War God Supreme

Chapter 2283: Battleship destruction

  C_t; Li Lingtian has never seen such a magical palace. [Almost all the books I want to read are more stable and faster than the average site. It’s quicker to update. There are no ads in full text. ]

   There is no such palace even in Taiyue Shenting. This is a city formed by a palace, and all the palaces are connected together, just like one.

  I don't know how many billions of miles are long, how many billions of miles are wide, and how many are billions of miles high.

  The entire palace complex is different from any building in the heaven.

I don’t know what material it was made of, or it was made of flames, or a fiery red transparent spar. At this moment, even if it is faced with an endless powerful beast bombardment, even if it will follow the battleship smoke at any time, but he Still shocked by the endless palace group in the distance.


   A strong sound pulled him back to reality from shock.

   "Alarm, the battleship is damaged."

   "Alarm, the Great Flame God Beast of the Great Constellation Level appears."

   "Alarm, main power is affected."


In the main control room, the sound of alarm sounded continuously.

   The sprite on the crystal screen also constantly expands the pictures of the warship being injured.

   This scene appeared in Li Lingtian's sight.

   The sound of the alarm made Li Lingtian despair.

   Front, back, left, and right are black pressured horrible flame beasts. If the flying warship is destroyed, he will also fall here, and his body is gone.

   He naturally does not have the kind of beast that faces millions of **** levels and tens of thousands of deity levels. Here, any deity of the deity level will destroy him, let alone a deity of flames.

   "Speed ​​up."

   "Speed ​​up."

  Li Lingtian looked at the crystal screen and listened to the sound of the alarm.

   made a decision resolutely, his face cold.

   Faced with such a desperate situation, he could only calm down so that he could not be destroyed here.

In front of    is a group of endless palaces, magically powerful.

   Apart from the front, the other three parties have no vitality.

  Even if you want to escape, you can't choose these three parties, because if you escape, you will face endless chasing.

  If he fled forward, there might be a glimmer of hope. The only glimmer of hope is the palace group. This is his only sustenance.

   ordered to fly at full speed, even if the battleship was destroyed, it must be closest to the palace group, so that it could enter the palace group before the **** beast destroyed him.

   Perhaps this is his only reason.

  Because, in the face of death, he has nothing to struggle with, and he will either escape to birth or be destroyed instantly.



  The crisis of death is getting stronger and stronger, and the attacks on flying warships are getting stronger and stronger.

  Under the attack of countless god-lord beasts, under the attack of countless god-level **** beasts, there are also several attacks of the Great Constellation God Flame Beasts, causing the flying warship to shake, just like it is going to be destroyed at any time.

   Faced with this situation, the dragon pig on one side hummed.

  I don't know if it's excited or scared, Li Lingtian can't take care of it all.

   One-handed grasping, the consciousness opened the dragon ring, and stuffed the dragon pig into the dragon ring.

   "Turn off the protection system."

  At the same time, Li Ling issued an order for the elf to turn off the protection system.

   This protection system means that a second before the destruction of the battleship, the owner of the battleship will be teleported 100,000 miles away.

   If this is really the case, Li Lingtian is looking for death.

   100,000 miles, in this way

The endless sea of ​​flames did not play any role at all. Maybe he was destroyed when he was close to the palace group, and then it was sent to the place of 100,000 miles. It happened to be a group of gods and beasts. It was not a sad reminder.

   "Instruction received."

   The elf's voice sounded.

   The continuous shaking of the flying warship is like it may be destroyed at any time.

   Advance at full speed, the flying warship collides with the mythical beasts.

   Countless gods and animals turned into blood rain, turned into ashes.

  The warship was also subjected to violent vibrations and injuries, so that it was completely destroyed.

   "Nine hundred thousand miles."

   "80,000 miles."

   "Seven hundred thousand miles."

   "Six hundred thousand miles."

   "500,000 miles."

   The speed of destruction exploded from the flying warship, with the power of Li Lingtian, and a blood road penetrated from the endless group of gods and beasts. The blood of the beast rushed into the sky, and the sea of ​​heaven became a sea of ​​blood all day.

   "Roar reads;!"


   The roar of the horrible flame beast shook the sky, watching countless companions were killed, the powerful beast was furious, and was about to tear this outsider into pieces.

   In the void, seven flaming beasts of the level of the Great Sovereign Deity blasted down the flames of destruction.

   The flying warship swayed and gradually lost its direction, just like a plane that had lost its power.

   "Can withstand eight times."

   "Can withstand seven times."

   "Can withstand five more times."

   "Xuan Yu destroy alarm, four times."

   "Xuan Yu destroy alarm, three times."

   "Xuan Yu destroy alarm, three times."

   Above the crystal screen, the elf continuously sounded the alarm.

   The flying battleship is still 300,000 miles away from the palace group, but the battleship can only withstand three attacks of the Great Flame God Beast and Flame Beast. If you want to fly into the palace group and destroy it, it is simply a delusion.

