War God Supreme

Chapter 2294: Holy Heaven

Ice Palace, Forbidden Land. (Baidu search)【】

"I didn't expect you to harvest so much this time."

In the huge palace, there is a lot of fun.

Because Li Lingtian has returned from Brahma D.

After flying for half a year, Li Lingtian and Yunhua Shenzun returned to the Ice Palace.

There were also sixteen people who returned before them.

Back at the Forbidden Land of the Ice Palace, Tang Qingyue and others were very happy. Li Lingtian told Tang Qingyue what they had in Brahma World, and they heard that Tang Qingyue and others were terrified.

However, Li Lingtian had such a great opportunity in it, which made them feel excited.

When he was in Brahma World, Li Lingtian just reported to Tang Qingyue that they were safe, and did not say some important things in it. Because there are uncertain factors in Brahma World, he could not say it first.

After coming back now, they did not hide them anymore.

"It really didn't happen."

"This time, the gain is not just chance, but also my doubts."

"I was reincarnated to the Shenwu Continent. It was originally arranged by the Lord Huang Tian. Unfortunately, there are still some things I don't know about. It's about the goddess of ice and snow. These things can only be asked of her at the time."

Li Lingtian was impressed. When he entered Brahma D-Day, he did not expect that the ending would be like this.

Now, Brahma D-day can be said to be a treasure trove of him.

He can enter inside at any time, come out at any time, just like the former Jiutian God City.

It's just that Brahma World is not billions of times larger than Nine Heavens City, and it's billions of times stronger. Nine Heavens City is completely incomparable to Brahma World.

"Is the matter between the ice goddess and you related to Huang Tian's Lord?"

"If Lord Huang Tian arranged all this, the ice goddess would not dare to tell you."

Tang Qingyue looked at the lingering look on Li Lingtian's face, and began to analyze it.

He pondered for a moment and said to Li Lingtian.

"You only know if you ask her."

"You have improved a lot in the past 100 years."

"I don't know what happened outside of this time in Brahma World."

Li Lingtian shook his head to get rid of these things.

Don’t think about things you don’t know now, just ask the ice goddess.

"Master, something really happened."

"And this thing also happened in the heavenly sanctuary."

"Holy Temple, fifty years ago, also appeared in a secret transmission."

"Someone inquired that the teleportation of the secret realm appeared when the Brahma D-Day was opened, but it was only covered by the supernatural powers of the super-spirit of the Holy Temple."

"The **** king, the **** master, and the strong entered the Brahma D-day, and those who did not enter the Brahma D-day, and the divine power, entered the secret realm of the Holy Temple."

"Until now, the secret transmission of the Holy Temple has not been closed, and many powerful people have entered into it one after another."

"In the Celestial Realm, the most shocking thing is the teleportation of the Brahma D-Day and the Holy Heaven Temple. It can be said that the Heavenly Sanctuary can be regarded as the most lively and chaotic place in the Celestial Realm."

Wang Xiaoman thought of what happened in the Holy Heaven Temple of the Heavenly Sanctuary and spoke seriously.

This is what they know from other disciples in the Ice Palace. There are naturally many people who know such shocks.

And this thing happened in the Heavenly Sanctuary. The level of excitement and vibration was no less than that of Brahma D-Day, and even more powerful people who entered the secret realm of the Holy Temple.

Because the secret realm of the Holy Temple is not a new secret realm, and Brahma D-day is a new unknown secret realm.

They worried that outside things would affect Li Lingtian in Brahma D-Day, so they did not tell Li Lingtian.

"Holy Temple."

"Secret Realm! Isn't it?"

"Xiaoman, tell me the details of what happened in the Holy Temple in recent years."

Li Lingtian never thought that he asked casually, but really something really happened.

In front of the superpowers, a hundred years is just a snap.

This hundred years entered Brahma D. In just a hundred years, there should be no major events, so he asked casually.

But did not expect that such a thing happened in the Temple of Heaven.

If other places, he would naturally not care so much, and would not care, but the place where the thing happened was the Holy Temple, and he had to be serious about it.

"That secret realm is teleported inside the Temple of Heaven."

"And, some people say that the teleportation of the mysterious realm leads to the holy heaven. This mysterious realm is one of the most mysterious places in the heavenly realm.

"But it is also said that the mysterious realm of the Holy Temple, the Holy Realm, is more terrifying than the land of emptiness, and worse than the land of emptiness."

"Holy Heaven Realm is opened every 100,000 years, but it has not been opened again for nearly ten million years. I did not expect the Holy Heaven Realm to quietly open the Holy Heaven Realm this time."

"There is no airtight wall in the world, the Holy Heaven Realm opens, and the countless powers of the heaven realm know it."

"Naturally, countless powerful people enter the Holy Heaven Realm. However, in order to enter the Holy Heaven Realm, the Holy Heaven Temple charges a thousand days of crystal. Only people above the Divine Lord can enter."

Wang Xiaoman slowly spoke out about the secret realm of Shengtian Temple.

Although there are many powerful people who entered the Brahma D-day, they are all gods and kings, but not many deities.

