War God Supreme

Chapter 2314: Yuanhe Void

The real power of the realm of the Lord suppressed the Five Elements Divine Emperor and Li Lingtian. Sosao Keming, see the most eloquent girl

No matter how powerful the defense and supernatural powers are, they can't withstand a single blow in front of the boundary master.

"Little guy, solve you first."

"It's you who let the deity consume half of the original power."

The Lord of the Sky suppressed the Five Elements Divine Emperor and defeated Li Lingtian. However, he was not happy at all. Instead, he was even more angry because he no longer suppressed his strength and consumed half of the original power. This defeated the Five Elements Divine Emperor and Li Lingtian.

If it were not for Li Lingtian to open the Holy Heaven Palace, he could spend a little time suppressing the Five Elements Divine Emperor.

Time is nothing to the Lord.

However, the appearance of Li Lingtian disrupted his plan, and Li Lingtian still has magical towers and powerful treasures in his hands. Now he doesn’t want to wait any longer, and directly uses the power of the halfway source to suppress Li Lingtian and the Five Elements God Emperor.

During the speech, a blue sword appeared in the hands of the Lord of the Blue Sky. The long sword was twisted and turned into an endless void. This piece of void was crushed towards Li Lingtian and made Li Lingtian escape.

No one knows what the magical power of the celestial lord is, but it feels not inferior to the first one.

"Yuanhe Void!"

Others do not know this magical power, but the Five Elements Divine Emperor does.

Seeing the magical power played by the Lord of the Blue Sky, the look on the face of the Five Elements Divine Emperor changed.

Because he had used this trick in the battle with the Lord of the Blue Sky before. If he had the location of the Five Elements World and the Taiyue Shenting, he would also be killed by this trick of the Lord of the Blue Sky.

This move is similar to his five-element world.

Now the Lord of the Sky uses this trick to kill Li Lingtian. Even if Li Lingtian is even more powerful, there are treasures that will never be able to resist this trick.

Yuanhe Void came to Li Lingtian in an instant.

Seeing that Li Lingtian is going to be swallowed and killed by Yuanhe Void. Li Lingtian struggled inwardly.

This magical power, even his own master, the Five Elements Divine Emperor, is so terrified, it must be terrifying. But now I have no other way to resist, the only way. Just use Brahma Palace.

If the Brahma Palace is exposed, he must be the target of the celestial powerful chase.

After all, the Brahma Palace is too powerful to go against the sky, too magical, and it is strange that the strongest in heaven is not crazy.

I have exposed several means and treasures against the sky, and if I expose it like this, even Taiyue Shenting can't protect him.

"Space and time!"

While struggling in my heart, the realm of time and space broke out again.

In the space-time realm previously displayed, the other powerful men have not awakened from the shock. He is now again in the realm of space-time, and the space-time realm has exploded, with a space imprisonment of 5.12 million miles in diameter. Time is still and millions of times are lost, forming a confusion.

Suddenly, the realm of time and space resisted the Yuanhe void.

Suddenly stopped the destruction attack of Yuanhe Void, but Li Lingtian knew that he could not sustain it for a long time. After waiting for six seconds, it was when he was devoured.

"Lord of the blue sky."

"Disobey St. Ann."

"Brahma's Fury."

Just when space was confined and time was still. A voice rang from the distant sky.

When the sound rang, a figure appeared in the light of the time and space gate of the Holy Heaven Palace.

So?ahref=\"\">Starry sky 飧龅Chew blowing the air and be kind to the suffering Shell cover fortunately 雠雠  temptation ⒃ 觎 oxime blinking  凵 窵 vinegar hurry 嗵 熵  鳭  dare  Phantom poison вㄌ尥 Fu Nao Zun Ying

The entire Holy Temple shook in front of this bead, the air twisted and the void vanished.

Li Lingtian was shocked when she saw the woman.

I don't know how Yunhua Shenzun appeared here.

However, this time is not a time for him to be shocked, but it is expected that Yunhua Shenzun can contain the Lord of the Sky. Solve the magical power of Yuanhe's void, otherwise he would have to expose Brahma Palace.

"Who are you?"

The Lord of the Blue Sky heard the voice of Goddess Yunhua. Seeing the flying beads, the look on his face changed. It's like seeing ghosts and ghosts, the figure flashes quickly, trying to dodge the flying beads.


However, the beads are like a shadow, and the Lord of the Sky can't dodge the beads at all. The beads come to the Lord of the Sky, and a force of destruction erupts, covering the Lord of the Sky.

The powerful Qingtian Lord is like being immobilized, unable to move at all, and his eyes are full of horror.

"Disobey St. Ann."

"Brahma's Fury."

Yunhua Shenzun said lightly, when he spoke, he looked at Li Lingtian.

At this moment, Yuanhe Void has long disappeared.

"Impossible, impossible."


Qingtian Lord looked at Yunhua God in horror, his face pale.

Hearing Yunhua Shenzun's words again, he could not help looking at Li Lingtian.

At this moment, the erupting power of the beads quickly engulfed the law of the blue sky lord and the power of the origin. In a flash, the blue sky lord disappeared and disappeared completely from this world.

