War God Supreme

Chapter 2320: 9 Towers, Road 1...

"Lingtian Pavilion Master is about to break into the Nine Towers, so look forward to it!"

"The first person under the Divine Venerable, the Great Sovereign Divine Lord, whose strength is comparable to that of the upper Divine Venerable, can only be described as the sky.

"Just don't know where Ling Tian Pavilion can break."

"Ling Tian Pavilion has only been in the Divine Court for hundreds of years. It is so powerful."

"I guess Lord Ling Tian Pavilion can break through the fifth floor of Mercury Sky."

"Jiuxiao Tower's fifth heavy Mercury sky, but inside it is the most powerful deity."

In the square, there are more and more geniuses and strong men. These geniuses and strong men naturally come to Li Lingtian to enter the Jiuxiao Tower.

There was a lot of discussion, which made the square above the bustling.

Last time when Li Ling Tianshen King, he broke into the ninth floor of the fourth heavy Jupiter sky of Jiuxiao Tower. Now Li Lingtian is many times stronger than the last time, and the Jiuxiao Tower that he traversed is definitely higher.

However, the fifth-fold Mercury Sky in the Nine Towers is the super deity, and it can be said to be the most powerful in the same realm.

In the fifth layer, there are not many gods who can pass through.

It can be said that there are indeed too few people in the Taiyue Divine Court who have reached the fifth to fourth floors of the Jiuxiao Tower.

After all, it is impossible for a god-respecting strong man to fight against several strong players of the same rank, not to mention that the strong men in the Jiuxiao Tower are the most powerful existence in the same realm, so the more difficult it is to get to the back.

Li Lingtian was outside the Jiuxiao Tower and did not start to break into the Jiuxiao Tower.

Since you want to shake the genius and gods of Taiyue Shenting, you have to shake it hard.

He will start only when there are more powerful geniuses gathered in the square, and the resulting shock is even more shocking.

He has lived for almost two thousand years, and this is the first time he has shown off like this.

However, this is not his original intention, but the meaning of his master Five Elements Divine Emperor.

Half an hour later, Li Lingtian looked at the Jiuxiao Tower.

The mysterious and powerful Jiuxiao Tower soars to the sky, and it doesn't look big outside, but inside it is vast and magical. It can appear in different scenes, and it can also show different strong people.


Li Lingtian entered the Jiuxiao Tower and was directly transported to the first floor of the fifth heavy Mercury Sky.

Last time, he had already crossed the fourth and ninth floors of the Nine Towers, and lost to the hands of the **** respected and strong on the first floor of the fifth heavy Mercury sky. At that time, he was only the King Realm.

Now, for the strongest subordinate deity in front of him, he has not looked at it at all.

He is already the next deity, and he, already invincible with the realm, will naturally not look at the next deity.

Moreover, in the Brahma Land and the Holy Heaven Realm, he had a tremendous opportunity, and now he wants to see how far he has reached.

"let's start."

Looking at the young man in white suspended above the desert, Li Lingtian's cold voice sounded.

When speaking, one-handed void press.

Suddenly, the Five Elements Rule broke out, and the former Five Elements field became the Five Elements Rule, which was displayed as a powerful rule.

The law of one-element five elements is powerful enough to shake the law of seven-element, and the deity in front of him is the pinnacle of the law of one-element, he doesn't even see it in his eyes, and he doesn't even want to do it.



The young man in white suddenly became angry when he heard Li Lingtian's words.

Although he only formed a thought in the Jiuxiao Pagoda, he was furious when he saw such a arrogant young man who had just reached the god, and wanted to teach the young man in front of him.

However, he had not yet exhibited the rules, but was directly suppressed by the Five Elements rule.

The whole process takes less than a second.

It can also be said that when Li Lingtian's voice fell, the goddess of the white man was suppressed and destroyed.

The next god, even if it is the strongest in the same realm, but in front of Li Lingtian, it is completely a ants.

Jiuxiao Pagoda's fifth heavy Mercury sky is on the first floor, and the opponent is directly killed by the law.

In the void, a piece of white light rolled over, and Li Lingtian's figure disappeared.

When it appeared again, it was already in the second floor of the fifth heavy Mercury sky of the Nine Towers.


In the central square of Taiyue Shenting, there are millions of super geniuses and super gods. All the powerful gods look at the huge crystal screen. At the moment, there is only Li Lingtian's name on the crystal screen.

At the same time, on the crystal screen, there is also an introduction of Li Lingtian.

Character: Li Lingtian.

Age: 1698 years.

Cultivation: The next god.

Attribute: Five Elements Eucharist.

Doppelganger: True Dragon.

Rule: One.

Supernatural power: sword array.

Treasure: Destroyer Set.