In the Holy Heaven Realm of the Holy Temple, only the strongest who entered the Divine Lord can enter, and it takes a thousand days of crystal to let in. In this way, the strongman who enters it is at least the Divine Lord, the most God.

"Sure enough."

"They don't know what method was used to open the Holy Heaven Realm."

"Calculate the time, now it has been opened for a hundred years, and it will be a hundred years before the closure of the Holy Realm."

After listening to Wang Xiaoman's words, Li Lingtian was shocked.

The look on his face also became dignified.

Originally, if you want to open the Holy Heaven Realm, you must use the Holy Heaven Scepter. I did not expect that the Holy Heaven Realm can be opened with the Holy Scepter in his hand. It seems that there are really simple characters in the Holy Heaven Temple. .

During the speech, Li Lingtian Shennian cast the Holy Scepter out.

Immediately, the holy scepter began to be sacrificed on the spot.

In the past, the cultivation strength was too low to dare to use the Holy Scepter, nor to sacrifice the Holy Scepter.

Now the Holy Heaven Realm has been opened by other people in the Holy Heaven Temple by other means, and his cultivation strength has also reached the Divine Lord. It is time to sacrifice the Holy Heaven Scepter.

Only the sacrificial priest controls the scepter of the holy sky, and then can control the holy temple.

Moreover, with the Scepter of Heaven, it is much more convenient to act.

An hour later, the holy scepter was finished, and the entire scepter was integrated with Li Lingtian.

As soon as Li Lingtian reached out his hand, the Scepter of Heaven appeared in his hand. After it came out, the scepter was two feet long, exquisite, and exuded the power of magic and terror.

Moreover, at this moment, the scepter of Holy Heaven keeps spinning, just like it is prompting Li Lingtian.

Tang Qingyue's daughters looked at Li Lingtian's sacrifice to the holy scepter, and they also saw that Li Lingtian and the holy scepter were integrated into one body. Now they see the situation of the holy scepter. Although they don't know what the holy scepter is giving Li Lingtian, but Probably guessed, it should be related to the Holy Heaven Realm.

In front of the horrible breath of the Holy Scepter, several people's faces were pale.

"Brother, what did you find?"

Xiao Bai asked Li Lingtian after seeing the change in the expression on Li Lingtian's face.

"There are already strong men close to the core of Holy Heaven Realm."

"Holy scepter, now I don't know what kind of treasure it is."

"Because the Holy Scepter still lacks one thing, but now the Holy Scepter can explode the power of the next best artifacts of the early days. If you find another thing, I believe that the Holy Scepter is stronger.

"I am going to the Holy Heaven Realm now, you will stay here to practice and wait for me to come back."

Li Lingtian said seriously.

He didn't expect to go out again just after returning to the Ice Palace.

If other places, he really would not go, but the Holy Temple is different.

If you miss this time, you want to go in after 100,000 years, and this time the abnormal means of the Holy Heaven Realm opened, maybe the important things in the Holy Heaven Realm were missed because of this.

"Then be careful."

Tang Qingyue knew the importance of the Holy Heaven Realm. This time he came to the Heavenly Sanctuary for the Holy Heaven Temple.

When this happens, Li Lingtian will naturally not be idle.

With the Holy Scepter in hand, there are many guarantees for Li Lingtian's safety.

After all, the Holy Scepter is an important token of the Holy Realm.

Just then, a disciple of Bingxue Palace begged to see.

"Disciples disturb seeing Tianling Qingxiu."

"Elder Yunhua has something to discuss with Mr. Tianling, please ask Mr. Tianling to visit the Ice Palace."

A strange and bland voice reached Li Lingtian and others.


Li Lingtian replied lightly.

Don't think about it, but also know what happened to Yunhua Shenzun looking for him.

Not only him, Tang Qingyue and others have guessed, it should be about the Holy Heaven Realm.

Later, with a trace of apology, Li Lingtian said goodbye to Tang Qingyue and others.

Just came back and left, I am really sorry for them.

Fortunately, Tang Qingyue understood him and made him warm.

Li Lingtian came to the Ice and Snow Holy Palace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to see Yunhua Goddess, he guessed right, it was the matter of the Holy Heaven Temple, he did not turn the corner, and opened the door to tell the current situation of the Holy Heaven Realm.

After discussing for a while, Li Lingtian left the Ice and Snow Holy Palace, and finally rushed towards the direction of the Holy Temple.

This time, he went to the Ice Palace alone, with the Holy Scepter in his hand. He also had a lot of confidence. At least after entering the Holy Realm, he could directly find the position of the core of the direction.

Fortunately, his cultivation base reached the realm of God.

If you don’t practice in Brahma D-Day and break through to the Divine Realm, even if you have the Holy Scepter, you can’t enter the Real Heaven Realm, because you need to cultivate above the Divine Realm to enter the Holy Realm.

Now he is the next Divine Lord and has just stepped into the realm of Divine Lord.

The strong men who enter the Holy Heaven Realm are all super gods, and there are not many **** master levels. The most is God Venerable. It can be said that this time is a huge challenge to him.

Another key point is that his goal is to target the core existence, which is also a great pressure.

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