War God Supreme

Chapter 2284: Devouring the law...

  C_t; "Haha. (Marshmallow)"

  Li Lingtian's helpless wry smile, the sky wants him, and he wants to be against the sky at this moment.

   Watching the flames of destruction crushed down, threw the pagoda that he grabbed fiercely, and no longer controlled his life and death, because at this moment, he had only one way to die.

   The exquisite pagoda throws at the law of flames of destruction as if a drop of dew dropped into the furnace.

   When Li Lingtian threw the pagoda, his eyes closed, waiting for destruction and death to arrive.

   is calm in my heart.

   Entered Brahma Cave, suffered three years of darkness and loneliness, and was scared by the endless sea of ​​flames for several years. It has made him feel tired, and now facing death is like a relief.

   My own deity fell here, and all treasures were left here.

  In addition to the loss of treasures, he can also be reborn with his own blood and Shenlong avatar.

   In this way, he does not have to face the endless danger of destruction of Brahma, and he does not have to find a way to leave Brahma.


   With a strong explosion, Li Lingtian's body flew out.

   A mouthful of blood spewed out, his face was even paler, but at the moment, Li Lingtian's face changed, with a puzzled expression.

  Because of the flaming laws of the seven great perfection gods and flaming beasts, even if he became a god, he might not be able to survive in this situation.

   And now, apart from the more terrible damage, he did not die.

   The law did not bombard him, but a simple flame attack.

   This situation made him puzzled, opened his eyes, everything in front of him completely shocked him, just like seeing ghosts, or seeing incredible things.

   I saw a faint radiance in front of me. The radiance resisted the power of the flame laws of the seven great consummated flaming beasts. The terrifying flame law was quickly swallowed by the radiance.

   And the source of this glory is, indeed, a pagoda.

  Pagoda is like a luminous body exuding the magical brilliance, the scene is very magical.

   Moreover, he was surrounded by radiance.

   centered on the pagoda, with a radiance of 100 meters in size, forming a defense.

   "The Law of Engulfing."

   "It is possible to resist the law and devour it."

  Li Lingtian watched the pagoda resisting the law of flames, and swallowed the law of flames, suddenly shocked.

The rule of    is the rule. Such a transcendental existence is swallowed and resisted by the pagoda. This is too terrifying.

  Looking at the pagoda, Li Lingtian couldn't describe it in shock.

  The pagoda obtained in the Wanhua Holy Palace was so amazing. [Almost all the books I want to read are more stable and faster than the average site. It’s quicker to update. There are no ads in full text. ]

   Now, when I look at the pagoda, my eyes are gleaming with splendor. This is an unparalleled treasure, but I never knew it was so magical, and it was completely regarded as a useless thing.

  If you control the pagoda, you can not be afraid of the law of divinity.

  However, the pagoda can only resist the laws and devouring laws, and cannot help him resist the flame attack. Now he has to survive in front of the powerful **** revered Great Flame Beast.

  Ke, facing the seven flaming beasts of the Great Sovereign Deity, wanting to survive is undoubtedly whimsical.




   The shocking sound of the sky, the flames of endless destruction are overwhelming, and the radiance of the pagoda trembles quickly, so it will not last long.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian exploded the five-element field and cast out the space-time field.

   The five elements of the six-fold field is enough to compete with the one-fold rule of God's Supreme Master.

  Quadruple in time, quintet in space and quadruple in space and time.

  In the field of displaying the five elements, it will resist the flame attack, at least not be destroyed by the aftermath of the law of the flame beast, and this

In this kind of field, the five elements are self-contained, raising Li Lingtian's strength to a terrifying level. This is the power of auxiliary bonuses.

  Quadruple space-time domain, within 80,000 miles, time is still for four seconds.

  With the space-time domain and the five-element domain, the pressure on the pagoda to withstand the Great Constellation Divine Flame Flame Beast has also been reduced a lot.

   For a time, Li Lingtian and the pagoda underwent the devastating attack of the flame beast.

  However, Li Lingtian's consumption is also terrifying and consumes quickly.



  Performed a time and space field in Li Lingtian, with 80,000 miles of space imprisoned for 4 seconds.

   Taking advantage of this time, Li Lingtian quickly escaped with the pagoda and escaped along the palace city. He hoped to find the method and location of the palace city, but four seconds later, the flame beast followed.

In this way, Li Lingtian and the flaming beast formed a tug of war. Although they were not destroyed by the flaming beast for a while, the fall was only sooner or later. Although the space-time field was magically powerful, it could not last long. When it was exhausted, it was not yet The flame beast turned to ashes.

   One minute passed, two minutes passed.

   An hour passed.

  Li Lingtian has consumed the limit, but within this hour, he does not know how many times he has teleported, but he can’t get rid of the chasing of the flaming beast, and also has not found a way to enter the palace city and entrance reads;.

  As time goes by, with the consumption of time and space, Li Lingtian's despair has reached the extreme.

   "Space and time."

