War God Supreme

Chapter 2172: Spirit Hill and Spirit Heart

c_t; "Sister, I'm going out to do tasks during this time. The full text of the latest chapter is read and accessed:"

"Sister Ling Tiangong, you have to take care of me, Sister."

Li Lingtian finished the matter of Taiyue Shenting and then came to Bishui Palace.

The Bishui Palace is more than a hundred times larger than Li Lingtian’s Lingtian Palace, and its territory is also a hundred times larger than Lingtian Palace. However, there are not many people in this place. There are only a dozen "servants" and "females" and a few "female" disciples.

The total number of people in the palace is only twenty, and the entire palace is a god.

When Li Lingtian arrived, he was also blocked by the "servants" and "females" and a few "female" disciples. Finally, Li Lingtian said his identity, which allowed Li Lingtian to enter.

You know, Li Lingtian is just a godly realm.

In this palace, the ‘servants’ and ‘women’ are all god-king realms, and a few ‘women’ disciples are also god-king gods. They naturally will not allow Li Lingtian to enter the Bishui Palace casually.

Learning that Li Lingtian is the teacher of the Bishui fairy, they were all surprised and saluted immediately.

They rarely leave here, have not seen Li Lingtian, and naturally do not know Li Lingtian.

"You do things that people can't understand."

"Although you are powerful, you do advanced tasks for the first time.

"The road is your own choice. Remember that life is most important at any time. Ling Tiangong still belongs to you. Sister will naturally take care of one or two."

The two sat against each other, and the Bishui fairy said.

Although Li Lingtian doesn't let people know his mission level, the fairy of Bishui is the core spirit of Taiyue Shenting, and naturally knows about Li Lingtian.

She discovered Zhang Yaocheng when she discovered the high-level tasks Li Lingtian received.

Zhang Yaocheng repeated the story before the fairy of Bishui let him leave, otherwise his life would be lost.

"Thank you sister."

"In this way, I can complete the task with peace of mind."

"You also know that I have been stuck in God's Realm for thousands of years, this time, I just want to break through in the war."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, he used to be a weak ant in front of the Fairy Fairy.

Now the fairy of Bishui is his sister, and the two are naturally much closer. Naturally, the fairy of Bishui will not use Shenwei to crush him, and Li Lingtian also speaks more casually.

"Here are a few nine-turn phantom pill."

"Brother Gale is not far from the border. If something happens, you come back and I will tell you the coordinates of Brother Gale."

When the fairy of Bishui was talking, a bottle of jade appeared in his hand.

Handing the ‘Jade’ bottle to Li Lingtian in a random way, the nine-turn False Spirit Pill, is the most crucial ‘medicine’ to break through the Divine King and Divine King. Although it is not 100% sure, it can increase a little hope. Full text reading of the latest chapter

Subsequently, Li Lingtian chatted with the fairy of Bishui for a while and then left.

The super geniuses and super devils in the genius list in Taiyue Shenting have chosen missions one after another, leaving Taiyue Shenting and heading for their own missions.

All of these evil spirits are super powers of the Divine Monarch Realm, and they are originally evil spirits, and even more powerful after reaching the Divine Monarch.


nbsp; The task is done within the Taiyue Shenting, and the natural danger is not so big.

But even so, it has to face countless challenges and crises.

They are geniuses. When they set foot on this step, they knew that they had become the targets of other forces. Therefore, no matter under what circumstances, they would save their lives first.

The central square, at any time, has countless super geniuses and super powers.

Because this is the center of the Taiyue Shenting billionaires.

Watching this year's genius go out to practice tasks, it is all like gloating. After all, genius and the strong are competing with each other, and envy is inevitable.

In the five-element world of Taiyue Shenting, this year's show is full of limelight reads;.

I want to see this genius hit the wall outside.


A white figure appeared in the center of the square, followed by a lilac ‘color’ and a pale white ‘color’.

Three figures appeared, and the white figure was naturally Li Lingtian, and the two figures behind were two beautiful and tall'servants' and'females'.

Seeing these three figures immediately caused a lot of discussion.

No one knows Li Lingtian in Taiyue Shenting. No one knows Li Lingtian naturally.

When I saw Li Lingtian, I was excited and respectful. I didn’t have to think about it. I also knew that Li Lingtian was going out to do tasks. I didn’t expect Li Lingtian to go out to do tasks without ‘servants’ but ‘servants’ and ‘women’.

You know, most super geniuses and evil spirits, when they go out to do tasks, they bring ‘waiter’ guards.

Li Lingtian did not heed the comments of these powerful men and geniuses, but walked towards the position of the teleportation.

The teleportation array can send hundreds of people at a time.

The three embarked on the teleportation array and disappeared above the square.

The one-minute transmission time, when it appeared again, had come to the square between the outer urn and the inner wall, and there were countless flying warships on the square.

These flying warships Li Lingtian knew that this was used internally by Taiyue Shenting.

If you want to leave here, you can only take this flying warship.

From this place, you can take a flying warship and fly one day before you can come to the border of Taiyue Shenting.

"My subordinates met with Lord Ling Tian."

The emergence of Li Lingtian suddenly noticed several **** king strong men.

Immediately hurried to meet Li Lingtian.

"This one needs a bow flying warship."

