War God Supreme

Chapter 2137: God Power

Super strong, this is the super strong.

The inadvertent power exuded by the three gods made all the true gods unable to move their fingers, but how terrifying it was for such gods to fight, he couldn't imagine how terrible it was.

In the face of absolute state and strength, any taboo magical power is useless.

He said this sentence, and now I really see it.

He has supernatural powers and talents, but in front of these gods, he can't even move his fingers, let alone fight them.

If you can achieve this level, then at that time, you will be able to destroy the world between your hands and feet, plus your magical power, then the power will be unimaginable.

Realm, cultivation, and strength are what I need most now.

The imaginary **** of the gods sent out the rewards of the first four hundred and said lightly.

Four hundred super monsters, the rewards have been prepared for a long time. Everyone has a space ring. The space ring is the reward of this time.

"This is the Bishui Fairy in this genius list of Taiyue Shenting."

"This is Divine Thunder."

"This is Venerable Gale."

After the rewards were issued, the priest of the virtual column made a respectful reverence for the god.

He is also a god, but in front of the three super gods, he is just a little person.

"Have seen the Fairy Fairy."

"I have seen God of Thunder."

"I have seen Lord Gale."

Four hundred super demon, knowing the three gods is terrible, but did not expect to be the gods in the altar of Taiyue Shenting, immediately shocked and excited 400 super demon.

At the same time respectful salute, a respectful look on his face.

Although four hundred super monsters are the first genius in every holy land, but in front of the deity, nothing is, what is the deity? That is the most powerful existence of mankind in heaven.

They are geniuses, and their goal is the God King and God Lord, and they have a rush to the God Venerable in their hearts, but they know that it is very slim, and the three gods in front of them are God Venerables, and they are also the most powerful gods in Taiyue God Court.

Li Lingtian was most shocked in his heart. Perhaps other super powers had contacted God Venerable, or he might have heard of God Venerable.

But Li Lingtian has only heard of it in legend. More importantly, Jiutian God City is a small world created by a deity. That deity is called Jiutian deity.

The **** who is against the sky has the opportunity to open up his own world and space. I can imagine how powerful the **** is.

I did not expect that one day I would be able to see the deity, and at first sight I would be three deities.

He also has the inheritance of the Holy Temple, but the owner of the Holy Temple is only the Divine Lord, which is still a short distance from the Divine Venerable.

My previous life was the Jiuyang Divine Monarch, and the Jiuyang Divine Monarch was only a Divine Monarch, not even the Divine King. It can be said that his current strength is equivalent to that of a general Divine Monarch, and can be comparable to the previous life.

"You are the future of Taiyue Shenting."

"Genius is just a capital, a capital that becomes the bottom line of the strong."

"All you need to do is practice harder."

"Genius is just a slightly better seedling. You have nothing to be proud of. Geniuses who are not strong are not geniuses. Perhaps geniuses are just a joke."

"In Taiyue Divine Court, there are other forces. The genius grabs a lot, but there are few who can become strong. It can be said that four hundred of you may be able to become gods, but only forty. There are only a few kings who have become gods. As for gods, chances are slim."

"One day, if you can't become the God Lord, you will also sit down and fall. In this way, you know better that few of you can really survive in this world."

The Bishui Fairy glanced at all the super demon, but in the gentle water-like voice, all the demon were horrified.

These super geniuses are undoubtedly a strong blow.

Perhaps many people are dissatisfied, but they dare not refute.

This is a word of the deity, and naturally it will not be said indiscriminately.

"Give you ten days. After ten days, everyone will gather here."

"If he didn't appear here on the tenth day, even if he gave up entering Taiyue God Court."

The voice of the Bishui Fairy sounded again. After finishing the speech, with one wave of one hand, the water sleeve turned into a magical space, and all the super monsters disappeared in this space.

Without waiting for these evil spirits to react, all the evil spirits have left the main hall, and when they appear again, they have already appeared in the resting place of the school grounds.

The magical means make people unable to resist.

Four hundred super demon, with a shocked look on his face.

Then they each returned to their holy place to rest.

Li Lingtian has been shocked in his heart, and unconsciously returned to the resting place of Dongmu Shengjing. When Li Lingtian returned to his residence, all the strongmen celebrated Li Lingtian.

"Congratulations to Brother Li, who won the first place in the genius list."

"The top genius list is Brother Li."

"Brother Li, congratulations."

"Come on, we celebrate."

"Lord Tiantian, congratulations."

"Now, Ling Tian has become the first in the list of geniuses. Joining Taiyue Shenting has a promising future."

"In the future, Dongmu Shengjing also hopes that Brother Li will take care of one or two."


For a time, countless sounds of joy, and many sounds of friendship.

