War God Supreme

Chapter 2318: Retreat for 20,000 years

Taiyue body is the same as before.

A genius rises, a genius falls.

Time, year by year.

Ten thousand years have passed and ten thousand years have passed. For a god, a king, it is just a matter of fingertips, not to mention gods such as God Lord and God Emperor.

In the world of five elements, in a huge palace.

Li Lingtian has been closed for 10,000 years.

The 10,000-year retreat is the longest time he has been in retreat. The time of this retreat is equivalent to all the time he lived in the past. However, this retreat of 10,000 years has made his repairs soar.

The God Realm is stable, and now he has become a real God Respect.

In the five-element world, ten thousand years, the outside is only one hundred years.

The realm of divinity, supreme in divinity.

Reaching the deity can create a world.

However, his state has just stabilized, and he has not reached the world. He just built a world in his body. If he wants to build the world and the kingdom of God, he must wait until he is stable.

After reaching the divine realm, ordinary divinity masters practice retreat first and wait for the realm to stabilize before building the divine kingdom and the world. Only then will the divine kingdom and the world become stronger and more stable.

He is not in a hurry now, anyway, he does not do it anymore, and there is still a world inside, which is enough.

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When Dzogchen was full of Divine Lord, he was not afraid of Divine Venerable, let alone now, even if he does not want Divine Kingdom now, he can also fight with Divine Venerable.

"God respects the realm, compared to the Great Perfection Lord, I don't know how many billions of times it is powerful."

"The two are not at all a level."

Li Lingtian said to herself, looking at the power of time in the body.

Among these divine powers, there is still a little divine power.

Above the sea of ​​endless divine power, the time and space eternal and the five-element world are suspended, as well as the Brahma Palace and the refining tower, as well as several ancient artifacts against the sky, and the **** extermination suit is also above the divine sea.

The sea of ​​calm divine power seems calm.

But if Li Lingtian runs the Nine Palaces and mobilizes the divine power, this sea of ​​divine power will be turned upside down and exert the power of destruction.

This 10,000-year period has stabilized the state.

Another thing is to hone the state of mind, because his training time is too short, he must hone his state of mind.

After the state was stable, Li Lingtian left the Five Elements world and returned to Lingtian Palace to reunite with Tang Qingyue.

Tang Qingyue and they were taken back to Shenting by the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor and lived in Lingtian Palace. They knew that Li Lingtian had great chance to practice in the Five Elements world. They were all very happy.

Li Lingtian was reunited with them in Lingtian Palace.

However, two years after the reunion, Li Lingtian explained some things and returned to the five-element world to practice again.

This practice is another 10,000 years.

This 10,000 years, Li Lingtian has completely controlled the extermination suit.

The God Destroyer Set is dominated by the Heavenly Book, a Peerless Sacred Book, which contains the laws of law and the way of life and death, and more is the control of the God Destroyer Set. Only by practicing the Heavenly Book can the power of the God Destroyer Set be maximized. powerful.

"Speak out the law."

"This is the true law of origin."

The Tianshu has 13 pages, and Li Lingtian can only see the first page now.

The first page is to play the first seal of the Destroyer Set to open and reach the inferior artifact.

Moreover, the last power of the book is mentioned in the book of heaven, that is to say that the law follows, one sentence represents the law, let people live, let people die.

However, he has not yet reached this level.

Although his law can't reach the first level, he can't say the law without following the nineth level.

"Condensation life and death avatar."

After 20,000 years of practice, Li Lingtian has found the direction of doppelganger.

That is to condense the life and death avatar. This avatar has no combat power, only unlimited life and death reincarnation. Even if the deity is destroyed, the avatar will not die. It is completely an unavoidable avatar without defense.

The sound fell, the way of life and death was running, the heavenly roulette wheel was running, and a drop of essence blood appeared in the air.

In the palace, a magical gray-green radiance appeared.

There is a qualitative change in the essence and blood, and a ghost appears, and gradually, the ghost solidifies.

A young man exactly like Li Lingtian appeared in front of Li Lingtian, except that Li Lingtian didn't have a smile on his face, like a cold superpower.

This is the life and death avatar, Li Lingtian second avatar.

"It's time to leave."

Li Lingtian blinked and said to himself.

When speaking, stand up and walk outside the palace.

At this time, Li Lingtian was wearing a gold crown on his head, wearing an armor, and wearing dominant shoes on his feet.

A total of ten pieces of Destroying Set.

God of Destruction·Tianshu is the core of the God of Destruction suit and a peerless holy book that records the skills and rules of the God of Destruction suit.

Destroyer·Master is the land in the Destroyer suit, not the earth system, but the existence of the earth.

God of Extermination·Golden Crown is the crown in the God of Extermination suit. It symbolizes power and strength, possesses a terrorist and overbearing defense, and protects Li Lingtian's most important place.

God of Extinction and Sky Armor are the armor of the God of Extermination suit. They are extremely powerful in defense, devouring the power of heaven and earth, and increasing Li Lingtian's strength tenfold. This is also Li Lingtian's biggest advantage.

God of Destruction·Life is the most magical existence in the God of Destruction suit. It controls life, and is now the heart-protecting mirror on top of the armor, giving Li Lingtian endless power of life.

