War God Supreme

Chapter 2135: 1 Finger

A simple finger is like a pen from God.

But with such a simple finger, the entire space was broken, and the rising sun of the sky disappeared at this moment.

The entire world became an endless starry sky, and within the endless starry sky, a finger force appeared.

The finger force is simple but magical, which directly penetrates the entire starry sky, and the endless stars tremble and shake at this moment.

One finger, penetrating the endless starry sky, when it appeared again, the finger force had bombarded that small figure, and with a bang, hundreds of millions of stars turned into horrible force and overwhelmed that figure.



The starry sky disappeared and returned to normal.

The sunrise is as usual, and all the strong monks feel it is an illusion.

However, the thirty-six strong kings of the gods, as well as the eight old men in black, as well as the virtual god, shocked the look on their faces.

Some super demon, the look on his face is also shocked.

Because everything just now is not an illusion, but a force that destroys the earth and destroys the earth. It transcends all the divine power and can change the world and change the stars.

And all the power of destruction is Li Lingtian's simple finger.

The prestige of one finger destroys the world.

You don’t need the amazing divine power and power, you don’t need all the prosperity, just a simple finger.

It was such a finger, but it made the ingenious treasure long sword in the hands of Dongyang Bo break, and the force of terror flew Dongyang Bo out, a spit of blood came out, and his face was pale.

"What a terrifying finger."

"This finger strength is not divine power."

"The power of one finger changes the color of the world, and the battle moves around."

"so horrible."

"What a supernatural power."

"A simple finger, but with the power to destroy the world."

"This finger, even if the King of God is not careful, he will have to die."


Taiyue Shenting, all strong monks, was shaken by this finger.

This finger is not enough to kill the King of God, but it comes from the hands of a true God Realm. It has such power. If this finger is displayed in the hands of the King of Gods, it will absolutely kill opponents of the same rank.

What is more important is the simplicity and power of this finger, and its mystery, so that all powerful people do not know what magical power this is.

"This little guy really didn't use the magical powers and methods he used before, not even the Wuxing Realm and the Sword Realm."

"Full control of this ruined finger force, this finger force is too scary."

In the main hall of the school ground, a look of shock also appeared on the face of Tianlei Shenzun.

As a deity, he did not know how many thousand years have not been surprised.

I didn't expect to pass the blood dragon holy realm. When I saw these little guys competing, I tried to let something shocking him appear. I have to say it was a miracle.

"He should also surprise us."

Gale Divine Lord nodded and said.

There was a look of expectation on his face.


"Uncle Dongyang, come up with your true strength."

"Otherwise you will have no chance."

On the battlefield, Li Lingtian said.

I am very satisfied with the power of my own stars.

The current star finger is the real star finger, and its power has reached its peak. With one move, it destroys the heavens and the earth, even if it is a unique congenital treasure.

However, the stars are just the first supernatural powers in the Supreme Starry Sky, which can be said to be an entry, or a threshold.

Even so, Li Lingtian took control of the Star Finger Cultivation to its peak, and his power reached a terrifying level, making him very happy. Now, the next step is to look at the real supernatural powers.

However, this still needs Dongyang Bo to be able to withstand, if not, Dongyang Bo can only lose this battle.

In fact, no matter whether it is unbearable or unbearable, Dongyang Bo has to lose, because this first is his Li Lingtian.

"Li Lingtian, you are indeed strong."

"However, if you want to defeat me, you have no hope."

"This trick, I have never used it. You can let me show this trick. You are the first person."

Dong Yang Bo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and the look on his face became dignified.

The broken congenital treasures in his hands were also collected, and the unique congenital treasures were thus destroyed.

When speaking, the power of the whole body was mobilized, and the hands were swiping in the void. Every gesture was magical, and people could not understand the mystery inside.

With each gesture, the space forms a mysterious rune, and the space continues to develop magical power.

At this time, Dongyang Bo was like a master who controlled the world.

The entire battlefield is his territory, the space is trembling constantly, continually cultivating magical power, and gradually, the glory of the entire space condenses towards Dongyang Bo, and finally forms a multicolored light band in front of Dongyang Bo , Looks amazing.

The space is also cut directly into pieces in front of this multicolored light strip.

The colorful lights are surrounded by ripples in space.

At the beginning, the ten million strong men and monks were shocked at the scene. I did not expect that Dongyang Bo had not yet exerted his full strength. The real magical power was not exhibited. It is shocking to see the magical power displayed by Dongyang Boshi.

Thirty-six Divine Kings and Lord Xu Li also showed shock and expectation at this moment. I don’t know how terrifying the power of Dongyang Bo’s supernatural power is. He said that Li Lingtian would be defeated.

