War God Supreme

Chapter 2304: 30 Hedong 30...


Among the black holes, a blast of thunderous sound exploded like thunder.

Li Lingtian's body was hit by destruction, and quickly fell down.

In the dark gray hole, Li Lingtian's eyes showed a horrified look, but beyond the horror, there was a trace of excitement on his face, because the impact of destruction was the fusion of the power of time and the power of space.

This black hole was immediately imprisoned.

The chaos of time and space, the power of terror and overbearing time and space is more abundant than the chaotic space of the Jedi in the land of the ruins. Such a powerful power of time and space is undoubtedly a surprise for Li Lingtian.

In the land of ruins, he entered the chaotic time and space, allowing him to truly control the time and space eternity.

Where the power of time and space is absorbed, his realm of time and space can also be exerted.

At that time, I was thinking that it would not be so easy to encounter the chaotic space again. I did not expect that he had encountered the chaotic space in the past hundreds of years, and the power of space and time in this chaotic space formed the flow of space and time, and the power was more powerful.

The Mysterious Realm is really a mess of time and space.

It's no wonder that ordinary strong men dare not come, even if they enter the mysterious realm of extinction, they cannot go out from here.

Unless you are in control of the law of space and time.

However, there are a few powerful people who can control the laws of space in the celestial realm.

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There may be a few powerful laws of space, but there is no one who controls the power of time in heaven, because the power of time is the most magical existence of the universe.

Can't control the power of time, let alone the time domain and the law of time.

Naturally, if you control the power of space and there is no power of time, then there will be no realm of space and time.

Li Lingtian is in control of the power of time and space and the realm of space and time. The power of heaven is not known. This is his last killer and a secret that will not be known to the power of space.


Astral Venerable King Li Lingtian was not bombarded by the force of time and space, and a spit of blood spurted out.

The whole person was imprisoned at this moment, his eyes showing horror.

Not daring to hesitate, the laws of space were exhibited and suddenly formed an independent space.

However, in the face of static time, the independent world formed by the laws of space quickly drains away, and if it continues, it will completely disintegrate in less than a minute.

"not good."

Finding the situation here, Venerable Stars secretly cried badly.

But regret is too late now.

I originally thought that with his powerful and unparalleled laws of space, he could move in and out freely, but now he understands that he thinks too much. In the chaos of time and space, the laws of space alone cannot resist it.

However, it is not too far from the top from here, and there is a hint of hope to leave here.

Feeling the decentralized breath, he hesitated.

If he could find a way to leave immediately, there might be a glimmer of hope to survive.

But Li Lingtian fell here, and the treasure would stay here forever, and I was a little unwilling.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go."

"There's no way in hell. You break in."

At this time, Li Lingtian's voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, the star of the stars stared amazed, and did not know what Li Lingtian said.

But then he didn't have to think about it, and he knew what was going on.

I saw that Li Lingtian stepped up step by step, completely ignoring the power of space and the stillness of time, just like the master of this messy time and space. Seeing this, the star of the star Suzuru looked horrified.

Because, he discovered that Li Lingtian was carrying the space realm. In the space realm, there is a magical realm that complements the space realm, and this realm can ignore the stillness of time.

Therefore, he recognized the means exhibited by Li Lingtian.

"Space and time!"

"You control the realm of time and space!"

"How is it possible? How is it possible?"

"Five Elements Realm, Time and Space Realm!"

Xingsu Shenzun exclaimed, his face horrified.

The space field can be said to be one ten thousandth of other fields in the celestial realm, while the five elements field is one hundred millionth of the space field, the time field is only one hundred millionth of the five element field, and the space-time field is only one hundredth of a millionth of the time field. One.

With such a ratio, it can be said that nobody in the heavenly realm controls the time domain, let alone the space-time domain.

But the young man in front of him is in full control of the five elements field and the space-time field.

"This is luck."

"If you don't enter this chaotic space, this seat can't beat you."

Li Lingtian came to the Astral Venerable Hundred, looked at the space rule of the Astral Venerable coldly, and said lightly.

This was something he hadn't thought of. If the star goddess did not enter this messy space-time, even if he had the space-time domain, Li Lingtian would not be able to defeat the star goddess. This is the gap of the realm.

Now, the rule of the self-holding space of the Star Goddess is powerful, coming into the chaotic time and space, but encountered the evil spirit of Li Lingtian who has the realm of space and time.

It can be said that this is the life of Xingsu Divine Venerable. Even if he enters this chaotic time and space alone, he has the opportunity to leave, but now that he meets Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian will never let him leave here.

"Haha, haha."

"This is destiny."

"However, if you want to defeat the deity, it is not so simple."

"Even if you want to kill the deity, the deity will at least pull you back."

