War God Supreme

Chapter 2274: Go to Brahma...

"This is totally a new secret area of ​​a position. There are you all the way! []"

"I didn't expect that there is such a secret realm in the Heavenly Sanctuary. Since this seat is encountered, it is natural to go to find out. Although nine lives and one death, danger and opportunity coexist."

After listening to Lin Wushuang's words, Li Lingtian finally understood Brahma D-Day.

This Brahma D-day is a new secret area discovered by the three forces, full of unknowns.

For this D-day, countless super genius demon entered into it, just want to take risks and gain greater opportunities.

Genius, strong man, evildoer, and their lives are accompanied by unknown dangers.

Only by tempering between life and death can we become true gods.

Moreover, only these unknown secret realms have more magical treasures and opportunities. Some well-known secret realms have long been searched by humans and all creatures for countless times. It is difficult to find it naturally.

"The new unknown secret realm also has the greatest opportunity."

"The Brahma D-Day is a celestial sacred area, and even a new secret realm discovered in the entire heavenly world for nearly a million years. Naturally, there are countless powerful people and gods coming to this Brahma D-day."

"The three forces have set a rule. No matter which strong man or god, he must pay an item worth 100 days crystal or 100 days crystal to enter."

"One way is to let ordinary powerful gods enter and die, and the other is to increase the wealth of the three forces. It is estimated that this time the three forces will earn a lot of spirit stones and wealth."

When Lin Wushuang talked about wealth, Li Lingtian's face showed a kind of wealth fan, and Li Lingtian couldn't think of it, a super demon of the **** level, such a wealth fan.

However, he also knows that everyone's situation is different.

Even if he is also the king of the gods, he is already the first person under the dignity of the gods. Few lords are his opponents. He wants to earn spirit stones and countless means. With the alchemy alone, the source of wealth is rolling.

Don't look at the gods and gods do not need spirit stones, then this is wrong.

However, the number of spirit stones used by God King God is terrifying.

"This is an opportunity to earn a formidable wealth."

"Right, is there any time to cut?"

Li Lingtian was shocked, this method is indeed very simple.

If you want to enter Brahma D-Day, you must pay certain spirit stones and wealth.

This is also normal, because Brahma D-day was discovered by the three major forces, and it was also initiated by the three major forces, not to mention that the three major forces also said that this is good for people who entered D-day. If even the 100-day crystal could not be paid, It is enough to show how bad the strength is, and this person is also a dead end when he enters.

Seeing the Bingxue Palace, the Blood Moon Tower, and the Tai Y Hall, he also did it. He couldn't help but think of the immeasurable world. Then he would create some formation bans in that place.

Moreover, if you want to come, you should be a little bigger, and you can make a good for yourself.

"Actually, the news spread as early as two years ago."

"It was after the last time we had a drink together that we went back to get the news that Brahma D-day opened, and I came to tell you at that time, but you have closed your doors again and practiced."

"Moreover, the palace owner has not announced the quota for going to Brahma D-Day, and I have not told you."

"The three major forces are ready to join hands to open Brahma D-Day one year later, so our disciples in the Snow Palace will be sent to Brahma's land three days later."

Lin Wushuang said.

"It seems that countless powerful men and monks have already arrived in Brahma."

"Just wait for the Brahma D-Day to open, well, go to Brahma with you three days later."

Li Lingtian groaned for a moment and said lightly.

After the two chatted about Brahma Land, Lin Wushuang left.

He now has to go back and make a good preparation, at least to prepare some magic medicine and food for adventure, so that even if he is in danger, he can last longer.

When he left, he specifically asked Li Lingtian to take him.

Although his cultivation base is the pinnacle of the next deity, he is a big realm higher than Li Lingtian, and the realm differs by 180,000 miles, but Li Lingtian's strength is beyond his imagination.

If Li Lingtian is together, the safety factor is much higher.

Li Lingtian naturally didn't say anything. If you want to meet him in Brahma D-Day, he can help him.

After Lin Wushuang left, Li Lingtian came to the lake in the garden of the partial palace.

They were very happy to see Tang Qingyue talking in the pavilion.

"Have seen Master."

Wang Xiaoman saw Li Lingtian coming and saluted.

Tang Qingyue took Li Lingtian to sit down on the stool in the pavilion.

"Ling Tian, ​​does Lin Wushuang have anything for you?"

After Li Lingtian sat down, he asked.

Because she can see some things from the expression on Li Lingtian's face. Only when Li Lingtian encounters something will this expression appear, and only in front of them.

"After three days, I will leave the Ice Palace."