These super geniuses also know that they and Li Lingtian are people of two worlds, just hope that Li Lingtian can bring one or two in the future, and they are both geniuses, but now Li Lingtian is the first genius demon of Taiyue Shenting.

All kinds of supernatural talents are beyond their imagination.

Li Lingtian's means made their pride disappear without a trace.

After the round of celebration, the other geniuses left with fun, leaving Han Wushuang and Zhao Yuxiao, Nalan Yunting and Qingshui Fairy. The four of them are the top 2,000 geniuses, and they are the closest to Li Lingtian.

"Here is the most shocking brother Li's last magical power, the light of the stars."

"That magical power, even if it is encountered by the **** king, it must fall."

Zhao Yuxiao thought of the light of the stars exhibited by Li Lingtian Shi, and was still shocked, not to mention the true god, even if the **** monarch came across, one would have to fall carelessly.

"Uncle Dongyang met Brother Li, and it was bad luck."

Nalan Yunting said.

"Brother Li, I will go to Taiyue Shenting this time and return to Dongmu Shengjing. I don't know what year or month."

"Shall we go out and celebrate?"

Han Wushuang said, looking at Li Lingtian.

Everyone knows that after Li Lingtian entered Taiyue Shenting, he has a promising future. With Li Lingtian's talent cultivation as his strength, under the cultivation of Taiyue Shenting, it will only be a matter of time before he becomes a God King or God.

He would naturally not return to such a small place as Dongmu Shengjing.

Not to mention Li Lingtian, even if they are four, after going back, they will definitely not be in the Dongmu Holy Realm, but may go to the Xuanyue Holy Realm, the first 10,000 super demon, the super holy realm does not rush to ask, Xuanyue Sanctuary will naturally not allow the four super demon to be poached by other holy realms.

Take this opportunity now and make a good relationship, otherwise there will be no chance in the future.

Hearing what Han Wushuang said, Zhao Yuxiao and Nalan Yunting Fairy Fairy looked at Li Lingtian.

"Okay, let's go to the Blood Dragon Holy City."

When Li Lingtian saw the four people, he naturally understood their thoughts.

There was no refusal, and he agreed with a smile on his face.

After celebrating with Zhao Yuxiao in the Holy City, Li Lingtian returned to the Mansion of the Blood Dragon Holy City. Within ten days, he had to deal with the matter here, and then went to Taiyue Shenting with the other demon .

After going to Taiyue Shenting, I don't know when I will be able to return to Blood Dragon Holy Land and Dongmu Holy Realm. Maybe I will never go to Dongmu Holy Realm and Blood Dragon Holy Realm in this life.

After returning to the mansion, a few girls were very happy.

After ten years of intense war on the list of geniuses, several girls followed him and worried that Li Lingtian had not really relaxed. Now that the war is over, I can finally take a good rest.

After a few days of rest, Li Lingtian went to the Blood Dragon Holy City branch of the Celestial Business League alone.

Because he wants to deal with some treasures and materials on his body.

All these things were obtained from the land of the ruins, Naidan gave the Taiyue Shenting, but the materials of each ancient beast and ancient beast are extremely cherished. He also obtained these materials in the land of the ruins. Don't use it, simply dispose of it.

Moreover, one's own mansion must be disposed of.

Tang Zimeng and they must have followed him to Taiyue Shenting.

When he went to Taiyue Shenting, he used a lot of spirit stones.

Although there are a lot of rewards this time, his identity now uses many spirit stones, and he uses hundreds of billions to calculate. If there is no spirit stone on his body, it is also very troublesome.

An hour later, Li Lingtian left the Blood Dragon Holy City branch of the Celestial Business League.

With a faint smile on his face, this time in the Celestial Business Alliance, he processed all the materials and treasures he didn't need, and the spirit stone he got shocked him.

The material and the mansion are processed together to obtain 200 billion spirit stones.

The mansion is gone~www.wuxiaspot.com~Tang Zimeng and others naturally lived in the Shenlong Ring, waiting to go to Taiyue Shenting.

Li Lingtian returned to the residence where the school rested.

Other Dongmu Holy Realm strongmen have not left, saying that they have to wait for Li Lingtian to go to Taiyue Shenting before leaving. This is also respect for Li Lingtian. After all, Li Lingtian's status is not ordinary.

In his room, he cleaned all the space rings he got from the ruins.

These space rings are all obtained from those evil spirits, which contain various magical powers, as well as countless treasures and spirit stones.

Moreover, the evil spirits he killed also killed countless super evil spirits, that is to say, a space ring obtained by Li Lingtian has ten hundred or even a thousand space rings, and there are space rings in those space rings.

Because these super geniuses killed their opponents, they were killed by more powerful geniuses, then by more genius geniuses, and finally by Li Lingtian.


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