War God Supreme

Chapter 2171: Ghost ghost


"Brother, did you choose an advanced mission?"

Tianyue Palace Masters were very surprised when they heard that Li Lingtian had chosen the advanced mission. Please search (Product#Book......Net) to see the most complete! The fastest updating novel

Looking at Li Lingtian, he didn't think of Li Lingtian's first mission. He chose advanced missions and took some risks.

The general super demon, the first time to do a task, chooses the ordinary task, at most chooses the primary task, the first time chooses the intermediate task, has not appeared.

But Li Lingtian did the task for the first time and chose an advanced task.

"Yes, I chose an advanced task."

"After completing this advanced task, you can get 10,000 points."

"And the time limit of this task is very small. It will be completed in one hundred years. I can shock the God Realm within this one hundred years. The last nine-turn virtual spirit pill can not be wasted."

"If this Nine-Turn Phantom Elixir can't make me break through to the God King, I can only refine the Elixir by myself, and it can just help Blood Moon to recover his body."

Li Lingtian nodded and said.

A trillion miles away, even if you have a high-class ancient-class flying warship, it will take four years. You can adjust yourself in these four years.

Or find a way to allow Blood Moon to have its own **** body, which he promised to Blood Moon before.

Although the strength of Blood Moon cannot help him now, he has to promise what he promised.

With his current identity and strength, even if he does not refine the Elixir, he can earn some points in exchange for the precious Elixir to allow Blood Moon to possess the **** body.

He checked in the Celestial Business League, Taiyue Shenting did have nine magical medicines such as Tiandan.

But it is not a spirit stone that can be purchased. You must exchange the points of Taiyue Shenting to get it. This nine-turn-up Tiantian can also be said to be the official thing of Taiyue Shenting and will not be sold privately.

Because, nine turn to make up Tian Dan, as long as the soul is not destroyed, you can use this medicine to restore the **** body.

This is one of the reasons why he chose advanced tasks.

"Well, with your little teacher's strength as your training, there is no great danger in doing advanced tasks."

"However, it is easy to hide the dark arrows and the defense is not easy. We are worried about other strengths against you, because you are too dazzling."

With a worried look on the face of the Lord Tianyue Palace, he said.

"Sister Master, don't worry."

"When I visited the teacher, Brother Bro. and Brother Tianlei, as well as Sister Bishui, gave me three good treasures, all of which are life-saving treasures. As long as the Divine Lord does not take action, there is no problem if I want to go. ."

Li Lingtian said with a smile.

He said well, Jiuxing scorned the armor and topped the ancient artifact.

The Seven Wonderful Mirror is also a top-notch archaic artifact. Such treasures, even the deity, rarely have.

Yunmeizhu is also an excellent ancient artifact, but it is only auxiliary, not so obvious, but in Li Lingtian, it can play a shocking effect.

Defense, attack, escape, everything is used, it is natural to say that one's own security.

"Brother's master and brother and sister really care about you."

"Although the treasures they brought out are of little use to them, they are very useful to you. The treasures given by the three of them are given to you according to your current situation."

Xuanyuan Yingying said happily that, with Li Lingtian's current cultivation methods and means, plus these treasures, as long as he did not encounter devastating things, there would be no danger.

"By the way, I'm doing this task."

"Mengmeng can go to Zixia Fairy to practice, and you will stay in Taiyue Shenting."

"As long as you don't leave Taiyue Shenting, there will be no danger."

"At that time, let Qiushui mark apply to you for the qualification of the ghost image, so that we can meet at any time."

Li Lingtian said seriously.

The ghost image is a powerful secret technique, and also the most common secret technique in heaven, and the most common auxiliary secret technique.

This mystery has no attack, no defense, just a projection.

With the help of the divine power and immortal energy of the heavenly realm, and the magic power of the strong man himself.

No matter how many billions of miles are apart, as long as the ghost ghost image is condensed, the ghost ghost image can reach any familiar place, but the place where the **** ghost image reaches must have familiar coordinates.

For example, even if Li Lingtian is in the land of return to the ruins, he can condense the ghost shadow, and the ghost shadow can communicate with Tang Zimeng, but Tang Zimeng can only face one virtual shadow. This virtual shadow is naturally Li Lingtian’s virtual Shadow.

The phantom can communicate, but it cannot have the slightest attack and defense.

However, those who can possess such a ghost image can only be possessed by the important characters and geniuses of Taiyue Shenting. If they possess a ghost image, they should keep their natal cards in Taiyue Shenting. As long as they do not fall, they will not be destroyed. Yes, if the natal card is destroyed, it means the owner of the natal card has fallen.

These, ordinary people will not be qualified.

In Taiyue God Court, super genius and super demon, super strong and super deity, important characters and core characters, as well as important characters in major holy realms, all will have ghost ghosts.