To know how terrifying Li Lingtian's finger strength is, how can it be more terrifying than Li Lingtian's finger strength?

Besides, Li Lingtian is just a simple finger, there should be more powerful magic power behind him, Dongyang Bo's tone, that is to say, Li Lingtian's magic power can not defeat him.

All the strong monks under Taiyue Shenting were shocked.

The magical powers exhibited by Dongyang Bo Shi, the colorful light belt is indeed terrifying and powerful.


Dongyang Bo Shenshi controlled the colorful ribbon, which cut the void and cut directly towards Li Lingtian.

The multicolored lights are thousands of meters long and 100 meters wide, and they look amazing, like a galaxy.

The two met for five hundred miles, ignoring the distance in space, and came to Li Lingtian in an instant.

In Li Lingtian's hand, there was a top grade congenital treasure, and the congenital treasure waved towards the light belt. A beam of destruction hit the light belt, and even a trace of fluctuations did not appear in the air. The light beam was cut off like cut tofu.

The speed of the light strip ignores the spatial distance. The top grade congenital treasures in Li Lingtian's hands were also cut directly. The top grade congenital treasures were as fragile as tofu in front of this light strip.

But Li Lingtian's body disappeared, and when it appeared again, it was already a hundred miles away.

For a time, Li Lingtian's body was like a ghost, moving around in space, and the light flashed with Li Lingtian, but the distance before and after was not instantaneous.

In the battlefield, there is no sound, no light in the light, no fluctuations in the space, and Li Lingtian's figure does not have any sound and space fluctuations when the space shuttles.

In the audience of the whole scene, the ten million strong men and monks all held their breaths, fearing that the silence of the battlefield would be interrupted.

Because as long as it is interrupted, Li Lingtian will be cut into pieces by the ribbon.

The three trillion strong monks under Taiyue God's Court were silent at this moment, staring at the crystal screen.

Even the three gods in the main hall of the school field looked at the screen quietly, their faces surprised.

In the opinion of all strong men, if Li Lingtian had no secret technique, Li Lingtian would lose.

Li Lingtian, who was hiding in the air, was indeed shocked.

This multi-colored light belt brought him inspiration. His five-element field, the five-element consummation, if he could realize such a magical power of destruction, then at that time, it was even more terrifying and powerful than this multi-colored light belt.

I was excited, without the slightest tension and fear.

Because this colorful light belt is a good target for his trial hands, if it is too weak, his supernatural powers can not see how powerful in the end.

"Not bad."

Li Lingtian's voice broke the silence in the battlefield.

Just when he was influenced, another Li Lingtian appeared on the other end of the battlefield. The other Li Lingtian stroked with one hand, the trembling of the void, the formation of endless magical power, and the space constantly bred the power of domineering destruction, this power breath It's the same as Li Lingtian's finger strength.

The domineering power has formed a light curtain, which is similar to the multicolored light belt. It is 100 meters wide and infinitely extended, but this light curtain is starry blue.


The light curtain pierced the void and bombarded the band of multicolored lights.



At this moment, the explosion of space, the explosion of the sky, the light curtain on the battlefield shattered.

The shattered light curtain recovered under the mind of the eight old men in black, and then shattered again after the restoration. The continuous shattering continued to restore, and repeated for a time.

Inside the battlefield, the multicolored light strips and the blue light curtain of the starry sky are constantly bombarding.

The ruined space caused ripples.

The two Li Lingtians in the air overlapped together. Li Lingtian was suspended in the southwest corner of the battlefield. Dongyang Bo stood in the northeast corner. The two were opposite each other and looked far away. The light curtain and the light belt in the sky were constantly bombarded. negative.

All the strong men have been numb in shock.

The multicolored light belt is already terrifying~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Among the supernatural powers, the multicolored light belt is the most terrifying and devastating magical power they have ever seen. Any treasure and space will be cut off, and any supernatural power will be reduced to nothingness. .

There is simply nothing to resist.

Just when everyone thought that Li Lingtian would fail without the secret technique, two Li Lingtians appeared on the battlefield.

Both Li Lingtian are real, not fictitious.

This situation shocked countless powerful men and monks.

However, what shocked them even more was the light curtain exhibited by Li Lingtian Shi. This light curtain, with the same power as the colorful light belt, is invincible and destroys everything.

The two powerful gods of destruction met together, and at a time they could not tell the slightest victory or defeat.

The battle between the two is like a supreme **** battle, completely relying on supernatural powers to fight, and has broken away from the strong war mode.


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