God of Destruction·The Milky Way is the most magical water treasure in the God of Destruction set. When attacking, it is like the Milky Way falling for nine days.

God of Destruction·Flame is the most destructive treasure in the God of Destruction suit. The world is destroyed by one blow. Now even the super flying warship can melt.

God of Destruction·Wuyue is the fundamental defense in the God of Destruction suit. As long as you feel the power affecting Li Lingtian, it will appear at the foot of Li Lingtian for the first time, like a cloud holding Li Lingtian.

God of Destruction·Hurricane is the most horrible wind treasure in the God of Destruction suit. It can not only increase the speed of Li Lingtian's body style, but also explode the wind-destroying attack of the heaven and earth. The wind and fire are merged together to increase the power. Countless times.

God of Destruction·Zidian is a thunder-like treasure in the God of Destruction suit. A spear broke out the most terrifying lightning attack between heaven and earth.

Of these treasures, only God of Extinction, Golden Crown, God of Extinction, Sky Armor, and Lord of God of Extermination have been on Li Lingtian. As long as they are under a little strength and threat, they will appear to protect Li Lingtian immediately.

As for the Holy Scepter, it has been merged with the Holy Heaven Palace.

The Holy Palace is a flying palace with terrifying defense and three devastating attacks.

The first nature is the thunder of destruction, Li Lingtian has control, and he has not realized the second and third.

After leaving the palace, Li Ling's Five Elements Shrine walked.

Looking at the huge and magical Five Elements Shrine, Li Lingtian was still shocked. This is the master of the Five Elements world, the place where the Five Elements Divine Emperor lives, and the shrine that guards the Five Elements world.

"Disciples visit Master."

Outside the Five Elements Shrine, Li Ling Shrine performed a ceremony and shouted loudly.

"Come in."

In the Five Elements Shrine, a faint voice sounded and reached Li Lingtian's ears.

Hearing Master's voice, Li Lingtian's face was stunned, and he walked into the shrine step by step.

Coming to the shrine, the Five Elements Divine Emperor sat on the throne of the throne, with a satisfied smile on his face, dressed in a robe, dressed in colorful splendor, and the power of the Supreme Divine Emperor radiated out.

However, Li Lingtian still feels that there is something wrong with the Five Elements Divine Emperor. Compared with the last time he saw the Five Elements Divine Emperor, there is something missing, but he just doesn't know what is missing.

"Master, how is your injury?"

Coming to the Five Elements Divine Emperor, Li Lingtian realized this.

In the Holy Heaven Palace, the Five Elements Divine Emperor and Qingtian Lord were injured in the battle, which could cause the Divine Emperor to be injured, naturally terrifying, and the more powerful the stronger, the harder it is to recover after the injury.

"It's no problem."

"Healing will recover for a while."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor pointed to a seat under the throne of the throne, and motioned for Li Lingtian to sit.

He said calmly that this time in Holy Heaven Realm, he was indeed injured.

What he said about healing for a period of time may be a few epochs or even a few thousand epochs, but the Five Elements Divine Emperor said that it was nothing but the heart of Li Lingtian.

"Master, there is something unknown to the disciple."

"Just want to know the difference between Divine Emperor and Realm Lord."

After Li Lingtian sat down, he stood up to salute again and asked.

Now, what he wants to know most is the difference between Divine Emperor and Realm Lord, why even the powerful existence of the Five Elements Divine Emperor is not an opponent of Realm Lord.

"The difference between Divine Emperor and Realm Lord is not very big."

"The Divine Emperor is in the highest realm of the Heaven Realm, but after the Great Emperor Divine Emperor, there is still a realm, that is, the Realm Master, beyond all Divine Emperors, no matter how powerful the Divine Emperor, can not be the opponent of the Realm Master."

"Because, the realm can be said to be the real invincible divine emperor, or it can be said to be the realm of the divine emperor and the realm, except that the rules are different, the divine emperor and the realm are like the lower divine emperor and the middle The difference between the Divine Emperor."

"Although there is a difference in the name of the realm between them, there is no real difference in the realm. The only difference is the difference in the law, because the rule of the realm carries the power of the origin."

"Everyone under the deity is a domain, and only the strong ones who control the law have the opportunity to become deity."

"Divine Emperor and Realm Lord are the same rules~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but the power of the rules is more powerful."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor glanced at Li Lingtian and said nonchalantly.

As a master of Li Lingtian, he naturally has a responsibility to tell Li Lingtian.

At the same time, he also understands that Li Lingtian is not a good person, but only understands some things.

"Indeed, the law is not as powerful as the realm."

"The law is the law of heaven and earth, and the realm is just one's realm."

Li Lingtian nodded, his five-element realm was fierce against the sky, and the nine-fold realm shook the five-fold rule. In the Holy Heaven Palace, the chance coincidence made the realm sublimate, and the cultivation of the realm also reached the next god.

With the law, you know how much the law is stronger than the field, and there is no comparison between the two, and it is not in a grade.

Now his one-step law, even without the law of time and space, can shake the seven-step law of the single system, plus the law of time and space, the eight-step law is not his opponent.

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