War God Supreme

Chapter 2321: 9 Chai Wan 6...

Jiuxiao Tower, one of the most magical places in Taiyue Shenting.

Here, countless super demon and genius, countless super gods are famous Taiyue.

However, if you want to be famous here, you must be a super demon, and you can be called the most powerful in the same rank. You must even cross the ranks and face several strongest opponents in the same realm at the same time.

In Taiyue Shenting, no one reached the top of Jiuxiao Tower.

It is not even possible for those divine emperors and powerful men of the court.

The harder it is to reach the end, it's hard to get through the ground.

The Jiuxiao Tower has a total of nine layers, known as the Nineth Heaven of Taiyue Shenting.

The first weight is Yangtian.

The second weight, monthly.

Third, Venus Sky.

Fourth, Jupiter sky.

I don't know how many super demon and strong men are trapped in the fourth heavy Jupiter sky, and can't go any further.

It can be said that as long as the characters who reach Jupiter Sky are all the most enchanted and powerful men of Taiyue Shenting.

Fifth, Mercury sky.

Sixth, Martian sky.

Seventh, Saturn.

Eighth, the stars.

The ninth weight, Zong Dongtian.

Taiyue Divine Court, even one of the most powerful Divine Emperors, the Five Elements Divine Emperor, is trapped in the seventh heavy Saturn sky.

This is also one of the highest characters of Taiyue Shenting who broke into the Jiuxiao Tower. Even in the entire heaven, there are some super **** emperors and goddesses who are unable to reach the seventh level or are trapped in the seventh level.

However, on this day, Taiyue Shenting was the first super demon in a trillion years. When he was the next deity, he broke through the fifth heavy Mercury sky and is now heading towards the sixth heavy Mars sky.

Above the central square, all the gods and evil spirits are shocked and looking forward.

Some powerful gods and geniuses who could not rush back to the central square got Li Lingtian to break through the nine towers, and they all began to pay attention to it.

It is not only the super genius evil spirits and superpowers of the gods.

Even those who worshiped the gods and gods were paying attention to Li Lingtian as soon as possible.

Even the strong emperor of Taiyue Shenting closely followed Li Lingtian. If Li Lingtian was strong enough, Taiyue Shenting would be even more powerful.

More importantly, since the Holy Heaven Realm, the other three great courts and the ten greatest supreme forces have announced Li Lingtian's strength.

Their purpose is to allow Li Lingtian to enter the core level of the heaven realm, so that the entire heaven realm regards Li Lingtian as the **** power, so in this way, it is impossible for Li Lingtian to deal with the disciples of the **** for no reason.

For a time, Li Lingtian's popularity and status reached an unprecedented level with the help of the great supreme forces and the three great courts.

It should be known that Li Lingtian is not a deity, but it makes the entire Celestial Power recognize Li Lingtian has the strength and status of the deity.

In Heaven Realm, there can be no more than one hundred people who can stand at the core level of Heaven Realm when they are Lord of God.

Li Lingtian has been closed for 20,000 years in the Five Elements world, but it is actually only two hundred years in the outside world. Naturally, no one in the Celestial Realm does not care about Li Lingtian's current strength.

"Being able to directly crush the strongest subordinate deity to the ninth floor of Mercury Sky, the strength of Brother Ling Tian is unfathomable."

Among the four secret realms of the Divine Court, on the other side of the Taiyue Temple, a huge and immense palace suspended in the clouds, this palace does not know how big.

Inside the main hall, there are 10,800 seats, and each seat is separated by a hundred miles.

Moreover, each seat is suspended in the air in the main hall.

At this moment, there are a lot of super gods and esteemers on the throne. Each of these gods and esteemed masters has the title given by the Divine Court, and all of them are super gods against the sky.

Any of these titled deities standing on the top of human beings can easily defeat other powerful players of the same rank.

Looking at a huge crystal screen in the center of the main hall, the gods and powerful persons present were all shocked. They were both gods, but they were not like Li Lingtian on the Jiuxiao Tower.

The palace is not the traditional kind, but all the gods form a ring, the more central, the higher the status.

A median deity looked shocked on his face and said.

He came from a super demon, and he was terrified in power. Even if he met a general deity, he could fight a battle, and now watching Li Lingtian broke through the ninth floor in just two minutes, his heart was huge. wave.

"Two hundred years ago, when he was in the Holy Realm, when he was in the Lord's realm, he killed the three upper-level deities. Now that he has reached the lower-level deity, how terrible it can be."

"In the mouths of other divine courts and supreme forces, it is said that Brother Ling Tian is above the Five Elements and will later surpass Uncle Shi."

"According to rumors, it may be that the star goddess of Kunlun God Court fell into the hands of Master Ling Tian. Although no one saw Master Ling Tian vs. the star **** of star heaven at that time, the star **** of star heaven went to the mysterious realm of extinction, and finally caused the extinction. In the shocking movement of the mysterious realm, in the end, Brother Ling Tian came out of the mysterious realm of extinction, but the deity of the stars did not come out, and the mysterious realm of extinct was also destroyed."

Yindao Shenzun said with a shocked look on his face.

He was shocked when he heard these secrets.

