War God Supreme

Chapter 2316: Destroyer Gathering

"Will the Holy Heaven Realm be destroyed?"

"How is this going?"

"what happened?"

The Holy Heaven Realm is completely destroyed. . Romance starter

Countless powerful men who have entered the adventures and treasure hunting of the Holy Realm have a horrified look on their faces.

The void is the endless pressure of destruction, and it's overwhelming? ahref=\"\">The starry sky 営薹ㄖ 殼?br/>

At the same time, the immortal spirits everywhere in the Holy Heaven Realm swarmed in one direction, as if the immortal spirits here were swallowed by the horrible black hole.

"My **** extermination. What happened to Zidian?"



Among the four mysterious realms of Kunlun Divine Court, a super deity revered his eyes closed to meditate and practice.

This deity is a disciple of Thunder Deity, the Five Elements Divine Emperor.

At this time, his most powerful treasure, the God of Extermination. Zidian trembles quickly, as if summoned by something, let him sacrifice quickly, otherwise he will explode and die.

When the God of Extinction. Purple appeared, the God of Purple disappeared into a shadow.

This situation changed the look on the face of Thunder God Zun. This is the treasure given to him by the Five Elements Divine Emperor. It is a top-notch archaic artifact. It happened unexpectedly.



"Goddess. The Galaxy is beyond the control of the deity!"

"What's going on? Is there any other God-destroying treasure calling it?"

In the central heaven, in the endless shrine, a dashing and elegant middle-aged man stood in the void, suddenly felt his treasure tremble, and in his hand, a treasure with the breath of the law of endless water appeared in his hand.

When the treasure appeared, it was like the nine-day galaxy landing, the water system of heaven and earth was twisted in front of the treasure. Like all the masters.

However, what the middle-aged man didn't think of was the God of Extinction that he blended with him. The Milky Way. He shot out and flew away toward the sky. Disappeared instantly.

At the same time, another super deity in the heavenly court, a god-destroying treasure in his hand broke free of his control, and finally disappeared.


In the endless expanse of the immortal sea, on a continent-like fairy island, a glorious sky rises.

Guanghua flew in the direction of the Heavenly Sanctuary, and finally disappeared.


In a fairy mountain in the barren ancient god's court, countless super-strong men ventured through it.

At this moment. The mountain range of a thousand miles in a circle was shaken, and in an instant, the mountain was destroyed and razed to the ground, a beam of destruction sky, sky, and finally into the endless void.

At the same time, everything within 90 million miles of the mountain range turned into nothingness, and all creatures disappeared.

Countless magical things happen every day in heaven, but on this day. But it made several powerful and powerful people angry, because their treasures were summoned away, and there were several peerless treasures. But in the end it disappeared.

More importantly, the sky above the Holy Temple shattered several lights and shadows of destruction, instantly breaking up the space above the Holy Temple.

The light and shadow went straight to the transmission beam, just after the light and shadow rushed into the beam, the transmission beam disappeared.

In this scene, the countless super gods of the Holy Heaven Temple, several **** emperors and strong men, all have shocked expressions on their faces. I don't even know what happened.


Holy heaven, trembling and destroying. The earth collapsed and the void was broken.

Inside the Holy Temple. Li Lingtian suffered a devastating torture.

God of Destruction. The constant rotation of the heavenly book, the terrifying summoning power came out of the Holy Heaven Palace.

Li Lingtian can only guard the soul with his mind, and let the **** body be destroyed and restored.

He didn't know how long it had passed, because his entire consciousness was used on the soul of the god, guarding the soul, lest even the soul would vanish.


At this moment, the light group muffled.

During the induction, several breaths of destruction came toward him. This breath was somewhat similar to the God of Destruction. When he reacted, several light and shadows passed through the light group and came around the God of Destruction.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Li Lingtian was shocked.

Because, surrounding the God of Destruction. The Book of Heaven not only includes its three treasures of God of Destruction, but also six more treasures. These six treasures all bring the spirit of God of Destruction and have a magical connection with each other.

Adding the God of Destruction. The Book of Heaven is a total of ten treasures. He knows that the six treasures that have just appeared should be a member of the God of Destruction suit, but he did not expect to destroy God. The call is coming.

A total of ten pieces of the Destroying Suit are now finally gathered, but this power is beyond Li Lingtian's imagination.

"Ten drops of essential blood."

"Soul refining."

"The way of life and death."

"Everything is dead."

"Goddess is back."

The stunned Li Lingtian was awakened by a cold voice.

This sound is naturally blood moon.

Hearing the voice of Blood Moon, Li Lingtian was horrified. If Blood Moon reminded him, he might be immersed in ten treasures, and then the smoke would disappear.

After waking up, he quickly followed the method of Blood Moon and sacrificed the ten treasures in front of him with fine blood.

Although the three treasures have been sacrificed before, now, the ten treasures are gathered together, and naturally it is necessary to refinance one side.