  I don't know how many times I have performed the space-time domain.

  Every time the space-time domain is cast, the pagoda can be stabilized for a long time, but at the same time his strength is also getting more and more.

   The seven-headed Great Constellation in the void, the venerable beast of flame, continued to attack, and the roar of anger roared to the earth, they did not expect a weak creature to stand still with them for so long.

  Looking at the pagoda's inability to support it, Li Lingtian sipped softly and once again expanded into the realm of time and space.

   But what made him wonder is that his power of time and space has been exhausted, and he can no longer play the realm of space and time.




   There is no realm of time and space, and the flaming beasts attack the continuous piece, and the pagoda can no longer support it.

   There was a clattering sound, the pagoda's defense was torn, and the flames of destruction bombarded the area of ​​Li Lingtian's Wuxing. Li Lingtian suffered a devastating attack and spurted out blood.

  'S body hit the light curtain of the palace city fiercely, making him suffer more damage.

   A mouthful of blood spewed out, the whole body was weak, and the divine power had been exhausted.

   At this moment, there is no defense at all, no resistance, only to wait for the next attack of the Flame Beast to turn itself into ashes.

   In the line of sight, several flames of destruction crushed down.

  Li Lingtian's face with a hint of wry smile, unable to wait for the gray annihilation.

   "The law of ice, the world is frozen."

  At the moment of destruction, a majestic voice sounded in the distant void.

   The voice is extremely cold, although it is a woman's voice, but it is full of vicissitudes.

  At the same time, the world was frozen and the whole world was completely transformed into glaciers.

  The attack of the Seven-Headed Great Constellation Divine Flame Beast dissipated, a grid appeared in the void, and a gap appeared in the void in the center of the grid. In this gap, a woman came out, the plain appearance, and there was no strong momentum.

   The situation in the void, Li Lingtian also saw clearly in the ice.

  When I saw the situation in the air, I could easily see that the grid came from a crossover.

   But when I saw the woman in the void, my heart trembled, and I immediately recognized the identity of the woman. Isn't it the God Power of the Ice Palace.

   Among the five gods of the Snow Palace, this woman's cultivation is the weakest, and her appearance is also the most ordinary.

   But now it seems that this seems to be the weakest deity, in fact, it is the most terrifying power. There are many gods and strong men he has seen, but there are very few

The deity is stronger than this woman's more powerful reads;.

  He didn't know how powerful his master Brother Broke God was, but he could say that this woman is the most powerful **** he has seen so far.

  However, he did not understand why this divinely powerful person came to save himself.

   Judging from the situation, it is obvious that he came towards him, not passing by or by chance.

   But, at this moment, it is possible to have a God-respecting and powerful person appear and rescue him, everything else is not important anymore.

   "Open the Brahma Palace."

   The woman in the void is naturally Yunhua Goddess, Master of Ice Snow Goddess.

  She performed the mystery of the gods countless times, traversed the sea of ​​flames, and rushed to the Brahma Palace.

But I didn’t expect Li Lingtian to be the most resistant to the flame beast of the Seven-Headed Great Constellation. A youth in the realm of Gods could be able to persist for so long in the ordinary **** revered Flame Beast and the seven-headed Great Constellation Flame Beast. It’s a myth. .

   Even if it persists for a second, it is enough to go against the sky.

  After all, the difference between the king of God in front of the Great Sovereign Divine Venerable is not the distance, but the incomparable.

   But that's it, the youth of the **** king did not fall.

   looked at Li Lingtian below, imprisoned in the ice, and immediately shouted loudly.

Because of the law of ice she casts, she can’t trap the flame beast for long. If a great flame **** beast might be able to freeze for a few seconds, but if you encounter a seven-headed flame **** beast, it’s not for the teacher. Zun's order, she has now turned and fled.



  When the voice of Yunhua Goddess falls~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The ice is destroyed by the flame beast.

   The glaciers evaporated in a flash, and the world returned to normal.

   "The silvery white light that the deity gave you."

   "Turn it on with your blood."

  Yunhua God respected his eyebrows a little, suddenly trembling in the void, a drop of essence blood caused the world to mourn, and the sea of ​​flames shook.

  Under the blessing of the power of essence blood, the law of ice was exhibited again.

   While applying the law of ice, he told Li Lingtian how to open the Brahma Palace.

   Again, the world was frozen, and the flame attack of the flame beast was frozen again.

   This time when Li Lingtian heard the words of Goddess Yunhua, he also knew that the palace in front of him was the Brahma Palace and he knew the way to open the Brahma Palace.

   But when I knew this method, I was shocked, and even more puzzled.

   He didn't think the way to open the Brahma Palace was the silver-white light. Why did this powerful deity give him this way to open the Brahma Palace when he was in the Brahma Land? Did he know that he would come to the Brahma Palace?

  Many doubts arose in his mind, but this time did not give him the opportunity to consider these things, because the most important thing in front of him is to escape from birth, and then come to solve the reads;.


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