He couldn’t believe that a divine master could destroy the Astral Venerable God. You must know that the Astral Venerable King is the Kunlun Shenting title deity, and it is the Great Consummated Deity.

In the Kunlun Shenting title deity, you can definitely enter the top one hundred.

It was not until later that countless deities saw Li Lingtian directly crushed the median deity with only one field, and suppressed the Longao deity, the blood sword deity and the peaceful deity with a wave of hand, he dare to accept this fact.

After all, this matter was seen by Taiyue Shenting, and other powerful people also saw it.

Because of this, Li Lingtian was pushed out by the three great courts and the ten great supreme forces.

At that time, it was more than countless Dzogchen deities, close to the Holy Temple, opened the Holy Temple, and joined forces with the Five Elements Divine Emperor to fight the Lord of the Blue Sky.

"Silver Knife, what you said is true?"

"Astral deity was killed by Brother Ling Tian?"

"However, you know that the Divine Venerable Constellation exists and controls the law of space. In front of the law of space, even if it is not invincible in the same order, but few people can kill him unless it is the brother of the broken army."

Hearing the words of Silver Sword Deity, several deity exclaimed and looked at Silver Sword Deity.

Li Lingtian was launched by the Celestial Forces. They knew it. They also knew that Li Lingtian crushed the three high-level gods with nine fields and five elements, and spiked the three high-level gods.

But did not hear that Li Lingtian killed the star god.

Don't say they don't believe it, even if they don't want to think so.

"Although it cannot be proved that Brother Ling Tian killed the Star Venerable Lord, some people have confirmed that the Star Venerable Lord has fallen."

"Brother Tianyan at that time they found a strong spatial fluctuation outside the Mysterious Realm of the Extinct, and the Mysterious Realm of the Mysterious Rice changed, and the breath of the Divine Venerable Star was inside. Later, the Mysterious Realm of the Extinct was destroyed, and Brother Ling Tian came out of it."

"Don't say you don't believe it, I don't believe it either, but the bitter tofu in the brine, one thing down, one thing. Although the space rule controlled by the horoscope **** is against the sky, it is not without nemesis, maybe the five elements are his nemesis."

Silver Sword God Sovereign said softly, but no matter how calm his face was, he couldn't hide his inner shock.


"Brother Ling Tian is already on the first floor of Martian sky."

"Sister Uncle and Master, they let us watch Brother Ling Tian rushing through the nine towers, they should have a deep meaning, otherwise, they will not synchronize the nine towers with the ghost image here."

"Indeed, Brother Ling Tian is too adversarial and able to watch Brother Ling Tian fight, maybe it will also be of great help to us."

"I believe that this time, Brother Ling Tian completely shaken the heavens."

"The other brothers and sisters, as well as the sisters and sisters, missed the Taiyue Shrine and watched Brother Ling Tian break into the Jiuxiao Tower. I must regret it."

In the Taiyue Jingu Shrine, hundreds of dignified and powerful people talked endlessly.

Suddenly, the picture on the crystal screen changed, from the original information and subtitle introduction to a clear picture. The crystal screen with a length of 100 meters and a width of 100 meters was very clear.

Above the crystal screen, there is a continuous mountain range.

Li Lingtian was suspended above the endless mountains, his face was calm, and the clouds were light and windy.

This picture makes people immersive.

Even the Divine Powerhouse in front of the crystal screen can feel the breath of the mountains and Li Lingtian.

Seeing this scene, the deity in the Taiyue Shrine was happy, staring quietly at the crystal screen, waiting to watch Li Lingtian fight in the Jiuxiao Tower.

At the same time, the crystal screens on the central squares of the four major secret areas, as well as the crystal screens in the five-element world, as well as the crystal screens in some super-powerful cave houses in the Shenting, all appear in this picture.

"Comprehensively synchronize the situation inside the Nine Towers."

"The top management has synchronized the battle of the Lord Ling Tian Pavilion in the Jiuxiao Tower."

Countless genius evildoers, countless powerful gods, with a shocked look on their faces.

Apart from the shock, more is looking forward to the battle of Li Lingtian.


Li Lingtian came to Mars, and the scene that appeared to him was an endless mountain range.

Reiki, immortal, and extremely powerful.

This is a vast expanse of wonderland, which is more than the forbidden land of the general power.

But at this time, his heart was very calm, Gujing waveless.

The state of the whole person is adjusted to the peak of the Shengsheng, because this battle is a battle between him and Divine Emperor, and it is not a general Divine Emperor, but a super strong among the next Divine Emperor.

His next deity~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can even crush the median deity, not to mention the deity of the upper deity and the great consummation deity, and now face the Divine Emperor, not to mention.

Although I did not have the slightest confidence in defeating Divine Emperor, I wanted to try to see how far I was from Divine Emperor.

Anyway, it won't die in the Jiuxiao Tower, just check your strength here.

"The next deity, can come here."

"You are the first, but now you can go back."

Just when Li Lingtian had just arrived in the world of Martian sky, a faint voice rang, and the voice fell, and a young man in white appeared in the void. The young man arrived, silently, without the slightest fluctuation of space.

It was like he was standing in the void itself.

He looked at Li Lingtian, his face slightly changed, and then he said.

The tone was cold, like an oracle that could not be defy.

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