War God Supreme

Chapter 2068: Pagoda Royal Pole

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The pain of Li Lingtian's knowledge of the sea finally disappeared, and it came with unprecedented comfort.

The magic of Divine Consciousness made him feel that this bead opened him a door to the magical world, which he had never imagined and exceeded his imagination.

It’s been hundreds of years since I practiced, but I didn’t expect my consciousness to reach this level.

He vaguely understood that this nine-story pagoda is dedicated to the existence of spiritual souls.

"Finally survived."

Li Lingtian said to herself, the expression on his face was dull.

The Master Xuantian Realm records many things, but there is no detailed record of this pagoda, because the inheritance of this pagoda can only be one person, if you get the inheritance of this pagoda, you can practice enlightenment, and if this inheritance person falls , Then it is impossible to leave any information.

Therefore, the Master Xuantianjie has no detailed records of the pagoda. There are only some basic precautions. Others must rely on themselves to accept the inheritance.

This is also a few messages in the space ring left by Xuantianjie.

"But now, if you want to get the heritage of this nine-story pagoda, if you want to know the origin and magic of this pagoda, you must really accept its heritage."

"If you accept failure, you will become a fool, and even vanish into nothingness."

Looking at the crystal clear nine-story pagoda with a diameter of ten meters and a height of 100 meters, Li Lingtian's face showed a dignified look.

When he used to train a real dragon body protector, or when he was injured and used dragon energy to recover his body, the pain suffered by his body was beyond imagination. If he uses the body to accept pain and inheritance, he really has a lot of confidence.

But this time, the inheritance was accepted with divine consciousness, and all the treasures and external forces did not help at all.

"Actually, even if I don't accept this heritage, I can only fall here, and I can never leave."

"Left and right is a death, it might as well take a risk."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was determined, and a firm light flashed in his eyes.

Step by step toward the nine-story pagoda.

Soon, he came to the edge of the altar. The six-pointed star altar with a diameter of ten miles was engraved with magical symbols and carvings. With the powerful formation of Li Lingtian's peerless array, he saw at a glance that this was a magical formation.

It is a formation that helps humanity accept the inheritance and has a powerful blessing to the human mind.

In the altar, the nine-story pagoda with a diameter of 10 meters and a height of 100 meters is crystal clear and exudes a mysterious breath and a touch of light. Breath is naturally a powerful spirit. This is the first time that Li Lingtian has seen the spirit breath and brightness.

The nine-story pagoda has no doors and no windows.

I don’t know what material it was made of, or what is inside the pagoda.

However, it is definitely not easy to make Xuantianjie Lord a super treasure.

Moreover, the altar with a diameter of ten meters and a height of two meters is made of a complete violet star crystal.

The value of this violet star crystal is an astronomical figure.

I just don’t know where the violet star crystals scattered in the passage come from.

However, at this time, Li Lingtian was not in a mood to think about the Violet Star Crystal, but was looking at the nine-story pagoda, whether he could bear it.



Li Lingtian was in a calm mood, and his state of mind was calm.

The look on his face was very calm, and he stepped out and came to the altar.

Just when he entered the six-pointed star altar, the entire altar with a diameter of ten miles radiated a magical light. At the same time, the entire altar was enveloped by a powerful light curtain.

Li Lingtian glanced lightly, this mask is naturally going in and out, unless he inherits this inheritance.

However, Li Lingtian is now fearless because he has already made a decision.

The magical light flashed, and the lines above the altar flashed, and it looked amazing.

Li Lingtian walked towards the nine-story pagoda in the center of the altar step by step. His face was so plain that there was no expression fluctuation.

For a moment, Li Lingtian came to the center of the altar, only a hundred meters away from the nine-story pagoda.

In front of the crystal-clear nine-story pagoda, Li Lingtian felt extremely small, like an ordinary person looking up at the sun, and a powerful spirit breath continued to radiate.


Li Lingtian stroked with one hand, and suddenly a drop of essence blood dropped.

Essence blood dripped on the altar, and the magical light formed a vortex, becoming more dazzling.

At the same time, a beam of Hongguang broke out above the nine-story pagoda, and Hongguang shot at Li Lingtian's eyebrows.


With a scream, Li Lingtian's entire face was twisted.

Pain, the pain of the consciousness, the endless knowledge of the sea, overturn the river in this knowledge.

Li Lingtian is completely in devastating pain. This pain is hundreds of millions of times more terrifying than crystal beads. At the same time as the pain, Li Lingtian's knowledge of the sea is constantly changing, turning over the river and sublimating.

The sound of screaming again and again, this kind of pain can't make people comatose or numb, it is the kind of pain that is very clear.

