War God Supreme

Chapter 2310: Holy Temple Shock


  The shock caused by Shengtian Palace made countless gods rush out of Shengtian Palace. .?`c?om

  However, these level gods can only stand far away from the Holy Heaven Palace one million miles away. In the face of this terrifying majesty, even the level gods might not dare to come close.

   The median deity, a million miles from the Holy Temple.

   The upper god, 500,000 miles from the Holy Temple.

   Several Dzogchen deities, one hundred thousand miles from the Holy Heaven.

   Nearly seven hundred gods, only seven great consummation gods can be close to the position of 100,000 miles in the Holy Heaven Palace. As for the other gods, the cultivation is a little weaker, which is a million miles away.

   The devastating storm, the terrifying majesty, tore all the strong men apart.

   The earth is constantly collapsing and destroying, and the space is also broken.

  Hundreds of gods and gods, like a small boat in the stormy waves, may be torn and destroyed at any time.



  In just one minute, there were dozens of median gods who could not support the spurting blood.

Moreover, these median gods are still a million miles away from the Holy Heaven Palace. At such a long distance, they can crush the median **** into such a way. I can imagine how terrible the coercion and power exploded in the Holy Heaven Palace. I can imagine the distance. How powerful the Great Dzogchen Shrine in the Holy Temple is.

   Every time you approach the Holy Temple, the pressure of destruction is exponentially increased.



The Holy Heaven Palace is surrounded by a mysterious and powerful light mask. Outside the light mask, there are multicolored radiance and cyan radiance, as well as various mysterious radiances. These radiances flash continuously, and each flashing bursts Out of the power of destruction.

   was blocked by the reticle and the glory, and I didn’t even know what was happening inside.

   Even the seven Great Constellations closest to the Holy Temple are unclear, because instead of getting closer, they are retreating backwards.

   The glory of destruction flashed, just like the dignity of heaven and divine power, so that they suffered the pain of destruction.

   Faced with the glory of destruction, it was like Heaven was suppressing them. In such a situation, where would they dare to move forward? .?`c?om

   "What a terrible coercion."

   "This supernatural power has exceeded the five-fold rule."

   "There is a mysterious idea in it, it's wrong, it's a bit like the power of the source and the idea of ​​the source."

   "There are figures of Yue Shenzun in Shengtian Palace, how is this possible."

   "Absolutely not a fivefold rule, the power of the rule is beyond our imagination."

   "Is there a strong war?"

   Feel the pressure of destruction, and countless gods have sensed a trace of power from the Holy Temple.

   was shocked by the level of God's knowledge, because this power may be the existence of Yue Shenzun, or even the legendary origin power and origin idea.

   However, I can't believe it.

   The power of the original source and the original source idea, that is the mysterious existence that existed in the early days and the chaotic period, and it no longer exists today.

  Furthermore, before the Shengtian Palace, there were also a lot of powerful people who entered, and there is no original idea of ​​the power of the present source.

   Now there is such a breath inside, and looking at this situation, there is still a strong war.

   It's only a year before the Holy Heaven Palace opens, how could there be a strong man in it.


   Heavenly Flame God Venerable and Li Lingtian, there are other upper gods, 500,000 miles away from the Holy Heaven Palace, and the other median gods are a million miles away.

  Looking at the changes of Shengtian Palace, Tianyan Shenzun and other people were very shocked in their hearts. They didn't know what happened in Shengtian Palace.

   It was at this time that Li Lingtian's figure flickered and flew towards the front.

   "Brother Ling Tian, ​​what are you doing."

   "You come back quickly, it's too dangerous in front."

   Seeing Li Ling flying around in front of him, Tianyan Shenzun was shocked and yelled out loud.

   Being able to come here to withstand the coercion and impact of Shengtian Palace has already shocked Heavenly Flame Divine Venerable. After all, Li Lingtian is only the Great Sovereign Divine Lord


   Judging from Li Lingtian's performance, the strength has already exceeded the median deity.

   This place, even if he was the **** of heaven, did not dare to carelessly, nor dare to move forward. .?`c?om

   What he did not expect was that Li Lingtian dared to fly forward at this time.

   "Brother Tianyan, you can rest assured."

   "I have the breath of a master."

   Li Lingtian transmitted the sound to the ear of Tianyan God Venerer. While transmitting the sound, Li Lingtian was like an arrow, and he was 100,000 miles away from Tianyan Shenzun, and Li Lingtian hadn't stopped at all.

   It's only a little slower than the beginning, because the pressure on the front is too great.


   "The Five Elements Divine Emperor is inside."

   "Is there really a Divine Emperor in the war?"

   Hearing Li Lingtian's words, Tianyan God Zun suddenly froze.

This is safe from his imagination, but he does not believe that Li Lingtian will lie, and there is no need to lie. Naturally, he will not believe that Li Lingtian’s induction is false. Others and students must be familiar with each other, and Li Lingtian and Wuxing Divine Emperor are both It is no strange thing that the strongest of the five elements can sense it.

   "Taiyue Shenting Li Lingtian."

   "How did a Dzogchen God Lord get here."

   "Li Lingtian is close to Shengtian Palace 200,000 miles."

  Li Lingtian's actions have attracted the attention of many gods.