Li Lingtian spoke directly and pointed to the flying warship reads in the distance.

"Ling Tian Pavilion Master wait a moment."

The strong king of the gods nodded, and immediately issued an order. In the distance, a flying warship quickly glide towards this side, and stopped in front of Li Lingtian for 100 meters.

Li Lingtian took Lingqiu and Lingxin to the flying warship.

He is the patriarch of Taiyue Shenting, and even the first pavilion. Naturally, he has the authority of these flying warships, and he can open this authority without the need for others to open it.

This is his qualifications and identity.

"Congratulations to Lord Lingtian Pavilion."

"I wish the Lord Ling Tiange a triumphant return."


The strong king of the gods saluted Li Lingtian's flying battleship, shouting loudly.

Li Lingtian nodded his head and gave the order. The flying warship turned into a shadow and disappeared on the square. When it appeared again, it was already at the end of the sky.


In the flying battleship, Li Lingtian stood in the main control room.

Behind Lingqiu and Lingxin stood aside respectfully, waiting for Li Lingtian's instructions, with a charming and charming'color' in their eyebrows, their eyes were full of worship, and their elders were **** masters in Taiyue's court.

He has always lived in Taiyue Shenting and has a very good talent. He is a rare arrogant ‘female’ in Taiyue Shenting.

Taiyue Shenting gave some resources for cultivation. If it could not meet the requirements of Taiyue Shenting, it could only give up cultivation. The powerful Tianjiao'female' and Tianjiao's son might become'servant' female' and'servant' guards .

If you find a better master, even if you are lucky, if you can't find a good master, you can only admit that you are out of luck.

However, these ‘servants’ guards and ‘servants’ and ‘women’ have to undergo rigorous scrutiny, and they can only wait for a master in their lifetime, so as not to cause accidents to the cabinet master and super genius.

Lingqiu and Lingxin, the two are also arrogant ‘females’, but there is still a big gap between the geniuses cultivated by Taiyue Shenting.

Being able to become a "servant" or "female" is also a matter of choice.

The'servants','females' and'servants' guards who became the patriarchs are even more tragic, even more fierce than the competition in the genius list.

The two and other sisters were also selected from countless Taiyue's arrogant ‘females’. Everyone must be a virgin, without emotional entanglement.

They originally wanted to be the "servants" and "female" of super genius and super demon.

But I didn't expect to be the'servant' daughter' of the patriarch, or the first patriarch, but also the'superior lady' of the first super demon in the trillion years of Taiyue Shenting. Follow such characters as long as they are not expelled , Can be regarded as a step in the sky.

"Lingqiu, spiritual heart."

After Li Lingtian's order was completed, he turned and shouted.

The eyes glanced at the two'servants' women, and the beauty of'glamorous' was nothing. It was indeed the arrogant'female' of Taiyue Shenting, which is what other people call the'female'. .

"Pavilion Lord."

Lingqiu and Lingxin Yingying salute, answering softly, waiting for Li Lingtian's instructions.

"You two, take turns looking after the flying warship."

"I have chosen the coordinates of the flying warship, and I will notify the seat when I reach the border."

"This seat will take a break. You will adjust things yourself."

Li Lingtian said that the flying warship flew directly to the outer border of Taiyue Shenting, and when it reached the border, the flying battleship would be "handed over" to the management of Taiyue Shenting.

After leaving Taiyue Shenting, you must use your own flying warship.

Moreover, when using your own flying warship, you also need to avoid the eyes of other forces.

"Spiritual obedience."

"Lingqiu obeyed."

The two "females" of Lingxinqiu Qiying happily saluted with a happy look on their faces;

Forty-eight "servants" and "females", and the two of them followed, and their affairs

Feeling is to take care of Li Lingtian's life and daily life, other things will not need them to manage.

Li Lingtian turned away from the control room and walked towards a large room not far from the control room.

I went back to the room and fell asleep on the ‘bed’.

It is the safest in this Taiyue shrine. If you can’t sleep peacefully in this place, there is really no place in the world where you can sleep peacefully.

"The geniuses on Taiyue Shenting's genius list basically left Taiyue Shenting."

"The top ten super demon, Li Lingtian did not show up, this is the most important one, can not let go."

Wanlong Holy Realm, known as the Top 10 Holy Realm of Taiyue Shenting, is more powerful than Blood Dragon Holy Realm.

In the Wanlong Holy Realm, in a mansion, the cold voice of a powerful **** sounded~www.wuxiaspot.com~The geniuses in Taiyue Shenting are in their hands, and they can't escape their eyes with every move.


"The first ten monsters, most of the first mission is to choose the primary mission."

"Pay attention to the top ten evil spirits, and the top 100 evil spirits must also find ways to erase them."

"That Li Yuetian, the first genius demon in Taiyue Shenting in trillion years, should be a junior and intermediate task. Once he appears, he must stare at him, and when he leaves Taiyue Shenting, he will start again and kill him with one blow!"

Also in a huge holy land around Taiyue Shenting, a super-god exudes domineering destruction power, and said lightly, the sound is like an oracle.

It is no secret that Taiyue Shenting left countless geniuses to do tasks. It is no secret that countless forces have targeted these geniuses and want to wipe out these geniuses without knowing it.

The top ten super devil is on the kill list of some forces.


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