Suddenly, ten drops of essential blood fuse toward ten treasures.

His sperm blood, with the power of ruining the sky, but in front of ten treasures, it looks very small, like a drop of sea water in the fairy sea, it seems there is no sense of existence.

But, just as ten drops of essential blood merged into the ten treasures, Li Lingtian's body tremble, and the figure entered the center of the light group, God of Destruction. Tianshu suspended above his head, and nine other treasures revolved around him.

At this moment, Li Lingtian is even closer to death and destruction.

Destruction, death, repair, rebirth, repeating constantly.

Li Lingtian, in the soul, there is only life and death, no reincarnation.

Wu Xing, Jiu Gong and space-time occupy two thirds of the soul world. In Dantian, Wu Xing, Jiu Gong, space and time also occupy two-thirds, and a space belongs to other talents and physiques.

However, in addition to the Five Elements and the Ninth Palace and time and space, other physiques and talents were gradually replaced by life and death. Formed a way, the way of life and death, the way of heaven and earth.

Tiandao Roulette also entered Li Lingtian's body at this time. But it did not compete with Wuxing and Jiugong for space and time.

In Li Lingtian's soul, in his Dantian. It is completely an endless world.

In this world, there are five elements, nine palaces, time and space, heaven and earth, life and death, dragon, and phoenix. A powerful world is formed, a world that shocks him.


In the soul, with a clatter, the world is complete and formed!

The Brahma Palace, time and space are eternal, the five-element world, the heavenly book, the refining tower and various treasures against the sky appear in this world. Below the world is an endless ocean of divine power, boundless.

The ocean is formed by divine power and a trace of divine power.

This is Li Lingtian's inner world and soul world. At this moment, his upper Dantian and lower Dantian were perfected.

The whole person is completely immersed in the wonderful world.

However, outside, in the Holy Heaven Palace, the Five Elements Divine Emperor and Dragon Blood Divine Emperor, with traces of blood on the corners of their mouths, use powerful laws to defend against the life and death in the Holy Heaven Palace and the endless power of destruction.

The eyes of the two were shocked. Shocked with joy.

"He controls the way of life and death."

"He is creating the Kingdom of God and striking the divine realm."

Both Dragon Blood Divine Emperor and Five Elements Divine Emperor. Looking at Li Lingtian's situation, he said in shock.

How they exist. Naturally seeing Li Lingtian's current situation, but Li Lingtian's power is beyond their imagination, because there are too many magic and secrets in Li Lingtian.

Although he could feel the aura of Li Lingtian's terror and dominance, he still could not see the treasure in Li Lingtian's hands, because the massive light group blocked their sight and consciousness.

"Dragon Blood, we hurried out."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor shouted loudly, at this time, Li Lingtian was already at the most critical moment, life and death were at one stroke, even if it was death and destruction, they could not help.

Moreover, having them here has a great influence on Li Lingtian's formation of a state.

Besides, Li Lingtian’s movement and power are too great. If they are here, they may also be destroyed in Li Lingtian’s kingdom of God in an instant. This is the feeling in his heart.

Immediately, the two figures disappeared in Shengtian Palace.

When it appeared again, it was already thousands of miles away from the Holy Temple.

Looking at hundreds of gods and esteemed strongmen who are thousands of miles away, these gods and esteemed strongmen are all wounded, and there are countless ways of gods that are gradually dissipating. Don’t think that there are many gods. The smoke disappeared.

"Quickly leave here."

"The farther the better, or dreaming if you want to leave."

The Dragon Blood Divine Emperor stunned the Dragon, and awakened countless gods.

When speaking, he quickly flew away into the distance, stopping at a distance of 80 million miles from the Holy Temple. At the same time, a powerful defense was put on display, ready to withstand the powerful impact of destruction.

Seeing the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor talking, all the deities did not dare to stay in the slightest, and quickly flew away towards the sky like an escape.

Although the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor Taiyue Divine Court, but he is a **** standing on the peak of humanity, he will not lie naturally, even the Divine Emperor is so afraid of the Holy Heaven Palace, there must be something terrible in it.

In an instant, no more than 80 million miles in diameter around the Holy Temple.

"Brother, do you know what's going on?"

The Dragon Blood Divine Emperor looked at the Five Elements Divine Emperor ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked.

"Not clear."

"However, it is true that he controls the way of life and death."

"Several god-destroying treasures have been gathered here, which should have triggered the core of the Holy Temple. This time, his achievements have completely changed him and accumulated a lot of money."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor said, he became more and more unclear about his disciple.

However, the stronger his disciple is, the happier he is.

"Heaven Realm, the one who has reached the Venerable God within two thousand years, right?"

"In the future, he will be an invincible deity."

The Dragon Blood Divine Emperor said with a smile.

At the time of Dzogchen, it can be comparable to the upper deity. Now that the deity is reached, the whole person will be transformed against the sky and become more aloof. At that time, how many people can match him within the deity.



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