War God Supreme

Chapter 2293: Leaving Brahma Cave...



When all the strong men were shocked, the transmitted light quickly disappeared.

From the blue and white flames, quickly dissipated.

The blue and white flames also began to stand still at this time, returning to calm. The fluctuations in the center of Brahma's land quickly stopped and connected to the 100,000-mile-diameter transmission light of Jiuxiao, which completely disappeared in just a few seconds.

The light disappeared, but hundreds of powerful men sent out were intact.

Quiet, still!

I didn't expect that what they had guessed appeared.

Really this is the last transmission.

The Dongtian exit opened for three years and finally closed.

The emerged hundreds of strong men quickly flew towards the sky, or merged into countless crowds.

Among them, a white figure, and a woman of ordinary appearance, the two quickly left the center of Brahma and flew away to a distant place, and disappeared out of sight of the strong players in a blink of an eye.

"The Brahma Cave Exit is closed."

"I didn't expect it to be closed."

"The Brahma cave is open for exactly one hundred years, and the export is transmitted for three years."

"This is far beyond the concept of nine lives."

"More than 8 million strong people entered, only less than 20,000 strong people came out."

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"However, for the first time, people who enter the inside do not know the inside, the opening time of the cave, or the location of the teleport exit. There may be millions of strong people trapped because they do not know the exit."

"It's not so exaggerated, but there are also a lot of strong people who are trapped because they don't know where the exit is."

"If it is opened next time, the ratio of life and death will definitely not be so terrifying."

"Almost 20,000 strong people came out. Finding these people and inquiring about the situation inside will help you enter Brahma Cave next time."


The transmission light disappears, and the world is quiet.

Only the flames snorted.

All the strong men froze for a few seconds before waking up.

For a time the Brahma land boiled.

At the same time, countless powerhouses began the pursuit of killing. Those powerhouses who wanted to come out of the cave were inquired about the situation inside, and even wanted to obtain their treasures and resources.

Next, the entire Brahma land broke out with the densest and most frequent killings and treasures in heaven.


"Finally left Brahma."

On the edge of Brahma, two figures appeared suddenly.

After these two figures appeared, a first-class flying warship appeared in the air, then two figures entered the flying warship, and the first-class flying warship burst into roar, and finally disappeared in the sky.

In this congenital flight battleship, Li Lingtian and Yunhua Shenzun sat opposite each other.

Both are in a good mood, because they left Brahma world quietly.

It turned out that after three years had passed, Li Lingtian also planned to leave Brahma World, and he could wait for three years in it. He was also trying his best. If he couldn't come out, it was only because of their bad luck.

Besides, even if you can’t leave the Brahma world, you can survive in it, and you can wait until the next time.

Before planning to leave, Li Lingtian used a little trick to leave the strong men who came behind and unify the transmission beam. The sound from the palace was naturally no one dared to object and doubt.

When the three-year period expired, Li Lingtian scanned the radius of hundreds of millions of miles and found no other strong man.

This allowed the hundreds of strong men to teleport away. When teleporting these strong men, he put away the Brahma Palace and rushed towards the exit together with Yunhua Goddess.

In the beam of light, everyone is imprisoned, there is no intention to pay attention to others, and the beam of light is gray, and the mind cannot penetrate.

Li Lingtian and Yunhua Shenzun mixed among these strong men, and safely transmitted to the heaven.

When returning to heaven, he left quickly as soon as possible, without giving any strong man a chance to react.

The two had already discussed and prepared for it. Naturally, it was impossible to give anyone a chance. After leaving the center of Brahma, the two did not stop at all and exhibited the fastest speed, but even so, the two It also took three days to leave Brahma.

"Now in the extreme north."

"In Brahma World, the use of congenital flying warships is definitely shot down by the more powerful congenital class."

"Although it consumed a lot of divine power, it also easily left Brahma."

"Wait back to the Ice Palace and have a good rest first."

Yunhua Shenzun said lightly.

Li Lingtian is used to her tone.

An ancient deity who has lived without knowing how many epochs is naturally not in a state of mind that Li Lingtian can figure out, and he also disdains to figure out the thoughts and ideas of this Yunhua deity.

Indeed, even if the two are terrifying, but still flying at full speed for three days, it is still a bit overwhelming.

You have to know that the distance between the two men flying for three days, even if they are congenital-class flying warships, also has to fly for half a month, but the two men have crossed in three days. More importantly, the two are not teleportation.

If it teleports, with the horrible existence of Goddess Yunhua, it will not be reached in a long time.

Because there are no coordinates in Brahma, if they teleport, the two will be separated, and accidents are prone to happen.

"This time, there are seventeen people returning from the Ice Palace, which is already very good."

"The Taiyin Temple and the Blood Moon Tower come out alive, not as much as the Ice Palace."

"This seat said that it will help you realize your wishes and revive the Ice Palace to become the top ten forces again."

