War God Supreme

Chapter 2303: Soul Mirror

The power of the two first-rate artifacts of the early days mourns the world.

Thousands of miles of space is constantly collapsed and destroyed at this moment, and none of the air is complete.


At the same time, the second grade Taichu artifact, Li Lingtian's second grade Taixing artifact starry sky sword, is the top presence in the lower grade. However, his cultivation base is very different from the star deity, and he has been defeated by one blow.

The body flew out, the power of the starry sky sword weakened.

If it weren't for the mighty divine body and the power of Nine Stars arrogant to the armor and God of Extinction and Sky Armor, it would offset the attack of the deity Venus to one thousandth, which did not let Li Lingtian fall.

If there is no defense of Nine Stars arrogant to Armor and God of Destruction, if his physique is weaker, he will be destroyed by this blow.

Think about it. Fortunately, it was tempered once in the main hall of Brahma Palace, which made his body strong enough to be fully resisted by the Great Constellation. However, the Astral Venerable is too terrifying, beyond any ordinary Dzogchen deity.

"Five-nine destroys the sky sword array, destroys."

Being repelled, the first reaction is to display a killer weapon of destruction.

His greatest strength is not only talent, but also a single mind, and his magical power is instantaneous.

When playing the starry sword, he also thought that he would be injured. Even if he thought of it, he had to resist it. When he resisted, he already thought of ★长★风★文★学,ww≧w. cf¢wx.ne︽t's second move was also performed.

Suddenly, forty-five swords of extinction were suspended around him, spinning around him.

For a time, forty-five Nine-Colored Swords rose into the sky.

Fifty-nine destroy the sky sword array, the power destroys the world.

Forty-five sword awns, with a supreme array, at the same time, millions of long swords formed a world of swords, and each sword exploded hundreds and thousands of times at this moment.

Millions of long swords, with forty-five sword awns at the core, stir the void with the power of extinction, and the continuous destruction of the void, even the sword of the reincarnation with the power of space, also trembling. , It's like flying out without hands.

"The power of reincarnation."

Xingsu Shenzun had heard that Li Lingtian was good at sword array, but he didn't look at it.

Because a junior, the most powerful sword array exhibited is no more than that. Now, seeing Li Lingtian's power to explode the sword array, he was trembling with a shock.

Dare not to be underestimated again, the sword of reincarnation made a stroke, and the void was divided in half.

The power of the sword of reincarnation exploded to the extreme. The power of the world's reincarnation formed an independent time. In the blink of an eye, a tremendous sword awn appeared, and the sword awn was completely the power of reincarnation.


The sound of the sky was so loud that Jianmang and Jianzhen bombed together.

The world is eclipsed, Li Lingtian and Xingsu Divine Sovereign are completely submerged, endless long swords, endless sword mansions, endless sword spirits, endless sword shadows, this world is a world of swords.



In an instant, the world is quiet.

Millions of long swords turned into light spots and disappeared, and had returned to Li Lingtian's space ring.

Li Lingtian's body was thrown out again, his face pale.

The white shirt on the chest has been stained with blood.

However, the deity of the stars is not too good, and it is also a mouthful of blood squirting, with blood stains on the corners of the mouth, the five-nine extinction sword array has exceeded the scope of power, and it is carrying a supreme array. Sword array, and the power of millions of long swords gathered together.

Both were injured at the same time, but Li Lingtian's injury was even worse.

Cultivation is a heaven that can never be surpassed.


"Star Excalibur."

Li Lingtian did not dare to have the slightest pause and hesitation.

The Sword of Destroyer returned to Dantian, and a dark blue long sword appeared in his hand. The long sword exudes the power of endless starry sky. This is the power of the stars.

The power of the star and the star sword are integrated into one, and the power is beyond the scope of the understanding of the powerful in heaven.

The Middle Grade Taiqi Artifact, with the power of tearing the vast starry sky, cuts towards the Astral Deity.

At the same time, the third layer of Soul Cleaver in "Control" also broke out.

In the face of a strong man such as Astral Deity, he step by step, he dare not have a thousandth of care.

It's like walking a tightrope, accidentally falling into pieces.

"I already knew that your soul attack was powerful."

"The deity also has a baby, let you try it."

"God Soul Mirror!"

Star Goddess looked at Li Lingtian’s middle-grade artifact, and his greedy heart was even stronger. He and Li Lingtian battled for a moment, and he saw that Li Lingtian exhibited several treasures that were like taboos. If he got any of them, all Can enhance the strength a lot.

However, just when he was about to use the destructive means of the deity, his face was stunned.

Immediately a mirror was displayed, and a magical brilliance broke out on the mirror.

Seeing the mirror in the hands of Astrology Goddess, Li Lingtian felt bad for a while.

Sure enough, after the invisible and traceless display of the third layer of the Soul Cleaver in "Control", the Soul Cleaver suddenly encountered the glory of the mirror and suddenly came back.

Sudden changes made Li Lingtian unpretentious, his consciousness turned back, his face was pale, and his consciousness was sore.

