War God Supreme

Chapter 2136: Starlight and...

To say the most shocking thing is Dongyang Bo.

This magical power of destruction is his most powerful killer skill. It can be said that it is invincible. With his cultivation of the true divine realm, using this magical power is enough to destroy any superpower.

But I did not expect Li Lingtian to exhibit his magical power.

Although Li Lingtian's supernatural powers could not defeat him for a while, he knew in his heart that Li Lingtian's light curtain was stronger than hiss.

And his magical power has a great limitation, that is, the limitation of power. If the opponent cannot be defeated within a short time, the power will consume strength and the multicolored light band will automatically disappear.

Now, he finally understood why he was so worried about Li Lingtian.

In this Li Lingtian, supernatural powers are emerging in an endless stream, and they are getting more and more powerful. The more supernatural powers that are displayed in the end, the more terrible.

He gives you the feeling that no matter what kind of magical power you exert, he can resist it, and at the same time he can display the same magic power as you. If Li Lingtian's magic power is different from his, he will think that Li Lingtian copied him. Magical power.

"Li Lingtian, what's your name?"

Dongyang Bo was really curious in his heart. He didn't expect that he would be out of this world, even if he was showing his magical powers.

Looking at Li Lingtian, he asked aloud.

In fact, his curiosity is also the curiosity of all other powerful monks.

"This trick in this block was also just realized."

"It's called the light of stars."

Li Lingtian didn't hide it. He had already exhibited it. Even if someone didn't know the name, he would know the horror of this trick, maybe give this supernatural power a different name.

He would naturally not want to change his supernatural powers to other names.

When speaking, the heart of the starry sky in the body rotates, the supreme power of the starry sky works, and the power of the stars continuously supports the light of the stars. However, even if he has been practicing the power of the stars for hundreds of years, he can’t insist too much. Long.

If he can't defeat Dongyang Bo in a while, he will crush it with all his strength, even the secret technique will be used.

Dongyang Bo's multicolored light belt is indeed terrifying, and he is able to contend with the light of the stars. It really shocked him. Originally, he thought that there would be no magic power that can match the light of the stars, unless the superpowers of the high realm.

Now it seems that he is too small to look at other strong people, in this world, there is nothing strange.

"The next move is called the light of the galaxy."

"Lord Tian Tian is careful."

Dong Yang Bo has a smile on his face, but he is helpless because his own light of the Galaxy has reached the limit. If he cannot defeat Li Lingtian, the light of the Galaxy will disappear.

The voice fell, with a dignified look on his face.


An obscure mystery appeared in Dongyang Bokou.

Suddenly, the space distortion is still, and the instantaneous stillness is enough to let a strong man fall hundreds of times.


The time and space in Li Lingtian's body have been running for a long time, and the realm of time and space is also waiting for Dongyang Bo's secret technique.

Seeing Dong Yang Bo Shi exhibit the secret technique, Li Lingtian smiled with a smile on his face.

The static space in front of it is already destroyed before it is formed, and the static stillness of time cannot be formed nor is it destroyed.

In front of Li Lingtian, the secret technique of performing time still and space still is totally axe, but Li Lingtian did not want people to be too shocked by his magical secret technique, and he shouted out deliberately.

If he is alone, he simply ignores time and space stillness.


Dong Yang Bo's face was horrified.

I didn't expect my horrible secret technique to be completely ineffective against Li Lingtian. It was at this time that Li Lingtian's destroyed starlight exploded ten times towards him.

The light of the galaxy shattered quickly, and in a flash, the light of the galaxy disappeared.

The light of the stars came to stop in front of Dongyang Bo, which was only one meter away from Dongyang Bo.

If the light of the stars does not stop, Dong Yangbo will be turned into fragments in the presence of the light of the stars and finally disappear.

Li Lingtian, suspended in the sky, the light of stars disappeared.

Dong Yang Bo, his face pale, this time, he lost terribly.

"Li Lingtian, victory, 39 points."

The war stopped, and after a full minute, the ten million strong men and monks on the scene did not respond to the shock. The sound of Thunder King sounded, waking all the strong monks in shock.

The thunder **** king announced that all the powerful monks in the holy realm under the Taiyue Holy Court all cheered at this moment.

Just because Li Lingtian was so against the sky, the battle between Li Lingtian and Dong Yangbo was too wonderful and magical, completely beyond their imagination.

This will become a myth. The two super monsters have the same supernatural powers, similar methods, similar talents and strengths. Everything is too similar. Although Dongyang Bo finally lost, he lost it wonderfully.

No one thought that Dongyang Bo was not a genius demon, but he was out of luck and met Li Lingtian.

"Li Lingtian."

"Li Lingtian."

"Li Lingtian."


Cheers after cheer, this is the cheer that the winner should have.

