War God Supreme

Chapter 2242: Infinite world

The universe is vast and the stars are endless.

No one knows what the universe is.

No one knows how big the starry sky is.

No one knows what samsara is.

No one knows how many secrets there are in the universe.

No one knows how many rules and regulations there are in this cosmic flood.

Human beings, in the endless floodless universe, are just a drop in the sea, and only one of all creatures.

Humans only know a little fur.

Human beings have been groping in this vast universe.

The world is connected one by one, and the barriers are connected one by one.

No matter how many worlds, no matter how many souls, the only thing that can't escape is the law of time. In the long course of time, the world is destroyed, and the strong generations disappear.

Infinite world, one of the oldest.

However, this world is the world of all creatures. Although human beings are very powerful, they are not the masters of this world. They can only be said to be one of the most powerful.

With the passage of time, the immeasurable world is forgotten by the long river of time. Perhaps the gods of the immeasurable world are long gone.

Like a corner in other cosmic wilderness worlds, no matter how powerful the world is, it will drown in the river of time.

In this world, all creatures compete for hegemony.

With countless powerful beasts and monsters, and countless magical creatures.

It can be said that the immeasurable world is one of the most magical and mysterious in the universe.

However, countless billions of epochs have passed, countless worlds have been sealed, countless horrifying gods and souls have reincarnate, leaving countless unknown dangerous and magical things.


The horrible roar of the gods and beasts rang through the world.

Hundreds of super-beasts rushed towards the center of the human race, and completely surrounded the human being as a delicious meal.

These mythical beasts, although only at a semi-deity level.

However, hundreds of demigod-level beasts besieged several humans, and even the most powerful humans must be torn by the beasts.

What's more, the surrounded human beings are just three half **** women.

The three women are glamorous, and they are described as peerless.

The three women are all half-spiritual consummation cultivation practices, and the powerful magical powers in their hands continue to bombard the divine beasts, but they are almost dangerous, so in this way, all three will become a divine beast.

These three women, a fiery red gauze, are extremely beautiful in their hot bodies.

A purple blouse, dressed in Taoism, where a dust in his hand passes, the power of destruction tears the powerful mythical beast, but his face is very cold, and the whole person is like an iceberg.

The other one is a pale cyan shirt, which looks only 15 or 16 years old, but among the three, her strength is the most terrifying.




The three women were surrounded by hundreds of gods and beasts, and it was impossible to escape.

And they were seriously injured, and it was a long fight.

The face is all tired, and the spirit is not very good, and even more despair.

Because they have been here for almost two months, and they have been fighting with the beasts and monsters for two months. Endless fighting is like entering a cage of a beast.

"Sister Three, please take Sister Two away."

"I can resist it for a while, or I won't be able to leave by then."

The pale cyan girl said anxiously, the magical power in her hand, with the power of terrifying mysterious ice, every magical power would freeze a few miles to resist the attack of the mythical beast.

But even in this case, the three of them could not support it for long.

In the past, they all encountered separate monsters, or three or four, even the gods of the true **** level, but they were all killed or fled by the three of them.

This time, the three of them walked for a day without encountering the gods and beasts. When they thought it was safe, they found that they had entered the territory of the gods and beasts. As soon as they appeared, there were hundreds of gods and beasts. But the beasts are endless.

And there are more and more beasts, which makes the despair in the hearts of the three people reach the extreme.

"Sister Qingling."

"The three of us will die together even if we die."

"I don't know where it is, we can't leave here."

The cold, frosty woman's language is very gentle, her eyes are emotionally fluctuating, and she looks at the woman in pale blue clothes.

Naturally, the woman in light cyan clothes is Qing Ling, the woman in purple clothes is the Frost Palace Master, and the woman in red clothes is the Star Palace Master.

"Yes, Sister II is right."

"The three of us don't want to go out of this ghost place."

"It's just that we won't see the younger brother anymore, I don't know how the younger brother is in heaven."

"Pray that our fall will allow the young master to suffer less disaster in the realm of heaven."

The flaming supernatural power in the hands of the main star of the star palace destroys the heaven and earth, while resisting the attack of the mythical beast, he said.

There was a smile on the charming face, but this smile contained despair, because they are facing death now, and there is no hope of death.


"Bless your son in peace and security."

"If there is an afterlife, I will be a son's woman."

"To be your sister."

