War God Supreme

Chapter 2308: Spike god


Yes, it is suppression.

The Divine Lord consummates the pinnacle, crosses several realms, and uses the realm of insurmountable laws to suppress the three gods.

The five-element field, nine-fold, is equivalent to the five-fold rule.

Fields and laws, each weight is a world, not at a level.

The second field directly suppresses the first field.

The double rule directly suppresses the single rule.

The three great deities are all superior deities, and practicing to the peak of the triple law is already against the sky, because if you reach the peak of the quadruple rule, you will already be one of the conditions for becoming a **** emperor.

Can you imagine how terrifying the triple law is?

Moreover, the law of the cooperation of the three high gods is unmatched.

However, Li Lingtian's ninth level in the field of five elements is equivalent to the five-level rule, and the four-level rule can crush the triple-top rule, not to mention the power of the five-level rule.

All he wants is this effect. If he doesn't do it, he will be the master of all powerful players.


Li Lingtian's cold voice sounded like an oracle.

One-handedly pressed down into the void, suddenly the nine elements of the five elements field pressed hard, and directly pressed the three people of Long Ao Shenzun on the ground. The three people suffered unmatched suppression and a spit of blood spurted out.

At this moment, the super venerable ⑧ long ⑧ wind ⑧ text ⑧ study, w ≯ww.cfw▽x.n ■et sitting on the hill to watch the tiger, was shocked and stunned.

The deity of Taiyue Shenting and Kunlun Shenting battle at the moment, stopped and looked at Li Lingtian in the sky with shock on his face. At this moment, Li Lingtian was like a peerless peerless power in their eyes. The existence of the gods is more than the great perfection.

"In the field of five elements, this is Jiuzhong."

"The five-element field that previously dealt with Lin Tianfang was only sevenfold."

"This is the power of the nine-element five-element field, directly suppressing the law of the three-fold peak."

"The field of five elements is ninefold. Seeing this situation is equivalent to the fourfold rule."

"It should be equivalent to the power of the law of the four peaks, otherwise it will not be so easy to directly suppress the law of the three triple peaks."

"This is the nine-fold field. If it reaches the tenth layer, if the five-element field becomes the five-element rule, I dare not imagine it."

"Now, it is impossible to defeat him."

"He is not a genius demon at this moment, but a super unmatched strong man."

"This news must be passed back. The weapon is completed and the block is too late."


Other superpowers, including Huanggu Shenting and Kunlun Shenting, were shocked.

Now, they understand that Li Lingtian has gone beyond the category of genius and evil spirits, and has become a weapon.

At the end of the Taiyue Shenting genius battle, countless strongmen and forces paid attention and wanted to destroy the super demon of Taiyue Shenting. When Li Lingtian appeared in the peerless posture in the sight of all the strongmen and forces, Li Lingtian It has become the target of countless forces in heaven.

I don't want to watch this super demon grow up, so as not to affect my own power.

However, after hundreds of years, that genius has grown at a speed that exceeds the scope of understanding of all powerful people. It is already too late to block it. If you send the powerful people to pursue the killing, it will be a total of death and a waste of energy.

Everyone wants to kill the genius, but he doesn't want to provoke the super-god.

"This seat has already said that it is too late to kill."

"Now this seat can tell you that if someone specifically targets this seat and angers it, this seat will wipe out his disciples and the nine clan."

"The three of you have to feel honored to be the touchstone of this seat."

Li Lingtian's eyes glanced at all the strong ones, and his eyes were trembling.

When the voice fell, he waved with one hand, and the Starcraft Excalibur, the first artifact of the second grade, was chopped out. A blue glory of the starry sky crossed, and the three upper gods were destroyed without any resistance.

Under the suppression of the five elements field, and the invisible spirit attack of the third layer of the Soul Cleaver in "Control", the three deities have no chance of resistance, and they are instantly destroyed.

Star Divine Sword, the power of the artifact at the beginning shattered the void, and the world was destroyed.

All the remaining strong men, at this moment, are extremely trembling.

In itself, the Taichi artifact has the power of the Taichi. The Taichi's power has a devastating damage to the divine power of the strong. If it is injured by the Taiqi artifact, the strong will suffer a big loss no matter how powerful it is.

The first artifact in Li Lingtian's hand is one of the two treasures obtained in the vast Star Palace.

An inferior Taichu artifact, a middle-grade Taichu artifact.

These two artifacts are also his most powerful treasures.

"Lord Tian is cultivated to become a heaven, and Taiyue Shenting has added a super god."

"Congratulations to His Excellency Ling Tian for his accomplishment."

"Haha, Lord Ling Tian has great strength and admiration."

"Congratulations, congratulations to Taiyue Shenting, congratulations to His Excellency Ling Tian."

"Taiyue Shenting, Heaven Realm, and one more powerful man from now on."

The strong men present, even the ancient ancient court and the Kunlun **** court, who were against Taiyue Shenting, were also happy to Li Lingtian at this time, and the gods who respected the strong forces of other forces naturally came forward.

They are not fools, since they cannot fight, they demand peace.

Besides, Li Lingtian was a genius before, and it is normal for them to kill and kill geniuses, each of whom is his master.

Now that Li Lingtian's strength is universal, they have agreed that Li Lingtian is no longer a genius, but an unmatched strongman. Naturally, he will no longer send silly people to chase down.