  Now that Li Lingtian is just a divine master, they are all shocked and totally unable to believe their eyes.

   Even the upper deity could not be so close to Shengtian Palace, how could a **** master get so close to Shengtian Palace so easily, but then many deities recognized Li Lingtian's identity.

  It was even more shocking to learn that the Divine Lord was Li Lingtian.

   This is only a few hundred years, and a genius of a true **** has become so powerful.

   "This is looking for death."

   However, there are also a lot of level **** lord secretly said.

  Li Lingtian's body flickered, bearing the horrible coercion of the Holy Temple.

The way of the Nine Palaces is running, the field of five elements unfolds, resisting the terrifying coercion and the damaging glorious power in this Holy Temple. The closer to the Holy Palace, the greater the pressure he bears, and he can feel more and more colorful. weak.

   Obviously, the colorful masters fought against their opponents but were not invincible.

   This colorful and splendid breath is very familiar. Although I met the Five Elements Divine Emperor once in the Five Elements Shrine, this breath will never be forgotten.

  Even the characters who are invincible even to the Five Elements Divine Emperor, how powerful he is, he can't imagine.

   However, he will not stop.



   Shengtian Temple, looks only ten thousand miles outside.

   But in the Holy Heaven Palace, it is full of tens of thousands of miles in diameter. The whole palace is like a treasure. There is no gap between them, and the magical runes and glory flash on it.

   This is the Holy Heaven Palace. Countless strong men enter the Holy Heaven Realm, just want to enter here.

   However, before the Holy Temple was opened, there were four strong players fighting in it.

   "Five Elements God Emperor, the Lord sees how long you can support."

   "Heaven has a way, you don't go, there is no hell, you pass in."

   A middle-aged man, with blue light scattered all over his body, the power of the law of destruction continuously exploded, and the power of the law distorted the space, wave after wave rolling towards a strong opponent of the other side.

  If Li Lingtian is here, he must recognize the middle-aged man in the robe. The middle-aged man in the robe is scattered with colorful light, just like the ruler of heaven and earth.

  Even if he was crushed by the power of the rule destroyed by his opponent, he did not lose the coercion of the emperor.

   Besides, he was just crushed, not defeated.

   He is the highest-ranking deity of Taiyue Shenting, standing on the peak of human existence, the Five Elements Divine Emperor.

   "Lord of the blue sky, you have gone astray, it is a road to no return."

   "Although your law is strong, but you want to suppress the Emperor, it is also a dream

dream. "

Around the Five Elements Divine Emperor, five treasures like roulette are suspended. Each treasure is an attribute. Together, they are the five elements. The five treasures have the power of magical destruction, and they are mutually reinforcing. There is both destruction and rebirth. Extinguish.

  Five elements, the evolution of the world, the entire world is formed by the five elements.

   Even if it is crushed by the law of the Lord of the Sky, but it is also a delusion to destroy this world.

  The Five Elements Divine Emperor is the entire world, and no one can suppress it unless it is against the sky.

   At this moment, the eyes of the Five Elements Divine Emperor looked at a miraculous light group a million miles away. The light group was ten thousand miles in size, and the gray light group scattered the breath of life and death.

   This group of light did not appear before, but the Lord of the Blue Sky got it out of the Holy Palace.

  For this light group, the Five Elements Divine Emperor could not get the Blue Sky Lord.


   "The Lord is an avatar, and you are also an avatar."

   "You left Taiyue Shenting, there is no five-element world, only a dead road, killing a doppelganger, seeing that you can still be rampant, then the Lord will wipe your Taiyue Shenting from heaven."

   The Lord of the Blue Sky said aloud that his eyes didn't leave that group of light groups from beginning to end. Looking at the light group was like seeing a peerless baby.



  The endless void in the Holy Heaven Palace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A huge dragon and a class of Divine Emperor are inseparable in battle.

This dragon and this level of God Emperor, the two of them do not know how long the war has been, but they can’t help each other. If they want to win or lose, it is not a year or two, or even a few decades or hundreds of years Tens of thousands of years.

   For the war in the distance, it simply cannot affect the war between the Lord of the Sky and the Five Elements Divine Emperor.

   originally wanted to wait for their companions to solve their opponents and then join hands, but after waiting for decades, the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor and the Yunqing Divine Emperor had no difference.

  The Lord of the Blue Sky couldn't wait, forcibly opened the core of the Holy Heaven Palace, which attracted this light group.

  Naturally, the battle between the Five Elements Divine Emperor and the Lord of the Blue Sky began.

  The two have fought for decades, and the magical tactics can't help their opponents, and now it's completely a confrontation of laws.

   The Five Elements Divine Emperor, the Great Emperor Divine Emperor, stands at the peak of humanity.

   But the Lord of the Blue Sky crossed the Divine Emperor. The rule of the two men fought, and the Five Elements Divine Emperor gradually fell. If there were no Five Elements treasure, the Five Elements Divine Emperor could not support it until now.

  Go on like this, and within a few decades, the Five Elements Divine Emperor will be suppressed by the law of the Lord of Heaven.


   Just when the Five Elements Divine Emperor and the Lord of the Blue Sky were fighting, the Shengtian Palace exploded with a shocking sound, and the entire palace shook, as if to destroy.


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