Identity: The first super genius of Taiyue Shenting, the first patriarch of Taiyue Altar.

Master: Five Elements Divine Emperor.

Level: Jiuxiao Tower fourth heavy Jupiter sky ninth heavy.

The information is extremely detailed, and there is no hiding at all.

However, these are known to the Taiyue Shenting and even some of the powerful in the heavenly realm, and there is no need to hide them at all. As for Li Lingtian’s real killer and power, the information will not be displayed.

In this way, no one will see the flaws, real, false, true, false, true or false.

Even these materials have shocked all the geniuses in the central square.

"The next god?"

"Lingtian Pavilion Lord became the next deity!"

"Lingtian Pavilion Master is only 1698 years old. It's too much."

"True Dragon's avatar is too powerful."

"This is only a few hundred years, and it has reached the divine state."

"In more than a thousand years, I have practiced to reach the deity."

"All of us, hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, have lived on dogs."

"Well, look, Lord Ling Tian Pavilion has already crossed the first weight of Mercury Sky."

"Sure enough, last time he crossed the ninth floor of Jupiter's sky, and now he directly goes through the first floor of Mercury sky."

Looking at the information on the crystal screen, I was shocked by the powerful people and geniuses in the center of the square. I didn't expect Li Lingtian to be more than a thousand years old, nor did he think that Li Lingtian was only a **** king last time. .

There was endless discussion on the square, and he was speechless about Li Lingtian's evildoers.

However, this kind of demon is Taiyue Shenting, everyone except envy and shock, they all regard Li Lingtian as a role model, and have no jealousy, because they all know that jealous Li Lingtian can't live with themselves.

While everyone was talking about shock, someone saw the change on the crystal screen.

It turned out that behind the name of Li Lingtian, the four-color Jiuxiao Tower logo flashed, but now it has become five.

Seeing this change, everyone knows that Li Lingtian has already crossed the first floor of Mercury Sky.

In this paradise, all are the most powerful deities.

Nine Towers logo, the first day is white, the second day is purple, the third day is gold, the fourth day is green, the fifth day is blue, and now Li Lingtian’s Nine Towers logo is in five colors Too.

Being able to cross the first floor of Mercury Sky, which can pass through the fifth sky of Jiuxiao Tower, means that Li Lingtian can destroy the most powerful deity in the same realm.

If it doesn’t, it’s amazing.

This is Li Lingtian, the first demon of Taiyue Shenting.


"The second layer of Mercury sky is bright."

"The third floor is also bright, so fast."

"This is a spike."

"The fourth floor is bright."

"The fifth floor passed."


"Jiuxiao Tower's fifth heavy Mercury sky, the ninth floor, pass."

When Li Lingtian crossed the first floor of Mercury Sky, all the strong people were shocked, but at this time, the genius and the strong people who were still in shock were shocked by Li Lingtian's next anti-sky.

After crossing the first floor, just a few seconds, it passed the second floor, and the third floor and the fourth floor were the same.

It can be said that from the first floor to the ninth floor, it takes less than three minutes to add up. Such a speed is super scary.

You know, the first layer is the most powerful deity in the same realm, the second layer is two, the third layer is three, and so on, and so on, the nineth layer is the nine most powerful gods in the same realm Respect.

Li Lingtian actually only took a few seconds to kill a few opponents. This is all about killing them all the way.

In other words, no amount of lower gods are scum in front of Li Lingtian, all spiked.

Even in the face of the nine most powerful subordinate deities, he took seconds to suppress it.

How strong is this to be able to achieve this step?

The central square is boiling, completely boiling.

Li Lingtian's power is beyond their understanding. It is impossible to understand how Li Lingtian can kill all gods in a second, and the speed of the second kill does not even have the chance of the other party reacting.

Indeed, Li Lingtian went all the way down.

From the first deity of the lower level to the nine deities of the lower level, he was directly crushed by the Five Elements rule and overwhelmingly suppressed.

The Five Elements Rule ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a separate rule, stronger than other strong rules.

Now his five-element rule does not know how many million times stronger than the five-element field.

The one-fold rule, the seven-fold rule of crushing, plus the time-space rule directly crush the rule of weight.

Nine lower gods, no matter how many people, that is, one rule, can't play the slightest role in the face of unmatched momentum.

"You have already crossed the fifth heavy Mercury Sky of the Nine Towers, do you want to continue."

A voice sounded and reached Li Lingtian's ears.

"carry on."

Li Lingtian hesitated.

Because, now he is the next deity, and has already passed the fifth heaven of the Nine Towers. The fifth heavy Mercury sky is of the deity level. It is already possible to go against the sky like this. The following is the Divine Emperor level. Yes.

He is even stronger now,

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