War God Supreme

Chapter 2069: The powerful god...


A month later, Li Lingtian stood up.

The figure flashed and left the altar, and suddenly the light above the altar disappeared.

Everything returned to what it looked like when Li Lingtian had just arrived, but now Li Lingtian feels kind to this breath.

This month, the damage to the consciousness was completely recovered.

The current knowledge of the sea is at least ten thousand times stronger than before it came in.

The increase in number, the transformation and sublimation of consciousness, let Li Lingtian's consciousness reach a magical and powerful level of terror.


Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, the altar with a diameter of ten miles quickly became smaller, and the Imperial Pagoda became smaller.

Instant kung fu becomes only the size of walnuts, crystal clear, perfect.

If Li Lingtian were not familiar with the breath of the gods and souls, he could not have imagined that this carved crystal tower is the supreme treasure imperial pole tower, and the imperial pole tower fell into the palm of his hand.

There was a smile on Li Lingtian's face, and the Huangji Tower disappeared.

When it appeared again, Huangji Tower was already in Li Lingtian's sea of ​​knowledge.

In the endless sea-knowledge center, the Huangji Tower looks tall and majestic. The entire sea-knowledge is integrated with the Huangji Tower. The Huangji Tower is like a general, mobilizing the endless sea-knowledge.

The brilliance of the silk is connected with the knowledge of the sea. The knowledge of the knowledge of the sea is nurtured by the Huangji Tower, and the knowledge of the sea becomes very cheerful.

Taki is the altar.

Li Lingtian looked at the Huangji Tower in his knowledge of the sea, and his face was full of smiles.

With this imperial pole tower, there will be no fear that the strong will attack him with his consciousness.

His consciousness has also changed dramatically, reaching a terrifying level.

However, now I can’t use it to control the Imperial Pagoda, and when I’m inherited, I’ve reached the limit of knowing the sea. Many spirits are still in the five-element world. Transfer to the sea of ​​knowledge.

After collecting the Huangji Tower, Li Lingtian looked around, and there was nothing in the stone hall.

Not even a violet star crystal.

Naturally, killing him would not destroy the foundation of the Huangji Tower, although it was a huge violet star crystal.

However, no amount of violet astral crystals are as good as one millionth of the value of the Huangji Tower.

He also understands that the base created by the Violet Star Crystal was added by Xuantian Realm Lord, and it consumed all the wealth of Xuantian Realm Lord. Now, although the tower base is of no use to Huangji Tower, Li Lingtian will not go Take the risk, let alone, the Taki has already merged with the Huangji Tower. Taking down the Taki may affect the Huangji Tower.



As soon as Li Lingtian's body flashed, he flew towards the side hall.

There are two partial halls, one is the place where Xuantianjie Lord rests, and the other is the place to practice exercises.

The rest couch is a complete violet star crystal.

There is nothing in the practice room.

Soon after, Li Lingtian searched the stone hall and the two partial halls, and found nothing more.

"Wait one day, my "Control" reaches the first level, at that time, completely attack with the soul, you can kill the endless strong without hands."

"If you can reach the level of Xuantian Realm Lord, you can arrange a powerful Divine Soul Formation."

"However, Lord Xuantian Realm has bad luck, and the third floor has just been hit by a big robbery. I must surpass Xuantian Realm Lord and reach the ninth floor to completely control the Huangji Tower."

Li Lingtian's face showed a confident look, with endless expectations.

The main reason is that this imperial pole tower is too surpassing the sky, too amazing.

"This time when I go out, I must take good control of the Five Elements World. If I don't have the Five Elements World this time, I won't be able to inherit it. The Five Elements World is just like the Huangji Tower."

"Now I have the Emperor Pagoda protecting the sea, the soul is beyond the level of a strong person who is higher than me, the exercises have the reincarnation of the world, and the treasure has the five elements of the world. If I control these things, I can control the world."

Feeling the power of his own consciousness, Li Lingtian was very excited.

Next, Li Lingtian sealed the Xuantianjie Lord's remains and put it into the Dragon Dragon Ring, thinking to return the Xuantianjie Lord back to Xuantianjie in the future, which is also regarded as falling leaves.

However, I don't even know where Xuantianjie is now.

I don’t even know why Lord Xuantianjie came here. It seems that the area where Lord Xuantianjie is located drifted over after being hit by the disaster, and finally appeared in the crack Xianshan. I don’t know this area, or it’s nameless. The world has been in Rift Canyon for thousands of years.

At least, Xuantian Realm was in Xuantian Realm before, and after falling, he didn't know that his world drifted into heaven.

The next step is to find a way to leave here.

There is a space ring of Xuantianjie Lord, which is inherited by the Imperial Pagoda. Xuantianjie Lord is also practicing "Control", so it is also very simple to leave here.

Three days of effort, Li Lingtian opened the stone door of the stone temple, a faint smile appeared on his face.