Star Goddess looked at Li Lingtian who was a hundred miles away. He couldn't help but laugh aloud, but he couldn't help laughing, because he didn't think of his luck, so he encountered an enemy with space and time in such a place.

Staggering places and characters, even the ordinary Divine Emperor, may not be able to kill him.

But now, he would never believe that Li Lingtian would let him go.

After a crazy smile, he said fiercely, staring at Li Lingtian coldly. This situation clearly told Li Lingtian that if Li Lingtian really wanted to kill him, he would also desperately.

Dzogchen Sovereign, mastering the laws of space, working hard, it is not necessarily true who will die.

If the dog jumped the wall in a hurry, even if he blew himself up, he would pull Li Lingtian back.

"Haha, haha."

"Fool me?"

"The six-fold peak in the time and space realm and the seven-fold peak in the five-element realm, even outside, there is hope for you to suppress you."

"May I tell you, even if you explode, how much do you hope to shake the space-time realm of this seat? Originally this seat just came to the mysterious realm of random destruction, did not expect you to come to death."

Li Lingtian also laughed loudly.

However, he smiled not for helplessness, but fortunately.

Thirty years in Hexi and thirty years in Hexi. At first, he was defeated by Xingsu Divine Venerable, and he also chased into the chaotic time and space. Now it is good, and the feng shui turns, and his space and time field has the upper hand.

Between the speeches, one hand stretched out and Linglong Pagoda appeared in front of him.

Linglong Pagoda, also known as the Top 10 Chaos Treasures by the Star Goddess, although Li Lingtian did not know what the Top 10 Chaos Treasures were, he was not sure that his Linglong Pagoda was one of the Top 10 Chaos Treasures.

But since the **** of the stars is recognized, then eight or nine will not leave ten.

The other party recognized that he had such a peculiar treasure, so naturally he could not let the Star Lord Venus leave, otherwise the strong man of the entire heaven realm would know that he had chaotic treasures.

It can be said that if the several treasures on his body were known by the Celestial Power, he could not imagine how miserable he was in the end.

One is the heart of the stars.

The second is time and space.

The third is the five-element world.

Fourth, this is the top ten Chaos Treasure Refining Pagoda.

Five is the Huangji Tower.

Sixth, Brahma Palace.

In these cases, except for the Liantian Tower, others are in the upper and lower Dantian fields. Even when it is used, no one can find that these are his foundations and are indispensable.

There is also a treasure, that is, the Three Realms Ten Thousand Demon Orders and Chaos Measure.

These two things, he still does not know what the order is, and the chaos scale can only display a little fur, and even the most basic power can not be exerted.

Three Realms Wanling Order, he is just a token.

The refining tower exploded with awe-inspiring power, and quickly rolled towards the star deity, the purpose of which was naturally to devour the other party's laws.

At the same time, Li Lingtian stepped out one step at a time, with the five-element field as the foundation, the multicolored light shield and the nine-star arrogant armor, as well as the undead body and the **** extinction.

All layers of defenses broke out to the extreme.

Under such circumstances, under such defense, he could not imagine what kind of power could shake him.

After the defense was completed, the space-time domain was crushed out, and it was rushed towards the star Venerable Venus. For a time, the imprisoned space and the still time tremble in front of Li Lingtian.

Without the distance between time and space, Li Lingtian had already come to the star deity.

With one hand, press the sky and hold the space rule of the star **** above the independent world.

In front of him is the Liantian Tower, and his defense reaches the extreme.

At this time, he must work hard, no longer afraid of the deity star self-explosion.


Xingsu Shenzun did not expect that Li Lingtian's space-time domain and the five-element domain had reached this level, and at the same time understood that since the other party revealed his details, he would naturally not let him leave.

The world that feels the law of space is constantly weak and weak, and Venerable Stars are extremely angry.

But at the moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he simply had no way to deal with it, he could only quickly rush towards the black hole, hoping to rush out of the black hole, as long as he left the black hole, Li Lingtian couldn't help him.

However, when his space law broke out, Li Lingtian's space-time domain also broke out. This place is a mess of time and space, all of which is the power of space and time. It can be said that this is equivalent to Li Lingtian's world. Everything here is dominated by Li Lingtian.

The terrible space-time realm, with the power of chaotic time-space, crushed him fiercely.

The hope that made him want to break through the black hole went bankrupt.

The laws of space are constantly lost.

In this way, it won't take long for his laws to be swallowed up. By then, even if he survives, he will fall out of the divine realm of cultivation, even the divine realm.

For a time, Li Lingtian and Xingsu Shenzun stalemate.

Two of them, one uses the law of engulfing the refining tower, the other is the law of compression, and rushes toward the black hole with difficulty.

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