War God Supreme

Chapter 2309: Celestial trend

"Even if I don't say this, the strongest in heaven will understand this."

"However, I have not yet reached the deity."

Li Lingtian heard God Yan's words, and suddenly realized that his words were superfluous, because he didn't know that there was such a rule in Heaven Realm, but the rules of Heaven Realm were not much different from what he thought.

"Ha ha."

"This is what Brother Tian Yan said you have the advantage now."

"Because you haven't reached the Divine Venerable, but you have the means and strength to surpass the higher Divine Venerable, even if you continue to destroy the other gods, the Divine Lord, you will not be bound by the rules of the Heaven.

"Therefore, other forces are worried that they will retaliate after they provoke you. Even if you go to retaliate, they will not dare to use official power to deal with you."

"It can be said that the Divine Venerable will not offend you unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Besides, with the help of Brother Ling Tian as your cultivation force, in addition to Dzogchen, other gods can't offend you."

Yinyue Shenzun said, at the end, he couldn't help laughing.

She is the only woman here, a deity, who is powerful and powerful.

It's not much different from Bishui Fairy.

After the Yinyue Goddess finished speaking, the other deity lords nodded their heads, expressing their agreement with the Yinyue Goddess.

△~长△~风△~文△~学, w≮ww.cf≌wx.ne≡t "But, Sister Yinyue."

"Who knows that they are not standing at the official point of view to deal with me?"

"No one is in charge, it's just a big fist."

After listening to the words of Yinyue Goddess, Li Lingtian understood immediately.

However, it was then thought that even if the other party sent a super **** to deal with him Li Lingtian, the other party would not admit that they were standing against the official angle to deal with you.

"What you worry about is not unreasonable."

"However, you have ignored an existence."

"Central Heavenly Court!"

Yinyue Shenzun nodded, shocked by Li Lingtian's cognition and reaction.

It is indeed a remarkable thing to be able to take care of all things instantly.

"Central Heavenly Court?"

"Could the Central Heavenly Court be able to control the Ten Supreme Powers and the Four Great Divine Courts, and countless superpowers."

Li Lingtian was shocked. Was the Central Heavenly Court so powerful that it could control other **** courts and forces.

If this is the case, how strong is the Central Heavenly Court?

"Not bad."

"The Central Heavenly Court can control the four great courts and the ten supreme forces."

"You are still young, and you don't know much about things in heaven."

"In fact, the entire heaven is under the control of the Central Heavenly Court, just like the relationship between the Holy Land and the Holy Land. The Four Great Divine Courts and the Ten Greatest Powers are all under the jurisdiction of the Central Heavenly Court."

"However, the Central Heavenly Court will not easily intervene in the Four Great Divine Court and the Ten Great Supreme Powers, and can be compared to the Kingdom of Heaven, then the Four Great Divine Court and the Ten Great Supreme Powers are the Counties below."

"Although Heavenly Court will not intervene in the things of the Four Great Divine Courts and the Ten Greatest Powers, if it affects the authority of Heavenly Court, Heavenly Court will also intervene. No matter what is done below, as long as it does not affect the authority and interests of Heavenly Court."

"Therefore, the Four Great Divine Court and the Ten Great Supreme Forces, as well as some superpowers, have to obey the rules of the Heaven Court. There are inspection teams in the Heaven Court. Except for the Holy Court and the forbidden places of the forces, things happening in other places cannot escape the Heaven Court. eye."

Yinyue Shenzun said slowly, telling Li Lingtian some of the open secrets of the Celestial Realm.

It is said to be an open secret, because after reaching the deity, these things are basically known. As for the secret, it is aimed at people below the deity, and people under the deity cannot know these things at all.

The other gods had a calm look on their faces, with a faint smile.

Because they have known these things for a long time, and they were shocked when they knew them.

Now, Li Lingtian has just learned that he is shocked when he is overturned.

I didn't expect Heavenly Court to be so powerful and possess such a superb status.

In the past, he had heard of the Four Great Divine Courts and Heavenly Court, and later knew the Ten Great Supreme Powers, but he never thought that the Central Heavenly Court actually governed the existence of heaven.

Or it is a power center, and heaven must listen to heaven.

This is also normal. If there is no heavenly court, the entire heaven is not a war every day.

I just don't know how powerful Heavenly Court is, and it can still rule the entire heaven.

"Sister Yinyue, do you know how powerful Heavenly Court is?"

Li Lingtian asked Yinyue Shenzun with a curious look on his face.

These things, he really did not know before.

"No one knows how powerful Heavenly Court is."

"However, it is said that even if the Ten Supreme Powers and the Four Great Courts join forces, they are not opponents of the Heavenly Court."

"Now your cultivation behavior is also very strong, already standing at the peak of humanity, and will no longer be protected by the courts and forces, and you have to contribute to the courts and forces, and have the responsibility to protect your own forces and courts."

"After reaching the Divine Venerable, it can also be said that it has become an important member of the Divine Court and forces, and it must provoke the burden of the Divine Court and forces."

