War God Supreme

Chapter 2243: Back to black hole

Infinite world, a magical and powerful world in the universe.

At the same time, it also represents an era that is more powerful than the cultivation civilization of heaven.

However, the times are always the times, and they cannot escape the flood of time.

After countless billions of epochs, the civilization of the infinite world has reached a peak.

Things are going to be reversed, after this peak is destruction, it is reincarnation.

The powerful immeasurable world disappeared and destroyed, and after countless billions of epochs, mankind appeared again in the cosmic famine, the heavens and earth and all spirits were bred out again. Revitalized again.

Naturally, it is not known how many billions of epochs are needed to breed humans and creatures.

The immeasurable world that was originally forgotten by humans was discovered by the Nine Heavenly Deity of Heaven Realm, and it paid a huge price and effort to establish the Kingdom of God on the Shenwu Continent and open up the channels of the infinite world and the Kingdom of God and the Shenwu Continent.

But he did not expect that everything he did turned into his own grave, and buried his life and money here.

Now, the rise of Li Lingtian of mankind, step by step to the infinite world in the footsteps of Nine Heavenly Divine Venerable, and also smoothly entered into the infinite world.


A white figure swept across the void, and finally landed on the wall of a huge ancient city.

This is already the hundreds of cities he passed by, and he wanted to go in and search for each city, and wanted to discover the civilization before the infinite world and understand the infinite world from everything here.

A year later, Li Lingtian passed hundreds of cities, but with his strength as a cultivation base, he could not enter the center of the city at all, only outside the city.

This world is indeed a boundless world.

The cultivation civilization of the immeasurable world is indeed not comparable to the celestial realm. There is at least one era between the two.

Yes, the immeasurable world is a powerful civilization in the cosmic wasteland, and it is also the pinnacle of civilization, while the celestial realm is only an initial civilization. It can only be said that it is in the middle of the civilization, and it is too far away from the pinnacle.

Any city here is comparable to the blood dragon holy city, and even larger.

More importantly, the defense of the city here is magical. He also entered the periphery of the city by virtue of the magical formation, and could not enter the center of the city.

Now, his desire for cultivation of Dao has reached an extremely high level.

If you don't have a strong position to practice, then don't want to enter the center of the city.

Naturally, it would be nice if there were innumerable world maps and city maps, but these things can only be thought about.

"It is already the 104th city."

"It's a pity that I couldn't enter the center of the city."

Li Lingtian stood on the wall and said to himself.

During this year, he was basically flying on a flying warship. When he encountered a city, he stopped and tried to enter the center of the city, but unfortunately he could not enter it.

Only some common treasures and materials can be found in the periphery.

But even so, he can still see that the heaven and the immeasurable world are like the gap between the Shenwu Continent and the heaven. Here, you can see the remains of the gods, kings and gods everywhere, and you can see them everywhere. Super treasures, innate treasures have also seen a lot.

Moreover, Li Lingtian also discovered one thing, that is, the humans and all living creatures of the immeasurable world fell at the same time, and did not struggle at all when they fell.

This is true of hundreds of cities, that is to say, the destruction of the infinite world is destroyed by the entire world at the same time.

These people seemed to die peacefully in their sleep.

This is what Li Lingtian has known in the past year, but he still can’t get a comprehensive picture of the city center, so now what he wants most is to enter the city center.

The city center is where the city's super gods and nobles live.

Moreover, the cities he passed this year are all places where humans gather, not dangerous places.

More importantly, he did not find the most magical place and the most powerful place in the immeasurable world, just like the four gods in the heaven and the central heaven.

"It seems that I still have to go back first."

"With my current cultivation ability, I can't understand the infinite world."

Li Lingtian sighed, all cities were the same, he could not enter.

So he didn't want to delay time here.

The environment here is better than that of heaven, because this immeasurable world can be regarded as a reincarnation once, which is equivalent to a brand new world. This world has not been visited by other creatures, and it has not yet conceived birth spirits.

It can be said that this is a primitive world, and it is better to cultivate in such a place.

He had already planned, first returned to Shenwu Continent, went to Jiutian Shencheng to borrow all the people from Jiutian Shencheng, sent these people to Heaven Realm, and then completed the mission in Heaven Realm himself.

Strive to reach God's Lord Realm faster, solve the things in front of you, and wait until you reach God's Lord Realm, your position improves, Tiansou Di listens to the second level, and then come to the infinite world with more powerful strength.

