War God Supreme

Chapter 2319: The law of space-time...

"The power of origin is the existence beyond the law."

"That was the initial strength and will of heaven and earth. As long as it was in the colossal desert, it could not escape its original power, just like a person cannot leave the air.

"Some people describe the power of the source as the rule of source, the source of cost, and even the heaven."

"No matter what it's called, it's the most primitive existence in the cosmic flood."

"The reason for being a teacher is not the opponent of the Lord of the Blue Sky, because his laws carry the power of the origin, even if there is very little power of the origin, any law can be suppressed."

"You don't have access to the source of things. If you are lucky and have the power of the source, you must cherish it."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor said seriously that he was already the Great Emperor Divine Emperor, and could be said to be the invincible Divine Emperor.

But he did not feel the power of the source, which is too rare.

Otherwise, he cultivates the power of the origin, that is, the law of origin, that is, the real invincible heaven.

"Master, haven't the Masters of Heavenlessness been taught when they were strong?"

"There are other reasons why the Lord of the Sky is so powerful."

Li Lingtian asked curiously.

Having said so much, this is what he most wants to know.

"The Lord of No Realm is almost the same as the Lord of the Blue Sky."

∏◇Long∏◇Wind∏◇Wen∏◇Study, ww≤w.cf♀wx.n≧et "Even the Lord of the Skyless Realm is more powerful than the Lord of the Blue Sky."

"Being a teacher can teach the Heavenless Master because the teacher is in Taiyue Shenting, and there are Wuxing World and Taiyue Shenting as platforms. As long as the teacher does not leave Taiyue Shenting and Wuxing World, even the most powerful Masters will suffer."

"Not only the Divine Emperor, the Divine Venerable and the Realm Master are the same, as long as they are in their own Divine Kingdom and the world, that place is their territory, their world, and the strongmen of the same level or even higher level go to them Territories only suffer."

"Naturally, after leaving his world and the kingdom of God, he lost his advantage. The reason why the Lord of the Blue Sky has the upper hand in the Holy Heaven Palace is because he can exert his full strength in that place, but he loses his advantage as a teacher."

Looking at Li Lingtian, the Five Elements Divine Emperor said with a smile.

How he exists, naturally knows that Li Lingtian has asked so much, and the question he wants to know most is this question.

That is to say, in that case, he can still fight against the blue sky master who has the law of origin.

"It turns out this way."

"Disciples understand."

Li Lingtian suddenly realized that he finally understood what was going on.

To a certain extent, the law is the key to determine victory or defeat.

In front of the realm of law, everything is a paper tiger, slammed.

Moreover, only with the resistance of the opponent's coercion and laws, can they defeat the opponent with supernatural powers. Generally speaking, the strong people in the same realm will not use the laws until the last resort.

The rule is to overwhelm the low-level strong.

"Your current space-time domain has become the law of space-time."

"But don't use it casually to avoid being chased by other powerful people, because, according to legend, the law of time and space can distort time and space and make time and space flow backward."

"However, your current cultivation ability and the power of the realm of time and space can only reverse the previous 10,000 years, and can only resurrect the god-level strong. If you want to revive the god-level strong, you will be punished."

"Only if your cultivation level is higher, the strength is stronger, and the law of time and space is higher, can you reverse the time and space farther away, and relive the stronger and stronger."

"This time, the people who saw you in the realm of time and space in the Holy Temple are erased by your uncle during that period of time. Be careful yourself later."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor looked at Li Lingtian seriously, which is why he wanted Li Lingtian to come here.

As the master of Li Lingtian, he is naturally responsible for Li Lingtian.

At the same time, I am happy that I have this disciple.

"Reverse time and space, back in time!"

"Can make people live again!"

Li Lingtian was shocked when he heard the words of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, and the whole person was stunned.

He is time and space eternal, he controls the laws of time and space, and he is powerful in wartime.

But I still can’t believe that the law of time and space can distort time and space, back in time, and can make people revived. That is, the strong man who fell in the past can cast the distortion of time and space, and the time flows, so that the fallen strong man returns to before the fall, and then the strong The bring back to the present period.

In this way, the existence of the sky, the real sky, is beyond his imagination.

"Not bad."

"It's just that your current time-space law is too low, and your cultivation base is too low."

"If you reach the five or six weights of the law of time and space, and cultivate to reach the Divine Emperor, you will be able to respect the falling gods, live longer, and be able to live stronger and stronger, but you have to remember, no matter what At no time, under any circumstances, don’t resurrect the strong with your own realm, then the price you pay is to fall."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor spoke seriously about the things related to cultivation and cultivation.

The more Li Lingtian is against the sky, the happier he is, but the more worried he is, because although Li Lingtian is now powerful, he cannot be as strong as invincible.

And even if it is invincible in the sky, it is impossible to be invincible in the entire universe and the vast sky.