There was a grin on Qingling's face. The three of them were completely besieged without any retreat, and the attack of the Divine Beast became a piece. Even if it was not destroyed by the Attack of the Divine Beast, it would be crushed by the Divine Beast.

For hundreds of years, the time for ordinary people is several years, but for them, these hundreds of years are too short.

And they still have a lot of things to do, there are still many people who are waiting for them, they are also waiting for their beloved ones, but now they are going to fall here.

"If there is an afterlife."

"We are also good sisters."

Happy smiles appeared on the faces of the Lord of the Star Palace and the Lord of the Frost Palace.

Death, when he arrived, was very scared.

But when he couldn't escape death, he could face it calmly.

The smile on the face of Han Frost Palace is absolutely beautiful, and for her unsmiling, few people can see her smile.

Faced with the attack of the destruction of hundreds of beasts, the three smiled, no longer resisted, clasped their hands together, and waited for the arrival of death, just as if they had to be soulmates after death.

However, when the three of them closed their eyes and waited for destruction, the space became silently strange.

Destruction never came, and all this was like an illusion.

For more than ten seconds, none of them waited until death.

Seeing this situation, the three people of Qingling were curious and opened their eyes, wanting to know what happened.

Because the attack of the destruction of hundreds of beasts had landed, they didn't feel the slightest feeling, which was too strange.

What they did not expect was that the scene that appeared in front of them shocked and stunned them.

Because the attacks of hundreds of gods and beasts are all confined in space, and all the gods and beasts are also confined. This space is completely frozen, but in this frozen space, a young man in white walks over with a faint smile on his face.

Walking alone in front of countless beast attacks, all the attacks disappeared when they met him.

This young man is integrated into this world, and everything is eclipsed before him.

Seeing this young man, the shock on the face of the three women recovered.

In the eyes, there is no understanding and unbelief.


The young man in white has eyes like an endless starry sky. In a blink of an eye, the world changes.

All the gods and animals disappeared and the space returned to normal.

In front of them, there are no gods and beasts, no everything, only a young man in white.

When I saw this young man, the shock in the eyes of the three people disappeared. In exchange for it was unbelief, because this person should not be here, but this person appeared when they were about to be destroyed.

Because this person is the person they miss, but this person should be in the heavenly realm, why it appeared in the Shenwu Continent, and it appeared in front of them at the most critical moment. All this is incredible.


"Little brother."

Qing Ling and Han Frost Palace Master, Star Palace Master, could not help rubbing his eyes.

I thought I had seen the flowers or had hallucinations myself.

However, I was not mistaken.

Immediately, the three couldn't help but tentatively shouted, wanting to determine whether the illusion was in front of them, did they miss him too much, and produced such an illusion when they were destroyed?


"Sister II, Sister III."

Li Lingtian walked towards the three women step by step and shouted.

He knew that Qing Ling and the two sisters couldn't believe the facts in front of him, but he could see the three of them well, and the dangling stone in his heart was finally put down.

Not seen for more than 100 years, Qingling is even more beautiful, as are the two sisters.

"Little Brother, are you really?"

"Son, is it really you?"

The three heard Li Lingtian's voice and watched Li Lingtian approaching step by step, and his heart beat quickly.

Because this is not like an illusion, but real.

"I'm coming."

Li Lingtian walked in front of the three men and stretched his hand to scrape Qingling's round nose.

This action is still familiar.

Seeing that his wife and two sisters were good, I was more than happy in my heart.

A little injury was nothing to him at all, as long as he did not fall, he would be able to rescue them.


Qingling couldn't help it any longer, and his face was covered with crystal tears.

Suddenly rushed into Li Lingtian's arms, missed for more than a hundred years, met the person he missed in despair, nothing was more happy than this, the thoughts in my heart vented.

Li Lingtian held Qingling in his arms and gently patted Qingling's back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a moment, Qingling left Li Lingtian's arms reluctantly, with happiness and perplexity on his face. With curiosity.

"Sister II."

"Sister Three."

After Qingling left the arms, Li Lingtian stretched out his arms to hold the Second Sister Hanshuang Palace in his arms. After a brief hug, he separated, and embraced the Third Sister Tianxing Palace.

Looking at the two sisters, Li Lingtian had a happy smile on his face.

Finally, he still found his wife and two sisters at the most critical moment.

At this moment, this is the happiest time of his life.

Because he almost lost his two sisters and his wife forever.

When excited, I will never worry about anything, even the cold second sister, and the third sister who likes to tease him.


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