War God Supreme

Chapter 2311: Holy Temple opened

The earth collapsed and the void was destroyed. . Romance starter

The horrific change of the Holy Temple shocked countless gods and powerful people outside.

What's even more shocking is that the strong master of the Divine Lord surpassed the Dzogchen Venerable and came to the outside of the Holy Palace.

Hundreds of deities, even the Great Consummation deity, were shocked at this moment.

At this time, how terrible the coercion broke out in the Holy Heaven Palace. They knew it deeply. However, a Dzogchen God was not squeezed and destroyed by such terrible coercion. Instead, he approached the Holy Heaven Palace.

They didn't know that at the moment, Li Lingtian's body not only operated in the Ninth Palace, but even the Refining Sky Tower was secretly operating in the body. In his hand, the Holy Heavenly Scepter resisted the coercion of the Holy Heavenly Palace.

Three treasures against the sky, let him move forward in the coercion of destruction.

In half an hour, I finally surpassed all the deities and gods to come to the Holy Palace.

Looking at the Holy Heaven Palace towering into the clouds, Li Lingtian could not help but take a breath. This Holy Heaven Palace is too powerful. Although it is not comparable to the Brahma Palace, it is also shocking enough.

Fortunately, I have seen the Brahma Palace in the past, otherwise I would be shocked by this Holy Heaven Palace.

Slightly stabilized state of mind, a flash of resoluteness flashed in his eyes.

With one wave of his hand, the holy scepter was suspended in the air.

The Holy Scepter gleamed with golden light, which wrapped Li Lingtian. In an instant, the golden light exploded. It was originally only a hundred meters in size, but now it is a thousand miles in size.

From a distance, it looks like a golden sun.

"Holy Temple, open."

Taking control of the scepter of Holy Heaven, Li Lingtian still has some basic knowledge of the scepter of Holy Heaven.

Now, he can use the holy scepter to open the holy sacred palace, and he can cast a thunderbolt, which is now his control of the holy scepter.

There was a loud roar, and the sound of the dragon sounded through the world.

Suddenly the golden light coagulated quickly. A fist-sized golden light was formed. The golden light was almost transparent and looked amazing. But it gives people a sense of extreme destruction.

"He wants to open the Holy Heaven Palace!"

"He can open the Holy Temple!"

"That's the Holy Scepter of the Holy Temple!"

"Li Lingtian has the Holy Scepter!"

"How can this be?"

Outside the Holy Temple, all the super deities. Although he couldn't get close to Shengtian Palace, he could hear Li Lingtian's voice and movement, see Li Lingtian's movement, and hear Li Lingtian's voice.

For a time all the gods and gods were stunned. This scene they never thought of.


When all the gods were shocked, Li Lingtian grabbed the Holy Scepter.

Holy scepter in hand, fist-sized golden light. Exploding out of the sound, he flew straight towards the Holy Temple of the size of thousands of miles. The golden light of the fist is like a meteor in the vast starry sky compared to the Holy Temple of the width of thousands of miles.

Hundreds of super deities, eyes and attention, and mind, all flew with this meteor-like light pilgrimage to the Heavenly Palace.

In a blink of an eye, the light group landed on the Holy Temple, a fist-sized golden light. Falling onto the mask of the Holy Temple, it was like throwing a stone into the lake.

However, the golden light rippled in the Holy Temple. Golden ripples.

Not only did this golden ripple disappear gradually, but on the contrary, it became stronger and stronger.

Instant kung fu, countless ripples appeared throughout the Holy Palace.

With a clattering sound, a ten-mile-sized gate of time and space appeared above the light mask of the Holy Heaven Palace. The gate of time and space revolved, and the breath and brilliance of endless destruction poured out from the gate of time and space.

The void, more broken, the earth collapsed more.

but. Innumerable super gods withstood the coercion of the Holy Temple and flew towards the front.

At this moment, these deities respected their greatest skills. Magical treasures were also exhibited, and the eight immortals showed their magical powers across the sea. At this time, all the deities of the gods show their most powerful means.

Countless super gods keep pouring into the door of time and space.

At the same time, there are countless gods destroyed by the Holy Heaven Palace to crush and flew out.

The median deity, no one is close to the Holy Temple.

Only a few of the upper gods entered the door of time and space, and the rest were left outside.

The seven Dzogchen gods all entered the gate of time and space.


Tianyan Shenzun resisted the pressure of this terror and came to the door of time and space, shouting at Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian nodded, his figure flashed, and followed Tianyan Shenzun into the door of time and space.

The door of time and space is constantly flashing, there is no sign of closing, but no one is closer to the door of time and space. It is not that they do not want to go in, but that this ability is not there.


All the deity powerhouses, including Li Lingtian, had just entered the Holy Heaven Palace and suffered the impact of destruction. The chest was like a heavy blow, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

I saw that the Holy Heaven Palace is a small world.

In this small world, the atmosphere of destruction and coercion is full, and I do not know how many times it is stronger than outside the Holy Temple.

