War God Supreme

Chapter 2315: God of Destruction

The light group is ten thousand miles in diameter, exuding the breath of life and death. <>Read the full text of the latest chapter.Le Wen is worth your collection. lw520.

The breath of life and death is compatible, exuding a kind of unspeakable charm, just like Li Lingtian's compatibility of ice and fire, except that the compatibility of ice and fire is innumerable from that of life and death.

The cosmic floods are mainly framed by heaven, earth, five elements, black and white, life and death, time and space, wind and rain, thunder and lightning, and the attributes of everything.

The most fundamental is heaven and earth, and the most mysterious is life and death and time and space.

Li Lingtian did not expect that the Holy Scepter was the most important symbol in the Holy Heaven Palace, and the most magical thing in the Holy Heaven Palace was this group of light groups.

Now, even if no one tells him, he can probably guess some reasons.


Li Lingtian looked at the thousands of miles of light, and walked towards the light.

Coming to the hundred miles of the light group, waving with one hand, the sacred scepter exploded in a magical radiance, and the radiance flew towards the light group, and the space suddenly twisted.

In the blink of an eye, the magical radiance of the Holy Scepter fell on the light group.

The brilliance of a fist is completely disproportionate compared to the luminous mass of a thousand miles.

However, at the moment when the light of the size of the fist fell on the light group, the light group was like a gunpowder ignited, giving out the power to destroy the world.

The light gray group turned grayish green in an instant, and the entire Holy Heaven Palace was shrouded in this grayish green light.




The terrifying pressure was muffled. Holy Temple shivered.

The Five Elements Divine Emperor and Dragon Blood Divine Emperor, the two also felt the threat of death in the face of this ruinous coercion. The expression on his face was shocked and he encountered such a horrible situation for the first time.

This is the coercion of life and death that transcends everything.

For all creatures, life and death are the heavens of reincarnation, and they will never escape life and death.

Li Lingtian took control of the Holy Scepter and was shocked by life and death for the first time.

now. Even if he has an undead body, it won't help. Can only wander back and forth between life and death, there is no trace of blood on the face of the whole person, and there is a look of panic in his eyes, just like seeing something terrible.

Because, he saw the scene seen on the last floor of the death hall of Shenwu Continent.

That is, the moment he got two pictures, he saw a world of endless death. That world was so terrifying that he dared not imagine it. Now I think of it, I feel scared.

I just didn't expect to come to heaven and see that terrifying world from this group of light.

only. The world I saw in the Palace of Death was a thousand miles away from what I see now. .[j

Body and soul, continuous destruction and continuous rebirth.

For a time, let him suffer from inhuman torture.

He suffered pain in the Holy Palace, and the gods outside the Holy Palace were uncomfortable.

At the moment when Li Lingtian attracted the light group, the destruction and coercion broke out in the Holy Heaven Palace. Throwing the strong men waiting outside the Holy Temple, turning into nothingness within a thousand miles, completely enveloped by the breath of life and death.

Hundreds of super deities were present, shocked by this scene, and many deities even disappeared directly in front of this impact.

Fortunately, the breath of life and death is only within ten million miles around the Holy Heaven Palace, and it has not spread out, or else do not know how many strong people are going to be destroyed.

"Pearl of life."

"The Pearl of Death."

"The way of life and death."

Li Lingtian's eyes slowly calmed down, because, he already knew that that terrifying world, that is, the world of death, is also a world of darkness or death, but it is different from the world of darkness where the blood moon is.

The vast universe has countless worlds and planes, and the dark world also has countless planes and worlds.

On the edge of the world of death, there is a green world. This world, which dominates life, has endless life, and the edge where the life world and the death world are compatible is the most terrifying.

In his eyes, a world of death, a world of life.

After calming down, Li Lingtian's exercises were carried out, and the pearl of life and the pearl of death appeared overhead.

At this moment, the whole person enters a mysterious situation.

This mystery is life and death.

"Heavenly Roulette."

At this moment, a misty female voice sounded.

Next to Li Lingtian, there was a woman in a blood-red shirt. The woman's body was in blood-red shirt, her skin was white and crystal-clear, and she was extremely stunning. She had bare feet and was suspended beside Li Lingtian.

This woman is naturally the blood moon of the dark hell.

When she felt the life and death breath of destruction, she stepped out of the Underworld Ring and reminded Li Lingtian.

Hearing the reminder of Blood Moon, Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all, and Tiandao Roulette was exhibited.

Suddenly, Tiandao roulette was suspended above Li Lingtian's head. The Pearl of Life and the Pearl of Death revolved around Tiandao roulette.

However, just when the orb of death and the orb of life and heavenly roulette appeared, the beam of light in the Holy Heaven Palace also began to rotate, and Li Lingtian walked towards the beam of light step by step.

Finally disappeared into the light group completely.

Time, day by day.

In three months, Li Lingtian walked into the light group center.

In the past three months, he has endured the tempering of life and death, and the soul of the whole person has become stronger. In his heart, he has also felt the way of life and death, and he has seen the endless birth and reincarnation of life and death from the light group.