Sitting cross-legged, suffering from inhuman pain.

Soul, consciousness, a little washing, a little sublimation.

Earthshaking changes have been made, but the cost of this washing and change is endless pain.

Inside the nine-story pagoda, a magical streamer appears, as if the liquid is flowing. Li Lingtian's consciousness is connected to the pagoda, and the whole person's blood also circulates quickly, blending with the pagoda.

Metamorphosis, metamorphosis, and then metamorphosis.

Time, a little bit passed.

One day, two days, three days.

One month, two months, three months.

By the seventh month, Li Lingtian's soul was constantly sublimating, but he was tortured by horrible pain, but he didn't move from the beginning to the end, sitting on the altar and bearing it Endless pain.

Consciousness is getting more and more blurred.

In my heart, the only thing that comes to my mind is Tang Zimeng in his blood lotus, and his wife and relatives in Jiutian God City. He still has a lot of things to do.

Their loved ones and their wives are waiting for themselves. They cannot fall here and be destroyed. They cannot make them sad.

Li Lingtian doesn't know how long it has passed or how long it can last.

In his knowledge of the sea, the endless knowledge of the sea is still expanding endlessly.

However, this expansion has already exceeded Li Lingtian's ability and scope. If it continues to expand like this, Li Lingtian will be strangled to death, just like eating. Generally, the sea can eat two bowls, three bowls are no problem, six bowls can Hold on to death, but seven bowls and eight bowls, it will directly support the death.

The situation is the same for Li Lingtianxian now. It is a good thing that a monk and a warrior can never dream of, but it is also a disaster.

Seeing that Li Lingtian was about to be destroyed, the five-element world in Li Lingtian's body glowed with magic.

The Wuxing World was helping Li Lingtian to withstand the washing of the soul, but it was not completely resisted. When Li Lingtian was about to be destroyed, the Wuxing World broke out with greater power.

For a time, the soul of terror in the nine-story pagoda quickly entered the world of five elements.

Li Lingtian's consciousness reached a limit. All consciousnesses entered the world of five elements. The world of five elements helped to bear all the spirits of the soul. Li Lingtian's own consciousness was only a rapid sublimation and transformation.

Unconsciously, a year passed.

Midway through, Li Lingtian's awareness of the sea is a little more stable, and the bearing capacity of the Five Elements World is weaker, and Li Lingtian bears more. When Li Lingtian's bearing capacity reaches the extreme, the Five Elements World will accept more souls.


A screaming scream, Li Lingtian's eyes opened.

The ray of light above the nine-story pagoda finally disappeared, except for the magical light above the altar, everything calmed down.

Li Lingtian's pain in the sea slowly weakened, and his eyes became firmer.

Above the pagoda, the faint radiance warmed up the wounded consciousness, and in the consciousness of the sea, it was like a calm lake rippling slightly.

At the altar, the magical light gradually disappeared, and the mask disappeared.

In this situation, Li Lingtian knew that he had truly inherited the nine-story pagoda.

After a year of inheritance, he also knew the origin and name of the pagoda.

This pagoda was formed by the innate spirit of the gods. It is not known how many billions of years ago. The pagoda is called Huangji. It can be said that it is a treasure, and it can be said that it is life.

But now it is just a tower.

There are nine floors in total, and countless powerful people have inherited the Huangji Tower, but no one can really reach the peak, that is, there is no real control over it.

Only when it reaches the third floor, it can be considered to control the Huangji Tower.

Xuantian Realm Lord is powerful and unmatched. He can only control the first and second floors through enlightenment. The third layer was just robbed after being enlightened and destroyed instantly. This is also luck.

Li Lingtian, it is now possible to integrate the Huangji Pagoda, but he still hasn't started if he wants to realize the cultivation of enlightenment.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can be inherited and has already completed the first step.

The road behind, slowly walk, slowly to understand cultivation.

The Huangji Pagoda is the soul treasure. The entire Huangji Pagoda is formed by souls. At the same time, it can nourish and strengthen the soul.

Inside the Huangji Tower, there is a set of ultimate scriptures called "Control".

The control is divided into nine layers. Each layer of cultivation can open the first layer of the Huangji Tower and activate the power of the first layer of the Huangji Tower. If you reach the top of the first layer, you can impact the second layer. You can open the second floor of the Huangji Tower and activate the power of the second floor of the Huangji Tower.

In Li Lingtian's mind, this information seems to exist in birth.

Because, he has been inherited and merged with Huangji Tower, Huangji Tower is part of him.

Inheritance is obtained, but if you want to control it, you have to look at your own strength and ability, as well as various opportunities.

If you can't control it, it is impossible to exert the power of the Huangji Tower.

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