  Li Lingtian's eyes were icy, flashing with light.

   The entire popularity has sublimated, and the space-time domain has unfolded, ready to teleport away from the flying warship.

   "Xuan Yu, destroy the crisis."

   "Xuan Yu, destroy the crisis."

   The desperate sound kept ringing. The gods and beasts in the air saw that the flying warship was about to be destroyed, the attack speed was faster, and the power was more powerful, which accelerated the destruction rhythm of the flying battleship Xuan Yu.


  Li Lingtian's figure disappeared when Xuan Yu's last alarm sounded.

   Just when Li Lingtian's figure disappeared, Xuan Yu exploded with a breath of destruction. This breath spread over hundreds of millions of miles. In front of this breath of destruction, the sea of ​​heaven was silent, and the beasts were terrified.


   A thunderous blast, ten miles long, five miles wide, and a hundred meters high inferior congenital flying warship exploded. Within billions of miles, all disillusionment turned into nothingness.

  The sea water of the sea of ​​flames soars into the sky, the flames of the void, the endless void, the inch is broken, and no one inch can be found intact.

   All the flame beasts below the gods disappeared, only countless wounded **** beasts of flame level, even the seven flame **** beasts of the great consummation level in the void were traumatized.

  Destroyed congenital flight warship, extremely powerful and terrifying.


   In a distant place, a white figure appeared in the palace thousands of miles away.

   White figure with blood stains on the corners of his mouth. Most of his white shirts were stained with blood red and looked extremely bleak, but there was no blood on his face. Around him was a mask with a size of a circle and a mile.

   The light shield resisted the power of the flying warship explosion, but it still caused him to be destroyed.

   He was naturally Li Lingtian who fled from the Xuan Yu. After escaping from the battleship, he was crushed by the aftermath of the battleship explosion and suffered heavy injuries. Fortunately, he came to the palace group under the teleportation.

   Thousands of miles away from the palace complex, looking at this palace complex is completely facing an endless city, the palace city.

   Palace, all made of fiery red crystals, giving people hegemony

Noble, the supreme majesty almost crushed Li Lingtian into pieces. In front of this palace city, Li Lingtian was like a sea of ​​chestnuts.


   In the void, seven great fulfilled deity flame beasts discovered Li Lingtian's existence.

   saw that Li Lingtian was not destroyed, but went outside the palace group.

   discovered such a situation, the flame **** beast of the seven deities, a roar of anger, and the huge claws exploded in a devastating flame attack, and bombarded Li Lingtian.

  The seven great deities of the Great Consuming Flame Beast attacked at the same time, even the invincible deity did not dare to hard connect, let alone Li Lingtian, a strong king of the gods.

"not good."

  Li Lingtian found out that the seven great consummated flaming beasts attacked and exclaimed.

   flickered and quickly moved towards the palace group.



   The seven flames of destruction attacked with magical laws, bombarded the place where Li Lingtian had previously settled, and the attack suddenly fell to the ground, causing the space to be destroyed by the shock, spreading thousands of miles.

   When these attacks failed, a muffled noise appeared.

   I saw that Li Lingtian did not enter the palace group under the teleportation, but was flicked by the mysterious protective cover outside the palace group, hitting Li Lingtian dizzy.

  The endless palace city, a flame-like light mask appeared over the sky, covering the entire palace city inside.

   This mask is like heaven and earth, giving a supreme coercion.

After a violent impact, Li Lingtian's mind was violently shaken, a spit of blood spewed out, his face changed dramatically, and he clearly saw hope, and hope was in his hands, but this happened.

   beyond the expectations, from hope to despair, this taste, at this moment, only he alone knows.


Did not wait for him to have a chance to pause ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The seven-headed horror Dzogchen Flame Flame Beast Destruction Flame came over again, and the overwhelming flame, with a law of flame, crushed Li Lingtian Can't move.

   "I'm done, haha."

  Li Lingtian's eyes showed a look of despair, his mouth twitched, he said to himself, and he laughed loudly.

  Unconsciously unfold the consciousness and take the treasure from the dragon ring.

   An item appeared in the hand, an exquisite nine-story pagoda with crystal brilliance on it. I don't know what the pagoda does, or what the pagoda is.

   When Li Lingtian saw the treasure in his hand, he was even more desperate.

  Because for him now, this pagoda is not as good as an ordinary artifact, because until now he does not know the purpose of the pagoda.

   Generally speaking, everything in the Dragon Ring is in his hands, everything can be controlled with his mind and thoughts, and when you take the treasure, you can take out the treasure you need with only one thought.

   didn't think that in the face of despair, he didn't deliberately choose a treasure to resist. It can only be said that it was a subconsciously grabbing a treasure to subconsciously resist the destruction in front of him, just like a drowning person.

  At such a critical moment, he got a pagoda that didn't help him at all.

   Isn't this doomed to fall here?


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