At present, the most happy people were Tian Yan and others from Taiyue Shenting.

At the same time, I feel worthwhile for my actions. Before I knew Li Lingtian's strength, I tried my best to protect Li Lingtian. Now Li Lingtian is invincible. Li Lingtian naturally remembers them.

"Everyone compliments."

"I hope everyone will take care of it in the future."

Li Lingtian smiled and said.

The whole person's changes are very fast, the first second is still a life and death enemy, the next second is the same friend.

It doesn't look like there was a war just now.

This situation even made countless gods feel afraid. At a young age, their mindfulness reached such a degree. The more such characters are, the less prone to provoke them.

If it is a general genius, at this time, it will definitely not be so polite, nor will it be merciless.

And Li Lingtian is just the opposite, which makes Li Lingtian's calm and terrible.

After being polite to each other, the other strong men all left quickly.

They want to pass on Li Lingtian's affairs to their own forces, or they will make their forces lose more.

Even the last supernatural deity joined forces and was suppressed by a field. Such horror was completely beyond their comprehension. If they really sent the deity to deal with Li Lingtian, it would be completely unpleasant.

"Congratulations to Brother Ling Tian."

"Congratulations to Lord Ling Tiange."

"Shenting, there is another superpower."

"Yeah, now Master Ling Tian's Great Consummation is so terrifying. If you reach the Divine Venerable, I believe that it is another Brooding Divine Venerable, even stronger than the Broken Military Divine Venerable."

"Hundreds of years ago, Brother Ling Tian was just a true god. Today, hundreds of years later, he has become the Lord of the Great Perfection, but he can bow his head with countless super gods."

"Brother Ling Tian's cultivation speed is too far from the sky. In Heaven Realm, the fastest Aotian God Vener in cultivation, it took 300,000 years to reach the Great Sovereign Lord. Brother Ling Tian's time was less than two thousand years."

"Now, Brother Ling Tian has the biggest advantage."

Seeing the gods of the other powers leave, the strong men of Taiyue Shenting began to greet Li Lingtian with a smile on their faces and a sincere smile. The most is envy.

The strong, to a certain extent, the enemy is no longer a human being, but an unknown threat or other race.

Now that Li Lingtian is terrified, Taiyue Shenting has a superpower, and his own side's power has increased a lot, which is a kind of motivation and guarantee for them.

As long as you are on your own side, the stronger the better.

The twelve gods respected Tao Xi, and the last Tao Xi was Tian Yan.

However, Tian Yan's words made Li Lingtian stunned for a moment, and could not understand the meaning of Tianyan God's words.

"Brother Tianyan, what do you say at this moment?"

Li Lingtian looked at Tianyan Shenzun and asked.

Moreover, he saw smiles on other gods and strong men, obviously knowing the meaning of God's words, and everyone understood that he was confused.

"Sister Ling Tian's cultivation is a great advancement, and it is worth celebrating."

"Now, our brothers and sisters celebrate first. When Brother Ling Tian reaches the deity, with the strength of Brother Ling Tian, ​​the entire Divine Court will be excited for Brother Ling Tian. The celebration will definitely shake heaven. "

"Go, let's go to the place of Shengtian Palace first, and walk and say, there are some things, maybe Uncle has not told you, we are just fine now, and we will tell you some things in heaven."

Tianyan Shenzun had an excited look on his face.

His fire attributes, the law of flames, the whole person's character is very refreshing.

I was very happy to see Li Lingtian's incredible strength.

When speaking, a common spaceship was sacrificed. Although the aircraft could not be used in the Holy Heaven Realm, this spaceship was basically no longer an aircraft.

At most it is regarded as a rest room.

After the spacecraft appeared, Heavenly Flame Divine Sovereign took Li Ling to the spacecraft, and the other Divine Sovereigns followed him, and they all boarded the spacecraft, and the spacecraft flew away into the distance.

Tianyan Shenzun took out the fruit wine that he had previously been reluctant to drink, and everyone filled it up, respecting Li Lingtian to each other as a celebration.

After half an hour, everyone's topic was also released.

However, when Tianyan Shenzun told Li Lingtian about some things in the heavenly realm, he did not disturb. He listened and spoke out some secrets of the heavenly realm from time to time. At this moment, it is like a group of brothers seriously teaching young masters.

"In Heaven, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has an unwritten rule."

"That is, the strong can deal with the genius, but after the genius reaches the deity, the forces must not stand between the official point of view to deal with this deity, and at the same time do not dare to deal with this genius who has become a deity from the official point of view. ."

"Because, the war of the deity spread too wide and the power is too horrible, which will affect the innocent."

"Moreover, you have already said that if someone dares to provoke you deliberately, you will kill all the other disciples and the Nine Clan, even if you can't beat some gods, but you can kill the other disciples and the Nine Clan."

"What you think of is actually what Heaven Realm is most worried about, so there is this unwritten rule."

Heavenly Flame Divine Sage spoke openly, and said nonchalantly.

These things can only be known to the strong men above the deity, so Li Lingtian does not know.

Even if Li Lingtian was a disciple of the Five Elements Divine Emperor and the first patriarch of Taiyue Shenting, he was only a genius and did not become a deity. Naturally, he did not know these things.

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