Entering the Holy Heaven Palace, there is no chance for them to look inside, because they are completely attracted by the situation in the void, staring blankly at the void.

In the void, a colorful dragon with the size of thousands of miles exploded with the power of destruction. It was fighting with a super god, and the aftermath tore the space. In front of this aftermath, even if the superior deity could not resist it, it would have to vanish.

The two super existence battles shocked everyone.

However, when they were shocked, they saw the distortion of the sky space, the power of the law was rotating, and a **** in Tsing Yi and a **** in colorful brilliance were fighting the law.

In front of the two pairs of powerful warriors, all the god-respecting powerful men feel that they are ants, and are watching the war between gods and dragons.

The mind was shocked, and the body of the **** was shocked.

What is a war, this is a war.

The showdown of the pinnacle spirits, the battle of the rules.

"Junior, who opened the Holy Heaven Palace."

"Haha, come on well."

Skyrim, the Tsing Yi God’s one side of the law of war crushed his opponent, while speaking loudly. When he spoke, the space was distorted, and a trace of the force of law was crushed towards a group of gods and esteemed powers a million miles away.

The gods in Tsing Yi are full of excitement on their faces, just as happy as having a peerless baby.


All the gods and gods spit out blood again.

Everyone resists the power of the Tsing Yi gods' laws, but the slightest force of the Tsing Yi gods can crush dozens of super gods.

The super gods who came into the Holy Temple are all high-ranking and Dzogchen. Of course, there is one exception. That is Li Lingtian. The only one is not the high-ranking divine and Dzogchen, but a divine master.

"The Lord of the Palace."

"Elder Yunqing is too elder."

"Dragon Blood Divine Emperor."

"Five Elements Divine Emperor."

At this moment, the eighteen deities who came in to see who the Void Wars are.

It was terrifying to see the powerful in the Void Wars.

They never imagined that the strong men in the Holy Heaven Palace are indeed the most famous super characters in the heavenly realm, and all of them are super **** emperors.

The deity of Shengtian Temple, recognize the hallmaster of Shengtian Temple and the elder Yunqing Taishang, the deity of Taiyue Shenting recognizes the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor and Five Elements Divine Emperor, some gods who have not seen these four strong men Zun, at the moment when he heard the names of the four, they were all horrified and their faces changed.

At the same time, the people of Shengtian Temple and Taiyue Shenting separated, forming their own camp.

In the Holy Temple, three camps are formed.

On the side of Shengtian Temple, on the side of Taiyue Shenting, on the other side.


Li Lingtian looked at the middle-aged robe, exuding colorful brilliance, with all his strength to resist the power of the ruler of the Holy Temple, and he was shocked in his heart. How powerful his master, the Five Elements Divine Emperor, was down at the moment.

"Go out."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor naturally discovered Li Lingtian the first time, and he was immediately worried.

In this place, even if he is not an opponent of the Lord of the Sky, Li Lingtian came here to seek death.

When speaking, a line of law was shot towards Li Lingtian, who wanted to send Li Lingtian out of the Holy Heaven Palace. When he divided the power of this line of law, the power of the law of the Qingtian Lord suddenly broke out, and the Five Elements Divine Emperor was crushed while taking advantage of the situation. The pressure makes the five-element Divine Emperor, which had fallen, become more difficult to support.

"Five Elements Divine Emperor, in front of the Lord."

"I want to send your disciples out and dream."

"Here, don't want to leave without the permission of the Lord."

The celestial lord crushed a blue brilliance and enveloped all the strong men of the Taiyue Divine Court. The power of the Five Elements Divine Emperor was also blocked by the cyan brilliance, preventing Li Lingtian from leaving the Holy Palace.

In front of Divine Emperor, God Venerable is completely ants. In front of the Realm Lord, even ants are not counted.

Eighteen god-respecting strong men were present with a horrified look on their faces.

I didn't expect that the Lord of the Holy Temple was suppressing the Five Elements Divine Emperor, nor did I think that the Lord of the Holy Temple was beyond the Divine Emperor.

Although I don't know why Divine Emperor can fight against the Lord of the Realm, the situation at this time is very bad.

Even more frightening is the ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ distant mass of light, which exudes the breath of death and life. This breath is extremely pure. At this moment, the breath of this light group is even More terrifying than the rule of the landlord and divine emperor.

"The origin of life."

"The origin of death."

Li Lingtian was suppressed by the law of the Lord of the Blue Sky and was under the pressure of destruction. To break away from this suppression was completely delusional.

When he felt the breath of light in the distance, he was shocked.

In the dark, he recognized the power and origin of the destruction contained in this light group.

Inside the body, the orb of life and the orb of death rotate rapidly, just like breaking out of the body.

He did not expect that in the Holy Heaven Palace, it is the source of life and the source of death. Although the two sources of the light group overflow are very little, even the gods are difficult to find, but Li Lingtian has an immortal body, and a pearl of life and The Pearl of Death, inherited from the former Lord of the Holy Temple, clearly sensed two sources.



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