The figure flashed and flew out, and the original disillusioned channel still exists.

With powerful consciousness, Li Lingtian could not feel the spirit attack in the channel, or directly ignored it. His figure was like light and shadow. The violet star crystal in the channel was taken away by Li Lingtian. The treasures of Jin Wushuang and others Space rings fell on Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian flew out quickly, and the passage was completely destroyed.

For a moment, Li Lingtian had already appeared outside the passageway. When Li Lingtian left the passageway, the entire stone mountain with a diameter of nearly a thousand miles collapsed and vanished.

Li Lingtian's figure was suspended in the air, his face shocked.

A glance at Divine Consciousness. The treasures and space rings left by the strongmen who were killed by the monsters last time appeared in Divine Consciousness.

Li Lingtian didn't even look at it, and directly put it into the Dragon Ring.

A curious look appeared on his face, and his consciousness spread out and spread quickly.

Ten thousand miles, twenty thousand miles, thirty thousand miles...

In an instant of time, Li Lingtian’s consciousness extended to 500,000 miles away, and everything within 100,000 miles was clearly seen, as if his eyes saw everything within ten meters.

The farther away, the things I see are blurred, but all the objects and breath are locked by him, but only slightly blurred.

Finding the intensity of his consciousness, Li Lingtian was almost stunned.

Although I have long known that my consciousness is much stronger, I never expected to be so powerful.

Such a consciousness, I believe that even the East Wood Holy Realm Saint Lord can not be comparable.

Previously, my own consciousness could be extended to about 50,000 miles, and it was clearly seen within 10,000 miles.

Now that God’s eyes are 500,000 miles away, everything within 100,000 miles can be seen clearly, and although everything within 500,000 miles is a little vague, you can also see some of them, which is stronger than the beginning. More than ten times.

Ten times the quantity, but the quality is countless times.

Li Lingtian's consciousness opened a dozen grades with the strong men of the same rank, which is equivalent to a difference of a dozen worlds.

The general median true god, the divine consciousness extends 20,000 miles, and the true divine perfection is 30,000 miles. He does not know to what extent the divine monarch's consciousness can be achieved, but it will never exceed his current strength of consciousness.

"Roar, roar!"


"Boom, boom!"

When Li Lingtian was excited, the endless monsters and beasts roared.

Insects and monsters were flying towards Li Lingtian, trembling and shattering in space.

Finding this situation, Li Lingtian's face was stunned.

These monster beasts and beasts all felt the powerful souls on the island and gathered here to nourish the souls. Now they are taken away by Li Lingtian.


Li Lingtian saw the overwhelming number of worms and monsters, as well as powerful mythical beasts and ancient mythical beasts on the ground.

Impressed by the consciousness, the water unicorn inside the dragon dragon ring appeared in the air. Li Lingtian's figure flashed and he sat on the water unicorn's back.

"There are so many ancient beasts here."

"Sorry if you don't catch it."

Li Lingtian said, "The Three Realms Ten Thousand Demon Orders have been sacrificed."

"I'll catch them, you will surrender."

Shui Qilin heard Li Lingtian's words, without any hesitation, his body suddenly soared, reaching a size of tens of miles and several miles high.

The powerful ancient mythical beast spreads out, and it immediately mourns the countless ancient mythical beasts and monsters.

The four tentacles swayed in the air like a dragon. Each blow struck the ancient **** beast and turned around, and finally entangled the ancient **** beast directly.

This is also its mercy, because it does not want to kill these ancient beasts, dead ancient beasts are worthless.

Li Lingtian did not relax, and his figure flashed, using the streamer needle to absorb the blood of the monster in the Three Realms and Ten Thousand Demon Orders, control the ancient gods and beasts, and then put them into the dragon dragon ring.





In the air, the screams of sorrow, Li Lingtian's figure flickered, the ancient beasts on one end were entangled in the tentacles of the water unicorn, and the ancient beasts on the head entered the dragon ring.

In a moment of kung fu, Li Lingtian's Dragon Ring contained more than 100 ancient beasts.

Countless monsters, beasts and ancient beasts, seeing a bad situation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hurried away.

It is a strange thing not to escape. A group of ancient beasts and monster beasts, faced with a horrible ancient beast, is to find death.

Moreover, this ancient beast is one of the most powerful beasts, Kirin. At this time, it helps humans to catch them. If they don't escape, they will be caught.

Soon, there was no monster on the island, and the whole island was completely in disarray.


"Go inside the fairy sea."

Seeing the sky and the ground, Li Lingtian no longer has a shadow of a monster, and is very satisfied with this arrest.

He didn’t dare to stay in this place for a long time. Although more than a year has passed, the strong men who have come here have already come, and basically all of them have fallen here, but he can’t guarantee that other strong men will come here.

This is a big secret. Naturally, other powerful people cannot find out that he is related to Li Lingtian.

Immediately let the water unicorn fly away from under the fairy sea.

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