The original crystal clear beads are now blood red, exuding the power of destruction.

The beads were suspended in the air, spinning and spinning, Yunhua Shenzun waved his hand, the beads returned to his hands, and then packed into the brocade box. After Yunhua Shenzun did everything, all the strongmen reacted.

All the powerful men had a horrified look on their faces, and were shocked by everything that happened.

The powerful lord of the realm, the lord of the blue sky, was completely destroyed by a bead.

The Five Elements Divine Emperor and Dragon Blood Divine Emperor, as well as Yunqing Divine Emperor, were also shocked in their hearts.

"The juniors will not be involved here."

"The juniors said goodbye first."

Yunhua Shenzun glanced at Li Lingtian, then his eyes shifted to Wuxing Shendi.

She is an ancient deity, even the ordinary divine emperor is not necessarily his opponent, but in the face of the five element divine emperor, the five element divine emperor can crush her with one finger.

After saluting to the Five Elements Divine Emperor, Yunhua God's body flickered and flew away in the light of the Gate of Time and Space, disappeared in a blink of an eye, and had left the Holy Heaven Palace.


The Dragon Blood Divine Emperor changed the colorful Divine Dragon to the Five Elements Divine Emperor and shouted.

Although there are many doubts and doubts in his heart, he wants to ask Li Lingtian, but now he has to deal with everything in front of him. Otherwise, if what is happening here is spread out, the heavens will boil.


Emperor Wuxing Divine Emperor and Dragon Blood Divine Emperor looked at each other for a few seconds, did not speak, but nodded.

Obviously the two thought of going to a place, and there was no need to discuss at all.


The Dragon Blood Divine Emperor once again changed back to the Colorful Dragon, with a dragon chant, resounding through the Holy Temple.

Then, the Dragonclaw Divine Emperor's huge claws waved, and the mysterious power covered all the Divine Venerable Powers. The faces of all the Divine Venerable Powers were horrified, and they were stared at by the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor. They had no chance of resistance.


In an instant, eighteen gods spit out blood at the same time.

He fell heavily to the ground, completely ignorant of personnel.

"Yunqing old ghost."

"what's your plan?"

Dragon Blood Divine Emperor covered all gods with a light curtain and said aloud.

"You understand."

"I didn't expect your disciples of the Five Elements to become the master of the Holy Temple."

"The current lord is ruined, and the emperor is fully supporting the new lord, but you must not interfere."

Yunqing Divine Emperor looked at Li Lingtian and said lightly.

After speaking, the figure flashed, disappeared, and had left the Holy Temple.

Li Lingtian watched Yunhua Shenzun leave, and watched Yunqing Divine Emperor leave, his face showing an incomprehensible look, reaching out and grabbing, the Holy Scepter returned to his hand.

"Not bad."

"In just two hundred years, the five elements field has reached the ninth level."

"You have had a lot of adventures over the years. You have obtained the Liantian Tower and you have control of the space-time domain. Remember, do not use the space-time domain and the Liantian Tower easily."

"You take care of the things here. The teacher and your uncle rest here for a while. When the teacher has something to tell you."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor looked at Li Lingtian with a smile on his face.

Satisfied with his disciple, he has achieved such achievements in just two hundred years, which is completely beyond his imagination.

Gradually I felt that this uncertainty might really be able to inherit my mantle.

Although I was curious about some of the adventures that Li Lingtian had obtained over the years, I didn't ask too much. If I could survive countless lives and deaths, which would have no adventures or my own secrets?

Now, he can't see his disciple.

Not only is there a five-element realm, but also a powerful and magical space-time realm, the whole heaven is unique.

However, now he has to deal with everything in Shengtian Palace. After finishing the treatment, he will explain some things and also confuse Li Lingtian.

"Disciples understand."

Li Lingtian nodded and threw a panacea into his mouth.

Then he sat cross-legged and began to heal.

Only after the injury is stabilized can things in the Holy Palace be resolved.

The thing to be solved is naturally the light group with the breath of life and death. For this light group, the Lord of the Blue Sky calculated the former Lord of the Holy Temple and forcibly opened the Holy Realm.

When Li Lingtian was healed, the Five Elements Divine Emperor also stabilized his injury.

Dragon Blood Divine Emperor was not injured~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, he was hovering in front of the glory of the Gate of Time and Space. Anyone who wants to come in must be dead.

Time is running out quickly, half a year has passed.

Li Lingtian's injury is stable, but it is impossible to recover from it all in one hundred or two hundred years.

You should know that this time, although it seems that there is nothing to fight, the opponent is the Lord of the Blue Sky, powerful and unmatched. His shot is full of magical powers. He is injured by the magical powers of the law.

Had he not had several physiques and defenses against the sky, he would have vanished.

After the injury was stabilized, he calmed down and suppressed some doubts in his mind.

Stand up and walk towards a distant place, the goal is precisely that mass of light.

The light group carries the breath of life and death. The two breaths are intertwined and a magical change takes place. The entire Holy Temple is centered on this light group, or this light group is the core of the Holy Palace.



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