All the strong monks cheered for his victory.

Dongmu Shengjing is a three-day celebration of the whole territory.

From then on, Taiyue Shenting appeared a peerless genius of evil spirits, and at the same time got nine super demon geniuses, which made all the powerful and monks of Taiyue Shenting happy and cheered.

This contest of the genius list is hailed as the most shocking genius list battle after 30 million.

This time, the top ten super monsters are the first in any term. Any top ten genius is a super monster that is difficult to encounter for thousands of years.

It can be said that the 400 geniuses that Taiyue Shenting obtained this time are more powerful than the previous geniuses. If they are placed in the previous genius list, this time, the top 10,000 will have the top ten competitions. qualifications.

"The deity announced the final ranking of this battle of genius lists."

"First place, Dongmu Shengjing, Li Lingtian."

"Second place, Blood Dragon Holy Realm, Dongyang Bo."

"Third place, Xuanhai Holy Realm, Bai Chengze."

"Fourth place, Blood Dragon Holy Realm, Void Sky."

"Fifth place, Red Sun Holy Land, Murong Zhiyang."

"Sixth place, Qian Guan Sheng Jing Zhen Guanyu."

"Seventh place, Yunting in Huoyun Shengjing Palace."

"Eighth place, Taiyin Shengjing Zhong Liyun."

"Ninth place, Haoyang Shengjing Wenren Wushuang."

"Tenth place, Zhuge Yangyu of Xuanlie Shengjing."

"This battle of the Genius List ends here."

At this time, the Lord of Void Columns stood up and glanced at all the strong monks, and then announced loudly, announcing the final ranking of the battle of the genius list.

After announcing the top ten rankings, it was then announced that the battle for the talent list was over.

The battle of the genius list once every five thousand years finally ended after ten years.

After the war, all the strong men and monks withdrew from the school.

Li Lingtian and other super geniuses have returned to the palace castle on the campus.


Taiyue Shenting, the genius list once every 5,000 years ended.

The final ranking of the genius also came out, and countless strong monks were in shock. The first and second places appeared in Li Lingtian and Dongyang Bo, which is reasonable.

All the strong monks were shocked by Li Lingtian's magic and anti-natural, shocked Dongyang Bo's horror magic power.

Both are peerless evils that have been rare for hundreds of millions of years.

"I didn't expect Li Lingtian like Dongmu Shengjing."

"Both Dongyang Bo and Xutian did not get the first one."

In a super family of Blood Dragon Holy Realm, countless superpowers are shocked.

It was originally believed that the first and second places in the genius list will appear in the Blood Dragon Holy Realm. I did not expect that the first place will be taken away by a small Holy Realm genius.

"Li Lingtian, since his battle in the Qingluo Xianhai Rankings, this palace has known extraordinary."

"It's just that I didn't expect it, but I was so bad that when I first saw it, this palace could easily crush him. Now it seems that this palace is not his opponent."

In the Dongmu Shengjing Temple, the ethereal voice of the Holy Spirit Purple Spirit Fairy sounded.

The whole Dongmu Shengjing cheered Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian became the mythical legend of Dongmu Shengjing, and it was the super demon of Taiyue Shenting for hundreds of millions of years.

"This time the top ten evil spirits of Taiyue Shenting have to be erased."

In the blood dragon holy city, inside a mansion, the dark shadow heard a faint voice.

"Taiyue Shenting has too many evils this time."

"You have to reduce it so that you don't have trouble growing up later."

The superpowers outside Taiyue Shenting are well aware of the situation of Taiyue Shenting's genius list. Seeing the evil spirits of this genius list, many forces have produced killing intentions.

Heaven, there are more than four great temples, and there are other super general existences.

It is natural to see people who appear too evil in Taiyue Shenting.

In this world, evil geniuses are destined to become the primary targets of the destruction of the hostile forces.

The tree wants to be quiet and the wind will not stop, Mu Xiu will be destroyed by the forest wind.

When Taiyue Shenting's genius list appeared, there were countless forces against the enemy, and the top 100 super demon entered into some super existence lists.

"This is your reward."

"Everyone must not leave the Blood Dragon Holy City~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and go to Taiyue Shenting ten days later."

Inside the palace castle of the command center of the campus, the large main hall, the top 400 super demon gathered in the main hall, with a respectful look on his face.

Because, in this main hall, there are three supreme gods.

The three supreme gods, even the imaginary **** Lord, must be like good babies in front of them.

Li Lingtian was shocked, completely shocked.

These three gods do not know how many billions of times stronger than the imaginary Divine Lord. A true **** like him can destroy you with just one idea.

The terrible coercion made him unable to move his fingers at all. His mind and power were all imprisoned.

This situation caused Li Lingtian to turn over the river and the sea, showing absolute respect to the three gods.


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