However, as for things beyond the realm of heaven, he did not know, and he did not want to tell Li Lingtian now.

"Disciples follow Master's instructions."

Li Lingtian nodded conscientiously, and knew that the master was looking for him, mostly for these things.

"You have a lot of adventures."

"The teacher doesn't want to ask because you have your own secret."

"However, no matter at any time, we must ensure that there is a righteous heart and a shadow of a standing end, not like the Lord of the Blue Sky, in order to open the Holy Heaven Realm, to understand the way of life and death, destroy tens of millions of human Souls."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor said, as a teacher, not only to teach people skills, but also to teach people how to be human.

"The disciples will not live up to Master's teaching."

"Disciples will not easily kill a creature and a human."

"Even if the disciple is a demon, it is a demon who is worthy of conscience."

Li Lingtian said that no matter how strong he is, he can keep his heart.

Will not use any means to be strong, at least it must be conscience and heavenly.

"You have now become a deity."

"The strength has also reached a strong level, and it is eligible to become the title deity of Taiyue Shenting, and also has a place in the Shenting. In the future, you will have to bear the burden of Taiyue Shenting."

"You can go inside the Jiuxiao Tower to test your strength, arrange for the master to seal the title for you, and then give you the approximate power of Taiyue Shenting."

"The world of your kingdom of God, and your avatars must be hidden. If you have no choice but to let people know your kingdom and avatars."

After the Five Elements Divine Emperor finished speaking, he waved and motioned for Li Lingtian to leave.

What he should have said, and now he has to heal.

As for Li Lingtian’s path, it was he who went on his own. If he wants to survive in this cosmic flood, he must rely on his own ability.

Others dare not say that he is still optimistic about the viability of his disciple.

Otherwise, they came over in front of so many Jedi and death, and also received countless benefits.

The strongest, the most powerful are not talents and amazing magical powers, but can live longer and survive in various environments. Otherwise, even if they are strong, they are not dead.

"Disciple quits."

Li Lingtian saluted respectfully and finally left the Five Elements Shrine.

As the Five Elements Divine Emperor said, he is now a deity, a powerful deity, standing at the pinnacle of mankind, and should shoulder the due responsibilities for mankind and divine court, rather than relying on the divine court to protect him.

It's like a child grows up and has his own responsibilities.

After leaving the Five Elements Shrine, Li Lingtian did not stay and returned directly to the central square of the four secret areas of the Shenting.

In fact, according to his current identity and strength, there is no need to go to the Jiuxiao Tower. That may be to show off, but he understands the meaning of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, that is, to make the geniuses of the court and the powerful have pressure to make these geniuses evil. Work harder to stimulate these geniuses.

At the same time, it also paved the way for Li Lingtian to enter the Shenting to get a title, which made it more convincing.

As for the kingdom of God, he already had a preliminary plan.

After the matter of the Shenting is resolved, go to build the kingdom of God, and then take over the Holy Temple, and the matter of the Ice Palace must also be handled.

When leaving the five-element world, Li Lingtian returned to Lingtian Palace with a ghost image, and asked Qiu Wuhen to prepare for his trip to the Jiuxiao Tower. Qiushuijian naturally knew what Li Lingtian meant.

Get Li Lingtian's order, immediately excited.

Immediately told Chu Yunge this news, dozens of bodyguards and maids, as well as Tang Qingyue, they all came to the central square.

For a time, the story of Li Lingtian's going to the Nine Towers spread.

One pass ten, ten pass hundred, just a moment, this news is like a bomb exploding, countless super geniuses and super demon, and countless gods and powerful people, are shocked, and more excited.

You know, Li Lingtian is Taiyue Shenting's first super demon in trillions of years.

Hundreds of years ago, what happened to Li Lingtian in the Holy Heaven Realm, the Heaven Realm has spread all over, which caused the Heaven Realm to boil. If Li Lingtian was not in the Divine Court, I don’t know how many God Venerable Powers chased Li Lingtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even said Maybe there is also a God Emperor who has to deal with Li Lingtian.

However, Li Lingtian has been retreating and practicing in the Five Elements world.

Ten thousand years inside the five-element world, only one hundred years outside.

It is said that Li Lingtian reached the Dzogchen Divine Lord, and even the three higher gods were directly killed.

Such strength is comparable to that of Dzogchen.

Only a few hundred years have passed since the battle of the genius list. Li Lingtian has achieved such achievements, while other geniuses are still wandering around the gods and kings. The most powerful ones have just reached the **** master.

Now, Li Lingtian wants to break through the Jiuxiao Tower, which naturally causes a thousand waves.

The people in Taiyue Shenting wanted to know how strong Li Lingtian was and where he could go.

Less than ten minutes above the square, hundreds of thousands of geniuses and gods were gathered, and countless powerful men and gods, geniuses and evil spirits, coming constantly, did not want to miss the wonderful scene of this grand ceremony.

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