War God Supreme

Chapter 2273: Brahma...

"The first genius in the trillion years of Taiyue Shenting!"

"The disciples of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, the first person under the divine respect!"

The ice goddess almost exclaimed. 【..】

She knew Li Lingtian, but she didn't expect Li Lingtian to be so unfathomable. She achieved this kind of achievement, which was completely beyond her imagination. If her master would not lie to her, she could not believe it until now.

How powerful Taiyue Shenting, even with the existence of the top ten supreme powers, can't confront Taiyue Shenting and can become Taiyue Shenting's first super demon in trillions of years.

In addition, the Five Elements Divine Emperor is one of the best gods in the Taiyue Divine Court, and it cannot be shaken in the entire heaven. Being a disciple of the Five Elements Divine Emperor is enough to confirm the degree of his evil spirit.

A median **** king can be called the first person under the deity.

I completely ignored all the **** kings and **** masters. There is no such thing as the evil spirits in the heaven.

"Not bad."

"While he was a god, he defeated Haoyang in Kunlun Shenting and took away Wushen."

"I survived in front of the laws of Yantian Demon, and I got the God Destroyer, Sky Armor, and Flame Destroyer at once. I took control of the three God Destroyer suits. I can imagine how evil he is, and more importantly, his powerful field of five elements. ."

"Forty years ago, the reincarnation of the Celestial Master was completely erased by him."

"That battle was wonderful. The Thunder God Venerable, that is, the Five Elements Divine Emperor's disciple Heaven Thunder God Venerable, as well as the Strong Wind God Venerable and the Bishui, plus Li Lingtian, the four men joined forces to fight the three God Venerables and the reincarnation of a heavenless master. "

"This evildoer is indeed terrifying."

Yunhua Shenzun said it was like seeing it on the spot.

Even she had to admit how terrible that horrible demon was.

In the heavens, there is no longer a second character like that.

"I didn't expect it."

"I don't know if he came to Tianji Sanctuary this time against me or something else?"

"Master, do you say he will know about Brahma?"

The ice goddess now knows Li Lingtian’s current identity, and she is not sure that she knows the purpose of Li Lingtian’s coming here, because Taiyue Shenting is too powerful. As the first demon of Taiyue Shenting, a disciple of Wuxing Divine Emperor, she knows a lot.

Even if Li Lingtian came to the Sanctuary of Heavenly Pole for the sake of Brahma, she believed it.

"This point is inaccurate for the teacher."

"However, Taiyue Divine Court has rules. The Divine Court only provides resources for genius demon, and does not deal with genius things. Life and death are destined. Only geniuses who have suffered through life and death will really grow up."

Yunhua Shenzun shook his head, the sky of the heavens was turbulent, and the world was impermanent. She did not dare to say that Li Lingtian did not come from Brahma d-day.

Besides, even if Li Lingtian came to Brahma for d-day, it is not for him to control.

Because Brahma is open on the d-day, there must be countless super geniuses and gods entering it. Why care about a Li Lingtian, not to mention that Li Lingtian is already a member of the Ice Palace.

With the current power of Bingxue Palace, naturally dare not provoke Taiyue Shenting.

Ice Palace, in the forbidden area.

Among the huge palaces, the immortal spirit is strong, and practicing here for one day is equivalent to practicing outside for three years.

Coupled with the powerful magical reincarnation of the heavens and earth, there is also the experience of the Five Elements Divine Emperor on the cultivation of the Five Elements, and the cultivation of Jiuzhuan Shenxiu Immortal Pill, Li Lingtian and others.

A year later, Li Lingtian's cultivation base reached the peak of the median **** king.

In the past five years, Li Lingtian's cultivation has broken through the median **** king and reached the superior **** king.

In the past ten years, Li Lingtian's cultivation base has reached the peak of the upper **** king.

Over the past fifteen years, Tang Qingyue and others have also successively reached the realm of God King, and the field has reached sixfold.

In the past two decades, Li Lingtianxiu's five-element field has jumped to the sixth level in order to achieve the perfection of the **** king. In the same six-level field, his five-element field is enough to withstand the law of one level.

In the next two years, the time domain reached fourfold, and the space domain reached fivefold. The fifth layer of the Sky Sword Array has reached the extreme level of cultivation, and has touched the edge of the sixth layer.

This is also the first such crazy practice in Li Lingtian's life.

The effect of this concentrated practice exceeded his imagination.

He can imagine that if this goes on, in another hundred years, he may be able to reach the ultimate perfection of the Great King of God. At that time, he will have the opportunity to touch the boundary of the Divine Lord.

This is natural, because this place of cultivation is too hard to find.

Finally, it is difficult to encounter this good place of cultivation, and the cultivation of peace of mind, the cultivation for the natural refinement speed.

Originally, he planned to leave Bingxue Palace for ten years to go to the Sanctuary of Heavenly Heaven Sanctuary, but things came.

On this day, when Li Lingtian happened to be enlightened, Lin Wushuang's voice reached his ears.

"Master Tianling, disciple Lin Wushuang has something to see."

Over the past 22 years, Lin Wushuang has visited Li Lingtian from time to time.

Li Lingtian is also very satisfied with Lin Wushuang and is a good character.