Naturally, before leaving the immeasurable world, there are still some means to be done.

That is to prevent other people from entering here, even if Jiu Tian Shenzun does not think about it.

And also lay a good foundation for coming here next time.


After the decision was made, Li Ling Tianshi exhibited a peculiar ancient class flying warship.

The flying warship quickly shuttled through the void, flying in the direction of the black hole.

After returning to the nearest city in the black hole, Li Lingtian took a short break, and then began to arrange a magical array.

This city is called Yunfeng, which is the size of a blood dragon holy city. It is only about 30 million from the location of the black hole, and the flying warship is only an hour.

Li Lingtian stayed in this place for the longest time, and he was familiar with the periphery of this city.

In the lineup, Li Lingtian has been approaching the powerful array division infinitely for a long time, and he came to the infinite world. He is not without gain. At least he knows more about the alignment. The alignment in the infinite world is more magical than the alignment of the Celestial Realm.

He combined the power of the stars with the formations in the vast palace of the stars, and learned a bit about the formations here.

Now his position practice has reached the level of the powerful array division, even more than the powerful array division.

The array that was exhibited is also a combination of the immense world and the power of stars. This array, even the super array division of the Celestial Realm, cannot be broken. This is also a means for him to temporarily block the other powerful players in the Celestial World from coming in here.

One is the formation in the infinite world.

The second is the formation in the vast Star Palace.

The third is his space-time domain.

If you want to enter here, even the Divine Emperor will not work.

It can be said that only the one he arranged can enter here.

This passage was created for him alone.

It took a month to arrange this line.

After a month, Li Lingtian tore the void, passed through the power of time and space, and entered the black hole. After the black hole, Li Lingtian put away his own space and time domain, and suddenly the whole person was wrapped around and repelled toward the black hole. Go, in this situation, he can imagine Jiu Tian Shen Zun, because Jiu Tian Shen Zun may also be trapped in this way.

However, Li Lingtian's face was not dignified at the moment, but with a smile.

Because, he could not become the second **** of Nine Heavens, could not be trapped in it.



The power of destruction in the black hole remains, and mysterious material erodes his defense.

Going down, the deeper the danger, the more terrifying the power.

When I came back, the more I went up, the safer I was, and the power was getting weaker and weaker. This was also the deepest part of the black hole.

Soon, Li Lingtian's figure appeared from the depths of the black hole, and the whole person was bound by a magical force. The gray one looked very magical.

This situation is no different from that of Nine Heavens.


In the muffled sound, a slight voice reached the ears of Jiu Tian Shenzun.

For a god-respecting strong man, any trace of clues can't escape their ears and consciousness. In this black hole, he has been trapped in countless eras, and everything in it is very familiar. Time is up.

The voice came from below. Hearing this voice, I couldn't help watching it.

When he saw the following things, the look on his face changed as if he had seen ghosts.

I saw a place not far below him, a gray gleam flashing, inside this radiance was a figure, this person, he had seen naturally, was a disciple of the Five Elements Divine Emperor.

It was just that he did not expect that this young man who only had the realm of God King would disappear when he entered the depths of the black hole. He thought that this young man would have disappeared long ago, but he did not expect that after a year, this young man appeared before his eyes again.

He did not know what the young man was doing below this year, and what he encountered.

But now this young man's ending is trapped by the magical power like him. He is familiar with this power, which is the most terrifying power of time and space in the cosmic flood.

Seeing this situation, God Nine Heavens shook his head, and if he listened to his advice, the young man would not end like him.

"Nine Heavenly God."

Li Lingtian naturally saw the expression changes of Jiu Tian Shenzun, but he didn't care.

The figure came not far from Jiu Tian Shenzun and shouted.

"It's magical that you were trapped for the following year."

"Unfortunately, you will be trapped here too. If you listen to my advice, you won't be like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With your talents, there are instructions from the Five Elements Divine Emperor, and Taiyue Divine Court also has a place for you. "Why bother to go on an adventure? It's too late to regret now."

Nine Heavenly Divine Speaked, the expression on his face was blank.

He was trapped by countless epochs, and he could not go up and down, nor could he go down. He was suspended here by countless epochs, which almost made him crazy.

Now the disciples of the Five Elements Divine Emperor are just like him.

"Thank you for your reminder."

"What I said last time will naturally be done."

Li Lingtian smiled, without the slightest fear, and completely ignored her current situation.

This situation puzzled Jiutian Shenzun.



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