Hundreds of millions of miles apart, we are able to meet in one place.

"Spiritual phantoms, only divine realm can condense."

"We also have to work hard to practice, so that we can condense the shadow of the gods in the future."

Xiaobai said seriously that although she has now reached the true divine realm, the body of the real dragon is still the holy dragon realm. If she can reach the divine realm, she will have the strength equivalent to the **** king.

This is why she is the most powerful among several women.

It's just the true divine realm, but it has the strength of the great consummation of the prince. It is because of the body of the real dragon, her little princess of the dragon family, the little dragon girl, the divine body and supernatural powers.

"What is the matter, I can condense the shadow of the gods and come back to communicate with you."

"I now have to condense the shadow of the spirit when doing tasks."

Li Lingtian said, with a smile on his face, condensing the shadow of the gods, no need to consume divine power, but only consume one percent of the consciousness. For Li Lingtian, condensing the shadow of the gods, one in 100,000 The ghost image is enough, and this effect can be ignored completely.

After returning to the Four Great Secret Realms, he opened the ghost image and established several coordinates in the Taiyue Divine Court, which could transmit the information back at any time.

This is the qualification of every genius and demon who reach the realm of God.

At the critical moment of the task, it is necessary to turn on the spirits and spirits, so that the core layer of Taiyue Shenting can get the news. They can not read it, but when they want to check and audit, this news is the most important audit evidence.

"It is said that from the Taiyue Shenting to the Blaze Pass, there is one trillion miles together."

"Even if it is a top-grade ancient-class flying warship, it will take seven or eight years for a trip."

"Brother Ling Tian doesn't take anyone there?"

Xuanyuan Yingying opened her eyes, and looked at Li Lingtian with her smart eyes.

On such a long journey, it takes several years to fly day and night to reach the destination. During this time, Li Lingtian must rely on cultivation to make time.

Although the flying warship does not need to be operated, as long as it gives some instructions, it is always necessary for someone to help Li Lingtian watch it.


"Otherwise, my brother takes two maids."

"When they are on the way, they can also take care of their brother's life and life, and his brother will be able to focus more on cultivation and responding to the enemy."

Xiaobai said, waiting for the speech, looked at Tang Zimeng and Xuanyuan Yingying.

The two are Li Lingtian's wife. She suggested that Li Lingtian bring a maid, naturally depending on the meaning of the two.

As for the maids, they belonged to Li Lingtian.

"Little Sister Bai said well."

"Lingqiu and Lingxin are very good, let them go."

"Also bring two team captains."

Tang Zimeng and Xuanyuan Yingying said without hesitation.

So far apart, it is natural to ask someone to take care of Li Lingtian's life. If you find other people, they are not at ease. Lingqiu and Lingxin have followed them for a hundred years. They are more familiar with the two maids. More at ease.

"The guards don't need to bring them anymore."

Li Lingtian said, "It's nothing to bring a maid. If you bring a guard, it's trouble."

With his own strength now, there will not be any impact on meeting the King of God, but if you bring two guards, the captain of the guard is in the King of Gods, but it is also burdensome.

"When is Brother Ling Tian going to go to Blaze?"

Tang Zimeng asked Li Lingtian, although the time limit for this task is one hundred years, it does not necessarily take one hundred years to do this task.

"In the past few days, I still have some things to arrange."

"Go to Blaze Pass when you have arranged it."

Li Lingtian did not hesitate. He already had a plan in his heart. As long as some things were dealt with, he would leave Taiyue Shenting and go to the Blaze Pass. If things at home were not arranged properly, he would not go out to do tasks with peace of mind.

Next, Li Lingtian handled some things in Taiyue Shenting.

There are also preparations for going to the flames, just flying for three or four years, so there are still many things to be prepared.

There is another problem. I cannot let others know about my own journey to the border of the flames.

He is not a fool~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is the first genius of Taiyue Shenting, and I don’t know how many powerful people and forces want to wipe him out. In Taiyue Shenting, those who have heart have no chance to do it.

But they all know that these geniuses have to do tasks after they come out of the Five Elements world.

Naturally, these caring people will definitely wait in some important places in the Forty Thousand Sacred Realms below Taiyue Shenting.

The tasks of the ordinary level and the junior and intermediate level are all in the forty thousand sacred realm, and will not be at the border, so these people will wait for the rabbits, and Li Lingtian must do something beyond their imagination.

Instead of doing the previous tasks, start directly from the high-level tasks. In this way, you will be out of the control of those people.

This is one of the reasons why he chose advanced tasks.

He doesn't like secret enemies and doesn't want to give initiative to others.

As long as you surpass the control and arrangement of those powerful people, the initiative is in your own hands.

[Today's 14th, ask for a recommendation ticket]

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