In the hands of the middle-class top-level primitive artifact, the Star Excalibur, the power dissipated, and the imperial pagoda in Shangtiantian was running fast, resisting the anti-bite of the consciousness, the instant of bite, but this moment is enough for the two super gods to decide life and death.


With a muffled sound, Li Lingtian was crushed and thrown away by the rule of space ruined by the star god, and quickly fell towards the center of the black hole.

Knowing the pain in the sea, and being crushed by the destruction of the star goddess, Li Lingtian was horrified. He did not expect his powerful soul attack, but he encountered a treasure that resisted the attack of the **** soul.

This change was beyond his expectations.

Lose one step at a time.

I have fallen out of the wind, and if I dare not flee, I will only be exterminated and killed.

Now, all kinds of magical means against the sky have been performed once, only the last Brahma Palace is not exhibited. This Brahma Palace will never be exposed until a last resort.

As for the God of Destruction, Wuyue, it is defense at most.

With the current practice, God of Extinction and Wuyue are not opponents of the Great Constellation Divine Venerable, unless they reach the Divine Realm and reach the Divine Realm themselves, even if they use the ancient artifacts, they can kill the gods of the same rank. Venerable, even able to strangle the Great Dharma Venerable with an ancient artifact.

At this moment, the only way to escape from the palm of the stars is to enter the mysterious realm of extinction.

The Mysterious Realm of Disappearance is a mess of time and space, which is exactly where I need it. Entering it is his stage.

Even if there is a rule of space in the starry space, but in the chaotic space and time, it may not be able to compete with the realm of space and time. This is also Li Lingtian’s initial calculation, hoping to bring the spacecraft into this mysterious realm of extinction.

I just didn't expect that the star gods were too horrible and made him unhappy.

The body flashed and flew away toward the center of the black hole.

"Want to escape from the deity, delusion."

"With this method, Taiyue Shenting no longer has Li Lingtian."

Astral deity shocked Li Lingtian's strength and treasures, and his greed was even stronger.

If Li Lingtian had other means, he really didn't have much confidence in killing Li Lingtian. At most, Li Lingtian was seriously injured, and he could only watch Li Lingtian escape as the ending.

But now that Li Lingtian has fled, it is obvious that Qianqian is poor.

Seeing this, I felt more confident.

Seeing that Li Ling's black hole was flying away, the Star Goddess was ecstatic. If Li Lingtian entered the black hole, it was really dead. When he arrived inside, in front of his space law, Li Lingtian became a lamb to be slaughtered.

With a roar, holding the Soul Mirror in his hand, he came across in one step.

One step, across thousands of miles, came to Li Lingtian.

With one-handed press, the ruined space law crushed down, and Li Lingtian was pressed down fiercely.

Although the Soul Mirror is powerful, it can only resist the attack of the Soul Soul. In addition, there is no other power. The star of the stars is shocked. If he had the Soul Mirror, he will be attacked by Li Lingtian.


The muffled noise appeared, and Li Lingtian's body fell straight into the black hole.

At the same time, the soaring silver light in the center of the black hole stirred up at this moment, and the world was destroyed.

In an instant, Li Lingtian's body was swallowed by a black hole. When the silver light turned, everything within a billion miles of the square was rotated. Even the Divine Supreme Master could not resist the rotating power of the silver light.

Constellation Divine Venerable, with a shocked look in his eyes, shocked the power of the silver light.

However, without any hesitation, the law of space unfolded, and the figure flashed, the whole person was already in the depths of the black hole, and the light of silver and white continuously exploded out of the power of heaven and earth.

Li Lingtian and Xingsu Divine Venerable were severely suppressed.

One hundred miles, one thousand miles, ten thousand miles...

Li Lingtian doesn't know how many miles he has sunk down, but he can feel the breath of Astral Venerable God. Obviously, the Astral Venerable God wants to destroy him in this black hole and seize his treasure.

Otherwise, Venus deity will not venture into the mysterious realm for Li Lingtian.

The main reason is that several treasures in Li Lingtian's hands are too adversity, such as the Linglong Pagoda, known as the Top Ten Chaos Treasure, and two Taiqi artifacts and God-destroying suits.

These treasures ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If in the hands of Astral Venerable, the strength of Astral Venerable Lord can be greatly improved, and even if you meet the Divine Emperor, you can escape safely and even have a power.

What's more, Astral Divine Venerable has the law of space, and there are some self-protection forces in the black hole.

Looking at the treasure in front of you, naturally you will not give up.

"Li Lingtian, how do you feel in this chaotic space?"

Star Divine Sovereign reached Li Lingtian's ear with a smiling voice, just like seeing Li Lingtian trapped in a chaotic space and being killed by him, and also thought of the power of Li Lingtian after he got the treasure against the sky.

Lock Li Lingtian's breath and quickly chase Li Lingtian.

For a time, Li Lingtian and Xingsu Shenzun continued to chase up and down, and quickly fell towards the deepest part of the black hole.

They did not know that the silver and white light in the center of the black hole that had been directed at Jiuxiao had completely entered the black hole at this moment, and was integrated with the black hole, making the black hole gray.

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