After a long time, Lin Wushuang has become one of Li Lingtian's few friends after Tianjie.

Lin Wushuang is very good at handling things, even if he has a good relationship with Li Lingtian, but he will not cross the line. There should be a lot of respect.

"come in."

Hearing Lin Wushuang's voice, Li Lingtian's face showed a light smile.

His strength is stronger than Lin Wushuang, but he has not lived as long as Lin Wushuang, and what he has seen and heard is not as good as Lin Wushuang. In Lin Wushuang, he knows a lot about the heavens in recent years.

During the speech, Li Lingtian's figure had already appeared in the hall.

When he arrived, Lin Wushuang also entered the palace and came to the main hall.

"I haven't seen you in two years, and Master Tianling has improved a lot."

Lin Wushuang came to the hall and paid a courtesy to Li Lingtian.

A surprised look appeared on his face. Over the years, he was completely shocked, because Li Lingtian's cultivation practice was too fast, so fast that he exceeded his imagination.

Similarly, it is now known that Li Lingtian did not hide cultivation practices, but was a true **** king.

It's just that this **** king is just too against the sky.

In just two decades, three realms have been raised.

After two years of absence, Li Lingtian felt more mysterious to him. Although he didn't know which aspect, he knew that this might be the reason for Li Lingtian's unique secret techniques and supernatural powers.

"I don't know why Wushuang is looking for this seat?"

A seat next to Li Ling pointed to Lin Wushuang to sit down.

He is now curious about what Lin Wushuang asked him for.

"Mr. Tianling should remember the Brahma picture 20 years ago."

"It is the Blood Moon Tower strong who chased us to **** the Brahma map."

When Lin Wushuang spoke about the business, he suddenly showed an excited look on his face.

It's like getting a baby.

"Brahma map."

"Remember, what's wrong."

Li Lingtian nodded his head, he naturally remembered the Brahma map, but he didn't know what the Brahma map was, so he made the three forces below the Sanctuary of the Heavenly Sanctuary so important.

"It is related to the Brahma map."

"The three major forces promised to merge the Brahma map and open the Brahma d-day."

"Ice Palace has selected ten thousand super geniuses to enter Brahma d-day, nine thousand **** king genius, one thousand **** master genius, all those who can be selected are geniuses among geniuses."

"Blood Moon Tower and Tai Y Temple are both 10,000 people, but I don’t know what happened. The news was spread out that the super gods of the ten supreme powers, as well as the super geniuses and gods of the four great courts, Come by."

"The court lord gave Tianling son a quota, I don't know if Tianling son will go there."

Lin Wushuang looked very excited when he spoke.

Needless to say, Li Lingtian also knew that this time Lin Wushuang also had the opportunity to go to Brahma for d days.

"What is Brahma d-day?"

"You have to tell me, I don't have any."

Li Lingtian was not surprised that he had a quota to enter Brahma d-day.

After all, he is now the Vice-President of the Ice Palace. Ten thousand people can go, and it is nothing to give him a quota.

It's just that he still doesn't know what Brahma d-day is.

I haven’t heard of Brahma d-day before. In such an important place, I have no news at all. It really makes people curious. Lin Wushuang is a celebrity next to the owner of the Ice Palace. I should know a lot.

"Brahma d-day is a secret realm discovered by the three forces."

"It's just that the conditions for opening this secret realm are difficult, and no one has been in for a while, but it is said that this Brahma d has been dead for nine days."

"By the way, Brahma d-day is in Brahma's land, and that is the place that is compatible with the world of ice and snow."

"The place where the Ice Palace is located is the world of ice and snow, and that place is the world of flames, the endless flames."

Lin Wushuang said, saying what he knew.

In fact, he has only known about Brahma and D-Day for hundreds of years, and he doesn't know much about it.

"Is there any prohibition on entering Brahma d?"

"For example, cultivation is the realm, and there are talent attributes."

"Since it is in the world of flames, and it is Brahma d-day, the disciples of the Ice Palace are going to be restrained?"

With a curiosity on Li Lingtian's face, the genius disciples of the Ice Palace go to the world of flames, and they suffer from the attributes alone. Under such conditions, it is a bit unrealistic to compete with other forces.

"I don't know this."

"According to the information I got, even the three major forces do not know what restrictions Brahma d has."

"But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you said the attribute restraint, but you think too much."

"Because the disciples at Bingxue Palace are not necessarily all ice and water systems. Besides, most of the geniuses and gods sent this time are in addition to water and ice systems."

"Even if the ice and water systems go, maybe the fire system can be suppressed."

"Moreover, the one-third Brahma map of the Ice Palace is the most important. With this one-third of the Brahma maps merged together, the three major forces copied thirty complete maps."

"With such a map, even if it is dead nine, it will be of great help to us."

Lin Wushuang said with a smile.

These things are all secrets at the core level of the Ice Palace. He Lin Wushuang also knows from the owner of the Ice Palace. He knows these secrets, he dare not speak out, and at most tell Li Lingtian.

Because of Li Lingtian's identity and Li Lingtian's relationship with the Ice Palace Master, these are eligible to know these secrets, but Li Lingtian has been practicing and has not asked about it.



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