kind of blood.

Because he is the reincarnation of the Holy Sun King of Jiuyang, the inheritance of the Holy Temple, the body of the flame, the body of the five elements, the body of the true dragon, the body of the phoenix, the gas of the holy demon, the **** of life, the **** of death, and all kinds of anti-sky The heritage and talents of the world are all in one.

However, this mid-term strongman has made him unable to deal with it, and now he is a **** blood strongman, which is just aggravating him.

If his cultivation base reached a semi-divine state, no matter what blood he had, it would be scum in front of him.

It's a pity that cultivation is too different from the realm, and the realm gap makes him unable to contend with the blood of this semi-god realm.


A ruined blade of mankind came to Li Lingtian as if to cut off time and space.

Suddenly the void was destroyed, the world trembles, the sea soars, and the sky and the sea are completely indistinguishable.

But the only thing left in this world is endless destruction.

"Destroy Sky Sword Formation!"

"Nine Nine Sky Sword Formation!"

Li Lingtian watched the ruined Daomang swept over. Such a horrible Daomang saw for the first time that such a ruined supernatural power was encountered for the first time.

This life, the most terrifying magical encounter is this Gongsun Long.

Dare not to hesitate any more, under the auspices of one hand, the Nine Heavens Sword broke out nine ruined swords. The nine swords were in nine colors. Each sword was a kilometer long, and the nine swords were stirred. Going to heaven and earth, Jiuxiao was also broken into pieces.

In an instant, the nine sword swords fuse together, and the nine sword swords fuse together to form the nine colored sword flies.

This sword-mand links the world and destroys everything in the world.

Introduced by God's consciousness, Jianmang bombarded the swordman's swordmancer fiercely.

In the sword mansions, with the ruined sword silk sword shadow, the void was cut into pieces by the invisible sword silk.

The sky, a short silence.

Everything was silent, and the eyes of more than a hundred thousand strong men looked at the two devastating attacks in the void, and the look on their faces was dull, terrified to the point that they could no longer be added.

Skyrim, countless powerful people tremble when they see all this, and they dare not get any closer.

In this sky, the strongest within tens of thousands of miles saw the situation in the air. Within 100,000 miles, thunder and lightning struck in a vertical and horizontal direction, as if it was going to change into the sky, and it seemed terrifying to the extreme.

"What a terrible magical power."

"Go against the sky, it's too against the sky."

"Unfortunately, it is a pity that his cultivation base is too low, otherwise this swordman will be able to kill any mid-level powerhouse in half a god."

A half-century man looked at the emptiness of the sword and sword, and his face kept changing.

He couldn't help talking to himself, and he couldn't calm down in the face of such devastating magical attack.


All the strong men looked dull, and stared blankly at the void.

His body continued to retreat towards the back, and when he saw such a magical war, he could not help but booze.



In the space, Daomang and Jianmang were torn apart without hitting together. Countless hundreds of miles of cracks flashed in the air, and the ruined winds ravaged the space.

Finally, two ruined peerless supernatural powers bombarded together.

With a clattering sound, the heaven and earth of the demise continued to collapse and destroy.

Li Lingtian's ruined Jianmang of the Destruction Sword Array passed through the swordman's swordmand and was bombarded in front of Gongsun Long.

The sword mang of the demon sword, also staggered the sword mang, bombarded in front of Li Lingtian.


In the air, two blood-spraying sounds sounded at the same time, and Li Lingtian and Gongsun Long threw themselves out.

In front of the two, there is a blood curtain, which is naturally the blood of the two themselves.

Between heaven and earth, the sea is constantly breaking and breaking, and the sea is tumbling and spinning.

Although countless strong men are separated by thousands of miles, they were also affected by terror in front of the destructive supernatural powers, with blood on the corners of their mouths and pale faces, as if they were devastated by a devastating attack.


Li Lingtian's body landed in front of the chariot, and Xiaobai caught Li Lingtian.

Flashing into the Emperor's chariot, the defense of the Emperor's chariot turned on, and Tang Qingyue and others showed worried expressions on their faces.


In the air, Gongsun Long's arm was gone, his face was pale, and blood from the corners of his mouth kept flowing.

The injuries on his body were extremely serious, and his breath was weak.

But at this time, he forcibly stabilized his body and looked at the Emperor's chariot coldly. A **** red medicine was thrown into the mouth, and a violent breath suddenly broke out.

Swing with one hand. A terrorist force unfolded, and another knife-mand appeared in the air, and the knife-mand quickly became stronger.

The gas engine locks the Tiandi chariot, it is to desperately kill Li Lingtian.

If he didn't fight Li Lingtian, he didn't have such a strong killing intention. Now that Li Lingtian's antagonism is found, if he doesn't take advantage of the current killing of Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian will become an aftermath of Xuanyin Temple, and even Xuanyin Temple may be wiped by Li Lingtian. except.

Thinking of this, the intention of lore swelled in my heart, and he did not hesitate to cast a rage demon sword at the risk of falling.

All strong men see the appearance of Gongsun Long in the air and know that Gongsun Long’s scruples and determination must kill Li Lingtian this time, because this is the best opportunity. If he misses this opportunity, he wants to kill Li Lingtian again. It's difficult.

Seeing that the sword is becoming more and more terrifying, as long as this blow, the people in the Heavenly Emperor's chariot will disappear.

At this time, a hearty laughter in the air appeared.

"Haha, haha!"

"Gongsun Long, I haven't seen it for hundreds of years. We haven't scored the victory or defeat in the last war. Now that we have started, let's continue the last war and see how much your cultivation progress has improved."

In the void, a laugh appeared, and the voice was hearty.

The sound was like thunder rolling, reaching all the strong ears.

Hearing this voice, the look on the face of all the strong men changed. Since the visitor dared to speak to Gongsun Long, this tone and momentum must be of the same rank as Gongsun Long.

And it is not difficult to see that the master of this voice is obviously blocking Gongsun Long.

With two sounds of breaking the sky, a half-century and a woman in light green clothes appeared in the void.

A sapphire cane was in the hands of the half-century, and there was a mysterious blue color on the sapphire cane. After the old man appeared, there was no hesitation at all, and the sapphire cane was a little empty towards Gongsun Long.

The blue breath bombarded Gongsun Long's sword mansion~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The blue breath with the power of horror winding, the demon knife's knife mantle was entangled with the blue breath, and could not struggle at all.

"Dongyue Baiyu!"

"Dongyue Tiancheng Taishang elder Dongyue Baiyu!"

"Dongyue Baiyu, do you want to plug it in?"

"Dongyue Tiancheng Taishang elder is also here."

"Nine Uncle!"

For a time, a few semi-godly strong men present recognized the old man in the air and knew the identity and origin of the old man.

When I saw the old man, I was exclaimed. The deputy host of Dongyue Tiancheng was also shocked after seeing the old man. I never thought that my nine uncle had come here.

All other powerful people did not expect such a change at this time.


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