War God Supreme

Chapter 2305: Breakthrough

Holy Heaven Realm, Three Jedi, Mysterious Extinct Realm.

It can be said that it is a nightmare place for the powerhouses of heaven, and no one dares to enter at all.

However, when the strong man who enters the Holy Heaven Realm comes to the center of the Holy Heaven Realm, he naturally has to come to this neighborhood to see the appearance of the Mysterious Extinct Realm.


A million miles away from the Mysterious Realm, more than a dozen super-gods looked at the Mysterious Realm from afar.

The changes in the Mysterious Realm are shocking.

Because the legendary silver-white light does not know when it has disappeared.

At this moment, a scream rang out all over the world.

The sound shook hundreds of millions of miles. Whether it was a creature or a human being, it was shocking to hear the scream. I didn’t know how terrible the pain was to make such a scream.

At the same time, the black hole in the Mysterious Extinction Soared into the sky.

The original silver and white light is now all turned into black light.

The earth trembled and roared, like the end of the world.

Found such a situation, the dozen or so super deities who watched the Mysterious Realm were shocked. They looked at each other and shook their heads, not knowing what happened.

But they dare not go to the Mysterious Realm.


Taking black holes as ⊥ long ⊥ wind ⊥ text ⊥ study, ww↗w.cfw☆x.n≦et center, within ten thousand miles, space is confined and time is still.

Below the black hole, Li Lingtian's face was distorted, and he looked terrified.

Suffering from unimaginable pain, but even so, his hand is still pressed against the space rule of the Venerable Venerable Star. , Li Lingtian then transformed into his own.

Astral Venerable God, his face was ashamed.

After struggling for a long time, he can only reach a distance of tens of thousands of miles, but his space law has been swallowed by two-thirds of the Liantian Tower, and even his Shouyuan and Xiuwei are being lost at an alarming rate at this moment.

The lost space law and Shou Yuan still have Xiu Wei, but they are swallowed by Li Lingtian.

The space law of the Great Constellation Divine Deity, how terrifying and powerful, although Li Lingtian was only a tenth of the law transformed by the refining tower, it was not something he could easily bear.

Even more frightening is that the ruler of Constellation was swallowed by him into his own except for the law, and even the other party was Shouyuan and Xiuwei. Category.

For a time, endless pain tormented him.


I don't know how many times they screamed.

Li Lingtian's breakthrough in time and space reached the seventh level.

When the time and space field broke through the seventh level, the five elements field also broke through the seventh peak and reached the eighth level.

The breakthrough in the field makes him devour the rule and rule of the star gods more quickly.



Venus deity, completely desperate.

I have no energy to struggle. I can only watch my Shou Yuan drain away, my laws swallowed, my cultivation practice refined, and now, the only hope is to explode and drag the other party back. .

However, just when the deity Venus was about to explode, Li Lingtian frantically exploded the world of five elements and time and space. Two peerless treasures directly suppressed the deity Venus.

The Brahma Palace was also exhibited at this moment.

Three unique treasures, Li Lingtian's foundation, at this moment exerted amazing power.

In the face of such a peerless treasure, the star gods can no longer move.

However, when he saw the three treasures above his head, there was only shock in his consciousness. With his knowledge and vision, he could not understand the equivalence and origin of these three treasures, even more terrifying than the Liantian Tower.

Just when he felt the breath of three treasures, he also understood the power of these three treasures, the same five elements, the same time and space, and he could not see another palace-like treasure.

Found all this, Constellation Divine Consciousness is blurred.


Along with the breakthrough in the field, Li Lingtian's cultivation practice was also a natural breakthrough.

"The pinnacle of the central god!"

"Upper Divine Lord!"

"Highest God Lord!"

Li Lingtian's endurance has reached the limit, but he understands an eternal truth, that is, seeking wealth and insurance, there will be no pie in the sky, threats and gains coexist.

Now under such circumstances, it is an opportunity for a strong man to be forever in his life.

If you don’t take risks in this situation, you will no longer be a strong man, and you will lose your heart.

Devour the refining rules and improve the realm.

The cultivation that devours the Great Constellation Divine Venerable is transformed into its own use.

The whole person enters the realm of emptiness and accepts the enlightenment of the heavenly gods.

This opportunity is not available to everyone, even those unmatched Divine Emperors are not necessarily able to have such an opportunity. Dare to see the heaven and earth perceptions of others is an incomparable thing.

Now, Li Lingtian devours the laws and cultivation practices of the Dzogchen Sovereign and accepts the Daoist Consciousness of the Daoist Sect.

He didn’t take the Daquan Constellation’s enlightenment of Heavenly Dao as his own. He just learned from the Daquan Constellation’s enlightenment of Heavenly Dao, just like learning from other people’s cultivation experience.

Do not know how long it took, Li Lingtian opened his eyes.