Yinyue Venerable said seriously that under the Venerable Venerable, they can all be protected by the courts and forces, because they are the people of the courts and forces, just like a child can be protected by the adults in the family.

But after reaching the Divine Venerable, it is already a real strongman, and it is necessary to assume the responsibilities of the court and forces, just like when a child grows up, he naturally has a responsibility.

Although Li Lingtian did not reach the Divine Venerable, his strength was comparable to that of the Divine Venerable, and his apparently outstanding strength killed the three high-ranking Divine Vendors in one move.

It's like a poor household who has become a rich person will definitely not go to the Dibao.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, and Brother.

"For God's Court, Ling Tian will take up his due responsibilities."

Li Lingtian said seriously.

He should bear the burden.

He is now talking and acting, not just thinking from a personal standpoint, but to take care of the overall situation.

The Divine Emperor Powerhouse of the Divine Court, even the Divine Emperor Powerhouse, are also working for the Divine Court.

The same is true of the Yunhua deity of the Ice Palace, working hard for the Ice Palace.

"I believe that when you go back this time, other **** courts and forces will push you out."

"They push you out and let you out of the category of genius."

Tianyan Shenzun took the words of Yinyue Shenzun, and spoke unhurriedly.

When talking, there was a smile on his face.

Li Lingtian didn't ask much, he probably understood the truth, even if he didn't understand it, he would understand it when he left the Holy Realm.

Next, Li Lingtian and others drank and chatted, and the conversation was very happy.

Half a year later, a group of people came not far from Shengtian Palace, and they could see Shengtian Palace from afar.

The Holy Heaven Palace in the Holy Heaven Realm is not very big, only tens of thousands of miles wide, but the Holy Heaven Palace is very tall and soaring to the sky. I don’t know how tall it is, and a domineering power is emitted, letting the surroundings within tens of thousands of miles. The strong feel the pressure of intense terror.

"There are four years left, which is when the Holy Temple opens."

"Sister Ling Tian is going to enter Shengtian Palace?"

Thousands of miles away from Shengtian Palace, Li Lingtian and his party settled here, waiting for the opening of Shengtian Palace.

Looking at Shengtian Palace, Tianyan Shenzun asked Li Lingtian.

In the Holy Heaven Palace, the general deities do not dare to enter. There are only some Dzogchen deities and super-superior deities who dare to enter. However, the strong man who enters is difficult to come out in nine lives.

Moreover, I have not heard of any treasure brought out by the strong man who came out of it.

"When the Holy Temple opens, I also want to go in and see."

Li Lingtian said, "He came to Shengtian Realm, he came here for this, and he must have given up."

He also wanted to know what was in the Holy Heaven Palace. He was able to allow the powerful of the Holy Heaven Temple to use some abnormal means to open the Holy Heaven Realm. If there are no important treasures, the people of the Holy Heaven Temple will never spend so much time.

Besides, as the heir to the former Lord of the Holy Temple, he is in control of the Holy Scepter and will certainly not let others succeed.

"After entering, be careful."

"There are still a few years left, let's wait."

Tianyan Shenzun was also happy to see Li Lingtian going in.

With Li Lingtian together, there is a powerful helper.

Later, the group found a place nearby to stay temporarily, and waited until the Holy Temple opened.

Li Lingtian also took advantage of this period of time to stabilize the realm, practice magical powers, and improve his own strength. By then, he will have more confidence, at least one more self-protected strength.

Thirteen people, while cultivating, also inquired about the news outside the Holy Temple.

These things, Li Lingtian will not go naturally, after all, he is just the Divine Lord, and has no intersection with other powerful forces.

I heard from Yan Tian Shenzun that there are as many as six hundred gods around the Holy Heaven Palace, and they are basically the median **** and the upper god, and there are even six or seven Dzogchen gods.

With these news, Li Lingtian was shocked.

There are so many super gods waiting here. When the Holy Temple opens, I can imagine how wonderful the Holy Temple is.

But this is good, at least the Holy Temple will not be dominated by the Holy Temple.

For the sake of treasures, these strong men will definitely have to compete.

In this case, he can take advantage of the opportunity.

Time, day by day.

Three years have passed.

On this day, Li Lingtian and others were in peace of mind. Suddenly, a breath of destruction fell into the sky, waking up all the strong men with a look of horror on their faces.


A loud blast ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ came from the Holy Temple.

I saw the majesty of destruction coming in the void. In the face of such majesty, the strong men outside the Thousands of Heavens felt trembling, repaired as a weaker deity, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and his face was pale.

At the same time, the earth continued to tremble and destroy.

The whole situation is like the end of the world.

All the strong men looked horrified, they didn't know what happened in the Holy Heaven Palace.

Under such circumstances, I feel that the Holy Heaven Palace is going to be destroyed.

Besides, it is not the time for the opening of the Holy Palace. When such a situation occurs, the gods and gods present are puzzled and shocked. This side of the world is filled with an uneasy breath of destruction, and the breath is extremely suppressed.

Faced with such terrible majesty, even the central deity, the upper deity, and the Great Consummation deity are shocked and afraid.

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