Unconsciously, Li Lingtian slowly undergoes magical changes and slowly merges with this light group.

However, he always felt that something was missing, but he didn't know what was missing, and he didn't know whether it was really missing, just an inexplicable feeling.

When he entered the center of the light group, the whole person froze.

Because, in the center of the light group, there is a golden book 20 cm long, 15 cm wide and 5 cm thick. The golden books exuded magical dignity and power.

In other words, the majesty of the entire light group comes from this book.

Golden books. Rotating constantly.

Looking at this golden book, Li Lingtian's heart shook, and the shock the book brought him was beyond his imagination.

Subconsciously, without thinking, Shen Nian extends towards golden books.


Shennian had just approached the golden book, and a thought of destruction rebounded back. Let him know everything. In front of this idea is also very small.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and the look on his face was even more ugly.

Li Lingtian groaned, suddenly could not help but scolded her stupid.

In this light group of life and death, the treasure is naturally related to life and death, but he used his mind to test it, and he was simply stupid.

Immediately, mobilize the three-month enlightenment of life and death, and the power of life and death slowly approached the golden books, each closer. Li Lingtian was nervous.

He didn't know what this golden book was, but it was still in the most magical life-and-death light group center in the Holy Heaven Palace. It's definitely not that simple.


Finally, the power of life and death approached the golden book.

Just approaching the golden book, a slight sound went out.

The golden light erupted from the golden books, and in the golden light, two words appeared-Tianshu.


Seeing the word Tianshu, Li Lingtian could not help but exclaim.

The look on his face was shocked, even more shocked than when he started to see another world of death in the life and death light group.

because. He thinks of God of Destruction in the God of Destruction suit.

Someone in the Celestial Realm has got a treasure in the Destroying God set, but no one has seen the Destroying God. What is the Tianshu, Li Lingtian didn’t think that he saw the Tianshu in the center of life and death light group, is this Tianshu the God of Destruction. .

He has controlled three sets of Destroyer, namely: Destroyer. Sky Armor, Destroyer. Blaze, Destroyer. Wuyue.

The God Destroyer suit, like anything, is a top-notch archaic artifact.

The power can only be described by the destruction of the world. Li Lingtian's horror power is also dependent on the God of Destruction suit.


Just when Li Lingtian was shocked, the Destroyer suit inside the body spun, as if it sensed something outside, or something attracted them outside.

This is the first time Li Lingtian has encountered such a thing.

Yes, his refined God-destroying suit was attracted to golden books.

Based on his feelings about the God Destroyer Set, he immediately understood that the golden book in front of him was also one of the God Destroyer Sets. It was the most important and the most important one, God Destroyer.

No more hesitation, Li Lingtian exhibited three pieces of extermination.

Suddenly three treasures flew towards the God of Destruction. Heavenly Books flew away, and three treasures revolved around God of Destruction.

At this moment, Li Lingtian would still stand stupid, no longer hesitating, a drop of essence blood went to the God of Extinction. Tianshu flew away, and immediately the essence of blood entered the God of Extinction.



At the moment when the blood entered the God of Destruction. Heavenly Book, the light cluster of life and death swayed, and the whole Holy Heaven Palace also swayed.

The faces of the Five Elements Divine Emperor and Dragon Blood Divine Emperor were shocked. I didn’t know what Li Lingtian did in it. They made such a terrible movement. In the face of the pressure of destruction, their powerful Divine Emperor could not bear it.

Such destruction and coercion are becoming more and more powerful, and the light clusters of life and death are becoming stronger and stronger, just like the explosion is going to be destroyed at any time, and there is no intention to stop at all.

In the center of the light group, Li Lingtian quickly sacrificed the God of Destruction. The Book of Heaven, and drowned blood to recognize the Lord.

One day passed, two days passed.

One month passed and two months passed.

Half a year later, Li Lingtian finally succeeded in refining God of Destruction. The Book of Heaven became his own.

In the moment of refining and destroying God. The Book of Heaven ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The magical golden characters in the Book of God. Entering his eyebrows, into the depths of his soul, a moment of effort, countless golden characters are fused in Li Lingtian’s soul .

Just as the golden characters of God of Destruction. Tianshu merged with Li Lingtian.

A breath of destruction rushed out of God. The book of heaven exploded, God of Destruction. Flames and God of Destruction. Wuyue, and God of Destruction. Tianjia, also at this time erupted the power of terror.

This power rushed straight out of the time and space gate of the Holy Temple.

Within tens of thousands of miles of the Holy Palace, everything disappeared, the power of destruction soared into the sky, and the sky was broken up, the sky continued to shatter, and no one was intact.

This scene shocked hundreds of super deities.

Moreover, the power of destruction spreads out, and the entire Holy Heaven Realm trembles quickly, as if it is about to disappear in the next moment. Fairy crotch А? To be continued. ) (Chapter 2315 God of Destruction·Book of Heaven) (qq, blog, WeChat, etc.)



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