Venus deity has already disappeared, and the laws of space have disappeared.

Only the Brahma Palace, the Five Elements World, the Liantian Tower, and time and space are eternally suspended in the air. This scene is magically grand. If anyone sees this scene, they must not be shocked and dull.

"A breakthrough in space and time!"

"Five Elements Field, Breakthrough!"

"High God Lord, break through!"

Li Lingtian's eyes flashed with wise light. His eyes seemed to be able to see through the entire world and the vast starry sky. His body was sublimated, like an unmatched power.

The tone is plain.

But just as the sound rang, the storm that destroyed the world came.

The whole chaotic time and space erupted at this moment.

Destroy, destroy, or destroy.

However, the chaotic time and space of destruction was quickly swallowed and refined by Li Lingtian.

The world of five elements and the eternity of time and space spin up quickly at this moment, forming a world of its own.

I don't know how long this devastating storm lasted.

Finally, the chaotic time and space stopped.

However, at this moment, here is no longer a black hole, nor a mess of time and space, but a normal space world. Li Lingtian is suspended in this world, and his face is dull.

However, there was a faint smile on the corner of the mouth.

The corner of his mouth was wide, and a faint voice sounded.

"Five Elements, Jiuzhong!"

"Time and space, Jiuzhong!"

"The Great Sovereign Divine Lord, Peak!"

Yes, the field of five elements has reached the ninth level.

The realm of time and space engulfed the power of the entire chaotic time and space, reaching the ninth level. At this moment, his realm is finally flat.

Cultivation as the realm also reached the pinnacle of the Dzogchen Divine Lord. Cultivation was from the Astral Venerable God, and more from the Astral Venerable God’s perception of Heavenly Dao, making him touch more Heavenly Dao.

Now, his practice has reached the extreme.

If you want to break through, you must reach the tenth peak in the field, understand the law, and have the chance to become a god.

However, to achieve divine respect, I do not know how many years it will take.

It is already a great fortune to be able to allow him to reach the great consummation from the median divine master.

The other strong men could not reach the Dzogchen in their entire lives.

Even if it is a peerless evil, it takes tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even tens of millions of years from the cultivation of the median **** master to the great consummate **** master, and Li Lingtian's time is too short.


As soon as the thoughts moved, the Brahma Palace, the Five Elements World, the eternal time and space, and the Liantian Tower disappeared. When they appeared again, they were already in the Dantian, but the current Five Elements World is more in line with him, and he has found The power given to him by the Five Elements World is even stronger.

The Five Elements World, after this time, he also knew more about the Five Elements World.

It is a pity that time is tight now, and he has not been given the opportunity to understand the Five Elements World. Otherwise, he will gain greater power and magical power in the Five Elements World.

"This is luck."

Li Lingtian grabbed it with one hand, and a space ring appeared in his hand.

Naturally, this space ring is the divine star.

Now, the stars of the star gods disappeared and disappeared completely in this world. All that was left was naturally Li Lingtian, but Li Lingtian did not look at the space ring of the star gods.

The figure flashed and disappeared.

When it reappeared, it had left the mysterious realm.

It's just that the mysterious realm of extinction is no longer a black hole, and there is no silver light anymore. It is completely a normal space. Looking at this barren open space, Li Lingtian turned and left.

Just after leaving the Mystery Realm, I saw a lot of God Venerables staring in the distance, completely shocked by everything here, and I haven't awakened until now.

"Li Lingtian, it is Li Lingtian."

"Taiyue Shenting Li Lingtian!"

"Lord Ling Tian."

"Lingtian Pavilion Master."

"It's Li Lingtian."

"Brother Ling Tian."

The emergence of Li Lingtian awakened dozens of gods.

When these super gods saw Li Lingtian coming out of the Mysterious Realm, they were all shocked.

At this moment, they are more thinking about what super treasure Li Lingtian should have gotten in the Mysterious Extinct Realm, and even more want to know what happened in the Mysterious Exterminate Realm, even the current Extinct Mysterious Realm is destroyed.

For a time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A lot of super deities raised interest in Li Lingtian.

One is to destroy the super demon of Taiyue Shenting.

The second is to get the treasure on Li Lingtian.

However, among these super deities, there are several Taiyue God Courts. Although they were curious about what happened in the Mysterious Realm of the Extinct and wanted to know what Li Lingtian got, they did not kill Li Lingtian.


"This seat leaves first."

Li Lingtian naturally found that some of these super gods were murdered, and several super gods showed curiosity and greed on their faces. At this moment, Li Lingtian could not understand more clearly.

He said to the super **** present, and he was ready to leave after he finished speaking.

However, just when he was about to leave, the two super gods spoke to Li Lingtian at the same time, making Li Lingtian's face stunned, and there was a trace of murder in his heart.

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