"Tay Hall, Blood Moon Tower, Bingxue Palace have discovered a new secret realm, and I also have a place to enter this secret realm, but there are some dangers in the new secret realm, so I can't take you there."

"So, you stay in the Ice Palace for the time being and take advantage of this excellent cultivation place to improve your cultivation. The next time you want to encounter such a place, it will be difficult."

Li Lingtian did not hide at all, and directly stated that he was going to Brahma D-Day.

He knew that if they concealed something, Tang Qingyue and they would have a chance to see it, which would make Tang Qingyue and they even more worried.

"Brahma D-Day"

"It was the Brahma figure that Lin Wushuang was chased by the **** moon tower strong when we came last time?"

"Go, we will wait for you at the Ice Palace. Although the new secret realm is dangerous, you just have to be a step by step camp and be careful. Nothing can stump you."

Tang Qingyue was stunned for a while, his face was dull.

Speaking softly, she knew that Li Lingtian was still afraid of them. She would not distract Li Lingtian at this time.

Even if she was worried, she would not say it.

"Yeah, brother, go for it."

"We are here waiting for your triumphant return. It is said that there are magical treasures and fairy fruits in the secret realm. You take the dragon pig. The treasure pig is not weaker than your water unicorn, maybe you can find more treasures."

"Remember to share my treasure after returning."

Xiaobai also said, even joking.

"Binger wished the son to return home with full load."

Ming Binger's face also had a smile on his face.

"Your son can even reach the ruins of the ruins of the ruins, and Brahma Dtian naturally has nothing to say."

"It must be the biggest winner by then."

Ming Yaner said with a smile.

"This time Brahma D-Day opened, although it is a new secret realm, this seat has the confidence to return safely."

"Maybe when I come back, your cultivation base will catch up with me."

When Li Lingtian saw the appearance of several women, she couldn't help but show a satisfied smile.

Seeing this, he was also able to travel to Brahma D-Day with peace of mind, able to put all his mind in Brahma D-Day, and appreciate the thrilling journey of Brahma D-Day.


Ice Palace, Forbidden Land, Main Hall.

"Master, do we really not send people of God level to Brahma D?"

Through the powerful mirror image, the ice goddess looks at the genius strongmen who are constantly gathering in the ice palace square, and asks the Yunhua deity, if other forces send the deity to go, or other deity levels The character enters the D-day, which is not taking advantage of it.

"Naturally we must send the gods to go."

"It’s just that they won’t show up. Brahma D. is unfamiliar. I don’t know if there are any realm restrictions. So let others try it. If the **** can enter, we naturally want the **** to enter. Enter, we must not enter."

"Ice Palace is for you as a teacher."

"If you didn't return for the teacher, you would enter Brahma D-Day."

Yunhua Shenzun's face was serious.

If God Venerable can really enter, she enters Brahma D Heaven without looking back.

In order to fulfill the last wishes of the ancestors and masters, and for the revival of the Ice Palace, she will not hesitate at all.

"Master, are you going to Brahma D?"

"Don't do it, Master Zu said that God may not be suitable to enter Brahma D-Day. If you go in, the danger is even greater, and the Ice Palace will have to be guarded by you."

"If the disciples bring the Master into Brahma D-Day, even if they are in danger, if the Ice Palace is with you, even if they cannot be revived, they will not go to destruction."

The ice goddess was shocked when she heard that Yunhua Goddess was going to Brahma.

You should know that Yunhua Shenzong is the only remaining fruit of Bingxue Palace. If Bingxue Palace does not have Yunhua Shenzun, Bingxue Palace will be even more embarrassing.

"Your future is immeasurable, and it is not comparable to the Master."

"No matter what happens, you have to bear it, because you are the owner of the Ice Palace."

"This is the only requirement the Master has for you. Besides, can the Divine Venerable enter Brahma D-day or two words."

Yunhua Goddess looks at the ice and snow goddess~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as if he were his own child.

While speaking, she turned around and walked out of the main hall. Every time she took a step, her breath changed a little. In just a few steps, the breath on her body became only God’s realm, and her appearance became a dull woman. People have undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Disciples follow the orders of the teacher."

"I wish Master a triumphant return."

There was mist in the eyes of the ice goddess, and the whole person became stronger.

Seeing Yunhua Shenzong disappear from the main hall, the ice and snow goddess said softly, her voice was cold and firm.

She knew that Master had a lifetime of opportunities for the Ice Palace. She certainly would not let this opportunity pass from her eyes. Even if she persuaded herself, she could not stop Master from going to Brahma D-Day.

Now, the only thing she can do is to make herself strong and take control of the Ice Palace.

Not disappointing the painstaking efforts of the ancestors and ancestors, letting their hard work flow through her hands.

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