"However, you have to wait for this seat to deal with the Holy Temple first."

"These things, I don't want a third person to know, including the owner of Ice Palace."

Li Lingtian stretched his waist and said.

This is his promise. When helping the Ice Palace, he is also helping himself, because his thing happens to be the Temple of Heaven.

Only, now he does not want the third person to know these things.

As for the things in Brahma World and his Li Lingtian's identity, he believed that Yunhua Shenzun would not speak out.

"The deity knows."

"What are you going to do?"

Yunhua Shenzun looked forward to her very much. Her life was for the Ice Palace.

Now Li Lingtian said to help her realize her wish to revive the Ice Palace, she is naturally happy.

If other **** kings say this, it is strange that she doesn't slap it to fly.

However, Li Lingtian said this, she naturally believes that because of Li Lingtian's identity and strength, whether it is the previous identity and strength, or the current identity and strength, all this is not a hope, but a certainty.

"The deity still has an identity, that is, the inheritor of the Holy Temple."

"It is just the inheritor of the former Lord of the Holy Temple, who has promised to take back the Holy Temple."

"Back to the Ice Palace, I will tell you after this seat has arrangements."

Li Lingtian did not conceal Yunhua Goddess, and said that he was the person who inherited the Holy Temple.

Although it is now impossible to recapture the Holy Temple, it is not difficult to recapture the Holy Temple with his talents.

"Heir to the former Lord of the Holy Temple!"

"I really don't know how many adventures and opportunities you have."

"However, it is still impossible for you to deal with the Holy Temple now."

"The Holy Heaven Temple is one of the ten supreme powers. Although the power is not as good as the Taiyue Shenting, it is not something you can deal with. Not to mention you, even the Taiyue Shenting does not dare to move the Shengtian Temple easily."

"Unless, unless you reach Divine Emperor Realm."

"You came to the Heavenly Sanctuary, did you make a special trip to the Holy Heaven Temple?"

Yunhua Shenzun was shocked. The young man in front of him was always a fan.

Even now that she knows that Li Lingtian is the son of the Holy Lord of Brahma World, she thinks she knows a lot about this young man, but now she understands that the young man in front of her is simply not something she can see through.

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to have anything to do with Shengtian Temple, but with Li Lingtian's current strength as a cultivation base, he couldn't confront Shengtian Temple at all, unless the entire Taiyue Shenting went to war with Shengtian Temple.

Even so, Taiyue Shenting will injure eight hundred enemies by one thousand.

At the end, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Because she guessed that Li Lingtian came to the Heavenly Sanctuary to make a special trip to the Temple of Heaven. If it were so, she really admired the courage and courage of this young man.

"Not bad."

"The Holy Heaven Temple is indeed powerful, but this seat is not to destroy the Holy Heaven Temple, but to find a way to take back the Holy Heaven Temple. Indeed, before this seat came to the Heavenly Sanctuary, I did not think of the previous history of the Ice Palace."

"It seems that the Holy Temple is not easy to solve, but this is only a matter of time."

Li Lingtian stood up, left the hall, and came to rest in a room on the third floor.

He doesn't want to think about other things now. What he wants to do most is to go back to the Ice Palace for a good rest and practice for a while, and then slowly plan for things in the Holy Temple.

Even if the matter of the Holy Temple is really not solved for the time being, he doesn't care. At most, he waits for tens of thousands of years and waits until he is strong.

"I'm on my way back now."

"Up to six months is enough."

Back in the room, Li Lingtian cast a shadow of the gods and returned to the Forbidden Ground of the Ice Palace, and came to Tang Qingyue and others.

The ghost phantom said flatly, with a smile on his face.

In Brahma Cave, Li Lingtian also casts shadows of divine spirits back from time to time, so that Tang Qingyue and they can feel at ease.

Now leaving the Brahma world, it is natural to report a peace.


"Congratulations on my brother’s triumphant return."

Seeing Li Lingtian's ghost image, Tang Qingyue's daughters were very happy.

Xiaobai looked excited and said happily~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also made a congratulatory gesture, which looked mischievous.

"Congratulations, Master."

"Congratulations, Ling Tian."

"Disciples congratulate Master Zun on his triumphant return."

Ming Bing'er and Ming Yan'er, Tang Qingyue and Wang Xiaoman are all happy towards Li Lingtian.

Naturally, Li Lingtian was very happy to be able to return safely.

When they saw Tang Qingyue, they were happy, and Li Lingtian was also happy. They were able to make them worry less. Naturally, it was better than anything. After a few people chatted for a while, Li Lingtian recovered the ghost image.

It takes half a year for a congenital flight warship to fly to the Ice Palace.

In the middle-class congenital flying warship, there are powerful people like Yunhua Shenzun, and no one can shake it at all, unless it is the Divine Emperor.

Safety is guaranteed, and Li Lingtian can rest and practice with peace of mind.

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